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Complete the questions with a suitable particle.

1. What is necessary to carry ____ a good research? Did you have

_______ out a research for your thesis (=course/diploma work)?
2. How can we help ourselves to come __ ___ ideas easier and
faster? Give 3 ideas.
3. “Hard work always pays ___”. Do you agree with this saying?
Remember a situation when your hard work paid ___.
4. What activities or challenges have you taken ___ recently? (eg
cooking more complicated dishes, having a higher workload
5. What do students do to bring ____ the number of mistakes
they make? Give at least 3 examples.
6. What _______ about a boost of energy? Give 5 examples.
7. Do you have a habit/routine you like? How can you take it
8. Why is it so difficult to set __ a postgraduate meeting with
your ex-classmates/groupmates?

Now, answer these questions in pairs.

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