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Tr i c e p s B e n c h D i p

A bench dip is a simple workout that you can perform at home which sharpens, and
strengthens your triceps brachii, pectoralis major, glutes muscles, deltoid, together with your
infraspinatus and more!

Purpose: To measure the muscular strength of your arms and sholders.

Equipment: A strong chair that can support your weight.



Pre-test : Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risk and
obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body
weight, gender and test condition. Check and calibrate equipment if required. Perform standard
warm-up. The take off line should be clearly marked. See more details of pre-test procedures.


For Men
a. Sit down on a bench, hands next to your thighs. (You can also perform a bench dip off a
stair or other elevated surface; the same steps apply.)
b. Walk your feet out and extend your leg, feeling the weight on your heels, lift your bottom
off the bench and holding there with extended arms.
c. Hinging at the elbow, lower your body down as far as you can go, or until your arms form a
90-degree angle.
d. Push up through your palms back to start.

For Female
a. Sit down on a bench, hands next to your thighs. (You can also perform a bench dip off a
stair or other elevated surface; the same steps apply.)
b. Walk your feet out and flatten it on the ground.
c. Hinging at the elbow, lower your body down as far as you can go, or until your arms
form a 90-degree angle.
d. Push up through your palms back to start.

Scoring: Record the number of proper executions you perform.

Score Remarks
48 Above Very Good
47-37 Good
36-25 Average
24-13 Poor
12 Below Very Poor
Variation/Modifications: You can add weights on your dips or try doing dips in different
position to emphasize your preferred muscles.

Advantages: this test is very simple to do. You can do it at gym, bedroom, kitchen, as long as
you have an object that can support your weight.

Disadvantages: If you have a preexisting shoulder injury, dips may not be the best option.
When performed incorrectly, this exercise can cause a shoulder impingement, or an injury to
the muscles between bones in the shoulder area.

Comments: Dips for men legs should be extended. Dips for women legs should be flat. You can
watch this if you’re still confused

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