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Neurology in Practice


Maartje I Kester,1 Philip Scheltens2

Resident in Neurology; Dementia is a syndrome characterised by progres- disease, 16% vascular dementia, 30% other
Director Alzheimer Centre, sive deterioration of cognitive function, most forms of dementia such as dementia with
Alzheimer Centre, VU University Lewy bodies and frontotemporal lobar degen-
Medical Centre Amsterdam,
commonly of memory, but other domains such
as language, praxis, visual perception and most eration (fig 2).
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
notably executive function are also often affected. c In younger patients, Alzheimer’s disease is
Correspondence to: Most of the causes of this syndrome are progres- relatively less common but it is still the most
Dr Philip Scheltens, Alzheimer prevalent cause, while frontotemporal demen-
Centre, VU University Medical sive, but not invariably so. As cognitive function
worsens, there is increasing interference with the tia, alcohol related dementia and dementia
Centre Amsterdam, De
Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV patients’ daily activities leading to loss of indepen- secondary to other diseases such as multiple
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; sclerosis are relatively more common (fig 3).
dence and eventually for some the need for nursing
home care. The patients usually survive 5–
10 years.
Risk factors
Dementia is common and already places a
tremendous burden, not only on patients and their c Age is the most consistent risk factor, presum-
carers, but also on society, a burden that will ably because during life the brain is exposed to
various forms of damage, such as minor
increase as life expectancy increases. Because of
vascular events, white matter disease and
these worrying facts and the development of the
inflammation. Furthermore, the increasing risk
first symptomatic treatments, dementia is of
of Alzheimer’s disease is probably a reflection
growing interest to medical professionals and the of increasing amyloid plaque formation with
public. Furthermore, because disease modifying age.
treatments may be on the horizon, it is ever more
c Level of education More years of education appear
important to understand the pathophysiology of to offer some protection against Alzheimer’s
the different causes and types of dementia, and to disease.
make the diagnosis early—it will probably be easier
c Family history of a first degree relative with
to stop the damage than to undo it. Alzheimer’s disease increases the risk of devel-
oping Alzheimer’s disease by about four times,
EPIDEMIOLOGY two first degree relatives by about eight times.
c Dementia is rare in young and middle age but c Genetic factors Mutations in three genes cause
after the age of 50 years it becomes more and familial Alzheimer’s disease: amyloid precursor
more common. At age 60–65 years, approxi- protein, presenilin 1 (PS-1) and presenilin 2 (PS-
2). Patients with these genes usually have
mately 1% of the population is affected, rising
young onset (,65 years). Besides these gene
to 10–35% in those over 85 years of age. It is
mutations, polymorphism of apolipoprotein E
more common in men than in women over the
is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.
age of 80 years (fig 1).
Apolipoprotein E exists in three common
c Of the patients with late onset dementia polymorphisms (e2, e3 and e 4); e4 hetero-
(>65 years), about half have Alzheimer’s zygotes have a 2–3 times and e4 homozygotes a
6–8 times higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s
disease than non e4 carriers.
Figure 1 Pooled
c Vascular risk factors Hypertension, hypercholes-
prevalence (%) of dementia
terolaemia and diabetes mellitus have all been
by age and sex (based on
Lobo et al, see further associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s
reading). disease, as well as with vascular dementia.


Our perspective on dementia evolved tremen-
dously in the 20th century. Before 1900 there
where no specific diagnoses but with much effort
by clinicians to recognise various types of demen-
tia, with help from pathology, genetics and
neuroimaging, it is now possible to classify ‘‘the
dementias’’. Deteriorating memory, known to be

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Neurology in Practice

Alzheimer’s disease
c The most common form of dementia.
c Definite diagnosis of sporadic disease is only
possible at post mortem, based on the accu-
mulation of extracellular amyloid and intra-
neuronal neurofibrillary tangles.
c The clinical diagnosis should be made according
to the criteria of the National Institute of
Neurological and Communicative Disorders
and Stroke–Alzheimer’s Disease and Related
Disorders Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) or
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders IV (DSM-IV); impairment in two or
more cognitive domains that interfere with
activities of daily living, with progressive
decline from a previous level of functioning.
Figure 2 Causes of dementia with late onset (>65 years) (based on Lobo et al, see Investigations such as brain MRI and CSF are
further reading). gaining more prominence (see below).
c In the most typical form, impairment in
the key feature in dementia, is no longer essential for episodic memory is the first complaint.
the diagnosis. For example, the criteria for dementia Neurologists often refer to short term memory
with Lewy bodies emphasise the early deficits in problems but in neuropsychology this term
attention and visuospatial function. Similarly, in refers specifically to working memory with a
very short duration that can be tested with
frontotemporal lobar degeneration, memory distur-
digit span (which is usually normal in early
bance is absent or occurs late, thereby causing us to
Alzheimer’s disease). As the disease progresses,
think rather differently about the notion of demen- memory problems are accompanied by a
tia—it is not just decline in memory. Cognitive combination of disturbances of language abil-
problems in domains other than memory, such as ity, praxis, visuospatial and executive func-
language, visuoperception and character changes, are tions. This characteristic type is most
now possible features—and criteria—for a diagnosis commonly seen in younger patients, labelled
of dementia (table 1). early onset Alzheimer’s disease.
A recent development has been the recognition c Later in life, additional cerebrovascular damage
of a state which may precede dementia, so-called is common, usually resulting in a slightly
mild cognitive impairment. The most common different clinical presentation. These late
form is amnestic, defined by memory complaints onset patients present more commonly with
by the patient, preferably supported by an infor- confusion, depression, delusions and visual
mant, in combination with an objective memory hallucinations.
deficit, but without interference with activities of c A third type is the biparietal Alzheimer variant
daily living. The relevance of recognising this state which presents with deficits in praxis and
is that 15–20% progress to dementia (mostly visuospatial and visuoperceptual skills; deficits
Alzheimer’s disease) per year compared with 1– in language and memory are usually mild early
2% of the elderly population. on. This overlaps with posterior cortical atro-
phy where the pathology is more posterior;
patients present with visual agnosia, features of
Ballint’s syndrome (visual disorientation, optic
apraxia and simultagnosia) and apraxia.
c Alzheimer’s disease can also present as a
progressive aphasia of the non-fluent type with
other cognitive problems developing later.

