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Angie Tatiana Velandia Mateus.

September 2020.


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When seeing this movie there will always be questions

about everything that was behind this production, as well as
the reality of the economy, etc. and this is where we enter
trying to answer the most common and the most important
thing to know by analyzing every detail of it.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 question start.......................................................................................................1

question 1.......................................................................................................................1
question 2.......................................................................................................................1
question 3...................................................................................................................1
question 4...................................................................................................................1
question 5.......................................................................................................................2
question 6......................................................................................................................2
question 7......................................................................................................................2
question 8......................................................................................................................2
question 9 2

Chapter 2 figures and tables...............................................................................................5

List of References................................................................................................................6

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Tables list

Table 1 movie questions and answers................................................................................3

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List of figures

Figure 1

movie scene Grave of the Fireflies...............................................................................................4

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Chapter 1

Question 1
What is the film's name?

Grave of the fireflies

Question 2

What the film was based on?

The movie was based on a short story by the author Akiyuki Nosaka that is based on
stories lived in the war.

Question 3.

Facts about the author and film

Not much is known but the Japanese writer, Akiyuki Nosaka grew up during World
War II and is considered one of the great postwar authors. His best-known work is
The Tomb of the Fireflies, with which he won the Naoki award and which was adapted
for film.
The Tomb of the Fireflies was considered by renowned film critic Roger Ebert as one of
the best and most powerful films about the war, who in 2000, included it in his list of the
best films of all time.3 In addition, it is considered, along with Steven Spielberg's
Schindler's List and Roman Polanski's The Pianist, as one of the best antiwar films in
history, despite the fact that this interpretation has been denied by the director.4

The film has received two live action remakes, one in 2005 and one in 2008. The 2005
version stars actors Hōshi Ishida as Seita, Mao Sasaki as Setsuko, and Nanako
Matsushima as Hisako, the children's aunt. The second adaptation features Reo
Yoshitake as Seita, Rina Hatakeyama as Setsuko, and Keiko Matsuzaka as the aunt.

Question 4.
Main characters and supporting actors
the main characters are Seita and her younger sister Setsuko, the secondary characters are
her aunt and mother

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characteristics of the characters

the brother is the oldest, despite everything, he is a very strong and fighter person
because he always takes care of his sister at the same time he has his happy side he
always tries to keep his sister happy and that problems do not prevent them from being
happy, his sister is A small girl is obviously very innocent but also mature because she
understands the situation and despite the fact that her mother died she knew how to
handle it well she likes a lot of fruit sweets and fireflies and obviously she loves her
brother very much, the aunt saw her very little but what was seen is that he is too strict
and tough a person who thinks only of her family.
Question 5.
Main places where history takes place

The places where they spend is at home, the aunt's house and then like in a place that was
in front of a lake and in the city of Kobe in Japan

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Includes a map of where the story took place

Question 6
Historical context
This shows what at the end of the Second World War. In one of the constant bombings to
which Japanese cities were subjected, the town of Seita and Setsuko, aged 14 and 5, is
attacked. His mother manages to get to the shelter but they are delayed, this actually
happened to many people.
Argument on which the film is based
it is mainly based as you already said on various stories of the people who underwent the
second world war.

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Economy, education, culture (social classes), resources, medicine, etc
As a consequence of World War II, Japan lost 42% of national wealth and 44% of
industrial capacity - energy, facilities, machinery, and so on.
By the surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, the Empire of Japan was
dissolved, Japan was occupied by the allies until April 28, 1952. During this period of
occupation, Japan was changed to a democratic state. By the Constitution of Japan from
May 3, 1947, legally, the Empire of Japan was dissolved and the State of Japan was
formed. Politicians in prewar Japan were found guilty in the Tokyo Trial.
In this way, Postwar Japan began under the "nuclear umbrella" of the United States.
After the occupation until the end of the Cold War
After the occupation, Japan joined the western bloc, led by the United States. Eisenhower
signed the Security Treaty between the United States and Japan. During the 1960s and
early 1970s, Japan entered a period of rapid economic growth. From 1973 to 1985, Japan
entered a steady growth.
Postwar Japan culture began to form during this period.
Question 7.
Personal view
Well, the truth is, I think the film already has a type then, obviously, the quality was not
the best, but regarding the story, it is quite a sensitive issue because in some way many
people were affected in the same way, the interpretation was quite good. It really makes
one feel in that situation.

Este documento es un ejemplo.

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