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Procedures and tools for standardisation of

CO2 capture and storage technologies in EU

CO2MPRISE Workshop: Sustainability, standardisation and regulation of
new tools for assessment of CO2 mitigation technologies
Virtual session | 26 October 2020
Presenter: Jarno Dakhorst, Energy consultant at NEN


• NEN in a nut’s shell

• Introduction into standardisation
• CCUS standardisation
• Standards + Innovation

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But first, let’s introduce myself

• Master in molecular sciences at

Wageningen University
⎯ Organic solar cells [Organic chemistry
& Molecular physics]
⎯ European biotechnology innovation
systems [Business administration]
• 7 years in energy and
environmental consultancy
• 13 years at NEN
Presenting bio-based
• Volunteering at scouting and content certification at
13th European Bioplastics
political party Conference in Berlin on 4
& 5 December 2018
• Walking holidays in natural areas

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Who is NEN? We are the Dutch knowledge
centre for standardisation

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Who is NEN? We are the gateway to your
global network for standardisation
NEN is the formal national standardisation body
representing the Netherlands in European and
worldwide standardisation

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What does NEN?

• We develop and maintain

standards and similar
• We develop and manage
certification schemes and
maintain registers
• We publish standards and
supporting documents in
various formats
• We support use and
implementation of standards

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Why standardisation?
trade barriers

the same

Vision oil
Harmonisation of specifications & gas
Contribution to UN SDGs sector

Licence to operate
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What is standardisation? And what are
Standardisation Standards are:
is based on: • documents with agreements on products,
• open multi- services and systems
stakeholders • designed for voluntary use
process • addressing today’s challenges:
• consensus- – facilitating international trade
building – spreading knowledge, transferring technology as
well as good management and conformity
• transparency
assessment practice
– promoting safety and security
– assisting in environmental and health protection
– deploying advances in IT and new technologies
– contributing to good (public) governance

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What is relationship between regulation,
standardisation and certification?
Organisation has to Regulator has
comply with legal confidence in
requirements value of certificate
to demonstrate
compliance with

GOLDEN Third party

One way to TRIANGLE conformity
demonstrate assessment
is applying increases
standards credibility

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Why participate and invest in standardisation?
Creating added value!
Advantages of participation:
• influence market developments
• (inter)national technological and commercial network
• faster and easier access to (inter)national markets
• new insights in innovation and development
• positioning and adapting your business strategy
• knowledge acquisition and sharing

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Picture taken from Pembina and ICO2N

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ISO/TC 265 ‘Carbon dioxide capture,
transportation, and geological storage’
Standardization of design, construction, operation,
environmental planning and management, risk
management, quantification, monitoring and verification,
and related activities in the field of carbon dioxide
capture, transportation, and geological storage (CCS)

Blue: Participating member (19)
Orange: Observing member (13)

Status: October 2020

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ISO/TC 265 standards portfolio

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Standards for CO2 utilisation

Standards on CO2 capture and

transportation, and overarching aspects
are also relevant for CO2 utilisation

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ISO/TC 265 Ad-hoc group on CCU
Main conclusions (July 2018)
• CO2 geo-utilisation and mineralisation: high potential for
CO2 emissions reduction
• CO2 to mineralisation: need a business case and
assessment of CO2 emissions reduction
• CO2 for chemicals / fuels / bioconversion:
— size of market is too small for high impact on CO2 emissions savings
— need to conduct LCA for assessment of all environmental impacts
— need high energy consumption => renewable energy is essential
• CO2-based products belong to other technical
committees (i.e. product-specific standards)

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ISO/TC 265 Ad-hoc group on CCU
Recommendations (July 2018)
• CO2 geo-utilisation: other types of enhanced
hydrocarbon / water recovery should be discussed
• CO2 utilisation for mineralisation / chemicals / fuels /
bioconversion: CO2-based products belong to other
technical committees (i.e. product-specific standards)
• Identification of need for harmonised guidelines to
evaluate GHG emission saving; work of ISO/TC 207
‘Environmental management’ is too generic for CCU:
— Proposition to work on Technical Report for assessing gap
between other technical committees and ISO/TC 265 for the need
of ‘standards’ for CCU / CCS – possibly in WG 5
— Proposition to develop International Workshop Agreement

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Creation of new CEN/TC on CCUS National deliverables on
CCUS can serve as input
for international (or
National members can contribute to ISO European) standardisation
standards by nominating experts and
commenting/voting on draft documents
Global level
National level
(160+ countries) National members can adopt ISO standards as (e.g. the Netherlands)
national standards
ISO/TC 265 on CCS CEN can provide National members
coordinated input can contribute to
ISO/TC 207 related to
(from European European
LCAs / carbon footprint
perspective) and standards by
Other ISO technical can initiate new nominating experts
committees dealing work (e.g. based and commenting/
with CO2 raw materials on European voting on draft CEN members are
standards) documents required to adopt
European standards to
CEN can adopt ISO standards support European single
as European standard => Single market
step approach to ensure national European level
adoption by 34 countries to
(34 countries) CEN deliverables can
support European single market
support EU policy and
stakeholders needs and can
No CEN/TC on CCS and be based on results of EU
Current situation
CCU yet funded research projects
Possible future situation
New CEN/TC on CCUS embedding legislation
Legislation Standardisation

No barriers to trade
Global level
(160+ countries)


European level European
E.g. requests
Commission TC
(34 countries) 2009/31/EC Standards

Directives Standards
National Regulation
National level National mirror
Mining NSB
(e.g. the Netherlands) government committee
Act Standards

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Standards + Innovation
Recap of what is standardisation
First an animation

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Standards + Innovation for researchers
From the lab to (public) procurement
Standardisation can help you to:
• keep up with leading technologies
• comply with regulations and certifications
• find new partners
• access technology and knowledge that supports your
entry to market
• provide in-demand customer service
• get your R&I research proposal accepted
• get professional recognition

Visit for more information

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Standards + Innovation for researchers

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Standards + Innovation
‘Fast lane’ for developing standards

CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) can be trans-

formed into European Standards (EN) at 2nd stage
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Standards + Innovation
CEN Guides

Visit to download guides

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Standards + Innovation

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Thank you for your attention!
+31 6 33 334 671 or +31 15 2 690 245

Background: 3D printed statue of myself

International standardisation has accelerated developments in additive manufacturing

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Standards for safety, quality and a safe

environment NEN animation
How do standards build trust? #standardsmatter
Dare to dream BIG: Standards empower
innovators #inspiringinnovators
What is the Joint Initiative on Standardisation?

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ISO repository of standards and innovation

Standardization and innovation – ISO-CERN
conference proceedings 13-14 November 2014
Standards to support research and innovation –
BRIDGET project
Research study on the benefits of linking
innovation and standardization – BRIDGET project
ISO and climate change

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