It is important to realise that Alzheimer’s disease

can sometimes be associated with several other
neurological features: extrapyramidal signs and
myoclonus are not uncommon, and dementia in
general as well as Alzheimer’s disease is one of the
main risk factors for late onset epilepsy.

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration

c A heterogeneous group of syndromes with
various clinical characteristics and different
neuropathological substrates at post mortem.
c Approximately 20–30% of cases are familial
Figure 3 Causes of dementia with young onset (,65 years) (based on Harvey et al, and may be associated with mutations in the
see further reading). progranulin or MAPT gene.

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Neurology in Practice

Table 1 Red flags in the diagnosis of dementia and alternative diagnostic possibilities Vascular dementia (or vascular cognitive
(modified from Kawas 2003, further reading) impairment)
Red flag Diagnosis A very heterogeneous group of patients with
cognitive deficits and proof of vascular damage
Abrupt onset Vascular dementia (in the history, clinical examination or brain
Stepwise deterioration Vascular dementia
imaging), with a likely causal relationship. The
Prominent behavioural changes Frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia
clinical features depend on the location and size of
Profound apathy Frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia
the vascular lesions (eg, a dysexecutive disorder
Prominent aphasia Semantic dementia, progressive aphasia, vascular dementia
Progressive gait disorder Vascular dementia, normal pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinson’s
with inertia in patients with mostly subcortical
disease dementia lesions, and predominant memory impairment in
Prominent fluctuations those with temporal cortical lesions). Other non-
c Consciousness cognitive problems such as gait disorders, urinary
c Cognitive abilities Delirium due to infection, medications or other causes, dementia incontinence, and pyramidal and focal neurological
with Lewy bodies, temporal lobe epilepsy, obstructive sleep apnoea deficits are common. Obvious risk factors are
syndrome, metabolic disturbances
hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus and atrial
Hallucinations or delusions Delirium due to infection, medications or other causes, dementia
with Lewy bodies fibrillation. There are cerebrovascular lesion pat-
Frequent falls Progressive supranuclear palsy, dementia with Lewy bodies terns on brain MRI or CT (see imaging below).
Extrapyramidal signs or gait Parkinsonian syndromes, vascular dementia Vascular dementia is a likely cause for cognitive
Eye movement abnormalities Progressive supranuclear palsy, Wernicke’s encephalopathy deficits if there is:

