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Extraiga del siguiente texto los adjetivos compuestos y de sus significados:


Some years ago, a well-known scientist called Dr. William Beebe became interested in
discovering what things lived deep in the ocean. He built a special and carefully-
designed metal ball called the bathysphere and in it he was lowered 3,028 feet deep into
the dark-colored ocean water. Through a thick glass window in his bathysphere, Dr.
Beebe saw odd-looking fish swimming around his bright-shining ball of metal. They
were deep-sea fish. Many of them were illuminated by weird lights produce by
chemicals actions within their own Bodies. Deep-sea fish have also been found at much
greater depths than that reached by the bathysphere and have been brought up for study
by means of special nets. Great pressure is exerted on the bodies of these because of the
weight of many layers of wáter about them. Nature has adapted their bodies to
withstand this great pressure.

Adjetivo compuesto -> Significado

Well-known -> Muy conocido.

Carefully-designed -> Cuidadosamente diseñado

Dark-colored -> Color oscuro.

Odd-looking -> Aspecto extraño.

Bright-shinning -> Brillante brillante.

Deep-sea -> Aguas profundas.

2. Extraiga del siguiente texto los sustantivos compuestos y de sus significados:


One of the great problems that the world faces is overpopulation. Experts tell us that
unless it is brought under control, population growth will produces a serious crisis in the
world’s food supply in a few years. Increase in population will also exhaust the space
that is habitable on the earth. Many of the world’s people are not aware of this
problem. People who have engaged in fertility rites for centuries find the danger of
overpopulation hard to understand. World leaders, who must always consider the
public opinión, find the overpopulation problem hard to cope with.

Sustantivo Compuesto -> Significado

Overpopulation -> Sobrepoblación.

Increase -> Aumentar.

Also -> También.

Habitable -> Habitable.

Aware -> Consciente.

Understand -> Entender

3. Extraiga de las siguientes oraciones las palabras que contengan prefijos y
de su significado:

- An unskilled worker is generally unsuccessful in the Jobs he performs.

- His reasoning seemed completely illogical since he could not prove what he was
- Before the analysis of the substance was made, the laboratory assistant detected
its impurity.
- The misinterpretation of data may lead to the misapplication of experimental
- Some architects are characterized by the continual use of asymmetry in their
- Economic instability may lead to political disorders.
- The nurse disinfected the injury with alcohol.
- An unscientific theory, methodology, or activity that appears to be or is
presented as scientific is known as pseudoscience.

Prefijos -> Significado

Unskilled -> No calificado.

Unsuccessful -> Fracasado.

Illogical -> Ilógico.

Impurity -> Impureza.

Misinterpretation -> Malinterpretación.

Misapplication -> Mala aplicación.

Asymmetry -> Asimetría.

Instability -> Inestabilidad.

Disorders -> Desordenes.

Disinfected -> Desinfectó.

Unscientific -> No científico.

Pseudoscience -> Pseudociencia.

4. Extraiga de las siguientes oraciones las palabras que contengan sufijos y de
sus significados

- The decomposition of dead animals results in the formation of fertilizer.

- His refusal to accept the director’s ideas led to his dismissal.
- What is the difference between these two generalizations?
- There is a mínimum amount of shrinkage in this material.
- Alcohol is a good disinfectant.
- An attachment for starting an engine is called starter.
- A workman or machine employed in converting raw products into finished
products in known as a converter.
- The assemblage of the machines bought to increase coal production was a
hard job.

Sufijos -> Significado

Animals -> Animales.

Formation -> Formación.

Fertilizer -> Fertilizante.

Refusal -> Rechaza.

Director’s -> Del Director.

Ideas -> Ideas.

Dismissal -> Despido.

Generalizations -> Generalizaciones.

Shrinkage -> Contracción.

Material -> Material.

Attachment -> Accesorio.

Starting -> Arrancar.

Called -> Llamado.

Starter -> Arrancador.

Employed -> Empleado.

Converting -> Conversión.

Finished -> Terminado.

Products -> Productos.

Known -> Conocido.

Converter -> Convertidor.

Assemblage -> Ensamblaje.

Machines -> Máquinas.

Production -> Producción.

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