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The NCAR Command

Language (NCL)

Data Analysis Lecture

Matthew Janiga
Where Can I Learn More?
The NCL Website
Where Can I Learn More?
Manual, Lectures, and NCL-Talk

Reference Manuals

Lectures from the NCL Workshop

NCL Email Lists
Talk Overview

1) Introduction.
2) Language Basics.
3) File Input / Output.
4) Data Analysis.
5) Graphics.
6) Tips and Tricks.
1) Introduction
What is NCL?
• NCL is a complete language with types, variables,
operators, expressions, conditional statements,
loops, and functions and procedures.
• NCL can read many data formats: NetCDF, HDF,
GRIB, ascii and csv, binary, WRF output, and
• NCL like MATLAB is an array based language.
Arrays can be sent to functions (100s and
growing) which perform computations, plotting
functions (dozens and growing), or files (typically
NetCDF but also ascii and binary).

NCVIEW is a simple GUI that lets

you explore a NetCDF file:
examine slices, time series,
animate, and more. Look at the
data you’ve generated before
spending time to make a plot!

NCVIEW is one of MANY

programs that do this.
The Example Page

Documentation! The NCL webpage

has 100s of examples each
containing a picture of the plot and
the code required to make it.
Function Documentation

Every function has an

exhaustive documentation
page showing how to use it,
describing how the
calculation is performed, and
providing examples.
Advantages of NCL
• Free, stable, and extremely well documented.
• NCL is a fully fledged programming language not calls to
compiled programs.
• NCL allows you to read in large amounts of data into memory
(64-bit vars > 2GB) and perform computations there instead of
constantly reading and writing to disk.
• Lots of meteorology and climate specific functions for data
analysis and plotting.
• NCL is very flexible, it can analyze any array of any dimension,
type, with any coordinate description.
– Store and process: trajectories, tracks, hovmollers, time
series, polar orbit swaths and other non-uniform projections,
radar data, geostationary satellite data, surface obs, profiler
data, radiosondes, and pretty much anything you can think
Disadvantages of NCL
• NCL has a bit of a learning curve. Learning how to fully
utilize it and code using arrays takes time.
• While there are lots of mathematical functions and
procedures MATLAB and Python have more types and
variants. Similarly, R has more statistical functions.
• Like all interpreted languages loops are slow. NCL is
designed to use the pre-built array-processing functions.
– The Fortran and C interfaces allow you to make your
own fast pre-built functions.
NCL Eye Candy
And more…..
2) Language Basics
netCDF / NCL Relationship


look like netCDF files
netCDF Conventions
Convention: set of accepted rules for file contents

make data comparison easier

facilitate automatic use of viewing (eg: ncview)

COARDS (1995; frozen)

Cooperative Ocean/Atmosphere Research Data Service
CF (2005/2006; continues to evolve)

Climate and Forecast Metadata Convention (1.0 -> 1.6)

generalize and extend the COARDS convention
Parts of netCDF file
ncdump –h (or ncl_filedump
& NAMES Names , Types, Attributes,
dimensions: Coordinate Variables
lat = 64 variables:
lon = 128 float lat(lat)
lat:long_name = "latitude"
time = 12 lat:units = "degrees_north"
float lon(lon)
time=UNLIMITED (12 currently) lon:long_name = "longitude"
lon:units = "degrees_east"
FILE ATTRIBUTES double time(time)
global attributes:
title = “Temp: 1999” time:long_name = "time"
source = “NCAR” time:units = ”hours_since …"
Conventions = ”CF-1.0” float T(time, lat, lon)
T:long_name = “Temperature”
exercise: T:units = “degC"
T:missing_value = 1.e+20f
ncl_filedump | less T:_FillValue = 1.e+20f
ncl_filedump FOO.grb | less
NCL/netCDF Variable Semantics
double T(time, lat, lon)
T: long_name = “Temperature”
T: units = “degC"
T: _FillValue = 1.e+20f
variable type – double (float, int, short,..)
variable name – T
named dimensions – time, lat, lon
attributes – long_name, units, _FillValue

float prr(time, y, x)
prr:_FillValue = -9999.f ; CF
prr:missing_value = -9999.f ; COARDS
prr:long_name = "Liquid Precipitation" ; CF, COARDS
prr:grid_mapping = "Lambert_Conformal" ;
prr:units = "kg m-2 s-1" ; CF, COARDS

prr:height = "surface" ;
prr:coordinates = "lon lat" ; CF
netCDF/NCL variable
• array [could be of length 1 (scalar)]
• (may) have additional information
4.35 4.39 0.27 -3.35 -6.90
4.36 4.66 3.77 -1.66 4.06
9.73 -5.84 0.89 8.46 10.39
17 3.68 5.08 0.14 -5.63
-0.63 -4.12 -2.51 1.76 -1.43
-4.29 0.07 5.85 0.87 8.65

name: x
type: float [real]
shape: 2-dimensions
size: 6 (rows) x 5 (columns)
values: x(2,3) = 8.46 [row major, 0-based indexing]
long_name: “Temperature”
units: “degC” Meta data
named dimensions: x(time,lat)
lat: (/ -60, -30 ,0, 30, 60 /)
time: (/2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 /)
Detailed Look netCDF Variable (NCL)
ncl <return> ; interactive mode
ncl 0 > f = addfile ("", "r") ; open file (nc, grb, hdf, hdfeos)
ncl 1 > u = f->U ; import STRUCTURE
ncl 2 > printVarSummary (u) ; overview of variable

Variable: u Classic netCDF

Type: float
Total Size: 65536 bytes Variable Model
16384 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and Sizes: [time|2] x [lat | 64] x [lon | 128] NCL
Coordinates: syntax/funcs
time: [ 1 .. 7 ]
lat: [ -87.8638 .. 87.8638 ] query
lon: [ 0 .. 357.185] use
Number of Attributes: 5 modify
_FillValue : 1e36 [CF ]
units : m/s [COARDS, CF] add
long_name : Zonal Wind [COARDS, CF] any aspect of
short_name : U
missing_value : 1e36 [COARDS; CF-1.6 ] data object
netCDF [NCL] Variable model
X f = addfile(“”,”r”) ; grb/hdf
x = f->X
NCL reads the scalar/array,
attributes, and coordinate
long_name variables as one object (structure)
add_offset accessed via @ accessed via &
values attributes
long_name coord var
coordinates Scalar _FillValue time
time lev
or units
lev add_offset lat
lat Array lon
lon etc. etc.
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" Graphics Libraries
f = addfile("","r") ; open file [hdf,grib]
p = f->SLP ; (time,lat,lon)
; ( 252,121,240)

printVarSummary(p) ; netCDF variable model

wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","parvis_1") ; open a PS file

plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,p(0,:,:),False) ; default plot
; uses attributes, coordinates

NetCDF [NCL] Variable model accessed via @ accessed via &

p = f->SLP values attributes coords

scalar _FillValue time
NCL reads
or long_name latitude
• data values (scalar or array) missing_value longitude

• attributes @ units etc

• coordinate variables & etc.

as a single data object.

