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Name: Hernán Darío Muñoz Gil

ID: 1049608128
Supervisors: PhD. Álvaro Orjuela – PhD Jens-Uwe Repke
Chemical and Biochemical Research Group UNAL – Process Dynamics and Operation Group TUB
Research area: Design and Modeling

Development of technologies for the production of valuable

biobased fatty esters from acid oleochemical residual streams

1. Search equation

Equation 1: “hydrolysis” + “fatty acids” + “kinetics” + “palm oil” = 23 results

Equation 2: “transesterification” + “fatty acids” + “reactive distillation” = 31 results

2. List of interest articles

Equation 1

Reference Keyword
(Zhang, Sheng, Xin, Liu, & Sun, 2010) Biodiesel; Dimethyl carbonate; Kinetics;
Mechanism; Transesterification
(Shehu et al., 2019) Crude palm oil; Free fatty acid; Palm
fruit; Thermal hydrolysis; Triglycerides
(Shamel, Ramachandran, Hasan, & Al-Zuhair, Adsorption; Hollow fibre reactor;
2007) Hydrolysis; Immobilised enzyme; Kinetic
parameters; Lipase
(Robin, Jones, & Ross, 2017) Catalysis; Fatty acids; HZSM-5;
Hydrothermal processing; Lipids
Equation 2

Reference Keyword
(Zubir & Chin, 2010) Biodiesel; Esterification; Kinetic
modeling; Kinetics; Modified zirconia;
Reactive distillation
(Phuenduang, Chatsirisook, Simasatitkul, Biodiesel production; Heat integration;
Paengjuntuek, & Arpornwichanop, 2012) Jatropha oil; Reactive distillation
(Petrescu, Galusnyak, Chisalita, & Cormos, 2020) No reported
(Pérez-Cisneros et al., 2016) Biodiesel production; Conceptual
design; Element concept; Reactive
distillation; Reactive residue curve
(Mazubert, Poux, & Aubin, 2013) Biodiesel; Esterification; Hydrolysis;
Process intensification;
Transesterification; Waste cooking oil
(Kottititum, Chakton, & Srinophakun, 2014) Biodiesel; Heterogeneous
transesterification; Reactive distillation
(Kiss & Bildea, 2012) Absorption; Control; Design;
Extraction; Fatty esters; Membrane;
Reactive distillation; Stripping
(Karacan & Karacan, 2014) No reported
(Giwa, Giwa, & Olugbade, 2018) Aspen HYSYS; Biodiesel; Conventional
method; Green economic revolution;
Reactive distillation
(Dimian & Kiss, 2019) FFA treatment; Green catalysis;
Integrated design; Process
intensification; Reactive distillation
(Anantapinitwatna, Ngaosuwan, Kiatkittipong, No reported
Wongsawaeng, & Assabumrungrat, 2019)

3. Article comments

Catalytic hydrothermal processing of lipids using metal doped zeolites

(Robin et al., 2017)
Article purpose The purpose of the article is to understand the
degradation behavior of lipids free fatty acids.
Problem statement of the article Understanding the kinetic behavior of the
hydrolysis of lipids is important for the
understanding of the hydrothermal
liquefaction of biochemical components for
the production of biofuels.
Methodology Hydrolysis at low temperatures (under 350°C)
using a heterogeneous acid catalyst. Oxygen
free atmosphere. The zeolite based catalyst
with metal salts. Unstirred batch reactor.
Analytics with Size exclusion chromatography,
Main results Characterization of vegetable oils with
emphasis in the triglyceride content.
Most of the triglyceride where converted to
lower weight molecules under 250°C.
Cross linking of fatty acids above 300°C
Mass yields higher than 85% in presence of
zeolite catalyst
Opinion The article only shows particular results. No
model is presented. Maybe is just an
exploratory experiment.
Usefulness of the article There is an opportunity of use the results to
made experiments in order to generate kinetic
Intensified processes for FAME production from waste
cooking oil: A technological review.
(Mazubert et al., 2013)
Article purpose To Critically review the different
intensification technologies for the production
Problem statement of the article Fossil resources must be substitute by more
friendly with environment alternatives as
FAMEs. Also, more resilient production
process are demanded with close production
life cycles
Methodology Context
Study of the typical reaction for the
production of FAMEs
The article present possible catalyst used
The article exposes the Waste materials as
Raw materials
Study of the conventional processes
Study of the alternative process technology
and equipment
Main results Review article
Opinion The article needs a more detail study of the
raw material taking into the account its effect
and viability in the technologies that are
Usefulness of the article I should be the main base article for the
construction of the research proposal

