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International Journal for Quality in Health Cart, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.

59-«0, 1994
Pergamon Copyright © 1994 Ehevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
1353^»J05/94 $7.00+0.00

Leading Article

How Do We Assess "Good Nursing Care"?

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Good nursing care is a critical facet of health Use of the nursing process in quality evalu-
care. It has an impact on all aspects of the ation tools which assess the quality of nursing
business of hospitals and community care. In care can, however, be problematic. Not all
hospitals it must be provided over a full 24 hour health professionals understand the concept of
period, every day of the year. If it is not present the nursing process, let alone how use of this
neither patients nor other health professionals process makes the slightest bit of difference to
will be satisfied with the service provided. But the quality of nursing care. In fact, the im-
what exactly is good nursing care? Definitions pression that health professionak—including
are likely to be associated with individual nurses—sometimes get from nursing quality
perceptions—perceptions which are typically assurance programmes is that good nursing care
based on personal experience with nurses, and is only occurring if nurses are using the nursing
the context in which that experience occurred. process. If there is misunderstanding about
One of the problems for nursing is that there what the nursing process is, then perceptions
is no universal understanding of what nurses about the way in which it can be used to measure
actually do. The "hands on" aspect—the actual the quality of care will be blurred.
tasks associated with providing care—is usually The Rush Medicus Process Audit is one
easily identifiable. The ability, or otherwise, of example of a retrospective quality monitoring
nurses to communicate effectively with patients instrument which focuses on the nursing process
is also identifiable. But the thinking and as a basis for assessment and incorporates a
decision-makings—or "heads on"—aspects of patient classification system as a critical part of
nursing that nurses use to make assessments and the audit. Nurses familiar with the nursing pro-
decide on particular courses of action is less cess will understand how the Rush Medicus
demonstrable and escapes easy definition. Process Audit has been developed to assess
Nurses frequently assert that they know they quality and will recognize the need for modifi-
give good nursing care and that this care makes cations to allow its application in countries and
a difference to the health outcomes of patients. cultures other than those for which it was
But unless it is clear what nursing actions make designed. However, health professionals who
a difference to patient care outcomes, and why, do not understand the nursing process may not
the quality of nursing care will continue to be understand the instrument either. This can lead
difficult to assess. to difficulties in understanding what nurses are
The nursing process has been used for many doing to assess the quality of nursing care.
years by nurses as an approach to nursing care. The patients' perspective in assessing good
It describes the way in which nurses assess the nursing care is a neglected area. The patient—
nursing needs of patients, plan appropriate or consumer—is increasingly acknowledged as
nursing care or intervention, provide the care, the focus of all activities in a quality health
then evaluate the effects of that care. Nurses service. If nursing quality is to improve, it is
have also used the nursing process as a basis to important to use both the patients' view and
formulate standards for nursing practice and nurses' conceptions of good nursing care to
develop evaluation systems to determine the develop frameworks for evaluating care. Such
quality of nursing care. frameworks can also form the basis for deter-
60 E. Papps

mining that 'good nursing care' makes a differ- A critical dimension to quality, therefore, is
ence to patient outcomes. But for nurses and economic. The International Council of Nurses
nursing it is essential that frameworks estab- developed the theme "Quality, costs and nurs-
lished from a definitional perspective with ing", for International Nurses' Day in 1993.
which other health professionals are not totally This has provided a focus and direction for
familiar do not reach conclusions that are ques- quality issues in nursing for the future. In New
tioned because others do not understand the Zealand, nurses are developing a national re-
basis of the instrument used. search project which aims to demonstrate how

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Another important factor to be considered in nurses have a direct impact on the quality and
the development of frameworks and instru- costs of patient care. This project reflects the
ments to assess good nursing care is the relation- reality that, in the future, good nursing care will
ship between the quality of nursing care and the need to be considered in economic terms and
qualifications of the nursing staff providing demonstrate a positive relationship between
care. For many people a nurse is a nurse is a quality and cost effectiveness. Nurses have a
nurse. But some research undertaken in the long and proud history of involvement with
United States and in the UK suggests that quality. The challenge for the present and the
registered nurses provide a higher quality of future is to ensure that in order to assess good
nursing care than other categories of nurses and nursing care, the right questions about quality
untrained health workers or assistants. 'Cutting issues are being addressed.
health care costs by replacing qualified nurses
with untrained health workers is an increasing
temptation in many countries with a diminish- Elaine Pappst Chairperson,
ing health budget. Nursing Council of New Zealand

"Buchan J and Ball J, Caring costs. Uursing costs and benefits: a review for the Royal CoUege of Nursing. IMS Report No.
208, Institute of Manpower Studies, London, 1992.
tFormeriy Chief Nursing Officer, Otago Area Health Board, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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