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Training Session Transcript

Welcome to Module Six of this program. In this module, we are going to talk about one of my
favorite ideas in terms of evolving human potential. It’s the idea of bending reality, it’s the idea that
the human mind, to some degree, can alter reality and create sequences [SP], coincidences,
opportunities to move you towards a goal or an outcome. It's an idea that has been explored in
numerous movies and books and documentaries. What we are going to do here is take a far more
detailed sophisticated advanced look into it. Module 6 and module 7 are actually going to be quite

In module 6, you are going to learn everything that you could possibly learn about bending reality
that's currently out there in popular books, popular teachers, popular documentaries, but when you
get to module 7, I am going to show you how to get to a whole different state of being able to use
your mind to move through reality. I am going to share with you things that I learned while I have
been meditating with my brain hooked up to EEG machines. Looking at my brain wave frequencies
and teaching myself almost mystical abilities such as being able to function consciously at delta
levels of mind. We'll get to that in the next module. But here consider this an intermediate, slightly
above beginner intermediate lesson on shifting reality with your mind.

Let's begin. Before we go further, I need to explain to you this concept. It's called the evolution of
consciousness. So you understand where we are right now in terms of developing your personal
will. You could say human consciousness started with early man and early man was one step up
from animals. We learnt to hunt, we learnt to build, clothing and shelter. But one of the things that
we learnt is the use of languages. You've heard this before, but simple apes, for example, could
point to a tiger and say, "Look, a tiger." But as man developed his faculty of languages, man could
say, "Listen Chenuga [SP] don't go to the river before night fall because I saw a tiger crawling
around the river banks. You might get bitten."

This allowed early man to evolve to modern man. Modern man created cultures, religions,
mythologies, nations, wars, agreements. Much of the modern world is therefore based on languages.
Based on what's taken place in our head in the cognitive plane. So, we as a species have one foot in
the physical world, one foot in the world of pure cognition. As you go to this program, you are
learning to hack that world of cognition. That world of cognition is what we call our culture, it is
our religion, identity with our nations, the way we see work, the way we view things such as
marriage and raising kids, exercising, eating. As you go through consciousness engineering and you
understand the concept of rules, you learn to hack culture by questioning it, by going one step
above. As you continuously do this, you go beyond pure innovative thinking. As you start really
questioning every aspect, every aspect of the world as we see it today, all the rules that you took on
through imitation and not rational choice, you start to move towards a different membrane. As you
move towards this, as you go through the membrane between culture hacker, you fall in to a new
state that we call the state of limitless. You will learn more about this in the next session.

Here is the difference. When you are a culture hacker, you are still questioning things, you are
aware of consciousness engineering, you are questioning how we exercise, how we love, how we
parent. When you move to the state of limitless, you've questioned so much that the world as most
people see it, no longer apply to you. You make your own rules. That there is something really
unique that happens at that state of limitless. Not only are you making your own rules, but it seems
as if the world seems to bend to these ideas that you want to get out and it’s as if you are being
guided, that you are following a mission or a purpose that’s so compelling to you. That every day
you are joyful, every day you are happy. You are pursuing this mission as if it's a calling and you
love every moment of it. That is a beautiful incredible state to be in. We'll explore that in a little bit.
You can still go on to the next state and that's called the God mind. The God mind is a state that
philosophers like Ken Wilber have spoken about. It is a state where you feel connected to the entire
universe. You aren't just looking at the mountain. You are the mountain. I've experienced this state
through certain Satori moments while meditating. Even under the influence of certain drugs when I
felt like my body dissolve and I became pure consciousness. The God mind is something we will
explore again in the next session. Let's do a quick recap.

There is early man. Early man as he gained the use of language allowed himself to form
mythologies, tribes, cultures many of these as we are going to the modern world evolve into modern
aspects of mankind’s culture, our religions, corporatocracy, government, the way we run the world.
Much of these simply exist as rules and patterns in our head. They are different from culture to
culture, from human being to human being, from country to country, but all of this is hackable. As
you learn to hack this, you become a culture hacker. Culture hackers are people who understand
concepts such as consciousness engineering and are questioning all the rules of modern society. As
you start questioning enough you are moving to a state of limitless. This is where you don't even
care to be an entrepreneur. You don't care about your career. You've gone beyond. One of the big
differentiation between someone who moves from purely culture hacker to the state of limitless is
that you've questioned so much the very rules of society such as get a college degree, get a career,
start your own business, raise money, that they no longer apply to you. You see those as means
goals. What is your end goal is being in a state of mind where you know your calling, you know
your mission and you are out there to make that happen. Again, we will go into this, next.

The funny thing is when you know your mission and you have that vision of what you want to
create in the world, when you've asked yourself the question, "What is my vision of heaven on
earth?" Because it's a mission you're pursuing it joyously, it doesn't feel like work all the great
people I interviewed who are in this state people like Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, the
inventor Dean Kamen, all of them are purely good human beings. They have a calling they feel and
it almost feels as if is from a higher power because the calling is to make the world better. But none
of them are obsessed about money or the size of their company or the size of their car. They are
completely obsessed with that calling. They seem to make the right judgments. They seem to
happen [inaudible 00:07:15] field on what to do to get to that calling. That is the state of limitless.

You could call it the state of flow, you can call it mojo, but what happens there is: A. You have a
calling and it motivates you. B. You are in the state of bliss as you pursue that calling. C. You are
fully turned on, tapped in an intuitive and you have an idea of the right decisions to make almost
from your gut. When you are in that state, boy, are you manifesting fast. Most programs teach you
pure thoughts create reality. That's a kindergarten module when you get to the state of limitless. Our
goal is to get you to this state in the next session. We'll start piercing the membrane here in this
session and we will move full on into the state soon.

Now the state beyond that that is what I call God mind. I experienced the God mind while under
certain drugs, now illegal but it was legal in the place and where I took it. Obviously I cannot tell
you what that was. I don't want to be encouraging any sort of irresponsible behavior. But what
happened to me when I experienced it was I dissolved I saw myself as a spark of light, I couldn't
remember whose vision was, I couldn't remember my invalid [SP]. I was a spark of light dancing
through the universe, trying to understand who I was and I felt connected to a higher power. I could
think about anything and immediately experience it. But I had no sense of ego, visions didn't exist.
As it faded I finally came back into my body and my mind. Philosophers talk about this, they used
terms such as Satori, Nirvana and I hadn't figured this out yet. Most people haven't. Ken Wilber
says to get here, you got to here you got to reach Cosmic Centeredness and then even if you reach
Cosmic Centeredness, there are four additional levels. CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4. When you hit CC4
you are at the God mind. More on that later. For now just know that this is the next level, the
highest level you can potentially reach. There might be levels above that that even we don't know

Now let's go on to the four levels of creation. Because each of these states of consciousness
correspond to a different way you would use your mind to create your reality. You can think of early
men as zeros. State zero because we've gone past that. We are now, most of us I'd say more than
90% of the population are functioning at the modern man stage. Then you have a few per cento,
about maybe 5% which are at the culture hacker stage. Less than 1% that are in the state of limitless
and honestly we don't know. Maybe there are just a few individuals in the earth who are regularly
able to achieve the God mind state. Now each of these states, state 1, 2, 3, 4, we are going to ignore
early man, we'll call that sate 0, correspond to a different way in which you create your reality.