c Abrupt deterioration in intellectual ability

c At post mortem it can be divided into two after a stroke, or a fluctuant or stepwise
neuropathological subtypes: with tau inclu- course.
sions or with inclusions that are positive for c A history of gait disorder or frequent falls.
c Urinary incontinence in the early phase.
c About 7% of cases also have motor neuron
disease. c At neurological examination focal deficits such
as hemiparesis, sensory loss, including visual
c Clinically there are three presentations. field defects, a pseudobulbar or an extrapyr-
Frontotemporal dementia typically presents with amidal syndrome.
gradual onset of behavioural abnormalities An important subtype of vascular dementia is
between the ages of 35 and 74 years. CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arterio-
c Social and personal conduct which is inappropri- pathy with subcortical infarcts and leukencephalo-
ate, characterised by inertia, loss of volition and pathy). This tends to affect young patients
social disinhibition, and distractibility, with without vascular risk factors. The core symptoms
relative preservation of memory function. are recurrent strokes, migraine and a family
c Emotional blunting and loss of insight, and history. It is associated with a mutation in the
abnormal behaviour may be stereotyped and Notch 3 gene on chromosome 19.
c Speech is usually economical, sometimes even Dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s
leading onto mutism. disease dementia
c Cognitive deficits occur in the domains of Apart from cognitive disturbances, these disorders
attention, abstraction, planning and problem are recognised by features such as visual hallucina-
solving, or executive functions. tions, parkinsonism, cognitive fluctuation, dysau-
tonomia, sleep disorder and neuroleptic sensitivity.
Progressive non-fluent aphasia presents with:
c Gradual disturbance of expressive language c It is difficult and rather arbitrary to distinguish
with effortful speech production, phonological dementia with Lewy bodies from dementia in
and grammatical errors, and word retrieval Parkinson’s disease as about 40% of patients
difficulties. Patients ultimately become mute. with Parkinson’s disease also develop cognitive
c Reading and writing can also be impaired. problems. The diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
c Other cognitive functions are usually spared with dementia is made when the onset of the
and any behavioural change may occur late. cognitive deficits is more than 1 year after the
onset of parkinsonism. Parkinsonism in demen-
Semantic dementia presents with: tia with Lewy bodies is in general less severe
c Progressive impairment of comprehension of than in Parkinson’s disease.
words and naming in the context of fluent, c Visual hallucinations appear in approximately
effortless and grammatically correct speech two-thirds of dementia with Lewy body
output but relative preservation of repetition patients, usually early. They are vivid and
and in the ability to read aloud. usually consist of animals or humans but can
c Often there is also visual agnosia; patients are be more abstract or are extracampine (‘‘some-
not able to recognise the meaning of visual body is looking over my shoulder’’).
percepts. c Cognitive fluctuations, such as daytime drows-
c Memory functions usually remain intact. iness lasting more than 2 h, prolonged staring

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spells and episodes of disorganised speech, number of CAG repeats in the huntingtin gene
occur in most patients. on the short arm of chromosome 4. Over
c Common is the sleep disorder with vivid generations, the number of repeats usually
dreaming in REM sleep without the usual increases, particularly with paternal inheri-
muscle atonia, resulting in dream-enacting, tance, which is associated with higher pene-
known as REM sleep behaviour disorder. trance, younger onset and a more severe illness.
c Parkinsonian signs of bradykinesia, rigidity or c There is no treatment.
gait disorders in 70–90% patients.
c Dysautonomia; orthostatic hypotension, urin-
ary incontinence or retention and constipation, Corticobasal degeneration
and impotence are often early problems. c This syndrome is characterised by gradual
c Approximately 30–50% of patients have severe onset of a combination of dementia and
sensitivity to dopamine agonists—acute reac- asymmetrical motor and/or sensory deficits,
tions include (irreversible) parkinsonism and including dystonia or the alien hand syndrome.
impaired consciousness, sometimes in combi- c Various forms of apraxia affecting limb func-
nation with other symptoms of the neuroleptic tion are common, especially ideomotor and
malignant syndrome. Be very careful prescrib- limb kinetic apraxia, but buccofacial and eye
ing neuroleptics in any patient with dementia. movement apraxia can also be present.
c Patients usually have a dysexecutive syndrome
and decreased mental flexibility.
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD)
c Asymmetrical atrophy of the paracentral and
c CJD is associated with an abnormal isoform of frontal cortex on brain imaging.
the prion protein which misfolds into insoluble
fibrils and causes neuronal damage.
c About 5–15% of cases are familial.
Progressive supranuclear palsy
c The new variant form, the human equivalent
of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, received c Typically this presents between the ages of 50
much attention in the 1990s but so far only 205 and 70 years with cognitive problems in
cases (167 in the UK) have been reported. combination with frequent falls and (vertical)
c In most patients there is no obvious cause gaze paresis, often with axial rigidity, gait
(sporadic CJD). disorders and retropulsion.
c It is recognised as a rapidly progressive cogni- c Cognitive dysfunction usually includes brady-
tive deterioration over months with beha- phrenia, personality change and executive
vioural abnormalities and deficits in attention, dysfunction.
memory, judgment and perception. Mood c More atypical presentations start with cogni-
changes such as apathy and depression are tive problems and character changes (as seen in
common but euphoria, emotional lability and frontotemporal dementia), later followed by
anxiety can also occur. Myoclonus, especially gaze disorders and parkinsonism.
provoked by startle, is eventually present in c Sometimes the disease starts with parkinson-
90% of patients but not always at first ism, followed by cognitive problems, making it
presentation. Extrapyramidal signs such as important to carefully follow-up patients with
hypokinesia and cerebellar manifestations such an atypical presentation of parkinsonism.
as nystagmus and ataxia occur in two-thirds of c Generally sporadic but some families have a
patients. Pyramidal signs are seen in 40–80% of mutation in the MAPT gene on chromosome
patients. 1q31.
c The prognosis is very poor, there is no
treatment and death usually occurs within a
year. HIV dementia
c This is related to the CD4+ T cell count and
duration of the immunosuppression.
Huntington’s disease
c There is a combination of cognitive decline
c The symptoms usually start between the ages (usually deficits in attention/concentration,
of 25 and 45 years but onset during childhood processing speed, abstraction, memory, speech,
or in old age also occurs. visual functioning) and impairment of motor
c It is an autosomal dominant disease presenting function, along with changes in behavioural or
with a combination of progressive chorea, emotional function.
dystonia, incoordination, cognitive and behav-
ioural disturbances.
c The cognitive syndrome usually starts with Normal pressure hydrocephalus
slowness of thinking and dysexecutive deficits. c A clinical syndrome characterised by gait apraxia
c Depression and suicidal ideation are common (without pyramidal, extrapyramidal, sensory or
in the more advanced stages. cerebellar signs), dysexecutive problems and
c The mutant protein (huntingtin) in Hunting- urinary incontinence, in combination with
ton’s disease results from an abnormally high enlarged lateral ventricles on CT or MRI.

