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Types Of Ghouls

Ghouls look exactly like humans with a few changes. Most can change their sclera
black with red iris called kakugan. Their tongues can't handle human food and will
be repulsive and unable to digest human food either as it becomes dangerous if they
do consume too much. They are only able to strive for human flesh and run on it. If
they stay too long without human flesh they will become mentally unstable and WILL
go kill for some without any reasoning.

Ghouls use kagune, or shining one, to function their weapon and claws in order to
fight. When released, a ghoul’s physique is strengthened and are more resilient
while their mobility heightens. A kagune is composed of Rc cells that flow just
like blood and can become as solid as teeth, therefore earning the name “liquid
muscles”. The Rc cells are released from a kakuhou, a sac that holds the cells,
piercing the skin and the cells that are released form the kagune. The kagune can
be hardened or softened at will by the ghoul. If a ghoul is inflicted by a kagune,
the healing of wounds tend to be delayed. Depending on what you want your ghoul to
‘specialize’ in, you need to choose a kagune out of these.

This kagune means shining feather and it is spread out (like a bird’s wing) and
released from the shoulder area. The kagune is lightweight and can be used to
deliver high-speed attacks. This kagune is suited for both short-distance and long-
distance attacks. This kagune gives ghouls a higher chance to end the battle after
a short time. However, when releasing the Rc cells, the ghoul’s stamina decreases
drastically. Ukaku-type users lack endurance and are at disadvantage if the battle
drags on for a long time.

Ukaku-users fight best against bikaku-users. They use their speed and mobility to
shoot them down.
Weakness: Koukaku-users can successfully guard against an ukaku-user’s attacks,
leaving the ukaku vulnerable to counterattacks and exhausting the user.

This kagune means shining shell and is metallic and released below the shoulder
blade. It is heavy and extremely robust which makes it have the greatest sturdiness
out of all the rest of the kagunes. This kagune not only provides defense by
changing into armors or shields but it also can be shaped into melee weapons such
as drills, hammers, or blades when going into the offense.
Weakness: Due to this kagune’s high weight, it’s speed is inferior and is very hard
to wield. A rinkaku kagune can deliver severe strikes against the slow koukaku,
breaking their kagune and breaching their defense.
Strength: A koukaku-user can fend off ukaku-user’s onslaught using its guarding
capabilities and preventing the ukaku from attacking.

A rinkaku kagune is also known as shining scales and has an appearance similar to
scared tentacles that are released at the back around the waist. This kagune has
powerful regenerative abilities and its peculiar appearance and structure yields a
superior striking power which makes this kagune excel in brute strength. Because
the kagune’s regenerative power is a result of the Rc cells easily binding together
causing them to be weak, this kagune is brittle and fragile.

Rinkaku kagune have serious problems when fighting against the balanced bikaku
kagune. The high power of the bikaku allows them to fight against the brute force
rinkaku. The rinkaku’s kagune’s brittleness makes it easy for the bikaku to cut it
off. This leaves the rinkaku at a disadvantage on the defense when disarmed no
matter how much strength is possessed.
Strength: A rinkaku can deliver sever strikes against the slow koukaku, penetrating
the kagune and breaching the koukaku’s defense, allowing the rinkaku to attack.

The bikaku is known as shining tail and typically has a tail-like appearance when
released around the tailbone. it is good for medium distance attacks and has a
decent offense, defense, and speed. They have no notable strengths or weaknesses
meaning the kagune itself is treated as a surprise “trump card”.
Strength: The bikaku has better speed and durability against the brute-force,
bittle rinkaku which allows them to cut off its kagune.

A bikaku will be overwhelmed by the fast ukaku user and will lose against the
ukaku’s long-distance attacks. Because of the bikaku’s balanced characteristics,
this makes the kagune a preferred quinque type for CCG investigators, causing the
bikaku-users to be hunted.

Mixed are ghouls born with a mixture of their parent's kagunes, like Hinami. THIS
Types of Ghouls;

Full Ghoul: Those born as ghouls. Everyone's ghouls should be a full ghoul.
Half Ghouls: Those with 1 human parent/1 ghoul parent or were artificially made
into ghouls. This is an admin only privilege.

Under the CCG, ghouls are ranked under a letter scaling to represent their activity
and how much of a threat they are to humans. No matter what rank, they usually give
these ghouls some form of an alias to call them by, depending on their mask
appearance and kagune.
RANK C - Basic Rank - The Lowest Rank, used to describe common ghouls who aren't
much of a threat or even never active. They appear to have a very common and simple
look in their kagunes. Every ghoul starts at this level.
RANK B - 20,000 Yen - These ghouls are the starts of getting a name out to the CCG.
They are common but it's a start and they tend to increase in activity quick and
become more aggressive.
RANK A - 27,500 Yen - The ghouls at this rank are powerful and dangerous, reaching
this status make one a official threat and are very active and spotted by
investigators on many occasions.
RANK S - 35,000 Yen - Ranks S ghouls have a large standing to other ghouls, they
tend to even have their own followings and are not only dangerous to the CCG but to
other ghouls as well. Some ghouls have deformed kagunes from cannibalism causing
the creation of kakujas, at this stage they are only half-kakujas.
RANK SS - 65,000 Yen - This rank is mostly only used to describe kakujas that have
broken out of the barrier of being called a power full ghoul. Their kagunes are
fully deformed into more than mere wings or tentacles. Things such as armour and
unusual shapes are not uncommon. They are the most dangerous of them all.

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