Sate 1 is the victim state. Most people who are in sate 1 are victims of their circumstance. Sate 2 is
thoughts create reality. At state 2 you are aware that your thoughts are molding your reality and you
are just learning how to become more fluent at this. When you are at state 3 you make a massive
shift. You are no longer concerned about your thoughts creating reality, you are about being a
servant to a higher calling. More on this later. Some people call this “the servant state”. It's as if the
money, the fancy cars, the things that regular people crave, love, just no longer apply to you. You
feel very connected to a higher power and you feel as if you are here to serve that higher power. It is
more than a religious state and some people who are in the state honestly do not believe in a higher
power. I once asked Richard Branson, "Do you even believe in the law of attraction or do you
believe in God?" He said no, but he is functioning at this state. More on that in a bit.

Now, when you get to state 4, you and the calling are one. You realize you aren't listening to a
higher power, you are that higher power. You aren't taking an intuitive message from God or
whatever you call it. You are God or whatever you call it. State 4 is an incredible state to be in, but
most of use glimpse it in rare few seconds or minutes of setting connectedness or what we call
Satori moments. In each of these states you create in a different way.

Let's dive in deep in state 1, the victim state, right? In this state life can be happening to you or life
can happen from you. But you haven't figured it out yet. So most people who are in this state feel
that life is happening to them. They feel they are victims of the tides and circumstances of
everything around them, their job, their relationships, their career, their health and there are few
things that are within their control. As people evolve, they move to a state where you start to go,
"Aha, I notice that my thought seem to be creating my reality, I noticed that when I set goals
sometimes they come true”, but we are still kind of wobbly about it. Some people are unsure about
it or they have read about it, but they don't fully believe it but at least they decided to take some
degree of personal responsibility. When you become a servant to a higher calling you are way
beyond. It simply goes itself. Rather you operate from mission and when you go to the feeling of
oneness, you are the mission. You are concerned with all life. You are connected to all life. It's a
pure feeling of oneness. All the other things that regular human beings are concerned about really
no longer bug you, though you feel a big sense of love with all life and all human beings and all

Let's move on to the idea of thoughts creating reality. Do thoughts create reality? Well, we are going
to talk first about some interesting scientific evidence on just how much our thoughts, our believes
impact the world around us. That’s why in this program we have spoken about bliss, we have
spoken about forgiveness. We have spoken on intuition and creating a bold visions for your future.
Now we are going to talk about one of the mysterious things of all and that is the idea that you,
through your mind can impact reality. Destiny is the ultimate productivity act. It's the ultimate bit of
knowledge that I wish people would learn in their schools, but I realized that some of you might be
skeptical. To help get people to start to see that this is possible to whatever degree, some people
believe that you can manifest coincidences, some people believe that just through your thoughts you
can create several changes in the human body. Well, the more you believe you can do turns out the
more you are able to do. What I’m intending to do in this particular section is to share with you
some really interesting evidence so that we can start opening up to this idea.

The first has to do with the human body. One of the most interesting evidence on just thoughts
shaping reality is something called “the finger abduction experiment”. It’s simply involves moving
your finger like this. Scientific studies have found that people who’d actually practice this about 15
minutes a day for a month saw 53% increase in strength, but they found that people who simply
visualize themselves moving their finger with their eyes closed, their hands on the table would still
see a 35% strength increase, which is really interesting. It shows that visualization impacts your
body and if it just impacts the strength of your finger muscles, imagine what else it could do. So
Charles Garfield former NASA researcher, current president of The Performance-Science Institute
in Berkeley. He talks about this experiment conducted by Soviet Sports Scientists. So they had four
groups of Olympians. It was done in late classic New York in 1980. The four groups were elite
athletes, they were divided in to group 1 that did physical training; group 2 that did 75%, physical,
25% mental; group 3 did 50% physical, 50% mental; group 4 did 25% physical , 75% mental
training so again we are talking about Olympic athletes. Which group do you think won? Well, turns
out, what the researchers found was the group 4, the group that had most mental training had shown
significantly greater improvement than group 3, likewise group 3 was better that group 2. That is
intriguing because it shows that the mere idea of visualizing in those cases were better at
performance sports improvement that actually doing the sports.

Now this is intriguing because if this can work for Olympians, if mental exercise and visualization
could have such a profound impact on athletes, what kind of impact could it have on you? Now we
don't really know why this works. Some people say it's the brain’s reticular activating systems,
some people say it's a mystical ability because our thoughts create our reality.

Let's first talk about the reticular activating system. This is the part of the brain that helps you
recognize things that move you towards a goal. If you decide you want to buy a black Mercedes
C200, no matter what car you are driving right now, you will start noticing Black Mercedes C200
on the road around you. This applies to any car. Your brain, because you have been focusing on a
particular goal starts to notice opportunities or notice more of that in the world. It's a beautiful
system because it helps us attain our goals. Others say its way beyond this. It is in fact a mystical
ability. I am going to share with you a couple of stories, you decide.

One of the stories is the story of Scott. Scott was an engineer worked for Bell Labs. He heard about
a process called affirmations from a friend of his. What Scott decided to do was to follow his
friend's suggestion. The friend was someone he trusted and the friend said, "Look, if you want get
anything in life Scott, all you got to do is write it down on a piece of paper, in the present tense, I
Scott have X," 15 times every morning. Scott said, "Okay, I will give it a shot." He decided to pick
something that he really wanted. He wanted to make some money in the stock market. He wrote
down," I, Scott, have made some money in the stock market, I, Scott, have made money in the stock
market, I, Scott, have made money in the stock market," 15 times, every day. Now he said a few
days later he woke up in the middle of the night with the word Chrysler flashing before him. Now
he was puzzled. Chrysler wasn't a great start, but he started to trust his gut and buy Chrysler
anyway. What happened next was, there was a management reorganization at Chrysler and the stock
started going up. Next thing he did was he tried experimenting with a different stock. This time he
said that it came to him differently. He was flipping a newspaper. All of a sudden, an ad caught his
eye. It was a company with the stock symbol ASK. He bought that. He said within a day the stock
went up 10% and continued to climb. That yeah Chrysler and ASK were two of the best stocks you
could have purchased. Now Scott said, he wanted to try even bigger things. His dream was to get
into the Berkeley and BA program. But he knew he had to score a formidable 96 on the GMAT.
This means everyone who takes the GMAT exam he has to beat, to have a higher score than 96% of
test takers. Scott took the trial exams and he couldn't go beyond 80 points. They say that however
you do the trial exam is how you are going to do in the final exam. So the trial is a pretty good
predictor. But Scott felt differently, he knew he had this affirmation trick up his sleeve. Sure enough
when he finally got the results he said, "As I walked to the mail box, before I opened the mail box I
decided I am going to have a 96." He opened it and sure enough, he got a 96. He did get into
Berkeley. He then decided to try a different goal. He wanted to be a syndicated cartoonist. He loved
doodling on paper and he thought that how wonderful it would be if I had a cartoon that would be
published in a national newspaper. Scott knew that the odds of being a syndicated cartoonist were 1
in 10,000. But Scott Adams wrote his comic strip, submitted it and Dilbert was born.

