HS017 - Risk - Management - Form - Pump Unit

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HS Risk management form

For additional information refer to HS329 Risk Management Procedure

This RMF is available online on Safesys: https://safesys.unsw.edu.au/Lists/healthsafetyforms/DispForm.aspx?


Faculty/Division: Engineering School/Unit: Chemical Engineering

Document number Initial Issue date Current version Current Version Next review date
8/06/2018 1 Issue date 8/06/2018

Risk management name CEIC2007 Operation of the pump unit

Form completed by Sihao Xu Signature Date

Responsible supervisor/ authorising officer Pierre Le Clech Signature Date

Identify who may be at risk from the activity:

List legislation, standards, codes of practice, manufacturer’s guidance etc used to This may include fellow workers, visitors, contractors and the public. The types of people may
affect the risk controls needed and the location may affect the number of people at risk
determine control measures necessary
Persons at risk Students, Demonstrators, Supervisors
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017
How they were Read the RMF, Safety interviews
consulted on the risk

HS Risk Management Form

Version 3.6 9th February 2016 Page 1 of 5
Identify hazards and control the risks.
1. An activity may be divided into tasks. For each task identify the hazards and associated risks. Also list the possible scenarios which could sooner or later cause harm.
2. Determine controls necessary based on legislation, codes of practice, Australian standards, manufacturer’s instructions, safety data sheets etc.
3. List existing risk controls and any additional controls that need to be implemented
4. Rate the risk once all controls are in place using the risk rating matrix (below and in HS329 Risk Management Procedure)


If you need to determine whether it’s reasonably practicable to implement a control based on the risk, complete the shaded grey columns

Feel free to resize the boxes to suit your situation/the amount of text you need to use

Risk Rating Cost of controls Is this

Any additional controls (in terms of time, reasonably
required? effort, money) practicable

Task/ Hazard Associated harm

Existing controls Y/N


Low liquid Fluctuating flow  No

Before level- rate and 1 D L Y
The valve V02 and V01 can be used to isolate the
starting the inappropriate discharge of pumps if they are running in cavitation.
pump operation pressure, causing
significant Transparent water tank allows the user to visualise
damage to the the amount of liquid left in the tank before the
impeller and the operation.
pump housing.
Can also cause
excessive pump
vibration and
Liquid  Safety glasses need to be wore at all times in the No
During the splashing on 1 D L
operation of to the user – 
the pump open body of

HS Risk Management Form

Version 3.6 9th February 2016 Page 2 of 5
Risk Rating Matrix


Consider the Consequences Consider the Likelihood Calculate the Risk
Consider: What type of harm could occur (minor, serious, Consider: How often is the task done? Has an accident 1.Take the consequences rating and select the correct column
death)? Is there anything that will influence the severity happened before (here or at another workplace)? How long are
(e.g. proximity to hazard, person involved in task etc.). 2.Take the likelihood rating and select the correct row
people exposed? How effective are the control measures?
How many people are exposed to the hazard? Could one Does the environment effect it (e.g. lighting/temperature/pace)? 3. Select the risk rating where the two ratings cross on the matrix below.
failure lead to other failures? Could a small event What are people’s behaviours (e.g. stress, panic, deadlines)
escalate? What people are exposed (e.g. disabled, young workers etc.)? VH = Very high, H = High, M = Medium, L = Low

5. Severe: death or permanent disability to one or A. Almost certain: expected to occur in most
1 2 3 4 5
more persons circumstances

4. Major: hospital admission required B. Likely: will probably occur in most circumstances B M M H H VH
3. Moderate: medical treatment required C. Possible: might occur occasionally
2. Minor: first aid required D. Unlikely: could happen at some time E L L M M M

1. Insignificant: injuries not requiring first aid E. Rare: may happen only in exceptional circumstances

Risk Required action

Very high Act immediately: The proposed task or process activity must not proceed. Steps must be taken to lower the risk level to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of risk controls

High Act today: The proposed activity can only proceed, provided that: (i) the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of risk controls and
(ii) the risk controls must include those identified in legislation, Australian Standards, Codes of Practice etc. and
(iii) the document has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and
(iv) a Safe Working Procedure or Safe Work Method has been prepared and
(v) the supervisor must review and document the effectiveness of the implemented risk controls
Medium Act this week: The proposed task or process can proceed, provided that: (i) the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of controls and
(ii) the document has been reviewed and approved by the Supervisor and
(iii) a Safe Working Procedure or Safe Work Method has been prepared.
Low Act this month: Managed by local documented routine procedures which must include application of the hierarchy of controls.

List emergency procedures and controls

List emergency controls for how to deal with fires, spills or exposure to hazardous substances and/or emergency shutdown procedures

Start-up Procedures:

HS Risk Management Form

Version 3.6 9th February 2016 Page 3 of 5
1. Make sure that the circulation tank is filled with water up to at least the end of the pipe output is submerge with water.

2. Make sure that the V05 is in fully close position.

3. Switch on the main power supply.

4. Check for valve position.

Pump Operation Running Pump Open Valve Close Valve

Single Pump 1, P1 V01, V04 V02, V03

Serial Both Pump, P1 & P2 V01, V03 V02, V04

Parallel Both Pump, P1 & P2 V01, V02, V04 V03

5. Turn on pump and slowly open V05 until maximum flowrate is achieved. Follow the experimental procedure to determine the desired flowrate.

Shut-down Procedures:

1. Turn off the pump.

2. Make sure valve V05 is in fully close position.

3. Switch off the main power supply.

In the case of a small treatable fire. Power needs to be shut down immediately. Students need to evacuate the lab. Fire then need to be treated by the demonstrators and
supervisors with the fire blanket provided in the lab.

In the case of a non-treatable fire. Power needs to be shut down immediately. Students need to evacuate the building under the instruction of the demonstrators and the
supervisors. Demonstrators and supervisors need to evacuate the building as well following the fire drill procedures.

Emergency shutdown:

1. Press the power cut off button in the lab to cut-off all power supplies.


Scheduled review date:

Are all control measures in place?
Are controls eliminating or minimising the risk?
Are there any new problems with the risk?

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Version 3.6 9th February 2016 Page 4 of 5
Review by: (name)

Review date:

Acknowledgement of Understanding

All persons performing these tasks must sign that they have read and understood the risk management (as described in HS329 Risk Management Procedure).

Note: for activities which are low risk or include a large group of people (e.g. open days, BBQ’s, student classes etc), only the persons undertaking the key activities need to sign below. For all others involved in such
activities, the information can be covered by other methods including for example a safety briefing, induction, and/or safety information sheet (ensure the method of communicating this information is specified here)
Risk management name and version number: I have read and understand this risk management form

Name Signature Date

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Version 3.6 9th February 2016 Page 5 of 5

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