Project - I11

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  Project - I11

Yessi: Good morning, for this period we have to target  three main problems that are
affecting our city. Have you something in mind?

Deysi: I think the main problem is insecurity because Lima is known for being an
unsafe city, if we want to increase the arrival of tourists, we must solve that
problem. In the last 10 years crime has increased more and more. the thieves every
year become crueler and crueler.
There are many robbers and robberies in the middle of the day, even when there are
protests, people get out of control, commit looting, and destroy what comes their
if they hadn't rioted in the streets, they would be heard. We must create stricter
rules so that the city is in order. Without the rules that already exist, we could not
have had legal support to intervene in problems of insecurity. 
But it is not enough, we need stricter rules and with consequences if people break
If only the citizens had complied with the existing rules we would not have to add
more rules, but that is not the case.

Mayra: I could not agree with you more, the government and the police need watch
and add more police in the streets.

Yessi:  I agree, I think that the government should have strengthened security
services and the use of video surveillance systems. In this way, citizens can feel
safer when leaving their homes. Besides that, If we improved security in Lima, there
might be less crime.
Deysi: Changing the subject, what about environmental pollution?

Yessenia:  Well, according to the World Health Organization, One of the cities with
the most polluted air in latin america is Lima.
As we know, pollution in Lima increases more and more.We must do something to
try to avoid that.
There’s no question that the main source of contamination is transportation. I think
if we used bike, we would avoid more pollution so we should be considerate and
responsible to our planet and if we have the possibility of transporting ourselves by
bicycle or on foot, we would reduce pollution and traffic. 
By the way, what also causes pollution is the use of plastic, we must be reasonable
and reduce the use of these and take care our ocean.
Deysi: I totally agree, I think that if we start to use a more ecological means of
transport, we might have better results in caring for the environment.
Yessi: Mayra do you know about any other problem our city is facing?
Mayra: Yes, As we know, public transportation is a big problem that involves
everybody. There are not many buses. The government could have bought more
buses to help the population to arrive at their homes, it is unacceptable that Peru
continue with this problem. Some public transportations are in bad conditions. If
drivers had not repaired their cars, they would cause an accident. It is important to
know that insecurity increases so much. If only the police catched the thief very
yessi:, I totally agree with you. Also, many of the drivers, public and private, don’t
comply with traffic regulations and even less with road safety regulations. If only
these types of drivers didn’t exist, we would avoid many accidents.
Deysi: I agree a little with what you say, Public transport is just as important as
insecurity or pollution in the city. The thing that bothers me the most is being late
for work because of traffic. Public transport is a problem to be solved.

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