Dilbert became one of the most successful comic strips in the world. Scott didn't stop there. He
wrote down in his affirmations that he wanted a number one bestselling book on the New York
Times. That happened. He got so good at it and for a brief while he had the number 1 and number 2
bestselling books. The number 2 was the Dilbert Management handbook. Scott said, "Reporters
often ask me if am amazed by the success of the Dilbert comic strips." I definitely would be amazed
if not for my desired experiences with affirmation. Can you imagine that, number 1 and number 2
bestselling books on the New York Times. Hard cover. Nonfiction. Scott Adams. Affirmations. He
wrote about this in his book, the Dilbert Future, pick it up, it's a comic book of course, but in the
final chapter, Scott talks about his philosophy of how the world works.

Now it isn't just Scott Adams. Let's look at science. So, William Broad, I believe it was the San
Antonio Mind Science Center. He did an experiment where they put people in two rooms. One
room were senders, second room were receivers. Now this was an experiment to see how your
thoughts influence another human being. What Broad would do is that at specific times, he would
have the senders think good thoughts about the receivers. The receivers in the second room were
hooked up to some 19 different machines that measured different aspects of their neurology, their
brain waves, their skin resistance. What William Broad found is that at this specific time, 1:53, even
though the receivers did not know what senders were thinking of and then sending them good
thoughts, the receivers would show deviations is this neurological responses. They would be more
relaxed. They would have less stress, they would go into healthier states of mind.

Really strange because the senders were at a distance and these receivers were not even relatives.
They were just other people paired up to them. Which makes you to wonder just how much are your
thoughts influencing the people around you.

Robert Lanza wrote a book recently called “Biocentrism”. Read it, it's a remarkable book and it's a
quick read. “Biocentrism”, as you can see from the subtitle, is about how life and consciousness are
the keys to understanding the true nature of the universe. Basically Robert Lanza is one of the most
prominent scientists today. Time Magazine voted him one of the most influential people in the
world in 2014 but his idea is that consciousness shapes the universe. Our conscious thoughts create
reality. Biocentrism is another module that attempts to explain why perhaps to some degree, this
mystical idea of our thoughts creating reality may be true. Whether you believe it or not, whether
you believe it's the brain’s articular activating system which you got to believe because this it is
science or you believe in the mystical aspects it doesn't matter. Just pretend it is true because if
you've studied consciousness engineering for now you know that you can choose to believe
something and still gain the healthy qualities of those believes. My son knows Santa Clause isn’t
real, he chooses to believe in Santa Clause because it brings him joy during Christmas.

I believe that there is a mystical ability within us that allows us to alter reality because I see it
happening in my life frequently but let's say you don't believe that. What am saying is, whether
these are true, whether this is true or not, does not matter. My acceptance of this module gave me
the confidence to pursue seemingly impossible goals even when I did not believe it. I decided to
pretend it was true because if you are going to pick any believe, how about a believe that you can
fundamentally bend the fabric of reality, how about that for a healthy believe? Believing this is true
gives you a confidence to pursue goals that you may not otherwise pursue. Mike [inaudible
00:22:53] who is an entrepreneur and friend of mine said, "The greatest achievement in life is to
have the ability to create the world around you so that it matches the dreams in your mind." If you
believe that the world around you can match the dreams in your mind, I think that's an incredible
way to start doing more in the world. Whether or not you are skeptical, try believing it and see how
it unfolds for you. Pretending it’s true will bring you immense benefits.

Okay, we've talked about this particular scale of consciousness evolution. Now we are going to talk
about how to bend the world when you are at level 2. The level of the culture hacker. In the next
class we are going to go on to how to be a servant to a higher calling, that's the state of limitless, but
for now we are going to focus on level 2. Before we get to level 2, let's talk about level 1 and how
to make someone emerge from level 1. Now I doubt many of you are at level 1 at this stage but I
want you to understand what's going on level 1 because you may have friends or family or
collogues who are there. This is maybe what's going on in their life and if you were to speak to
them to try to help them emerge from the victim state, this is a framework that you might be able to
help them understand. Your beliefs determine your reality. So, whatever you believe to be true about
the world, tends to be true for you and countless books talk about this. The subconscious mind, for
example, is a composite of everything one sees, hears and any information the mind collects that it
cannot otherwise consciously process to make meaningful sense. But as we get older our
subconscious mind keeps taking on and processing all of these things about the world around us.
Some beliefs aren't healthy, some beliefs are healthy. You take these on from your parents, your
teachers, your fathers, your preachers, your friends, your beliefs of money your beliefs of love, your
beliefs of the world. Whatever you believe to be hard, will be hard. Whatever you believe to be
easy, tends to be easy.

Joseph Murphy in “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” says, "Human beings always act and
feel and perform in accordance with what they imagine to be true about themselves and their
environment.” The problem is that what we imagine to be true, isn't necessarily true. But because
we believe and feel and perform in accordance with it, it becomes true for us. The important thing is
you should not be deluded into thinking, I know my goals in life I have these written down. I am
consciously creating my life because it's not that simple. You are not just consciously creating your
life, you are unconsciously creating your life. Maxwell Maltz says, "It's no exaggeration to say that
every human being is hypnotized to some extent either by ideas he has uncritically accepted from
others or ideas he has repeated to himself or convinced himself are true. These negative ideas have
exactly the same effect upon our behavior as the negative ideas implanted into the mind of a
hypnotized subject by a professional hypnotist.”

You can be writing down goals, you can believe your thoughts create reality, but you have no idea
what your subconscious your unconscious thoughts are doing. You could have had subconscious
beliefs that you have taken on from childhood, from society that are still running you in to the
ground and you may not be aware of it. You see there are three levels in which we create. We create
consciously, yes, but we also create through unconscious creation and we create through group
consciousness. You need to make sure that you understand how to play in all of these areas.
Conscious creation of course is the one that we are going to be mostly focusing on.