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Neurology in Practice

c Shunting is still widely done but the results are tests while demented patients try very hard but
often disappointing and therapeutic success is provide the wrong answers.
difficult to predict. c Confusingly, however, depression can be one of
c Of the three cardinal symptoms, the gait the first symptoms of dementia, making the
problems respond best to shunting. differentiation difficult. Follow-up and psy-
chiatric evaluation are indicated here.

Alcohol related dementia

c Korsakoff’s amnestic syndrome presents with Delirium
striking anterograde and retrograde amnesia c Delirium is characterised by a combination of
with confabulation and perseveration, mostly disturbance of consciousness, or shifting atten-
(but not exclusively) after an episode of tion and cognitive disturbance, usually with
Wernicke’s encephalopathy (vitamin B1 defi- psychomotor behaviour disturbances, altered
ciency); long term memory and other cognitive sleep pattern, visual hallucinations and emo-
skills remain relatively spared. tional disturbances (eg, fear or depression).
c Besides Korsakoff’s, about 50–70% of alcohol c The duration is relatively short, hours to days,
abusers have cognitive deficits on neuropsy- and the symptoms tend to fluctuate during the
chological testing; brain imaging usually course of the day and are usually worse in the
reveals enlargement of the cerebral ventricles evening (so-called sundowning).
and sulci.
c It is a very common cause for cognitive
disturbance in older people as a result of
underlying infections, electrolyte disturbances
Other (treatable) causes and medication; it is important to exclude and
c Intracranial space occupying lesions such as treat before diagnosing dementia.
chronic subdural haematoma, (bifrontal) c Late stage dementia is associated with an
meningioma, glioma, metastasis. increased risk of delirium.
c Hyper- and hypothyroidism.
c Vitamin B12 deficiency.
c Hyponatraemia, hypercalcaemia, chronic hepa- Temporal lobe epilepsy
tic or renal failure. c Cognitive problems can be caused by epilepsy,
c Chronic CNS infections—syphilis, etc. especially temporal lobe epilepsy, where memory
c Medication induced—sedatives and analgesics. related structures are involved in seizure activity
which may or may not be clinically evident.
It is important to note that these causes are rare— c Transient epileptic amnesia is a syndrome of
,1% of new cases of ‘‘dementia’’. recurrent episodes of amnesia which can last from
minutes to days. Observers may report staring
episodes or periods of confusion. It can be
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA diagnosed by epileptic abnormalities on the EEG
Sometimes a patient who seems ‘‘demented’’ is not although sleep recording is often required, addi-
in the sense that they do not have a progressive tional typical features of epilepsy (eg, lip smack-
neurodegenerative condition; important alterna- ing), the emergence of more obvious epileptic
tive diagnoses to consider are the following. attacks or a clear response to antiepileptic therapy.
c Long term memory can be impaired in patients
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome with generalised or complex partial epilepsy,
c Lack of sleep can result in significant deteriora- perhaps because epileptic activity disturbs the
tion in cognitive functioning, particularly short consolidation of memories. Antiepileptic drugs
term memory and attention. or the underlying cause of the epilepsy also play
c Sleep deprivation can also result in poor a role.
judgment, irritability, depression or anxiety.
c All of these symptoms often disappear sud-
denly when normal sleep is restored with DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION
appropriate treatment History
The history must be taken from both the patient
and an informant. When a patient comes to the
Depression clinic alone without a relative, friend or carer, this is a
c Complaints of cognitive problems are very red flag for the absence of dementia. The history from
common, and patients are even more likely to a family member can be crucial because patients tend
complain about their memory than those with to downplay their problems. It is essential to
Alzheimer’s disease (in these latter patients the understand the patient’s degree of dependency in
memory problem is usually brought up by activities of daily living because dependence is a
family members rather than the patient). crucial consequence of dementia. Furthermore, the
c Depressed patients may have signs of psycho- clinician should enquire about cognitive defects in
motor slowing and produce a poor effort on domains other than memory (table 2).