NetCDF [NCL] Variable model accessed via @ accessed via &

p = f->SLP values attributes coords

scalar _FillValue time
NCL reads as a single data or long_name latitude
object... array
missing_value longitude
• data values units etc
• attributes etc.
• coordinate arrays
Variable: p “printVarSummary(p)” output
Type: float
Total Size: 29272320 bytes
7318080 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 252] x [latitude | 121] x [longitude | 240]
time: [780168..963504]
latitude: [90..-90]
longitude: [ 0..358.5]
Number Of Attributes: 4
_FillValue : 1e+20
units : hPa
long_name : Mean sea level pressure
missing_value :1e+20
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

f = addfile("","r") ; open file [hdf,grib]

p = f->SLP ; (time,lat,lon)
; ( 252,121,240)

printVarSummary(p) ; netCDF variable model

wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","parvis_1") ; open a PS file

plot = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,p(0,:,:),False) ; default B&W plot
NCL Syntax Characters (subset)
• = - assignment
• := - reassignment (v6.1.2)
• ; - comment [can appear anywhere; text to right ; ignored]
• -> - use to (im/ex)port variables via addfile(s) function(s)
• @ - access/create attributes
• ! - access/create named dimension
• & - access/create coordinate variable
• {…} - coordinate subscripting
• $...$ - enclose strings when (im/ex)port variables via addfile(s)
• (/../) - array construction (variable); remove meta data
• [/../] - list construction;
• [:] - all elements of a list
• : - array syntax
• | - separator for named dimensions
• \ - continue character [statement to span multiple lines]
• :: - syntax for external shared objects (eg, fortran/C)
Data Types
numeric (classic netCDF3) non-numeric
• double (64 bit) • string
• float (32 bit) • character
• long (64 bit; signed +/-) • graphic
• integer (32 bit; signed +/-) • file
• short (16 bit; signed +/-) • logical
• byte ( 8 bit, signed +/-) • list
• complex NOT supported

enumeric (netCDF4; HDF5)

• int64 (64 bit; signed +/-)
• uint64 (64 bit; unsigned ) snumeric
• uint (32 bit; unsigned ) [numeric , enumeric]
• ulong (32 bit; unsigned )
• ushort (16 bit; unsigned )
• ubyte ( 8 bit, unsigned)
Simple Variable Creation
a_int =1
a_float = 2.0
a_double = 3.2d
a_string = "a”
a_logical = True [False]
• array constructor characters (/…/)

a_integer = (/1, 2, 3/)

a_float = (/2.0, 5, 8.0/)

a_double = (/12, 2d0, 3.2 /)

a_string = (/"abcd", "e", "Hello, World”/)

a_logical = (/True, False, True/)

a_2darray = (/ (/1,2,3/), (/4,5,6/), (/7,8,9/) /)
Variable Creation and Deletion
a = 2.0
pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
s = (/ “Melbourne”, “Sydney”, “Toulouse”, “Boulder” /)
r = f->precip ; (time,lat,lon)
R = random_normal(20,7, (/N,M/) ) ; R(N,M)
q = new ( (/ntim, klev, nlat, mlon/), “double” )
; free memory; Generally, do not need to do this
; delete each variable individually
; delete multiple variables in one line
delete( [/ a, pi, s, r, R, q /] ) ; [/…/] list syntax
Conversion between data types

NCL is a ‘strongly typed’ language

constraints on mixing data types


implicit conversion of one type to another

automatic coercion when no info is lost

let i be integer and x be float or double

fortran: x=i and i=x

NCL: x=i and i=toint(x)

many functions to perform conversions
Variable Reassignment
• NCL = will not allow the following
k = (/ 1, 3, 4, 9 /) ; 1d array, type integer
… later in code …
k = (/17.5, 21.4/) ; different size and type

Two approaches

Up to version 6.1.1, 2 steps required
delete(k) ; delete existing variable
k = (/17.5, 21.4/) ; new assignment
Version 6.1.2
k := (/17.5, 21.4/) ; delete previous variable
; and reassign ‘k’
Meta Data
• information associated with variable or file

attributes: @ (numeric, text)

named dimensions: ! (text)

coordinates: & (numeric)
• @, !, & can be used to create/assign,
• most frequently, meta data is read from files

• Meta Data is your friend! Helps you

remember what you did to generate your
data and share it with others.
Attributes [ @ ]

info associated with a variable or file

attributes can be any data type except file or list

scalar, multi dimensional array (string, numeric)
• assign/access with @ character
T = (/ 10, 25, 39 /)
T@units = “degC”
T@long_name = “Temperature”
T@wgts = (/ 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 /)
T@x2d = (/ (/1,2,3/), (/4,5,6/), (/7,8,9/) /)
T@_FillValue = -999
title = T@long_name
• attribute functions [isatt, getfilevaratts]
if (isatt(T,"units")) then .... end if
atts = getfilevaratts (fin, "T")
• delete an attribute: delete(T@wgts)
_FillValue attribute
• Unidata & NCL reserved attribute; CF compliant

• netCDF Operators [NCO] & CDO: _FillValue attribute

• ncview: recognizes missing_value attribute (COARDS)

best to create netCDF files with both

NCL functions recognize _FillValue

most functions will ignore for computations (eg, “avg”)

use built-in function “ismissing” to check for _FillValue

if (any (ismissing(T) )) then … end if

NOTE: if (any(T.eq.T@_FillValue)) will not work

• NCL: best to not use zero as a _FillValue

OK except when contouring [random bug]
Arrays and Dimension Numbering
• row major
 left dimension varies slowest; right dim varies fastest
 dimension numbering left to right [0,1,..]
• subscripts
 0-based [ entire range for N index values: 0,N-1 ]