One of the most powerful, beautiful books on conscious creation is “Autobiography of a Yogi” by
Paramahansa Yogananda. He is the man who introduced many great spiritual practices to America.
Steve Jobs…this was his favorite book. When Steve Jobs died, Walter Isaacson, his biographer,
asked him if he could see Jobs’ iPad to see what books Jobs had. Jobs only had one book and it was
this. Jobs loved this book. He read it every year. On his funeral, everyone who attended, people like
Bill Gates and so on got this book as a gift.

I know a man, Burt Goldman, who is a Mindvalley author who was once a disciple of Paramahansa
Yogananda. Burt told me an interesting story about Paramahansa and conscious creation.
Paramahansa got so good at his thoughts creating reality that he shared a story about how he was
once driving through L.A. This was many, many years ago, 40 or 50 years ago, with his students
and they passed by this beautiful neighborhood by a lake and the student turned to Paramahansa,
“Look, you've been looking for a place to build a gorgeous garden. Why don't you pick that place?”
and Paramhansa said, "No I am not going to look, I am not going to look because if I look and I see
it and I fall in love with and it is going to happen and I have enough business in my life." But he
looked anyway and that today is the Yogananda Gardens, The Self Realization Fellowship Gardens
in Los Angeles. There is another one in San Diego. If you live in L.A. I am sure you’ve visited it.
It's a beautiful story about a man who was so confident in his conscious creation that he can just
create something that beautiful in the world. Most us aren't there yet. Most of us create like this,
unconscious creation.

When I lived in New York, I observed a very, very interesting thing that new immigrants to New
York would experience. I would have friends from around the world who had moved to New York
and they would tell me how much they loved the city. I’d have friends who moved around the world
to New York and tell me how much they hated the city. What was really interesting is, whether they
loved the city or they hated the city, they would experience radically different things. One friend of
mine who hated the city, he would consistently become the victim of theft, just pickpockets, he
would have people being rude to him, he would have bad service wherever he went. Another friend
who loved the city would consistently feel safe. He would meet the most wonderful people, he
would have the most amazing service wherever he went. It's as if both of them were creating as
immigrants to a new city their versions of what that city was to be.

Another interesting experiment on unconscious creation comes from the placebo effect. Now you
all know the placebo effect is when doctors give a patient a sugar pill, the patient believes the pill is
real and the patient gets the benefits of a real drug. Few realize how insanely powerful this is. One
of the most amazing studies in the placebo effect and unconscious creation is the study of The
Doctor Bruno Klopfer and his patient, Mr. Wright. So, Mr. Wright read about a new drug that had
been released and the FDA said that the drug may be an effective cure against lymph node cancer.
Mr. Wright was suffering from lymph node cancer. His lymph nodes were swelling up it was puss
oozing out of it. It was a horrible disease that affected the way he looked and was bound to kill him
if nothing was done.

Mr. Wright went to Bruno Klopfer, the doctor, and said, please give me an injection of Krebiozen.
Bruno said, "Its not proven, but I will give it to you anyway." In two days Mr. Wright’s cancer went
into spontaneous remission. The bulges in his skin, over his cancerous lymph nodes dissolved and
disappeared. Bruno Klopfer said it was like watching butter melt on a hot stove. It was incredible.
Mr. Wright got so healthy that he could fly a plane. He was a certified pilot at 12,000 feet within a
few days of taking that drug. What happened next door was weird. FDA released a couple of
articles saying that the trials for Krebiozen were proving ineffective and they were not really sure if
the drug was effective at all. Mr. Wright went back to Bruno Klopfer. When he read that, his cancer
came back. Now Bruno realized what was going on, it was the placebo effect so he lied to Mr.
Wright. He took a saline solution just salt water injected it into Mr. Wright and told him, “Look,
there was a mistake what happened was that. What the research is showing is that only small doses
of Krebiozen do not work. If I give you a high dose, it does work.” Sure enough, two days later Mr.
Wright was healed again.

The cancer disappeared. He was in full spectacular health, but the something unfortunate happened.
The FDA finally released the conclusive paper showing that Krebiozen was ineffective against
lymph node cancer. Within a few days the cancer came back and Mr. Wright passed away. What's
interesting here is that Mr. Wright believed Krebiozen worked, he healed his cancer in two days. He
then, when he realized that it may be ineffective, brought the cancer back. When he was given a
saline solution that he believed was a higher dose of Krebiozen again the cancer disappeared. When
he was sure that the drug was ineffective, the cancers came back. What was really causing he
cancers? Mr. Wright or the lack of efficiency of Krebiozen? It is really an interesting study because
it shows how much unconscious mind may be manifesting disease and ill heath in us and how much
it can heal us when we learn to really harness it.

Group creation is the next level and this is how group creation works. Group creation works when a
group of people come together to create a particular outcome. You can do this with your family
around the dinner table when you think about something that you want to manifest as a family. You
can do this in a company, that’s how we do it in Mindvalley. Everyone puts up their three most
important questions on the wall. People read each other's questions and be supportive to each other.
We do it as a company also during weekly company meetings in our Hall of Awesomeness where
we share visions and ideas of where we want Mind Valley to go in the future and no one is
mediating there, but simply getting a vision out to a group of people. Get them all thinking about
the vision and it helps it come true. Group creation is a really powerful tool. But here is how group
creation can screw you over. If you are around a negative group, it could be your company, it could
be your family, it could be your siblings, they can drag you down because the negativity that they
are trying to create could impact you. You got to know how to untangle yourself from groups that
might be negatively influencing what's going on with you.

Sometimes this happens to entire countries when they go through an upheaval or a war. Sometimes
it happens the companies get a new job, but group creation does come together for good or for bad.
Embrace focus directed thought over unconscious creation. You are always creating unconsciously.
What you want to do is embrace focus directed thought. What I am going to teach you here is a
beautiful technique for it. The technique is from Esther Hicks, “Ask and It Is Given”. It's called the
emotional warning scale. What Esther Hicks says it that now that you are looking at the lap you will
see there are 22 different emotions ranked from joy, appreciation, empowered freedom, love which
is number 1 to number 22 which is the lowest of all, fear, grief, depression, despair, powerlessness.
What Hicks says is that, think of your emotions as an alarm bell. when you are feeling happy, that's
the alarm bell going, "Wow, amazing, good job” because all of this is going to come true.

But when you are feeling crappy, when you are feeling any emotion below 8, which is pessimism,
frustration and so on, think of that as a warning alarm. It's your super conscious saying, "Oh, get out
of this state immediately because you are creating bad things." If you are feeling pessimism,
frustration, overwhelming, disappointment, doubt, worry, blame, you are creating bad thing and
think about the negative emotion as nothing more than an alarm bell. I found that this really helped
me. Whenever I felt negative I would recognize that I was feeling negative, see this as an alarm bell
and then get myself to come out of it as fast as I could. As you start practicing this simple exercise
that you just start understanding that you are not just a victim, that you can create your
circumstance, you are ready to move on to level 2, culture hacker.