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Table 2 Diagnostic evaluation to differentiate between types of dementia

Frontotemporal lobar Dementia with Lewy
Alzheimer’s disease degeneration Vascular dementia bodies

History/cognitive problems Short term memory Compulsive behaviour, Abrupt, fluctuant or Cognitive disturbances
impairment, aphasia, disinhibition, apathy, stepwise cognitive with fluctuations, visual
apraxia visuospatial stereotyped behaviour, deterioration Vascular hallucinations, frequent
problems, executive (isolated) language risk factors (eg, diabetes falls, sleep disorders
dysfunction, interfering problems mellitus, hypertension),
with daily life history of stroke
Neurological examination Primitive reflexes Neurological deficits, gait Parkinsonism
Cognitive neurological Episodic memory Disinhibition, stereotypy, Apathy, slowness of Hallucinations, delusions
examination impairment, executive inertia, speech disorders thinking
dysfunction, afasia,
apraxia, visual agnosia
EEG Generalised slowing Relatively normal Asymmetrical pattern Generalised slowing
MRI Medial temporal Bifrontal atrophy, Large vessel ischaemic Cortical atrophy
(hippocampal) atrophy, asymmetrical temporal strokes, large boundary
general atrophy, atrophy zone infarcts, profound
biparietal atrophy white matter disease

Memory c Is the patient on possibly relevant medications

c Does the patient forget names of friends and (eg, sedatives, hypnotics, anticholinergics)?
family, or facts about friends and family? c Has there been bladder or bowel incontinence?
c Does he or she leave keys in odd places, or c Are there any balance disturbances?
forget where the car is parked? c Is there a family history of vascular disease,
c Does the patient forget recent events? dementia, Parkinson’s disease or motor neuron
c Does the patient get lost in familiar surround- disease?
ings (orientation)?
c Has learning ability deteriorated?
Activities of daily living General physical examination should pay special
attention to blood pressure and any evidence of
c Is the patient still able to do their domestic
vascular disease.
Neurological examination with attention to eye
c Is the patient still able to do his or her work?
movements, primitive reflexes, visual impairment
c Is the patient able to use (new) household (eg, field defects indicating vascular damage),
devices? balance and gait disturbances, parkinsonism,
c Is the patient still able to do simple adminis- motor and sensory deficits, and tendon reflex
trative tasks? asymmetry (table 2).
c Can the patient learn to operate a new mobile Observation of behaviour with attention to person-
phone or DVD recorder? al hygiene, dependence which can be assumed
c How does the patient take care of him or herself? clinically by the so called ‘‘head turning sign’’
c Can he or she understand complex situations? (when asked a question the patient first looks
c Is the patient able to make sensible decisions? towards his/her spouse for an answer), disinhibi-
tion, apathy, perseveration, confabulation, insight
Personality and mental state into the problem, trivialisation of the problem,
delusions, hallucinations, stereotypy, mood, atten-
c Has the patient changed in character?
tion/concentration and inertness.
c Are there any features of depression?
Cognitive neurological examination, especially in
c Loss of interest? the early phase, is essential to help identify
c Have their been changes in interpersonal the specific type of dementia (table 2), in parti-
relations? cular noting the various domains of cognitive
c Has the patient become impulsive, disinhibited disturbance:
with loss of decorum, what about compulsive
behaviour? c For attention and concentration first impressions
c Have there been changes in eating pattern? are during history taking, while further testing
can be done with serial-7s of the Mini-Mental
c Has the patient lost initiative?
State Examination (MMSE) (see box), counting
c Has the patient become apathetic? backwards or naming the months of the year
c Are there delusions or hallucinations? backwards.
c Language is tested by listening to spontaneous
General speech (history taking), naming (pictures or
c Is there a history of cardio- or cerebrovascular pen/watch of MMSE), repeating (sentence ‘‘No
events, thyroid disease, alcohol abuse? ifs, ands or buts’’ from MMSE), writing

246 2009;9:241–251. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.182477

Neurology in Practice

Screening tests include the MMSE, the 7 min screen

Mini-Mental State Examination and the Clinical Dementia Rating.

c What is the (year) (season) (date) (day) (month)? [5 points, 1 per item]
c Where are we (state) (country) (town) (hospital) (floor)? [5 points, 1 per item] Laboratory tests
These should be used to explore whether the
patient has any comorbidity, risk factors for
c Name three objects: pony, quarter, orange (1 s to say each). Then ask the dementia, reason for delirium or—occasionally—a
patient to name all three after you have said them. Give 1 point for each primary cause for dementia. The following blood
correct answer. If needed, repeat them until he/she learns all three. [3 points] tests are mandatory:
Attention and calculation
c erythrocyte sedimentation rate
c Serial 7s. Subtract 7 from 100 and continue to subtract 7 from each
c full blood count
subsequent remainder until I say stop. [5 points, 1 for each subtraction]
c Alternatively, spell ‘‘world’’ backwards. c electrolytes
c calcium
c glucose
c Ask for the three objects repeated above. [3 points, 1 for each right answer]
c renal and liver function
Language c thyroid stimulating hormone.
c Name a pencil and watch. [2 points, 1 per item]
c Repeat the following ‘‘No ifs, ands or buts’’. [1 point] Further tests will be required in individual cases—
c Follow a three stage command: ‘‘Take a paper in your hand, fold it in half and syphilis serology, vitamin B12 levels, HIV and in
put it on the floor.’’ [3 points, 1 per item] some cases borrelia titres (only when there is a
c Read and obey the following: CLOSE YOUR EYES. [1 point for closing eyes] serious suspicion of Lyme disease).
c Write a sentence. [1 point] Any comorbidity that is treatable should be
Visuospatial function treated and then the evidence for dementia
c Copy the design shown. [1 point if two pentagons overlap resulting in a
Cerebrospinal fluid
CSF provides a ‘‘window to the brain’’, reflecting
biochemical changes such as extracellular aggrega-
tion of beta amyloid in plaques and the formation
of tau tangles.

