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August 2017 | Legal Information Technology Community-LITC | | +40372361102

Social Media strategy of the LITC project Contents

Special Interest Articles

Introduction to social media Social media strategy of the LITC
project 1
A social network is a network of Internet users, based on certain web sites General objectives 2
(term generally used by Internet media users) to which the users can sign up
Target audience 3
and interact with other users already registered or predefined by the
administrator of the network. Editorial Calendar 4

The social networks translate into social media as a way of organizing and Individual highlights
functioning. In order to be able to understand concretely what social media Social networks 2
means, we must first understand the facilities they offer us. So:
Content strategy 3
- social media is a form of interaction with a broad audience using
various social networks and the applications offered by them (chat,
file share, ads, etc.);

- social media is a marketing tool targeted at the target audience,

used to increase the visibility of a company and make profit;

- social media is a simple way to communicate through a chat or a

group through which common interests are shared;

- another way to define social media is through the functions offered

by the social networks, namely: publishing, sharing, discussions,
marketing, events, groups, games.

General objectives

Within the LITC Social Media Strategy (SSM LITC) the specific,
realistic and measurable objectives were established. It is very
important for the objectives to be measurable to monitor the
progress of the company’s actions in order to achieve the
objectives. Also, the social media objectives should support the
achievement of the global objectives of the institutions involved but
especially the objectives of the project being implemented.
Social networks
Given the central objective, we consider that the general objectives
A mistake often encountered among the users represents the
for implementing a successful social media strategy are:
confusion of the term “social media” with the term “social 1. increasing the number of users/members, attracting new
networking”. Thus, to not confuse them, it should be taken into member and establishing the average traffic, aiming at
monitoring the community, remaining in the market and
account that there are several types of social media, namely:
expanding it;
social networks – offer the possibility of interconnection between 2. forming the LITC community Brand in terms of name, cause
people who share similar interests and concerns. Among the most and Company/headquarters as a unit associated with the
popular social networks are Facebook and LinkedIn;
quality, associating the company’s image with the idea of
blogs and forums – the communication between users is
accomplished by posting messages dedicated to the main topic of the 3. maintaining the community informed and committed to
discussion forum or to the main message expressed in the blog;
organizing events, engaging in consular activities on legal and
social media issues etc., aiming at the continuous training of
microblogs – represent a type of blog through which users can
the students or/and of the experts involved, as well as the
publish short updates called “micro posts”. The most popular in this attraction of new members;
category is Twitter.
4. knowing the interest of the members for the social media and
media content sharing – the users can download, share, watch or monitoring the impressions about the community and
listen to media content (songs, movies, photos), while also having the implicitly about the master project aiming at strengthening
possibility to like or comment on the material. Among the most and keeping in touch with the community’s members;
popular are YouTube and Flickr; 5. contacting other virtual communities to present the services
bookmarking sites – offer the possibility to search, organize and save they provide, especially, the community aiming to increase
the favorite links. The most popular are: Delicious and StumbleUpon; the trust through direct and transparent information;
news of social interest – the sites promote the most read, impact 6. diversification of the university educational offer;
news of the moment, sorted according to the preferences of the
7. developing the Social Media Manager master’s degree
readers and the number of shares. The most popular are: Reddit and program under the title Virtual Communities Law, based on a
Digg. collaborative, comprehensive and accessible IT platform;
8. strengthening the links between education specialists and the
As social media platforms, we recognize Facebook, Twitter, Google+,
labor market and introducing and involving the master
LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Blogs, etc. Of these, the most popular students in the community to relate for the mutual benefit;
platform is Facebook, with a total of 1.490.000.000 users in August
9. maintaining and developing the exchange of experience and
2015. Also, Twitter in August 2015 amounted 360.000.000 users,
good practices between partner universities in Romania,
Google+ 300.000.000 users, and LinkedIn 97.000.000 users according Spain and Italy, as well as in other geographic areas;
to “August 2015 Social Networks Statistics”.
10. increasing the use of ICT tools in learning and teaching
Content strategy
Target audience
The main goal of the online presence is to

The target groups of the project are: researchers, teachers and students from disseminate the project results and to coalesce the
partner universities, representatives of the business environment and any virtual LITC community. Therefore, the online
interested entities.
content shares the LITC message, builds the brand
The target audience represents the essence of a social media management and turns the potential followers into specialists and
strategy because the wrong choice of the social network, with a majority audience
experts to actively participate in the community.
inappropriate for the community’s objective, may lead to the situation in which
the company invested a lot of time and resources, but the strategy is not
A well through-out content strategy results more
producing any benefits.
than attracting links, likes and shares to social
Thus, the target audience comes firstly from the general objective of the company
networks, making the brand more distinguishable
(to whom the services, activities are addressed), and secondly from a social
network user community that continuously interacts with the brand by liking, even in the most competitive situations.
commenting, sharing, etc.
Considering that the online world is
The target audience of the LITC project within the organization is represented by:
multidimensional, it is important to initiate
- researchers;
meaningful conversations with the brand audience
- professors who participate and will participate to the project activities;
- professors and experts who will not participate to the project activities, but in a digital landscape, at any time by connecting the
who will be interested in the master’s degree program; community site, the blog and the other socializing
- students from partner universities who will participate to the project channels to generate interaction with the public.
- students and professionals who will not participate to the project activities,
To develop a content strategy, the following aspects
but who will be interested in the master’s degree program;
- representatives of the business environment and any interested entities; shall be considered:
- members of the LEGALITC partner organization who will participate to the
project activities; - the types of content that will be
- members of the LEGALITC partner organization who will not participate to published and promoted through social
the project activities, but who will be interested in the master’s degree program; media;
- people who support learning processes, as tutors, technicians, educational
- the frequency of posting content;
resources developers, curriculum designers and others;
- the groups responsible for sharing the good practice and for the staff - which is the target group for each type of
training; content;
- members of the educational departments responsible for the curricular
- who will create the content;
- who will be responsible for editing and
The target audience of the LITC project outside of the organization is represented by:
approving the content;

- representatives of the employers from different levels (local, regional, - who will carry out the daily tasks of
national) to be informed about new competences that will be developed within the posting and monitoring;
master’s degree program (which they will benefit in order to develop their
- how the content will be promoted.
companies), based on the needs they mention in the workshops;
- local, regional and national authorities;
- organizations, companies and professionals who work in the project field. It is necessary to create an editorial calendar in
- other stakeholders; which the data in which information will be
- any other person or entity interested in the master’s degree program.
published on websites, blogs, Facebook, etc. will be

The main motivation for the target groups listed above is that LITC offers an passed.
innovative and special element that can lead to changes in the educational culture.
These groups were generally approached through untargeted information going to be
targeted for information at local, regional and national level for all the participating
organizations, but the approach at European level is also necessary. Ensuring the
application of the project component that aims to contribute to the educational
culture, is essential for the sustainability of the project and its results.

Editorial Calendar – Facebook 1-5 hours/week

Legal Information
Technology Community-

Galati, RO

The Online Future!

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Legal Information Technology

Community-LITC |
Galati, RO
Twitter – 1-5 hours/week

LinkedIn 1-3 hours/week

Youtube 1-10 hours/week

Blog 1-8 hours/week

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