Now, of course, to move on to level 2 there other things you got to do. You got to stop questioning.
You got to understand consciousness engineering, but at this level you know what you want, okay?
You must know what you want because if you don't know what you want, you don't get what you
want. Your work according to Esther Hicks is to simply determine what you want. The beautiful
part about level 2 if you have done it right is you have stepped away from the means goals you're
now chasing your end goals. When you aim for your end goals, which are experiences, growth,
contribution, you know what you want. It's crucial to know what you want because according to
Abraham Hicks, the most valuable skill that you could ever develop is the skill of directing your
though towards what you want. To be adapted, quickly evaluating all situations and then quickly
coming to the conclusion of what you most want and giving your undivided attention on to that."

I learnt this the hard way. In a previous lesson, I shared about how I managed to make it to the U.S.
Open Taekwondo Championships in Colorado Springs, right? I really wanted that. I wanted to be at
the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs representing my country, competing in this
incredible tournament. Well, I got there. I got into the ring and all of a sudden, the judge said, "Hey,
come here." I went to the judge and the judge said, "Look, you can't fight with glasses on." And I
go, "No, no, no you don't understand. These are sports glasses, they don't break." The judge goes,
"Sorry kid, in this completion no glasses at all" and I tried to convince the judges that the glasses
were okay. I trained taekwondo in Malaysia, sports glasses were allowed, but here these were
American rules, no sports glasses. The judge made me take off and hand him my glasses and the
problem is my power was minus 700. All of a sudden, I was in the ring facing Glen [inaudible
00:36:32] the Dutch National Champion. At least I thought I was facing him, he could have been to
my left, to my right, I don't know, I couldn't see. Glen in 30 seconds landed the first kick straight to
my face. I couldn't react, I couldn't see well, I couldn't duck and I was on the ground. I got up again,
second kick to my face. In 1 minute and 30 seconds I was knocked out. I was the fastest knock out
in the entire U.S. Open 1993 Taekwondo Championships. It was brutal. I ended up in hospital.

The thing is though, I got exactly what I wanted. I have been visualizing myself at this event for a
long time. Seeing myself in the ring, seeing myself there, in Colorado I just wished I had seen
myself actually not get knocked out or make it to a respectable level in the competition. But I
couldn't complain, I got exactly what I wanted. Nothing more, nothing less. This is why it's so
important to know what you want. I wish I had known this sooner because I got exactly what I
wanted, but nothing more. There is a story I like to tell that illustrates why many of us don't end up
getting what we want and it's called the waiter and the soup.

Imagine you are in a fancy restaurant, right? You’ve ordered. You call the waiter, the waiter comes
to you and the waiter goes, "What can I get you?". You go, “Well, I am looking at this menu. I
would like to order a bowl of soup.” The waiter goes, “No problem, I am going to bring t right out."
The waiter goes back to the kitchen, speaks to the chef and says, "This man wants soup, make them
finest bowl you can," All of a sudden you are glancing at the menu and you call the waiter back and
you go, "Waiter, you know, I am not sure I want the soup maybe I will got pizza? I will
have the pizza." The waiter goes, "No problem, this is a five star restaurant, we'll be happy to forget
the soup and switch your order to pizza." He goes back to the chef he says, "Chef, forget boiling the
soup, get the dough warmed up, this man is going to want some pizza." The chef starts taking the
dough, putting it into the pizza oven to get the dough warmed up and you call the waiter again, you
go, "Wait I hope you haven't baked the pizza because I was thinking about it and am just going to
have a glass of red wine. I am really feeling quite full.” The waiter goes, "Not a problem I will go
get you that one." He goes back to the kitchen and he tells the chef, "Forget the pizza no need to
bake it just going to open the man a bottle of wine."

Now here is the interesting thing. Think about the man as you, think about the waiter as your
subconscious, think about the chef as the universe. That is how most people are with their goals.
They decide they want something, that vacation in the Bahamas, it goes up to the subconscious and
the universe gets into motion to make that happen. But before that can actually happen they change
their mind, they decide, "You know, I am really busy at work maybe it's not a vacation in the
Bahamas maybe I need to figure out how I can optimize my emails schedule. Or maybe I need to
figure out how I can get in the system." But most people flip-flop on their goals so if you believe
that your goals are coming to you, but there is simply a time gap between what you want and when
it comes, you will start to understand how dangerous it is to keep flip-flopping on your goals. This
is why almost every goal studying practice says write it down because when you write it down, you
don't flip-flop. Most people though who don't write down their goals flip-flop. They think about one
thing one day, then they think about another thing, then they think about another thing, but when
you write it down, you make it solid. The waiter, the soup and the chef is an important parable to
help you understand just how people mess up the good things that are coming to them by changing
as it’s been created by flip-flopping as the bake is, the bread is being warmed up or the wine bottle
is being opened up, they flip flop and we do this with our love life, with our careers, with our
vacations with things in life we want. This is a daily tool that you can bring in to stop bringing these
practices into your life on a daily basis in a responsible way.

Once again it comes from Esther Hicks because I really consider the work of Esther Hicks some of
the best work in terms of the mind creating reality. This tool is called “segment intending”. Segment
indenting works like this. You tell yourself, you think about your day as a series of segments. One
hour segments and you set an intention in advance of how you want these segments to unfold. So,
you might say the morning when you meditate you might say, "I am going to have an amazing
breakfast," then you will say, "Wouldn't it be nice if I had an incredible journey to work?" Then you
say, "I am going to have my 10:00 am meeting and it’s going to go so well and I am so going to
impress the boss" Then you will say, "At my 11:00 a.m. schedule time to go through email, I am
going to be pounding through those emails, blasting through them in the most efficient way and at
12:00 p.m. when it time for lunch with Sally, I am going to have the most inspiring and incredible
lunch conversations, we are going to have incredible service." What you are doing here is you are
pretending as if you are going to order how you want your day to happen. Esther Hicks said, "You
don't have to think about forcing it to happen. If you aren't really confident that you can do this, just
start with, would it be nice? Wouldn’t it be nice if my lunch went well? Wouldn’t it be nice if I had
an amazing encounter with my co-workers today? Would it be nice if there was no traffic?

Don't pretend to force that you can change things, simply say, wouldn't it be nice? Segment
intending is a powerful technique to get you vibrating n the right way, to get your mind shifted in
the right way towards thoughts creating reality. It really helps you come out of the victim state. If
you have someone in your life who is a victim, you want to teach them this. When do you do
segment intending? You can do this as an individual session daily during commute or meditational
showering. I do it sometimes as I shower, sometimes when I am riding the subway, sometimes in
my commute usually though, I do it as phase 5 of the 6-phase of meditation. Phase 5, as you know,
is the perfect day. In advance technique whether it's simply seeing your perfect day unfold, you can
do segment intending, “would it be nice if”. Now we will take you into another technique. A longer-
term tool and this is a technique where you really start playing with the idea of your thoughts
creating reality. Creative visualization.