Consider T(:,:,:) T (0,1,2)

left dimension is 0 : varies slowest
middle dimension is 1
right dimension is 2 : varies fastest
Different language/tool ordering:
• NCL/C/C++ : 0-based; left (slowest) - right (fastest)
• fortran, Matlab, R: 1-based; left (fastest) - right(slowest)
• IDL : 0-based; left (fastest) - right(slowest)
NCL (netCDF): Named Dimensions [!]
• may be “named”: x(time,level,lat,lon)
• dimensions are named on netCDF files
• alternative way to reference subscripts
• assigned with ! character {let T(:,:,:) -> T(0,1,2)}
T!0 = "time" ; leftmost [slowest varying] dim
T!1 = "lat“
T!2 = "lon" ; rightmost [fastest varying] dim
• dim names may be renamed, retrieved
T!1 = ”latitude" … dName = T!2
• delete can eliminate: delete (T!2)
• named dimensions used to reshape
T(lat|:, lon|:, time|:)
Create, Assign Coordinate Variables [&]
• create 1D array
time = (/ 1980, 1981, 1982 /)
time@units = “yyyy”
lon = ispan(0, 355, 5)
lon@units = “degrees_E”
• assign dimension name [same as variable name]
time!0 = “time”
lon!0 = “lon”
• let x(:,:) … dimension numbers x(0,1)
• name dimensions
x!0 = “time” … x!1 = “lon”
• assign coordinate variables to x
x&time = time … x&lon = lon
netCDF/NCL: Coordinate Variable (CV)
• CV: Coordinate Variable ( Unidata definition )

one dimensional variable in which dimension name is
the same as the variable name

must be monotonically increasing or decreasing
• Examples of CV

lat(lat), longitude(longitude), plevel(plevel), time(time)
• CV allow ‘natural’ coordinates via {…} syntax


CV: Q(:, {925:400}, {-20:60}, {130:280} )

Index: Q(:, 3:10, 24:40, 42:75)
The following is not a coordinate variable:
float xlat(nlat, mlon) ; two-dimensions
xlat:units = "degrees_north”
It is an array that contains coordinate information.
Requires use of standard integer index values
Meta Data Syntax Review:
• @ attribute
u@long_name = "U"
longName = u@long_name
• ! named dimensions
u!0 = "TIME"
uName = u!0
• & coordinate variable
u&lat = (/ -90., -85, .... , 85., 90. /)
latitude = u&lat
• $ substitute string
x = fin->$variable(n)$ … x = fin->$"T: p"$
Variable Subscripting (1 of 3)
Standard Array Subscripting (Indexing)
• ranges: start/end and [optional] stride
• index values separated by :
• omitting start/end index implies default begin/end

Consider T(time,lat,lon)
T  entire array [ don't use T(:,:,:) ]
T(0,:,::5)  1st time index, all lat, every 5th lon
T(:3, ::-1, :50)  1st 4 time indices, reverse, 1st 51 lon

T(7:12,45,10:20)  6 time indices, 46th value of lat,

10-20 indices of lon

Good programming: Use variables not hard wired #

T(tstrt:tlast, : , ln1:ln2 )  time index tstrt:tlast, all lat :,
longitude index values ln1:ln2
Variable Subscripting (2 of 3)

Coordinate Variable Subscripting

• only applies to coordinate variables (1D, mono)
• same rules apply for ranges, strides, defaults
• use curly brackets {…}
• standard and coordinate subs can be mixed
[if no reorder]
T(2:7,{-30:30},:)  six times, all lon, lat -30° to +30°
T(0,{-20},{-180:35:3})  1st time, lat nearest -20°, every
3rd lon between -180° and 35°
T(::12,{latS:latN},:)  all times/lon, lat latS to latN
T(8,{latS},{lonL:lonR:3}) 9th time, lat nearest latS, every
3rd lon between latL and lonR
Variable Subscripting (3 of 3)

Named Dimensions
• only used for dimension reordering
• indicated by |
• dim names must be used for each subscript
• named/coordinate subscripting can be mixed

Consider T(time,lat,lon)
t = T(lat|:, lon|:, time|:)  makes t(lat,lon,time)
t = T(time|:,{lon|90:120},{lat|-20:20})  all times,
90-120° lon, -20-20° lat
Subscripting: Index, CV
Latitude coordinate variable (1D)



Longitude coordinate variable (1D) T({-10:20}, 1:8)
• PrintVarSummary
gives gross overview of a variable
• Print
includes same info as printVarSummary but
prints each value

• write_matrix

print to standard out or a file

format control of numerical output

can write to file also
• Print overview of variable contents


dimension information

coordinate information (if present)

attributes (if present)
• printVarSummary (u)
Variable: u
Type: double
Total Size: 1179648 bytes
147456 values
Number of Dimensions: 4
Dimensions / Sizes: [time | 1] x [lev | 18] x [lat | 64] x [lon | 128]
time: [4046..4046]
lev: [4.809 .. 992.5282]
lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379]
lon: [ 0. 0 .. 357.1875]
Number of Attributes: 2
long_name: zonal wind component
units: m/s
print (1 of 3)
• Prints out all variable information including

All meta data, values

T(lat,lon): print (T)
Variable: T
Type: float
Total Size: 32768 bytes
8192 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions / Sizes: [lat | 64] x [lon | 128]
lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379]
lon: [ 0. 0 .. 357.1875]
Number of Attributes: 2
long_name: Temperature
units: degC
(0,0) -31.7
(0,1) -31.4
(0,2) -32.3
(0,3) -33.4
(0,4) -31.3 etc. [entire T array will be printed]
print (2 of 3)
• can be used to print a subset of array

meta data, values

T(lat,lon): print( T(:,103) ) or print( T(:,{110}) )
Variable: T (subsection)
Type: float
Total Size: 256 bytes
64 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions / Sizes: [lat | 64]
lat: [-87.86379 .. 87.86379]
Number of Attributes: 3
long_name: Temperature
units: degC
lon: 109.6875 [ added ]
(0) -40.7
(1) -33.0
• -25.1
• -20.0
(4) -15.3 etc.
print (3 of 3)
• print with embedded strings

no meta data

print ( ”T: min="+min(T)+" max="+max(T) )
(0) T: min=-53.8125 max=25.9736

• sprintf and sprinti provide formatting

- often used in graphic labels
- print ( "min(T) = "+ sprintf("%5.2f ", min(T)) )
(0) min(T) = -53.81

• sprinti can left fill with zeros (ex: let n=3)

- fnam = "h" + sprinti ("%0.5i", n) + ".nc"
- print("file name = "+fnam)
(0) file name =
write_matrix(x[*][*], fmt, opt)
•pretty-print 2D array (table) to standard out

integer, float, double

user format control (fmt)

T(N,M), N=7, M=5: write_matrix (T, “5f7.2”, False)

4.35 4.39 0.27 -3.35 -6.90

4.36 4.66 3.77 -1.66 4.06
9.73 -5.84 0.89 8.46 10.39
4.91 4.59 -3.09 7.55 4.56
17 3.68 5.08 0.14 -5.63
-0.63 -4.12 -2.51 1.76 -1.43
-4.29 0.07 5.85 0.87 8.65

• can also create an ASCII file

opt = True
opt@fout = “foo.ascii” ; file name
write_matrix (T, “5f7.2”, opt)
Debugging, Error Messages, Help
• NCL does not have a built-in debugger
• use print /printVarSummary ; examine output!
• nmsg = num( ismissing(x) ) ; count # _FillValue
• print(“x: min=“+min(x) +” max=“+max(x) )

• Error messages; Warning or Fatal

• Look at the message; often describe problem/issue
• eg: Fatal: left and right side have different sizes
• printVarSummary of variables before Fatal

Help: question(s):

- include enough info to facilitate answering
- do *not* attach large files (> 1.5 Mb)
- they will be rejected, use ftp/web
- do *not* 'dump' a messy script to ncl-talk
- Our time is valuable too!
3) File Input / Output
I/O formats

Supported formats [ contain the structure of file]

netCDF-3/4 [network Common Data Form]

HDF4/H5 [Hierarchical Data Format (Scientific Data Set only) ]

HDF-EOS [Earth Observing System; HDF4 and HDF5]

GRIB-1/2 [Grid in Binary; WMO standard; NCEP, ECMWF]

CCMHT [CCM History Tape; COS blocked only; ccm2nc]

Shapefile [ESRI: geospatial vector data format GIS]

6.1.0  near complete netCDF4, HDF5

Can be a little tricky.