c Amyloid beta 1–42 (Ab42) is reduced by 50% in

Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impair-
ment but it is also moderately reduced in other
dementias such as vascular dementia, dementia
with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal lobar
(sentence from MMSE), reading, understand- degeneration.
ing commands (eg, ‘‘touch your right ear with
c CSF tau level is increased 2–3 times in
your left hand’’).
Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impair-
c Memory and learning ability is assessed by ment in comparison with non-demented con-
testing orientation, recall (immediate and long trols with a specificity of 90% and sensitivity of
term memory), episodic memory (eg, news 81% for Alzheimer’s disease. It is however also
facts) and semantic memory (meaning of raised in CJD and after acute stroke, and
words). Possible options are the recall of three sometimes in vascular dementia and fronto-
words from the MMSE, recall of several temporal dementia.
pictures and asking about items in the news.
c Phosphorylated tau reflects the phosphorylated
c Visuospatial functions are tested by asking the state of tau protein, and thus the formation of
patient to copy figures, such as the cube or tangles. The CSF level in Alzheimer’s disease
intersecting pentagons from the MMSE. can be increased by one or two orders of
Another option is clock drawing. magnitude compared with non-demented con-
c Praxis is tested with instructions to mime trols and is generally considered more specific
(pretend to comb your hair, brush your teeth, for Alzheimer’s disease than Ab42 and tau
etc) or by observing the patient while he or she although there are contradictory reports.
gets dressed. c 14-3-3 protein has a sensitivity for patients
c Executive functions are tested by abilities to plan, suspected of having sporadic CJD well above
organise, abstract and by mental flexibility. 90% but false positives occur with cerebral
One could use the Luria or the Go-NoGo from infarcts and metastases, paraneoplastic syn-
the Frontal Assessment Battery. Other possibi- dromes and rapidly progressive Alzheimer’s
lities are the Trail Making, Stroop and verbal disease, making it likely that it is a marker of
fluency tests. brain cell death rather than for just CJD.

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Figure 4 Alzheimer’s
disease: left image, medial
temporal lobe atrophy
(arrows) is the most typical
abnormality; right image,
the less commonly seen
posterior cortical atrophy
(arrow) on coronal T1
weighted MR image.

Brain imaging (CT or more often MRI with higher degeneration although their absence does not
sensitivity for brain structure) exclude this diagnosis (fig 5). Progressive non-
Originally, brain imaging was used to exclude fluent aphasia typically shows left-sided perisyl-
various causes of dementia that are potentially vian atrophy whereas semantic dementia shows
treatable (eg, benign brain tumours). In memory left-sided anterior temporal lobe atrophy.
clinics, such abnormalities are detected in approxi- Progressive supranuclear palsy is associated with
mately 4% of patients. Nowadays it is increasingly a ‘‘penguin silhouette’’ or ‘‘hummingbird sign’’
on mid-sagittal MRI due to mesencephalon
used to add positive or negative predictive value for
atrophy (fig 6). Corticobasal degeneration shows
the most common types of dementia.
hemi-atrophy, or at least asymmetrical atrophy,
c Medial temporal lobe atrophy Hippocampal of the parietal region. Sporadic CJD shows
volume loss is strongly associated with increased diffusion weighted imaging signal in
Alzheimer’s disease (fig 4). It is a relatively early the cortex or deep grey matter, in various
marker of pathology and has predictive value for patterns (fig 7); later, FLAIR shows high signal
progression in mild cognitive impairment abnormalities, generalised atrophy and ventricu-
patients. But it is not specific as it also occurs lar dilatation. In variant CJD, high signal in the
pulvinar of the thalami is very specific.
in vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy
bodies and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. c Vascular pathology Vascular changes on imaging
are regularly seen in all forms of dementia.
c Patterns of atrophy Some patients with Alzheimer’s
Lesions that are highly associated with demen-
have prominent posterior cortical or biparietal
tia are large vessel ischaemic stroke or bound-
atrophy (fig 4). Frontal and temporal atrophy
ary zone infarcts in the dominant hemisphere,
are commonly seen in frontotemporal lobar
large or bilateral thalamic infarcts, bilateral
anterior infarcts, infarcts of the inferior medial
temporal lobe and parietotemporal/temporo-
occipital association areas (fig 8). Furthermore,
profound white matter disease (more than 25%
of white matter) is thought to cause dementia.