I am going to teach you some of the more advanced concepts I've learnt doing this. When do you do
this? Well, firstly you do this as an individual session when you have an urgent need. Maybe your
health is out of way. Maybe you have a business problem to fix. But you can also do this as phase 4
of the 6-phase meditation, vision for the future. When you are doing vision for the future, you can
bring in some of the techniques that I am teaching you right now. You have already learn about the
6- phase meditation. We spoke about that. It's my work that is free on the web so you have probably
learnt it by now. Phase 1 is being connected, it’s about compassion, giving you a love to the world.
Phase 2 is gratitude and appreciation. Phase 3 if forgiveness. Phase 4 is when you apply creative
visualization. Phase 5 is when you can do segment intending. Phase 6 is when you feel the blessing.
Okay? If you are unaware of the 6-phase meditation, google it, it's all over the web and it's free. But
it’s in phase 4 where you practice creative visualization.
Now a couple of rules. Number 1: it works best in Alpha. I have tested this by hooking my brain to
an EEG machine and other guys who have experimented with Biofeedback from Jose Silva to other
researches in the topic, have all said that, when applied creative visualization to things such as
healing the body to goals, it tends to work really well in the Alpha level. You want to do it while
you are meditating and at this point most of you know how to meditate. Here is the basic technique
summed up. You start by seeing and feeling the pain. This is what many people forget, they go
straight towards the end result. No, you must see and feel the pain. If you are trying to fix a
situation in your job, let's say there is a project that's just stalling. You start by seeing and filling the
pain. You see yourself in the horrible meetings on this project. People are whiney, they are upset,
maybe there is a software issue, maybe a vendor isn't delivering on time. You see and you feel the
pain. It's costing you money, it's going to cost you a promotion. It's horrible. Now you stop seeing
and feeling the pain and you shift to the solution. Stop means, you can do it in any way or you can
set a timer. I like to spend no more than two minutes seeing and feeling the pain so my iPhone
buzzes and I know it’s time shift.

But it's important to see and feel the pain at Alpha because what they found and in my research with
my brain hooked up, I found that when you see and feel the pain in Alpha and then you shift to the
solution, somehow you overwrite the pain and the next time you go into that meeting it’s no longer
as painful. I haven't understood why this happens, but it seems to rewrite that pain. Now you go on
to seeing and feeling the solution. Keyword being seeing and feeling. See yourself in that meeting,
now everyone is organized, it's on the spot, the vendor has called, he is delivering on time. The
project is happening, it's under budget. People are excited. You are high fiving each other. What we
mean by feel is, feel the feelings that you would have if that vision was true. Feelings of pride, of
joy, of celebration. You have to bring in feelings. This is the secret. You bring in feelings not just
visuals. When it’s about the pain, you feel the pain and you see the craziness of the project going
alright. When it comes to the solution, you see the project going perfectly well, but you feel the joy
and now you open your eyes and you let go.

What we mean by let go is, after you are done seeing and feeling the solution, when you come out,
assume it's done. Assume things are already happening. Assume that the universe has set things in
motion. You don't have to repeat doing this, every hour or every day. Even at certain point you go to
a meeting and it's again crazy, go back and repeat it. But very often, what you’ll find is that one
session of doing this fixes things. Esther Hicks says that it takes 17 seconds. She says that 17
seconds of direct thought against something will already stop the gears in motion for it to fixed.
Seventeen seconds. You don't have to keep doing this. If you keep doing this every three hours or
every four hours, that's like being the annoying kid at the back of the car telling the universe, "Are
we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Don't do that. Open your eyes and let go. Now
Jose Silva offers another advice. He says, when you go back to that meeting you will notice that
some things are calmer. Now when you go back to the meditation, let's say it’s calmer, but it's not
yet solved, when you go back to the meditation, in the “see and feel the pain bit” the things that are
calmer recognize those. Don't overly exaggerate. Recognize what's calmer and then see an even
better solution. So, you are moving things forward slowly.

One of the beautiful aspects of creative visualizations is that you can apply this to healing. I leant
this in a very interesting way. When I was a kid, I had really bad skin. Now I happened to be in a
barber shop and I happen to be while waiting for my turn picked up a magazine on…I can't even
remember what the magazine was, for all I know, it could have been Cosmo, just because I was
bored and there was nothing else there. I think in fact it was Cosmo. There was an article, this must
have been in 1991 and 1992. It was about how the skin is the organ most susceptible to
autosuggestion, to healing. The article gave a visualization that you can do to heal your skin now. At
that point I had really horrible skin. I wasn't just a kid with pimples, I had to see a dermatologist.
My skin was bad and it affected my self-esteem, it affected my confidence. I just felt bad because of
how my skin was constantly erupting in pimples. What the magazine suggested was an interesting
technique based on creative visualization. You didn't just see your skin raw and then see your skin
healed, there was a specific flow that happened and it has to do with subconscious symbology.

Let me explain, when you are healing yourself, you can speak to your subconscious using symbols.
None of us, most of us are not doctors, so we can't actually see what's going on behind the skin as it
heals so we use symbols. I have had skin issues for five years. In four weeks I healed myself. I took
the symbology I read in this magazine, combined it with what I learnt from books I read, meditated
three times a day. Now if you are healing something, you do want to meditate and do it three times a
day. It took me about five minutes per session and this is what I did. I stared by seeing my skin the
way it is right now, I would face, I would see myself looking up at the sky. You can try this if you
have a skin issue. If you don't, listen anyway because you can apply the same symbolgy technique
to any type of healing. Looking against the sky now I would see the sunlight shining down on my
skin, okay?

Now here is the most interesting thing. I did imagine I could grab a scoop of sky and it was like a
blue putty and I put that all over my face. The sun would continue shining on that and it would
harden the putty and as I lifted and pulled off the putty, it would take away all the bad skin, all the
dead skin, pimples, acne, it would all go away leaving raw skin below. I would then look down at
the ground I was in, grab a handful of green putty that represented light, grass, greenery, health and
I would put the green putty on my skin and this green putty was almost like life energy that I’d look
up at the sun and the green putty would fill in all the gaps and all flows in my skin. I’d see the
sunlight shining down my face from top to bottom slowly healing every single bit of my face and
when it hit the chin, my skin was completely healed. That's all I did. It’s subconscious symbology.
In four weeks I stopped having pimples, my skin just stopped erupting, I had gone to dermatologist,
I was on so many different creams, it was ridiculous and I have had the issue for five years from the
age of 13 to 14, 15, 16, 17. I healed it in four weeks and since then I've been using this to heal all
other issues that I've had.

