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Mangroves are complex ecosystems that live in tidal areas. Besides protecting the coast
from waves and wind, the mangrove ecosystem also serves as a habitat for various organisms
such as crustaceans. One of the crustaceans that has an important role in the mangrove ecosystem
is the violin crab (Uca spp.) As detritus in the mangrove ecosystem of Tanjung Tiram Waters,
Poka Village, located in Teluk Ambon District, Ambon. The substrate characteristic of these
waters is predominantly sandy mud overgrown by mangrove ecosystem areas, one of the areas
that receives a lot of input of organic and inorganic materials both naturally and from community
activities around the waters. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biological aspects of
violin crabs including: species composition, sex ratio, size, and density. Analyzing the
characteristics of the Viola crab habitat, Identifying the form of utilization, Formulating the
direction of the management of the Viola Crab Resources based on bioecological aspects in the
waters of Tanjung Tiram, Poka Village. This study uses purposive sampling method, this method
is a sampling technique based on these considerations selected according to environmental
conditions and criteria. The results showed 3 types of violin crab (Uca spp.), Namely Uca
perplexa, Uca lactea, and Uca mjoebergi. The highest density of male and female sex types at
stations 1 2 and 3 was owned by Uca perpelexa male crabs with 65 individuals with a density
(0.288 ind / m2), 23 individuals with density (0.102 ind / m2) while for the lowest density
belonged to Uca mjoebergi crabs male 8 individuals with a density (0.035 ind / m2), female 3
individuals with a density (0.013 ind / m2). sex ratio is the sex ratio of male and female violin
crabs (Uca spp.) to the number of individuals of all types at station 1, namely (114: 32), station 2
(82: 22), and station 3 (79: 23) while the total individual All types of all research stations namely
(275: 77). burrow shape found at all u stations generally the form of burrows I, J, L. the shape of
burrows that are found is the shape of "I" where this shape is found at station 1, station 2, station
3 for the types of crabs Uca perpelexa, Uca lactea, Uca mjoebergi. followed by the shape of the
burrow J, L. Station 1 has a different burrow depth for each species, namely Uca lactea with a
high burrow depth of 11.55 cm, followed by Uca perpelexa at 11.34 cm, and Uca mjoebergi
10.65 with the lowest burrow depth. Likewise with station 2 where the depth of Uca lactea is
12.76 cm, Uca perplexa 11.24 cm, Uca mjoebergi 10.66. while for station 3 where the depth of
the burrow of Uca lactea is 10.78 cm, Uca perplexa is 11.33 cm, Uca mjoebergi is 10.22 cm. The
results of the substrate grain size analysis showed that the dominance of the substrate size at
stations 1, 2 and 3 was 0. 250 mm category (medium sand) respectively 57%, 39%, 70%
percentage. followed by 0.063 mm (very fine sand) with a percentage value of 15%, 10% at
(stations 1 and 3). the form of utilization that takes place in the waters of Tanjung Tiram, Poka
Village. Some Poka villagers often carry out activities such as collecting shells (bameti),
mooring boats, and disposing of garbage.

Keywords: Bioecological, habitat, violin crab (Uca spp.), Management, Tanjung Tiram, Poka

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