Functional imaging
This is not routinely used. Single photon emission
computed tomography and positron emission
tomography imaging with a metabolic tracer show
hypometabolism and hypoperfusion in the tem-
poral and parietal regions in Alzheimer’s disease,
and reduction of frontotemporal blood flow even
in the absence of atrophy in frontotemporal
dementia. An exciting new possibility is imaging
amyloid b in the brain.

Electroencephalography (EEG)
c Generalised slowing of background rhythm is
frequent in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
Figure 5 Frontotemporal dementia showing bifrontal with Lewy bodies; this is not specific and can
atrophy (arrows) on axial FLAIR MR image. also be found in other diffuse encephalopathies.

248 2009;9:241–251. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.182477

Neurology in Practice

Figure 6 Progressive
supranuclear palsy with the
‘‘hummingbird sign’’
(arrow) on a mid sagittal
T1 weighted MR image.

c In frontotemporal dementia the EEG is gen-

erally normal.
c Typical sharp wave complexes are specific for
CJD, particularly the sporadic form.
c Another possible important finding is temporal Figure 7 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease with increased MR
epileptic activity causing transient epileptic diffusion weighted imaging signal in the cortex.

in Alzheimer’s disease is dysfunction of gluta-

MANAGEMENT matergic neurotransmission, manifested as
Pharmacotherapy has a role in the symptomatic neuronal excitotoxicity. Targeting the gluta-
treatment of different types of dementia. Cognition matergic system, specifically the NMDA recep-
can be improved (temporarily) by cholinesterase tors, offers a novel approach to treatment in
inhibitors or N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) view of the limited efficacy of the drugs
receptor antagonists while other common neurop- targeting the cholinergic system. Memantine
sychiatric symptoms can be treated with a wide is approved in the USA and several countries of
range of medications as well with as other strategies. the European Union for moderate to severe
disease but not by NICE in the UK.
Cognitive enhancers
c Cholinesterase inhibitors (table 3) which increase Treatment of behavioural and psychological
cholinergic transmission by inhibiting cholines- symptoms
terase in the synaptic cleft were developed for Non-pharmacological interventions are always
Alzheimer’s disease, based on the notion of
preferred over medication but there are situations
reduced cerebral acetylcholine synthesis and
where the burden of symptoms, for patient or
thus impaired cortical cholinergic function.
They have been approved for the mild to carer, justify their use.
moderate stages of Alzheimer’s disease but c Psychotic symptoms. Drug therapy is warranted if
may also be of some benefit in more advanced
the symptoms lead to problematic or dangerous
stages. According to several international
situations. For patients with dementia with Lewy
guidelines, including those of the National
bodies or Parkinson’s disease dementia (or parkin-
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
sonism in general), neuroleptic medication is
(NICE) in the UK, these drugs should be
contraindicated but it is safe to use rivastigmine
offered after the expectations of the patient
1.5–6 mg twice daily. In Alzheimer’s disease,
and carers have been discussed and potential
risperidone 0.5–1.5 mg twice daily is preferred.
adverse effects reviewed (see table 3); in
particular it should be pointed out that these c Depression is common in patients with dementia,
drugs only have a symptomatic effect that may and can cause sudden deterioration of the cogni-
wear off as the disease progresses. There are no tive problems. Treatment with a selective seroto-
good guidelines on when to stop treatment, nin reuptake inhibitor (citalopram 10–40 mg once
other than clinical judgement, and there is little daily) is preferred. A tricyclic drug such as
evidence that switching from one to another is nortriptyline 50 mg once daily is second best.
helpful. These drugs have also been licensed c Agitation and restlessness become more of a
for dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s problem during the course of dementia.
disease dementia where their main effects Trazodone 50–100 mg three times daily,
are in improving cognition and reducing risperidone 0.25 mg twice daily or oxazepam
hallucinations. 10 mg three times daily can be tried, and in
c N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor antagonists severe cases valproate 250–500 mg three times
(table 3). Another system likely to be involved daily is an option.

2009;9:241–251. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.182477 249

Neurology in Practice

Figure 8 Vascular
dementia with (on the left
image) extensive
periventricular white matter
hyperintensities and two
small lacunes and (on the
right image), an infarct of
the inferior medial temporal
lobe (arrow) and an
anterior boundary zone
infarct. Axial FLAIR MR