Fairly easy if the file is just a matrix.

• ncl_filedump [-c] [-v var1[,…]] [–h] file_name

− command line utility with options
− provides textual overview of any supported file’s contents
− behavior analogous to Unidata’s ncdump -h
− file_name must have a file type suffix on command line

− .nc .grb .hdf .hdfeos .he5 .h5 .ccm .shp [case insensitive]
− suffix used as identifier only, actual file need not have

• ncl_filedump file_name.[grb/nc/hdf/hdfeos]
- output can be sent to file or viewer via Unix redirection/ pipe
ncl_filedump foo.grb > foo.txt [send to file]
ncl_filedump foo.hdf | less [send to viewer]
 ncl_convert2nc gribFile(s) OPTIONS
 command line utility
 converts GRIB/HDF/SHAPE file(s) to netCDF
 output name same as input with .nc extension
 ncl_convert2nc –h
 provides usage option information
 ncl_convert2nc foo.grb
 will create
 ncl_convert2nc foo.hdf –L –nc4c –cl 1
 -L (files> 2GB); -nc4c (netCDF4); -cl 1 (compression lvl 1)
 allows user to specify file-format-specific options
 netCDF, GRIB and Binary options [currently]
 sample usage of selected options
 writing netCDF
 setfileoption(f, "DefineMode" ,True)
 setfileoption("nc","Format","LargeFile")
 setfileoption("nc","Format",”netCDF4Classic")
 reading GRIB
 setfileoption("grb" ,"ThinnedGridInterpolation", "cubic")
 setfileoption("grb", "InitialTimeCoordinateType" \
, "Numeric")
 reading/writing Binary
 setfileoption("bin", "ReadByteOrder", "LittleEndian")
 setfileoption("bin", “WriteByteOrder", “BigEndian")
addfile (1 of 3)
• Opens a supported format
• Variables look like netCDF (Grib, HDF, HDF-EOS)
• f_p = addfile (file_name.ext, status )
− file_name => any valid file name; string
− ext => extension that identifies the type of file; string
 netCDF: "nc" or "cdf" [read/write]
 HDF: "hdf" , "hdfeos”, "h5”, "he5" [read/write]
 GRIB: "grb" , "grib" [read only; GRIB1 or GRIB2]
 CCMHT: "ccm" [read only]
 SHAPE (GIS): ”shp" [read only]
 extension not required to be attached to file

− status [read/write status] "r", "c", "w"

− f_p
 reference/pointer to a single file; any valid variable name
 may have attributes (file attributes or global attributes)
addfile (2 of 3)
• Examples: opening a single file

fin = addfile ("" , "r")

fout = addfile ("./" , "c")

fio = addfile ("/tmp/shea/sample.hdf" , "w")

g = addfile ("/dss/dsxxx/Y12345.grb", "r" )

s = addfile ("foo.shp" , ”r")

• Numerous functions to query contents of supported file

diri = "/fs/cgd/data0/shea/GRIB/"
−getfilevaratts fili = ”narr_2000121106”
−getfilevardimsizes fin = addfile(diri+fili+".grb" , " r ")
varNames = getfilevarnames (fin)
if (isfilevarcoord(fin, "U", "lat") ) then

−isfilevarcoord end if
Example: query file, system commands
; open file, create array of variable names, # of names

fin = addfile ("./", "r")

vars = (/"U", "V", "T" /) ; manual specification
nvars = dimsizes (vars) ; nvars = 3
; use system to remove output file before creation
fname = “”
system("/bin/rm –f ”+fname)
fout = addfile(fname, "c")
; loop, query if variable on the file, then output to netCDF
do n=0,nvars-1
if (isfilevar(fin, vars(n))) then
fout->$vars(n)$ = fin->$vars(n)$
end if
end do
ncrcat/ncks –v U,V,T
Simple netCDF [hdf] Creation
fout = addfile (“", "c")
fout@title = "Simple Example”
fout@creation_date = systemfunc(“date”)
; if ‘time’
filedimdef (fout, "time", -1, True) ; create ud

fout->U =u
fout->T = Temp

commonly used

writes all variable components [data object ;-) ]

may be inefficient (possibly, very inefficient)

use for file with few variables/records
Efficient netCDF Creation
• requires ‘a priori’ definition of file contents
− must be done in other languages/tools also [F, C, IDL, ..]
• NCL functions to predefine a netCDF/HDF file:
− setfileoption: specify entering define mode
− filevardef: define name(s) of one or more variables
− filevarattdef: copy attributes from a variable to one
or more file variables
− filedimdef: defines dimensions including unlimited
− fileattdef: copy attributes from a variable to a file
as global attributes

• Necessary when making files with variables too big for

Example: Efficient netCDF Creation
T = …..
fout = addfile("" , "c")
setfileoption (fout, "DefineMode",True)) ; enter define mode

; create global attributes

fileAtt = True
fileAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date")
fileattdef (fout, fileAtt)
; predefine coordinate variables
dimNames = (/ "time", "lat", "lon"/)
dimSizes = (/ -1 , nlat, mlon/) ; -1 means unknown
dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)
filedimdef (fout, dimNames, dimSizes, dimUnlim)
; predefine variable names, type, and dimensions
filevardef (fout, "time", typeof(time), getvardims(time))
filevardef (fout, "lat" , typeof(lat) , getvardims(lat) )
filevardef (fout, "lon" , typeof(lon) , getvardims(lon) )
filevardef (fout,”TMP” , typeof(T) , getvardims( T ) )
; create var attributes for each variable
filevarattdef (fout, "TMP", T)

; output data values only [use (/… /) to strip meta data]

fout->time = (/ time /)
fout->lat = (/ lat /)
fout->lon = (/ lon /)
fout->TMP = (/ T /) ; note the different name on file
Creating Compressed netCDF
• compression (netCDF-4) reduces file size
− climate models create many files; saving more variables
− very high resolution forecast models

• creating compressed netCDF (2 steps)

