Exercise 1: Prueba #2: Uso de Was, Were en Pasado Simple

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Código DEA: (S3408D0804)
Área: inglés Nivel: 4º Año
Prof. Alexis R. Pérez

Nombre y Apellido:__Alexander Parra Sección 4to año “A”

Prueba #2: uso de was, were en pasado simple.

Exercise 1 (valor 0,6 pts c/u)
Choose was/were or am/is/are to complete the following sentences.

w ere is

1' My son   short in school, but now he   tall.

Were w as

2'  you at the stadium yesterday?' 'Yes, I  .'

w ere are

3' Yesterday Philip and Emma   in London. Today they   in Paris.

w as w ere

4' Sara and I   at home that night, and you   with us.

w ere am

5' Yesterday we   late for the concert, and today I   late for class.

is w as

6Asim   born in Egypt, and I   born in Birmingham.

Were w ere

7'  you excited about the trip?' 'Yes, we   very excwerited.'


8'  Kate angry yesterday after the meeting?' 'No, but I think she

Were w as

9'  you at the beach last Sunday?' 'Yes, I  .

is w as

10' The weather   nice today, but it   horrible last weekend.
Exercise 2 (valor 0,6 pts c/u)
Complete the following sentences with was/were or wasn’t/weren’t.

w ere w ere

1' Where   you last night? I called you, but you   at home.

w as w asn´t

2'  Sandra happy after the exam?' 'No, she  .'

w ere w ere

3' I remember I   very worried, but you   calm.

w ere w eren´t

4' Betty and Paul   at home; they   at the cinema

w ere w ere

5'  you tired after the concert?' 'Yes, I  .'

w ere w asn´t

6' I'm very sorry. You   right, and I   wrong.

w ere w asn´t

7' Were your parents at meeting?' 'My dad   there, but my mum  .'

w eren´t w ereg

8' We   late! We   early. The concert was at 8 and we arrived at 7.

w as w asn´t

9' Vivian   at the meeting, but I   there. I always go to the meetings.

w as w eren´t

10'  Tim with you?' 'No, only Sally and Peter   there with me.'

Exercise 3 (valor 0,6 pts c/u)

Write questions using was/were and the words below. Put the words in the correct order.

EXAMPLE: you / what time / at the station ⇒  What time were you at the station ?
1the keys / where ⇒  where was the keys ? _
2Robin / why / at the meeting ⇒ why was Robin at the meeting __ ?
3 born / she / when ⇒ when was she born _?
4how expensive / the hotel ⇒ how expensive was the hotel _?

5why / you / angry ⇒  why were you angry __ ?

6 conscious / I / after the accident ⇒  were I conscious after the accident _?

7the questions / difficult _?

8the accident / what time ⇒  what time was the accident _?

9 you / how often / in contact with them ⇒  _______________how often were you in contact with them
_______________ ?

10where / you and Tom / last night ⇒  ___________where were you and tom last night
___________________ ?

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