Now here is the method. You start by seeing and feeling the pain, okay? So if you are doing this
well, you will start by seeing your particular issue feeling the pain. If it's a health issue that prevents
you from being with someone, say playing ball with your kid, see your kid also experiencing pain,
see two people experiencing the pain. Now you stop feeling the pain and you shift to the solution as
I said, you are on two minutes or so. You see your body being symbolically healed. You make up
the symbolism. Let’s say you have a sprained ankle. You might see yourself being able to look at
your ankle, take your ankle bone, imagine you could just touch your bone through your skin and
then massage the muscles, shoot lightening balls into the muscles to help them heal and the ankle is
walking again. If you are seeing a doctor, you bring in your doctor or your medicine so when I have
a cold and the doctor gives me some medicines, I imagine as if…in my visualization that that pill, I
hold it against the sky, I see the sun blasting it with rays that make it even more powerful. I see
myself swallowing the pill, as the pill enters my through, I see the pill, I see little military dudes
burst out from the pill with little lasers blasting all the germs in my throat to help me heal from the

Notice you are bringing in modern medicine with this, never do this as a replacement to modern
medicine. Now you see yourself being fully healed. According to Jose Silva for health issues you
repeat three times a day, especially if it's a serious injury or an illness, okay? So, you start by
experiencing the pain, then you stop being in the pain, shift to solution, see yourself being
symbolically healed. Bring in anything that you are currently getting from the doctor. When you are
done with the symbolism, you just feel yourself, feeling wonderful. Like I would just for 30 seconds
feel myself feeling wonderful with healthy skin. Repeat three times a day. So, that's the fun part.
You can use this for creating goals, for solving issues and for healing. Don't forget that creative
visualization is as effective for solving problems. Software benders that aren't delivering on time, I
used to have all the time, issues at work. You can use it to solve problem not just create whole new
things in your life and you can also use it for healing. But let's talk about amplifying the results.
How do you put this on over drive? How do you really make this powerful?

Couple of things that I learned that have really helped this. It worked for me. First, don't get
attached to the outcome. What this means is that after you are done with your visualization, forget
about it. Just continue work, assuming that it is going to happen. You mustn't get attached to the
outcome and if it is a problem that you are trying to solve, don't get attached to how it's going to be
solved. More on that in a bit. One of the things that I learnt the hard way was don't jump the gun.
When I was 14 years old, I picked up a book on the Silver Method by Jose Silva and I read about a
woman named Barbara Burns who was a nun, sister Barbara Burns. She healed her eyesight using
the Silver Method. Barbara Burns was almost clinically blind, she couldn't see without glasses, but
she healed it within a year with the Silver Method. Now I had the same condition. Not only did I
have acne, but I had really big glasses and without the glasses, I couldn't recognize someone this far
in front of me. I had the big thick glasses that had caused me to be knocked out at the US Open
Taekwondo Championships and I had a face full of acne. And I just didn't feel good as a teenager.

But what really bugged me at a 14 year old, wore my glasses because I was also really into martial
arts and my glasses were continuously a burden. I decided, captivated by the story of sister Barbara
Burns to use the Silver Method and creative visualization to heal my eyesight. I tried for three
years. No results. Absolutely no results for three years. I gave up and what made me come back to it
was as I read the book “The Silver Mind Control Method” for the second time, I came across that
line in the book, "Don't jump the gun." What Jose Silva is saying is, really, don't try to work
miracles too early. You got to build yourself up. Don't try to cure cancer before you can cure your
dandruff. You know what I mean? When I read that the skin was such an easy thing to cure, that
skin was the easiest organ to influence with your mind, I decided to forget about trying to heal my
eyesight and try to heal my skin and that's when I got results. When I got my results healing my
skin, I still didn’t jump to eyesight because that's much harder to heal. I went on to other things, to
success in academics, to success in work and then I tackled my eyesight. And I will tell you in a
moment how I healed my eye sight.

The second thing is the power of expectancy. You must expect it to happen. You have heard about
the story of Scott. Let me tell you about the story of Sam. I was fascinated when I read this man's
biography. Sam was lucky no matter what he did. At 13 years old, he became the youngest boy
scout in his state. He set that as a goal and sure enough…sorry, he became the youngest eagle
scout…he set this as a goal, to become an eagle scout because Sam as a kid loved pickles [SP] and
sure enough he happened to rescue a man from drowning, got awarded this honor and became the
youngest eagle scout in his state. When he went to high school, again, it was like he had this lucky
streak, he was top at academics, he was the head of the Bible Society head of the ROTC, he played
football and his team won. Then he joined the basketball team, became captain, that team won and
finally when Sam graduated he just felt that everything he touched he couldn't lose, he fought
around the idea of becoming president of the United States some day, but he the decided that there
were other things that fascinated him more, namely, starting a business. Sam decided to start a
simple grocery store. That grocery store became Walmart. That Sam is Sam Walton and Sam Walton
became the richest man in the world.

What’s interesting about Sam Walton is, if you read his biography, "Made in America" which is an
amazing book and you go all the way back to the time he was growing up in Arkansas, Sam Walton
seemed to blessed with good luck. Everything he touched, he seemed to win. In the book, I found a
quote from his brother. The brother said, “Sam would often say this, I go into every situation
expecting to win.” Thinking like this often turns in to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Expectancy, that is
the key. After you have visualized, when you come out, you got to have so much faith in your
abilities that you expect things to happen. Let me give you an idea of what the feeling of expectancy
feels like. It feels like if the check is in the mail. Let's say, for example, someone, a friend of yours,
borrows two grand from you and he tells you he is going to pay you back in a week. Now a week
comes and passes. Then two weeks pass, three weeks pass, four weeks pass, you are frustrated.
You’ve been trying to call him, he is not answering the phone. You've emailed him, he is ignoring
your emails. You want your money and it’s now four weeks past the deadline. You were expecting it
in one week, it’s now four weeks. All of a sudden this friend calls you and he says, "Look Bob,"
whatever your name is , "I am so sorry, I've been a jerk, I was under a lot of stress, I forgot to
answer. I couldn't pick up your phone because I felt so bad and my mind was just out of whack.
Look, here is what I am doing, I am mailing you back the money, the check is in the mail. I am
sending is via FedEx so you are going to get it tomorrow, I am emailing you right now the FedEx
receipt and tracing number so that you can trace it and here is a scan of the check so you know this
is real. I am so sorry."

How do you feel? The thing is you haven't got the money, it hasn't come to you yet but odds are,
your frustration, your anxiety has evaporated, you are sure you are going to get that check because
the check is in because you are so sure, but the check hasn't reached you. The money isn't in your
bank account, but you know the check is in the mail. That is the feeling expectancy that you want to
cultivate. Now it doesn't happen overnight. Don't jump the gun. This is why you have to start up
with things that you believe are possible and then work your way up. If you are in a business that’s
doing a 100k, don't aim for 10 million, aim for 200k or 500k. When you hit 500k, aim for a million.
When you hit a million, aim for two million. But if you aim too big, beyond what you believe is
possible, you cannot have that level of expectancy. The thing is some people may be wondering,
“Well, how do you reconcile this with dreaming big?” Here is how you reconcile it. Dream big, be
unrealistic, but you got to make it match your level of expectancy. So, you can be unrealistic, but as
you build up your faculties, as you start to see what your abilities can do, as you start learning how
to bring in intuition, you learn about the state of flow, you learn about all these other things that can
come as allies to help you, your ceiling of possibility goes up. But don't set anything above your
ceiling of possibility because that takes away expectancy. And if expectancy isn't there, worry is
there and worry completely shuts down your state of flow.