− setfileoption("nc","Format","NetCDF4Classic")
− setfileoption("nc","CompressionLevel",1)
− 9 levels of compression possible
− compression performance similar to NCO
− cache/chunk size, variable structure, …
− recommendation: use compression level 1
− CPU (read + write) increases significantly with
− File size reduce by up to 90%…
− SST will have significant reduction (land)
− random number will have almost no reduction
Algebraic Operators
Algebraic expression operators
- Negation ^ Exponentiation
* Multiply / Divide
% Modulus [integers only] # Matrix Multiply
+ Plus - Minus
> Greater than selection < Less than selection

Use (…) to circumvent precedence rules

All support scalar and array operations [like f90]

+ is overloaded operator

algebraic operator: 5.3 + 7.95  13.25

concatenate string: “pine” + “apple”  “pineapple”

algebraic operator and string concatenator

"alpha” + ”_" + (5.3 + 7)  "alpha_12.3”
Logical Expressions

Logical expressions formed

by relational operators
.le. (less-than-or-equal)
.lt. (less-than)
.ge. (greater-than-or-equal)
.gt. (greater-than)
.ne. (not-equal)
.eq. (equal)
.and. (and)
.xor. (exclusive-or)
.or. (or)
.not. (not)
Array Dimension Rank Reduction

subtle point: singleton dimensions eliminated

let T(12,64,128)

Tjan = T(0, :, :)  Tjan(64,128)

Tjan automatically becomes 2D: Tjan(64,128)

array rank reduced; ‘degenerate’ dimension

all applicable meta data copied

can override dimension rank reduction

Tjan = T(0:0,:,:)  Tjan(1,64,128)

TJAN = new( (/1,64,128/), typeof(T), T@_FillValue)

TJAN(0,:,:) = T(0,:,:)
Array Syntax/Operators

similar to f90/f95, Matlab, IDL

arrays must be same size and shape: conform

let A and B be (10,30,64,128) <= conform

C = A+B

D = A-B

E = A*B

C, D, E automatically created if they did not previously exist

let T and P be (10,30,64,128)

theta = T*(1000/P)^0.286  theta(10,30,64,128)

let SST be (100,72,144) and SICE = -1.8 (scalar)

SST = SST > SICE [f90: where ( sst = sice]

the operation performed by < and > is (sometimes) called clipping

use built-in functions whenever possible

Let T be (30,30,64,128) and P be (30) then

theta = T*(1000/conform(T,P,1))^0.286

all array operations automatically ignore _FillValue
if blocks (1)

if-then-end if (note: end if has space)
if ( all( ) then
end if

if-then-else-end if
if ( any(ismissing(a)) ) then
end if

lazy expression evaluation [left-to-right]
if ( any( .and. all( ) then
end if

do loop (traditional structure; end do has space)

do i=scalar_start_exp, scalar_end_exp [, scalar_skip_exp]
do n = nStrt, nLast [,stride]
… statements
end do ; 'end do' has a space

if start > end

identifier 'n' is decremented by a positive stride

stride must always be present when start>end

do while loop
do while (x .gt. 100)
… statements
end do

break: loop to abort [f90: exit]

continue: proceed to next iteration [f90: cycle]

minimize loop usage in any interpreted language

use array syntax, built-in functions, procedures

use Fortran/C codes when efficient looping is required
Built-in Functions and Procedures(1 of 2)

use whenever possible

learn and use utility functions

all, any, conform, ind, ind_resolve, dimsizes

fspan, ispan, ndtooned, onedtond,

mask, ismissing, where

system, systemfunc [use local system]

functions may require dimension reordering

*must* use named dimensions to reorder
; compute zonal and time averages of variable
; T(time,lev,lat,lon)  T(0,1,2,3)
; (zonal average requires rectilinear grid)

; no meta data transfered

Tzon = dim_avg_n( T, 3) ; Tzon(ntim,klev,nlat)
Tavg = dim_avg_n( T, 0) ; Tavg(klev,nlat,mlon)
• returns the dimension sizes of a variable
• will return 1D array of integers if the array queried
is multi-dimensional.
Variable: dimt
Type: integer
Total Size: 16 bytes
fin = addfile(“”,”r”) 4 values
t = fin->T Number of dimensions: 1
dimt = dimsizes(t) Dimensions and sizes:(4)
print(dimt) (0) 12
(1) 25
rank = dimsizes(dimt) (2) 116
print ("rank="+rank) (3) 100
(0) rank=4

must be used to check for _FillValue attribute

if ( x .eq. x@_FillValue ) will not work

x = (/ 1,2, -99, 4, -99, -99, 7 /) ; x@_FillValue = -99

xmsg = ismissing(x) ; print(xmsg)

(/ False, False, True, False, True, True, False /)

often used in combination with array functions

if (all( ismissing(x) )) then … [else …] end if

nFill = num( ismissing(x) )

nVal = num( .not. ismissing(x) )

if (any( ismissing(xOrig) )) then





performs array assignments based upon a conditional array

function where(conditional_expression \

, true_value(s) \

, false_value(s) )

similar to f90 “where” statement

components evaluated separately via array operations

; q is an array; q<0 => q=q+256

; f90: where( q=q+256
q = where (, q+256, q)
salinity = where ( .and. \
, salinity*0.9, salinity)
conform, conform_dims
Array operations require that arrays conform

function conform( x, r, ndim )

function conform_dims( dims, r, ndim )

expand array (r) to match (x) or dimensions sizes (dims)

ndim: scalar or array indicating which dimension(s) of x or
dims match the dimensions of r

array r is ‘broadcast’ (replicated) to array sizes of x
x(ntim,klev,nlat,mlon), w(nlat) ; x( 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 )
wx = conform (x, w, 2) ; wx(ntim,klev,nlat,mlon)
q = x*wx ; q = x* conform (x, w, 2)
wx = conform_dims ( (/ntim,klev,nlat,mlon/) , w, 2)
wx = conform_dims ( dimsizes(x), w, 2)

ind operates on 1D array only

returns indices of elements that evaluate to True

generically similar to IDL “where” and Matlab “find” [returns indices]

; let x[*], y[*], z[*] [z@_FillValue]

; create triplet with only ‘good’ values
iGood = ind (.not. ismissing(z) )
xGood = x(iGood)
yGood = y(iGood)
zGood = z(iGood)
; let a[*], return subscripts can be on lhs
ii = ind ( )
a(ii) = 3*a(ii) +2

Should check the returned subscript to see if it is missing

if (any(ismissing(ii))) then …. end if
ind, ndtooned, onedtond

ind operates on 1D array only

if nD … use with ndtooned; reconstruct with onedtond, dimsizes

; let q and x be nD arrays

q1D = ndtooned (q)
x1D = ndtooned (x)
ii = ind( .and.
jj = ind(
kk = ind( -50)
x1D(ii) = sqrt( q1D(ii) )
x1D(jj) = 72
x1D(kk) = -x1D(kk)*3.14159
x = onedtond(x1D, dimsizes(x))
date: cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar

Date/time functions:

cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar

time = (/ 17522904, 17522928, 17522952/)

time@units = “hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0”

date = cd_calendar(time,-2)

date = cd_calendar(time, 0)


Variable: date
Variable: date Type: integer
Type: float Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values
Total Size: 72 bytes 18 values Number of Dimensions: 1
Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [3]
Dimensions and sizes: [3] x [6] (0) 20000101
(0,0:5) 2000 1 1 0 0 0 (1) 20000102
(1,0:5) 2000 1 2 0 0 0 (2) 20000103
(2,0:5) 2000 1 3 0 0 0

TIME = cd_inv_calendar (iyr, imo, iday, ihr, imin, sec \

,“hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0” ,0)
system, systemfunc (1 of 2)

system passes to the shell a command to perform an action

NCL executes the Bourne shell (can be changed)

create a directory if it does not exist (Bourne shell syntax)

DIR = “/ptmp/shea/SAMPLE”

system (“if ! test –d “+DIR+” ; then mkdir “+DIR+” ; fi”)

same but force the C-shell (csh) to be used

the single quotes (‘) prevent the Bourne shell from interpreting csh syntax

system ( “csh –c ‘ if (! –d “+DIR+”) then ; mkdir “+DIR+” ; endif ’

execute some local command

system (“convert foo.eps foo.png ; /bin/rm foo.eps ”)

system (“ncrcat -v T,Q foo*.nc ”)

system (“/bin/rm –f “ + file_name)
system, systemfunc (1 of 2)
• systemfunc returns to NCL information from the system
• NCL executes the Bourne shell (can be changed)

UTC = systemfunc(“date”) ; *nix date

Date = systemfunc(“date ‘+%a %m%d%y %H%M’ ”) ; single quote

fils = systemfunc (“cd /some/directory ; ls foo*nc”) ; multiple cmds

city = systemfunc ("cut -c100-108 " + fname)
User-built Functions and Procedures(1 of 2)

two ways to load existing files w functions/proc

load "/path/my_script.ncl"

use environment variable: NCL_DEFAULT_SCRIPTS_DIR

must be loaded prior to use

unlike in compiled language

avoid function conflict (undef)

undef ("mult") undef ("mult")

function mult(x1,x2,x3,x4) function mult(x1,x2,x3,x4)
begin begin
return ( x1*x2*x3*x4) return ( x1*x2*x3*x4)
end end

load “/some/path/myLIB.ncl“ begin

begin x = mult(4.7, 34, 567, 2)
x = mult(4.7, 34, 567, 2) end
User-Built Functions and Procedures(2 of 2)
• Development process similar to Fortran/C/IDL
• General Structure:

undef ("function_name") ; optional

function function_name (declaration_list)
local local_identifier_list ; optional
begin ; required
return (return_value) ; required
end ; required
undef ("procedure_name") ; optional
procedure procedure_name (declaration_list)
local local_identifier_list ; optional
begin ; required
end ; required
Contents of a well written netCDF variable

• Variables Consider: T(:)

T@long_name = "Temperature"

T@units = ”degC"

T@_FillValue = 1e20

_FillValue [if applicable]
T@missing_value = T@_FillValue

missing_value [ “ ] T!0 = "time"

named dimensions T&time = time

coordinate variable(s) Result: T(time)

* Follow COARDS and CF conventions so you

can use NCVIEW or IDV.
* Make up your own attributes for more info!
addfiles (1 of 2)

• span multiple supported files

• q = addfiles (fNames, "r")
− fNames is a 1D array of file names (strings)
− can be used for any supported format
− technically, "q" is a variable of type list

T = q[:]->T ; [:] read all files

− read T [with meta data] from each file in list ‘q’
− T must exist in each file and be same shape [rank]
− a list is used to sequence results of addfiles
− normal file variable selection is used with "[…]"

lat = q[0]->lat ; [0] read from first file

Z = q[2:6:2]->Z ; extract Z only from files 2,4,6
addfiles (2 of 2)

• 2 options on variable merging

− ListSetType (a, "cat") [default; "cat" => concatenation]
− ListSetType (a, "join")

• when to use "cat" and "join" [rule of thumb]

− cat: continuous record
− join: creating ensembles
 a record dimension will be added

netCDF Operator (NCO): cat ncrcat join  ncecat

4) Data Analysis
Algebraic Operators
Algebraic expression operators
- Negation ^ Exponentiation
* Multiply / Divide
% Modulus [integers only] # Matrix Multiply
+ Plus - Minus
> Greater than selection < Less than selection

Use (…) to circumvent precedence rules

All support scalar and array operations [like f90]

+ is overloaded operator

algebraic operator: 5.3 + 7.95  13.25

concatenate string: “pine” + “apple”  “pineapple”

algebraic operator and string concatenator

"alpha” + ”_" + (5.3 + 7)  "alpha_12.3”
Logical Expressions

Logical expressions formed

by relational operators
.le. (less-than-or-equal)
.lt. (less-than)
.ge. (greater-than-or-equal)
.gt. (greater-than)
.ne. (not-equal)
.eq. (equal)
.and. (and)
.xor. (exclusive-or)
.or. (or)
.not. (not)
Array Dimension Rank Reduction

subtle point: singleton dimensions eliminated

let T(12,64,128)

Tjan = T(0, :, :)  Tjan(64,128)

Tjan automatically becomes 2D: Tjan(64,128)

array rank reduced; ‘degenerate’ dimension

all applicable meta data copied

can override dimension rank reduction

Tjan = T(0:0,:,:)  Tjan(1,64,128)

TJAN = new( (/1,64,128/), typeof(T), T@_FillValue)

TJAN(0,:,:) = T(0,:,:)
Array Syntax/Operators

similar to f90/f95, Matlab, IDL

arrays must be same size and shape: conform

let A and B be (10,30,64,128) <= conform

C = A+B

D = A-B

E = A*B

C, D, E automatically created if they did not previously exist

let T and P be (10,30,64,128)

theta = T*(1000/P)^0.286  theta(10,30,64,128)

let SST be (100,72,144) and SICE = -1.8 (scalar)

