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Nama : Tina Tri Lestari

Nim : 1193311074

Kelas : Ekstensi H PGSD 2019

Matkul : Pembelajaran Bilingual


I. Make 10 Questions & Answers Related one of the topic you have learned.

Answer :

1. Question : sorry , can I go in first ? my stomatch hurt so much

Answer : of course , please enter first
2. Question : don’t go into the forest , it’s dangerous
Answer : okey , I won’t go
3. Question : sorry , can I go in first ? my stomatch hurt so much
Answer : of course , please enter first
4. Question : don’t go into the forest , it’s dangerous
Answer : okey , I won’t go
5. Question: I can’t go , can you replace me ?
Answer : sorry , I can’t
6. Question : I want to go to Jakarta , can you come with me ?
Answer : of course , I also have a need there
7. Question : can you buy me a headache medicine ?
Answer : yes , of course
8. Question : can we meet next week ?
Answer : of course , I will come
9. Question : can you read this text ?
Answer : sorry mam , I can’t
10. Question : can you clean this room ?
Answer : yes , I’ll clean it now

II. Translate the sentences below:

1. I am going to check the attendant list
Saya akan memeriksa daftar hadirin
2. Get your books and pencils out
Keluarkan buku dan pensil Anda
3. Okay, we have not enough time. We will continue our lesson on the next section
Oke, kita tidak punya cukup waktu. Kami akan melanjutkan pelajaran kami di bagian
4. Okay it is break time, so you can go out to play. But first line up quietly by the door.
Oke sekarang waktunya istirahat, jadi kamu bisa keluar untuk bermain. Tapi berbaris
pertama diam-diam di dekat pintu.
5. Right, we have no time for anything else. We do not have any more time today.
Benar, kita tidak punya waktu untuk hal lain. Kami tidak punya waktu lagi hari ini
6. Pick up all your things and put the books in the cupboard.
Ambil semua barang Anda dan taruh buku di lemari.
7. Okay, students, make a line to say goodbye – follow the leader
Oke, siswa, buatlah antrean untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal - ikuti pemimpinnya
8. Please stand up and don’t make too much noise.
Harap berdiri dan jangan membuat terlalu banyak suara.
9. Now, get into a line. Stand in a line. I want you to make two lines.
Sekarang, berbaris. Berdiri dalam antrean. Saya ingin Anda membuat dua baris.

10. What do you do after cutting out and singing?

Apa yang Anda lakukan setelah memotong dan bernyanyi?
11. Anybody else, please show your hand, if you are not yet get a turn.
Orang lain, tolong tunjukkan tangan Anda, jika Anda belum mendapatkan giliran. Siapa
yang ingin memulai, angkat tangan
12. Can you pass these sheets of paper?
Bisakah Anda melewatkan lembaran kertas ini
13. Who wants to start , hands up
Siapa yang ingin memulai, angkat tangan
14. Keep the paper face down! Keep them like this!
Jaga agar kertas menghadap ke bawah! Buat mereka seperti ini
15. You need to open your book on page 13. Read what it says.
Anda perlu membuka buku Anda di halaman 13. Baca apa yang tertulis di dalamnya.
16. Please open your activity book page 22. Can you read it on your own?
Silakan buka buku aktivitas Anda halaman 22. Bisakah Anda membacanya sendiri?
17. Find where we done reading last time. Is it on page 30? Can you do what it says?
Temukan di mana kita selesai membaca terakhir kali. Apakah di halaman 30? Bisakah
kamu melakukan apa yang dikatakannya?
18. Go to page 14. Please, read it out loud, Yanti! The rest of you keep quiet and listen
to Yanti.
Pergi ke halaman Silakan, baca dengan lantang, Yanti! Sisanya diam dan dengarkan
19. Excuse me, Miss. Can you help me? I don't know what to do
Permisi, Nona. Bisakah Anda membantu saya? Saya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa
20. Wait a moment Ana, I'm just helping Peter.
Tunggu sebentar Ana, aku hanya membantu Peter

III Write your experience about your English lesson

My experience in learning English is quite long, starting from when I was in elementary
school until now, although not that intensive, it was only limited to studying at school, in
learning English I experienced quite a few obstacles, maybe I liked it when I was just studying
regarding general matters but when the tenses and other complicated matters appeared, the
enthusiasm for learning began to wear off. Apart from this, I still have the thought that it is very
important to be able to speak English, because in this era of globalization, the use of English is
very much needed, the small thing is that there are already some local products that use English
on the packaging.

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