c Anxiety and panic attacks Citalopram 10–40 mg Non-pharmacological treatment

once daily, oxazepam 10 mg three times daily c Nutrition There is no evidence that patients
or alprazolam 0.25 mg three times daily. already diagnosed with any type of dementia
c Sexual disinhibition is common in frontotem- benefit from various suggested preventive
poral dementia and can be treated with an strategies such as supplementary fish oil,
androgen antagonist such as cimetidine 400 mg ginkgo biloba, fruit polyphenols, red wine or
1–2 times daily (an inhibitor of cytochrome homocysteine.
P450 system) or spironolactone 50 mg 2–3 c Activity A physically active and socially inte-
times daily. grated lifestyle in late life seems to protect the
c Sleep disorders It is very important that elderly from the development of dementia. The
dementia patients are encouraged to keep to a effect in patients diagnosed with dementia is
normal day and night rhythm. If necessary, uncertain.
temazepam 10–20 mg or zoplicone 7.5 mg may c Caring for the carers Carers are at risk of
be used at bedtime. depression and other psychiatric or physical
c Delirium General medical causes for delirium complaints. Burden relief or support groups can
should be excluded and, if necessary, haloper- reduce or prevent these problems. Nursing
idol 0.5–1.5 mg 2–3 times daily can be tried, or home care is usually inevitable in the advanced
a benzodiazepine. stages to relieve the carer.

Table 3 Cognitive enhancers

Drug Type Starting dose Maintenance dose Comments

Rivastigmine ChE inhibitor 1.5 mg bd, oral 3–6 mg bd (increase over Give with meals
2–4 weeks in 1.5 mg twice daily Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
steps) loss of appetite are common
adverse effects
4.6 mg/24 h patch 9.5 mg/24 h Can cause rash; rotate sites
Donezepil ChE inhibitor 5 mg once daily, oral 10 mg per day (increase after Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
4–6 weeks) loss of appetite are common
adverse effects
Galantamine ChE inhibitor 4 mg bd, oral 12 mg bd (increase by 4 mg Give with meals
twice daily per month) Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and
loss of appetite are common
adverse effects
Memantine NMDA antagonist 5 mg once daily, oral 10 mg bd (increase by 5 mg Headache, sleepiness, constipation
daily per week) and dizziness occur
Bd, twice daily; ChE, cholinesterase; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid.

250 2009;9:241–251. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.182477

Neurology in Practice

c Cooking can lead to injuries, burns and fires,

Further reading due to distractibility and forgetfulness; meal
services and early use of a microwave oven are
c Feldman H, ed. Atlas of Alzheimer’s disease. London: Informa HealthCare, helpful options.
2007. c Becoming lost Although the risk of becoming lost
c Gauthier S, ed. Clinical diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease, is higher when the patient is left unattended,
revised edition. London: The Livery House, 2001. many still become lost even in the presence of a
c Harvey RJ, Skelton-Robinson M, Rossor MN, et al. The prevalence and causes carer. Although wandering is a risk factor for
of dementia in people under the age of 65 years. J Neurol Neurosurg becoming lost, even patients who never wander
Psychiatry 2003;74:1206–9. can still get lost. Continuous supervision is the
c Hodges J, ed. Early-onset dementia: a multidisciplinary approach. Oxford: best preventive strategy; identification brace-
Oxford University Press, 2001. lets, etc, may help to facilitate return.
c Kawas CH. Early Alzheimer’s disease. N Engl J Med 2003;349:1056–63. c Falling Evaluation of dangerous situations in and
c Lobo A, Launer LJ, Fratiglioni, et al. Prevalence of dementia and major around the house and advice for or treatment of
subtypes in Europe: a collaborate study of population-based cohorts. other causes (eg, orthostatic hypotension, visual
Neurologic diseases in the elderly research group. Neurology 2008;54(Suppl impairment, gait disturbance) are important, as
5):S4–9. are preventive strategies.
c McKeith IG, Galasko D, Koska K, et al. Consensus guidelines for the clinical
and pathologic diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB): Report of the
consortium on DLB international workshop. Neurology 1996;47:1113–24. CONCLUSIONS
c Neary D, Snowden JS, Gustafson L, et al. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration; c Dementia is one of the most prevalent neuro-
a consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria. Neurology 1998;51:1546–54. logical disorders.
c Roman GC, Tatemichi TK, Erkinjuntti T, et al. Vascular dementia: Diagnostic c The most common type of dementia is
criteria for research studies. Report of the NINDS-AIREN International Alzheimer’s disease.
Workshop. Neurology 1993;43:250–60. c Age is the most important risk factor.
c Waldemar G, Dubois B, Emre M, et al. Recommendations for the diagnosis c Ancillary investigations are of great help in the
and management of Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders associated with diagnosis but in the end most types of
dementia: EFNS guideline. Eur J Neurol 2007;14:e1–26. dementia are diagnosed by their clinical syn-
drome, thus attention to the history of the
patient and caregivers as well as careful clinical
Legal and safety issues work-up are crucial.
c Medication can have modest beneficial effects
c Driving Patients with dementia have an increased
but care of the patients and their caregivers is
risk of being involved in a car accident, increasing
just as important.
every year after the diagnosis. Health profes-
sionals should consult national regulations to This article was reviewed by Martin Rossor,
advise their patients and their relatives properly London, UK.
and to be aware of their duty to report demented
patients to the authorities. Competing interests: None.

2009;9:241–251. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.182477 251

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