SST = SST > SICE [f90: where ( sst = sice]

the operation performed by < and > is (sometimes) called clipping

use built-in functions whenever possible

Let T be (30,30,64,128) and P be (30) then

theta = T*(1000/conform(T,P,1))^0.286

all array operations automatically ignore _FillValue
if blocks (1)

if-then-end if (note: end if has space)
if ( all( ) then
end if

if-then-else-end if
if ( any(ismissing(a)) ) then
end if

lazy expression evaluation [left-to-right]
if ( any( .and. all( ) then
end if

do loop (traditional structure; end do has space)

do i=scalar_start_exp, scalar_end_exp [, scalar_skip_exp]
do n = nStrt, nLast [,stride]
… statements
end do ; 'end do' has a space

if start > end

identifier 'n' is decremented by a positive stride

stride must always be present when start>end

do while loop
do while (x .gt. 100)
… statements
end do

break: loop to abort [f90: exit]

continue: proceed to next iteration [f90: cycle]

minimize loop usage in any interpreted language

use array syntax, built-in functions, procedures

use Fortran/C codes when efficient looping is required
Built-in Functions and Procedures(1 of 2)

use whenever possible

learn and use utility functions

all, any, conform, ind, ind_resolve, dimsizes

fspan, ispan, ndtooned, onedtond,

mask, ismissing, where

system, systemfunc [use local system]

functions may require dimension reordering

*must* use named dimensions to reorder

; compute zonal and time averages of variable

; T(time,lev,lat,lon)  T(0,1,2,3)
; (zonal average requires rectilinear grid)

; no meta data transfered

Tzon = dim_avg_n( T, 3) ; Tzon(ntim,klev,nlat)
Tavg = dim_avg_n( T, 0) ; Tavg(klev,nlat,mlon)
• returns the dimension sizes of a variable
• will return 1D array of integers if the array queried
is multi-dimensional.

fin = addfile(“”,”r”) Variable: dimt

t = fin->T Type: integer
dimt = dimsizes(t) Total Size: 16 bytes
print(dimt) 4 values
Number of dimensions: 1
rank = dimsizes(dimt) Dimensions and sizes:(4)
print ("rank="+rank) (0) 12
(1) 25
(2) 116
(3) 100
(0) rank=4

must be used to check for _FillValue attribute

if ( x .eq. x@_FillValue ) will not work

x = (/ 1,2, -99, 4, -99, -99, 7 /) ; x@_FillValue = -99

xmsg = ismissing(x) ; print(xmsg)

(/ False, False, True, False, True, True, False /)

often used in combination with array functions

if (all( ismissing(x) )) then … [else …] end if

nFill = num( ismissing(x) )

nVal = num( .not. ismissing(x) )

if (any( ismissing(xOrig) )) then




end if

performs array assignments based upon a conditional array

function where(conditional_expression \

, true_value(s) \

, false_value(s) )

similar to f90 “where” statement

components evaluated separately via array operations
; q is an array; q<0 => q=q+256
; f90: where( q=q+256
q = where (, q+256, q)
salinity = where ( .and. \
, salinity*0.9, salinity)
conform, conform_dims
Array operations require that arrays conform

function conform( x, r, ndim )

function conform_dims( dims, r, ndim )

expand array (r) to match (x) or dimensions sizes (dims)

ndim: scalar or array indicating which dimension(s) of x or
dims match the dimensions of r

array r is ‘broadcast’ (replicated) to array sizes of x
x(ntim,klev,nlat,mlon), w(nlat) ; x( 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 )
wx = conform (x, w, 2) ; wx(ntim,klev,nlat,mlon)
q = x*wx ; q = x* conform (x, w, 2)
wx = conform_dims ( (/ntim,klev,nlat,mlon/) , w, 2)
wx = conform_dims ( dimsizes(x), w, 2)

ind operates on 1D array only

returns indices of elements that evaluate to True

generically similar to IDL “where” and Matlab “find” [returns indices]

; let x[*], y[*], z[*] [z@_FillValue]

; create triplet with only ‘good’ values
iGood = ind (.not. ismissing(z) )
xGood = x(iGood)
yGood = y(iGood)
zGood = z(iGood)
; let a[*], return subscripts can be on lhs
ii = ind ( )
a(ii) = 3*a(ii) +2

Should check the returned subscript to see if it is missing

if (any(ismissing(ii))) then …. end if
ind, ndtooned, onedtond

ind operates on 1D array only

if nD … use with ndtooned; reconstruct with onedtond, dimsizes

; let q and x be nD arrays

q1D = ndtooned (q)
x1D = ndtooned (x)
ii = ind( .and.
jj = ind(
kk = ind( -50)
x1D(ii) = sqrt( q1D(ii) )
x1D(jj) = 72
x1D(kk) = -x1D(kk)*3.14159
x = onedtond(x1D, dimsizes(x))
date: cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar

Date/time functions:

cd_calendar, cd_inv_calendar

time = (/ 17522904, 17522928, 17522952/)

time@units = “hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0”

date = cd_calendar(time,-2)

date = cd_calendar(time, 0)


Variable: date
Variable: date Type: integer
Type: float Total Size: 12 bytes 3 values
Total Size: 72 bytes 18 values Number of Dimensions: 1
Number of Dimensions: 2 Dimensions and sizes: [3]
Dimensions and sizes: [3] x [6] (0) 20000101
(0,0:5) 2000 1 1 0 0 0 (1) 20000102
(1,0:5) 2000 1 2 0 0 0 (2) 20000103
(2,0:5) 2000 1 3 0 0 0

TIME = cd_inv_calendar (iyr, imo, iday, ihr, imin, sec \

,“hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0” ,0)
system, systemfunc (1 of 2)

system passes to the shell a command to perform an action

NCL executes the Bourne shell (can be changed)

create a directory if it does not exist (Bourne shell syntax)

DIR = “/ptmp/shea/SAMPLE”

system (“if ! test –d “+DIR+” ; then mkdir “+DIR+” ; fi”)

same but force the C-shell (csh) to be used

the single quotes (‘) prevent the Bourne shell from interpreting csh syntax

system ( “csh –c ‘ if (! –d “+DIR+”) then ; mkdir “+DIR+” ; endif ’

execute some local command

system (“convert foo.eps foo.png ; /bin/rm foo.eps ”)

system (“ncrcat -v T,Q foo*.nc ”)

system (“/bin/rm –f “ + file_name)
system, systemfunc (1 of 2)
• systemfunc returns to NCL information from the system
• NCL executes the Bourne shell (can be changed)

UTC = systemfunc(“date”) ; *nix date

Date = systemfunc(“date ‘+%a %m%d%y %H%M’ ”) ; single quote

fils = systemfunc (“cd /some/directory ; ls foo*nc”) ; multiple cmds

city = systemfunc ("cut -c100-108 " + fname)
User-built Functions and Procedures(1 of 4)

two ways to load existing files w

load "/path/my_script.ncl"

use environment variable:

must be loaded prior to use

unlike in compiled language

avoid function conflict (undef)
undef ("mult")
function mult(x1,x2,x3,x4)undef ("mult")
begin function mult(x1,x2,x3,x4)
return ( x1*x2*x3*x4) begin
end return ( x1*x2*x3*x4)
load “/some/path/myLIB.ncl“
begin begin
x = mult(4.7, 34, 567, 2) x = mult(4.7, 34, 567, 2)
end end
User-Built Functions and Procedures(2 of 4)
• Development process similar to Fortran/C/IDL
• General Structure:

undef ("function_name") ; optional

function function_name (declaration_list)
local local_identifier_list ; optional
begin ; required
return (return_value) ; required
end ; required
undef ("procedure_name") ; optional
procedure procedure_name (declaration_list)
local local_identifier_list ; optional
begin ; required
end ; required
5) Graphics
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Scatter and line plot
Based on a
of Joel Norris (Scripps)
using dummy data

Introduction to NCL Graphics

MJO graphic
Courtesy of Dennis
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Contours (line and filled) over a map

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Introduction to NCL Graphics
Evans plot - Created by Jason Evans of UNSW.
An Evans plot is a way to visualize spatially, two variables of
interest, one of which provides some measure of "importance".
Introduction to NCL Graphics
16 map projections (8 here)

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Introduction to NCL Graphics
Transparency and image overlay– new in V6.1.0!