Eco-efficient processes for biodiesel production from waste lipids

(Dimian & Kiss, 2019)
Article purpose Use of acid streams for the production of
Problem statement of the article Used Cooking Oils UCOs generates pollution of
soil and water
There is a disagreement in the poor disposal of
waste oils and their negative environment
Raw materials for the production of biodiesel
have negative impacts in the cost of food and
the food security of the states
UCOs have problems related to heterogeneity
of its composition, acidity and contaminants

Methodology The article provides a process design based on

simulation based on predictive
thermodynamic model on a commercial
simulator. The design covers the pretreatment
of UCOs that takes into the account
esterification reactions and its kinetics model
with homogenous catalyst.
The author also includes de study of the
transesterification reaction and the
purification operations.
Main results The proposed process is feasible according to
the simulation study with methanol or glycerol
reactants in the pretreatment and in both
continuous or batch configuration.
The process is feasible with the use of 5%
the process can use a heterogeneous as well
as homogeneous catalyst with interesting
options of intensification in the case of
heterogeneous catalyst
three processer were optimized and evaluated
under economic parameters and can be
compared for its industrial implementation

Opinion There is a poor study of the thermodynamic

model for the simulation and it can lead to
important errors in the results. Simulation is
just a model that is meaningless without
experimental corroboration of the model
Usefulness of the article Most of the articles study just one part of the
processes for the valorization of UCOs. The
article from Kiss proposes a continuous and
complete process that can be implemented in
industry in global form

Anantapinitwatna, A., Ngaosuwan, K., Kiatkittipong, W., Wongsawaeng, D., & Assabumrungrat, S.
(2019). Effect of Water Content in Waste Cooking Oil on Biodiesel Production via Ester-
transesterification in a Single Reactive Distillation. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science
and Engineering, 559(1).
Dimian, A. C., & Kiss, A. A. (2019). Eco-efficient processes for biodiesel production from waste
lipids. Journal of Cleaner Production, 239, 118073.
Giwa, A. W., Giwa, S. O., & Olugbade, E. A. (2018). Application of Aspen HYSYS process simulator in
green energy revolution: A case study of biodiesel production. ARPN Journal of Engineering
and Applied Sciences, 13(2), 569–581.
Karacan, S., & Karacan, F. (2014). Simulation of reactive distillation column for biodiesel
production at optimum conditions. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39(Special Issue),
Kiss, A. A., & Bildea, C. S. (2012). A review of biodiesel production by integrated reactive
separation technologies. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 87(7), 861–879.
Kottititum, B., Chakton, K., & Srinophakun, T. R. (2014). Simulation approach to biodiesel
production from palm oil by conventional and reactive distillation processes. Kasetsart
Journal - Natural Science, 48(1), 139–149.
Mazubert, A., Poux, M., & Aubin, J. (2013). Intensified processes for FAME production from waste
cooking oil: A technological review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 233, 201–223.
Pérez-Cisneros, E. S., Mena-Espino, X., Rodríguez-López, V., Sales-Cruz, M., Viveros-García, T., &
Lobo-Oehmichen, R. (2016). An integrated reactive distillation process for biodiesel
production. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 91, 233–246.
Petrescu, L., Galusnyak, S. C., Chisalita, D. A., & Cormos, C. C. (2020). Modelling and simulation of
methanol and biodiesel production processes using innovative technologies. Chemical
Engineering Transactions, 80(November 2019), 181–186.
Phuenduang, S., Chatsirisook, P., Simasatitkul, L., Paengjuntuek, W., & Arpornwichanop, A. (2012).
Heat-integrated reactive distillation for biodiesel production from Jatropha oil. Computer
Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 31). Elsevier B.V.
Robin, T., Jones, J. M., & Ross, A. B. (2017). Catalytic hydrothermal processing of lipids using metal
doped zeolites. Biomass and Bioenergy, 98, 26–36.
Shamel, M. M., Ramachandran, K. B., Hasan, M., & Al-Zuhair, S. (2007). Hydrolysis of palm and
olive oils by immobilised lipase using hollow fibre reactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal,
34(3), 228–235.
Shehu, U. E., Chow, T. Q., Hafid, H. S., Mokhtar, M. N., Baharuddin, A. S., & Nawi, N. M. (2019).
Kinetics of thermal hydrolysis of crude palm oil with mass and heat transfer in a closed
system. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 118, 187–197.
Zhang, L., Sheng, B., Xin, Z., Liu, Q., & Sun, S. (2010). Kinetics of transesterification of palm oil and
dimethyl carbonate for biodiesel production at the catalysis of heterogeneous base catalyst.
Bioresource Technology, 101(21), 8144–8150.
Zubir, M. I., & Chin, S. Y. (2010). Kinetics of modified Zirconia-catalyzed heterogeneous
esterification reaction for biodiesel production. Journal of Applied Sciences.

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