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II. Definitions
(1) The way we know, accept and relate positively to others
especially the mutual trust, love and fidelity in family and
(2) “Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and
conviction about things we do see.” (Hebrews 11:1)
(3) “Faith is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior, and through Him, with the Father, through the Holy
Spirit, a decision to commit oneself to Christ, follow Him,
strive to know & accept the truths he continues to teach through
His church.” (PCP II, 64-65)

This faith is a reality touching our whole selves:

III.Our minds (conviction and knowing)
IV.Our hands and will (committed action)
V. Our hearts (trust)

This faith is a living way of life that integrates our minds, wills, hands and
heart with its doctrine, moral and worship with a sustaining community of
fellow disciples of Christ.
VI.Personal Response to God’s call to be disciple of Christ accepting
Him as Lord and Savior.
VII.Communal Response: we live our faith in relation with others.
(“Faith without good works is nothing.” – Letter of James)

VIII.Characteristics of Faith
1. Total and Absolute
• everything in us: minds, will, hands & hearts as
response to his revelation.
• Our best example is Jesus Christ of this total and
absolute commitment to God through his passion,
death & resurrection.
2. Trinitarian
• our adherence to the triune God revealed through
Jesus Christ our Lord. It’s our friendship through
Jesus Christ with our Father and with the Holy
3. Loving, Maturing and Missionary
• Christian faith can only be considered life-giving
& mature if it has love for fellow human for man
without love has known nothing of God for God is
love. (John 4:8)
• Love of God and Love of Neighbor must be
inseparable just like the love of Christ. It compels
us to mission, to evangelize by bringing the Good
News to others.
• Missionary spirit is the ultimate test of authentic
faith because to believe Christ’s word & kingdom
is to bear witness and proclaim it in return.
4. Informed / Communitarian
• Believing Jesus’ words & accepting his teaching
trusting that he has the words of eternal life.
• Communitarian because we believe as one body of
5. Inculturated
• Our religious faith is always in the context of
Filipino faith in family and friends.

ECUMENISM – is a movement promoting unity among Christian churches

or denominations.

Biblical Foundation:
It is proper that we become united because “There is but one body and one
Spirit, just as there is one hope given to all of you by your call. There is one
Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, with us over all, and
works through all, and is in all.” (Ephesians 4:4-6)

According to Hans Kung, unless there is peace among religions, there can be
no peace among nations. Many politicians, political scientists, philosophers
and economists agree with Kung.

World Religions
* can help and assist leaders of the world to establish justice and
* can help and assist leaders of the world to protect our planet from
Therefore, to confront and find solutions to the global crises that we face, a
globally responsible dialogue among world religions is a must.

According to Kung (and others), we need a global ethics. Nations need to

work towards a common agreement on some fundamental ethical values.
This dialogue is already ongoing and not yet complete. The great world
religions can help to achieve it.

The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conference (FABC) formulated some

suggestions for Christians in relating to people of other religions:
1) Updating of the knowledge of your own Christian tradition.
2) Accepting the challenge to become Christians and churches rooted in our
own culture by identifying ourselves adequately and meaningfully with the
religious-cultural traditions of our people.
3) Sharing of life experiences with people of other religions and
collaborating for human welfare.
4) Seeking opportunities to come together to prayer with people of other

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