Imran Nadeem, BOKU Vienna

Import existing
JPEG images
new in V6.1.0!
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Introduction to NCL Graphics
masked lambert
conformal plot
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Courtesy Dave Brown, NCAR/CISL
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Multiple overlays (contours and vectors)

Introduction to NCL Graphics

over contours

Introduction to NCL Graphics

CCSM4 data
Six fields overlaid:

Ice thickness
(filled contours)

Sea surface temperature

(filled contours)

Topo map
(filled contours)

Sea level pressur

(line contours)

UV winds

clouds (partially
filled contours)
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Filled polygons with text

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Introduction to NCL Graphics
Graphic by Jonathan Vigh, NCAR/ASP
Types of graphics you can create with NCL
• Over 40 plotting templates
• XY
• Contour
• Vector
• Streamline
• Overlays
− Contours over maps, vectors over contours, etc.
• Primitives
− markers, polylines, polygons, text
• Specialized plots
− bar charts, skew-T, wind roses, taylor diagrams
Special Templates and Scripts

Wind Rose

Skew T
Introduction to NCL Graphics
More Special Templates and Scripts

Pie Charts

Bar plots

Blank plots

Introduction to NCL Graphics

WRF plot templates
wrf_contour • wrf_map • wrf_vector •
wrf_map_overlays • wrf_overlays

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Taylor diagram
Courtesy of
Dennis Shea and
Adam Phillips,

Introduction to NCL Graphics

The ESRI Shapefile is a popular
geospatial vector data format for GIS
Numerous (and free) shapefiles can
be found by googling on the web.

Introduction to NCL Graphics

The three types of shapefiles
supported by NCL:
Point – locations of cities,
population data
Line – rivers, roads, trails
Polygon – counties, lakes

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Panel plots –
multiple plots
on a page

Introduction to NCL Graphics

OLR file

Introduction to NCL Graphics

From John Ertl, FNMOC

Introduction to NCL Graphics

Courtesy Adam Phillips, NCAR CGD
Introduction to NCL Graphics
John Fasullo, NCAR/CGD

Introduction to NCL Graphics


Introduction to NCL Graphics

Five steps to create an NCL graphic

1. Load the “gsn” scripts

2. Open a workstation
3. Define a color map (optional)
4. Set plot options (resources)
5. Call the appropriate plotting
Step 1: Load the “gsn” scripts
• gsn_csm.ncl contains interfaces that look for
“CESM” conventions in your file
• gsn_csm.ncl uses functions in gsn_code.ncl;
load order is important
• gsn_code.ncl contains “generic” interfaces and
supplemental routines

No reason not to load every library in

existence at the begniging of each script.
CESM conventions recognized by gsn_csm scripts

• _FillValue attribute recognized as missing value

(“missing_value” is NOT)
• Data attributes such as “long_name” and
“units” may be used for plot titles
• Coordinate arrays used for axes values
• If data has 1D coordinate arrays and you are
plotting over a map, then “units” attribute of
“degrees_east” or “degrees_north” expected
“basic” interface: gsn_xxxx “metadata aware” interface: gsn_csm_xxxx

automatic subtitles

contour line labels

tickmarks out &
information label Introductionlat/lon
to NCL Graphics
labels automatic labelbar
Step 2: Open a workstation
• “Workstation” is where to send the graphics
• Can be:
– PostScript (“ps”) (“eps” - only one image)
– PDF (“pdf”)
– X11 window (“x11” – good for debugging)
– PNG (“png”)
– NCGM (“ncgm”) – rarely used

• Has a default color map associated with it

(which was changed in V6.1.0!)
• A “frame” means a “page”
Step 2: Open a workstation
• “Workstation” is where to send the graphics
• Can be:
– PostScript (“ps”) (“eps” - only one image)
– PDF (“pdf”)
– X11 window (“x11” – good for debugging)
– PNG (“png”)
– NCGM (“ncgm”) – rarely used

• Has a default color map associated with it

(which was changed in V6.1.0!)
• A “frame” means a “page”
Pick a different
color table or
create your own
Introduction to NCL Graphics
Step 3: Define a color map (optional)
• A default color map (256 colors) is provided
• If you want to change it, do so before
drawing any graphics to a page:
gsn_define_colormap(wks, “rainbow”)
• If you use the same color map a lot, can put it
in the “.hluresfile” file (more later)
• Can use one of the other 90+ color maps, or
create your own.
Step 4: Set plot options (resources)
• Resources are the heart of your NCL
graphics code. There are over 1,400
• Use resources to change the look of a plot
• They are grouped by object type.
• There are 11 “graphical” objects: contours,
labelbars, legends, maps, primitives,
streamlines, text strings, tickmarks, titles,
vectors, XY plots
Step 5: Select a plotting function

• These functions receive the workstation,

data, and resources.
• There are many different functions for
each type of plot.
• Each function returns a variable of type
graphic which can be plotted or
7) Tips and Tricks
Editor Enhancements

● Color-coded code is
much easier to read!

● Some enhancements
will auto-complete or
provide documentation
on a function or

● My personal favorite is
Fortran / C Interface

● Use this to make your own “built-in” functions.

● Can read or process data.

● Best for non-standard computations with lots of looping.

● Things I've used this for...

● Gridding / processing satellite and radar data.

● Computing CAPE and other thermodynamic quantities.

● Computing trajectories.

● Detecting objects or blobs in clouds.

Making Large or Complicated
1) Split up your program... Use functions and procedures.

2) Organize your functions and procedures into libraries.

Send them to NCL they might get incorporated into the next

3) Save the output from each step to a NetCDF file.

4) When making a complicated plot split that program up

too...Use functions to return the graphic from each panel or
array from each function.

5) Don't include plotting programs at the end of programs

that take a long time to run. Changing the plot then takes
forever. Save the arrays necessary to make the plot.

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