Be unrealistic by all means because you know that intuition is going to kick in. You know that you
can be in the state of flow, but don't set a goal that you know is beyond what you know to be your
ceiling of possibility. What you want to realize is that here is a thing called the time gap. Your goals
are emotions, as soon as you start visualizing, but they don't happen immediately. The philosopher
Neale Donald Walsch describes it this way, "Imagine if there was no time gap, you think about an
elephant and boom!, an elephant would appear in the room. The time gap actually saved you from
making big mistake.” There is a time gap that is part of the plan, but know that, as soon as you start
visualizing, the gears are in motion. If you remember the story of yourself, the waiter and the chef,
the chef had started baking.

Finally, forget the “how”. A lot of people get obsessed by the “how”. “How” creates worry. This
doesn't mean you sit in your butt and you do nothing. You take baby steps like I mentioned in the
previous training, but forget about the “how”. Forget about how it's going to come to you. Focus on
the goal and take action. Don't worry about getting the action right, don't visualize the goal coming
to you in a certain way. Forget the how.

Now let me explain why this is so important. In March 2008, I got this email from Kyle Lee who is
now a famous entrepreneur, but he worked for me back then and Kyle Lee read an article in New
York Times about how famous people were hanging out with Branson on his island. Kyle Lee wrote
down in the email, “Branson, Tony Blair, ex co-founder of PayPal, etcetera, etcetera, gathered on
Branson's island to plan how to save the world, as well as party with bikini women. Do you guys
aim that big? I sometimes wonder if I am really going to get to a point where I can be on that island
with Branson someday. Perhaps I can meet you guys there, too.” This was in March, 23rd, 2008.
Back then me and Kyle Lee thought, well, to be on Branson's island, we would have to be
billionaires and why not, we'd probably do it. But the funny thing was we both set this as a goal. I
actually took…on my vision what I stuck a picture of Branson and his island, wanting to be there.
What’s interesting that happened is that we didn't need to be billionaires. It happened to us four
years later. That’s me and Kaylee on Branson's island. That’s us with Branson in his boat, that's us
brainstorming with him on the beach. It happened four years later by a shared [SP] club cashier
coincidence. I happened to be at a dinner and then a guy who was Branson's number one fundraiser
for his Virgin Unite Foundation, this guy and I became friends and he invited me to the island. And
as it just so happened, they had a couple of free spots that I could bring a friend and I brought Kyle
Lee. Both of us ended up on that island. We thought we had to go through a certain part to get there,
make and earn a billion dollars. It turned out we just had to be at the right place at the right time and
it happened.

You don't want to worry about how things are going to happen. You simply want to see the end
results. The “how” breaks down. As you put all of this together, you can start practicing. For the
next one week, what I’d love for you to do before you get to the next module is to start
incorporating some of these ideas. Segment intending, creative visualization into your 6-phase
meditation and then if you have specific problems you want to solve, use creative visualization to
solve those problem whether it’s a problem at work or it’s a health issue. When we get into the next
module, we are going to now take you to level 3 where you become a servant to a higher calling and
I am going to teach you a method I discovered that is beyond creative visualization and for me right
now it’s the most powerful way of altering reality. It's not creative visualization. In fact there is very
little visualization involved.

The method is about merging and we'll talk about that more. We'll also talk about level 4, the
feeling of oneness. I haven't fully explored level 4 yet, but I am going to share with you some of my
experiences that may help accelerate you experiencing glimpses of level 4 in your life. Creative
visualization, the core exercise. What I am going to do right now is, I am going to guide you
through a simple five-minute exercise of creative visualization. This stays with you. So at this point
I am going to set a timer for five minutes and I want you to think of a problem or a health issue that
you want to solve. Close your eyes and relax. If you have a particular meditation music or sound
that you enjoy playing, feel free to play it in the background. Close your eyes. Relax. See and feel
the problem that you would like to solve, happening. See yourself in the problem state. See the
people who are impacted by this problem. It helps if you see more than just yourself suffering from
this problem. Feel the pain, the stress, the anxiety. See how the pain is affecting others too. Bring in
other senses if you wish, beyond your sense of sight. Hear sounds, smells, touch, plant yourself in
the scene where that problem most recently occurred. Feel the pain, how does this problem make
you feel, how does that frustration, that stress, that discomfort, those fears and worries feel? Bring it
back to mind for a moment. Continue hearing the problem until you hear me say “stop”. Feel the
pain. Stop.

We will now shift to the solution. Don't worry about how it will be solved. See the problem as
solved. What would the picture look like at your work, in your home, in whatever place is relevant
if this problem completely was resolved. See the problem resolved. How you feel? Bring in all
senses, smell, sight taste, sound. See other people benefitting from this problem being resolved.
How are they feeling? Immerse yourself in the scene. Pay attention to your feelings: happiness, joy,
celebration, exuberance. Continue feeling the scene of the problem being resolved. Shift your focus
for a moment to other people. See how others are benefiting because this problem is no longer in
your life and in their lives. If this is a health issue, this is a good time to continue focusing on the
subconscious symbolism of the healing happening. You are now done. You may continue exploring
this happy scene, feeling the joy, the bliss of this problem being resolved for the next minute before
we wrap up. The problem is now resolved. Know that you have started the wheels in motion for the
complete resolution of this problem. When I count to five you will open your eyes getting wide
awake, wonderful, positive, full of expectancy, better than before. 1, 2, 3. Get ready to open your
eyes. 4, 5. Eyes open wide awake, feeling wonderful, positive, full of expectancy, ready to live life
at a new level knowing this problem is going to be resolved. Thank you.

You can use that exercise. As you can see it's really simple. It took less than five minutes. You can
use this exercise anytime you want on any problem and that's the end of this lesson. I want you to
do this: practice by adapting your 6-phase meditation, level 4 and level 5 over the next seven days
and use the creative visualization techniques and the ideas you’ve learned here to tackle different
aspects and problems in your life that you want to heal, health or so on. Pick one every day for the
next seven days before you get on to the next module because in the next module we are going to
take things at a whole different pattern [SP]. I am really excited to teach the next module because it
has some stuff that you have probably never seen in any book out there on the mind. This is stuff I
learnt through personal research while hooked up to a Biofeedback machine and experimenting
with actually being able to merge with different aspects of reality that I wanted to fix. I call the
solution “merging”. More on that in a bit. This is Vishen Lakhiani. Thank you.

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