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Vol. 17, No. 4 Monday, January 31, 2011 - Sunday, February 6, 2011 of this issue

MP goes independent
MP Andrej Ďurkovský left
the KDH party after ques-
tions surfaced about several
help or
transactions when he was
Bratislava's mayor. He will
stay as an independent MP.
pg 2
Spectator staff
Slovaks in bomb blast
At least five Slovaks were at
Moscow's Domodedovo SOME of those who depend on social bene-
Airport when a terrorist fits from the state might soon have to
bomb killed at least 35 learn to live with less cash in their pock-
people and injured many ets. Five villages in eastern Slovakia will
others, including well- this summer trial a new e-pay system
known Slovak actress Zuz- which the Labour Ministry believes could
ana Fialová. become an effective tool against loan-
pg 3 sharking – or usury, as it is still referred to
in Slovakia – and poverty.
The e-pay pilot project will be launched
OPINION at the end of June in five eastern Slovak vil-
lages (Spišský Hrhov, Sveržov, Hlinné,
Weak choices Čičava and Pečovská Nová Ves), where it
With the departure of anMP will affect slightly fewer than 600 people.
from the KDH party and the The system provider will be chosen by
weakening of the tender, to be launched in February. Inter-
coalition's majority in par- Former prime minister Robert Fico said he respects all decisions made by Slovakia's Constitutional Court, despite its national bidders are expected to compete.
liament, the governing ruling on January 26 that two laws enacted by his government in 2007 are unconstitutional. Photo: SITA There are about 189,000 recipients of
parties are now paying the social benefits in Slovakia, and over
price for choosing poor 360,000 individuals who depend on them.

pg 5
Two Fico-era laws Under the new system, every beneficiary
will get a bank account and an associated
e-pay card. Instead of cash payments, the
allowances will be transferred directly to
recipients’ accounts.
Downturn hits gaming
Slovaks like gambling and
had it not been for the eco-
struck down by court See CASH pg 3

nomic crisis the amount

wagered in various ways
would have continued to
SLOVAKIA’S Constitutional Court
delivered two major rulings in a BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
ment and had championed both
pieces of legislation, was somewhat
Rental plan
soar over the past two years.
pg 6
single day on January 26. It decided
that legislation passed by the last
government prohibiting private
Spectator staff reserved, saying that he “would not
slam the court” for its decisions.
“We respect each and every de-
Poker ups its ante
Over the past 10 years the
health insurers from paying di-
vidends to their shareholders or
deciding what to do with their
before the land expropriation pro-
cess is completed – also the work of
cision of the Constitutional Court,”
Fico told a press conference on
January 26, while calling on the cur-
for airport
game of poker has become profits violates Slovakia’s constitu- the previous government – is un- rent government to change both
very popular across the tion. In the second case the Consti- constitutional. laws in a way that “achieves faster
world and several Slovak tutional Court ruled that an While the current government highway construction” and pre- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
players have made it into amendment to Slovakia’s highway of Iveta Radičová welcomed the vents what he said was “health in- Spectator staff
the world's top ranks . construction legislation that per- court’s decisions, the leader of the surers taking away people’s money”.
pg 7 mitted the state to begin building opposition Smer party, Robert Fico,
highways on privately-owned land who also led the previous govern- See DOWN pg 4
THE STATE has taken its latest step to-
CULTURE wards developing a new model for the op-
Discovering oneself
A Canadian dancer, choreo-
Crusade for police credibility begins eration of Bratislava Airport, which five
years ago came within a hair’s breadth of
privatisation. It is now clear that M.R.
grapher and ethnographer initiative the most sweeping reform Interior Minister Daniel Lipšic Štefánik Airport in Slovakia’s capital will
of Azeri-Persian ancestry Top cop announces since the end of communism more stated that if the reform succeeds not be privatised during the term of the Iv-
brought his unique story- sweeping changes than 20 years ago. Slovakia’s police will enjoy credibil- eta Radičová government, at least accord-
telling dance performances Spišiak said the new system ity similar to those in the most-ad- ing to recent statements by state officials.
to Bratislava in December. will impact everyone in the Police mired countries. In mid-December 2010, Transport Min-
pg 11 Corps, from traffic police and of- Advocates of the reform said that ister Ján Figeľ said that the means to bring
fice clerks up to senior officials previous ways of evaluating police what he called a strategic partner into
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ such as himself and will replace officers left too much room for sub- Bratislava Airport should be determined by
Spectator staff the end of February, adding that ‘entry’
what he called subjective evalu- jectivity and lacked clear, specific
SELECT FOREX RATES ations while offering clearer and performance targets. does not necessarily mean ‘sale’ since there
€ benchmark as of January 27 more exact criteria for assessing Lipšic’s predecessor, Robert are also other options. A month later, his
the work of police officers. Kaliňák, reacted by saying that predecessor as minister, Ľubomír Vážny,
TAILOR-made assessment criteria, “Our goal is to increase the everything cannot be measured suggested that if the state no longer wants
regular performance evaluations credibility of the police in through statistical data and that the to operate the airport it should rent it based
and a new bonus system are all part Slovakia,” Denisa Baloghová, the changes might lead to individualism on a concession agreement rather than
of the latest crusade heralded by the spokeswoman of the Police rather than the teamwork that he selling it. Now the Ministry of Transport,
country’s top cop to build more Corps, told The Slovak Spectator, said the previous evaluation system in a draft proposal for the further develop-
credibility and professionalism in adding that Spišiak wants to supported. ment of Bratislava Airport, seems to agree.
the Slovak police force. Police Corps launch the new measures as
President Jaroslav Spišiak calls his quickly as possible. See COP pg 2 See FLY pg 9
2 January 31 – February 6, 2011 NEWS

MP departs KDH
saying that he felt a sense of
Citizenship law’s fate still uncertain BY MICHAELA responsibility towards his
TERENZANI voters, referring to the almost
THE GOVERNMENT has party are expected to vote in Spectator staff 11,000 preferential votes he
agreed a draft revision of the favour of the draft, although received in the 2010 election.
Citizenship Act, which was many of them expressed re- KDH deputy chairman
amended shortly before last servations. Most-Híd MP THE UNEXPLAINED issues Daniel Lipšic, who is the cur-
year’s parliamentary elec- Edita Pfundtner said the and alleged scandals swirling rent interior minister, later
tions by the then-govern- draft law would punish around Bratislava’s former admitted that it was he who
ment of Robert Fico. The law state employees, Sme wrote. mayor, Andrej Ďurkovský, had demanded that
currently allows citizens The coalition cannot be have proved unbearable for Ďurkovský leave parliament.
who acquire the citizenship sure of getting all its MPs to his party, resulting in He said that Ďurkovský was
of another state (apart from vote for the law when it is something of a velvet break- not able to explain some grave
by birth or marriage) to be presented to parliament, as up between the Christian suspicions regarding his con-
stripped of their Slovak cit- four Freedom and Solidarity Democratic Movement (KDH) Andrej Ďurkovský Photo: TASR duct as mayor and his depar-
izenship; the amendment (SaS) MPs grouped in the and its long-time member, ture from the KDH was the
would remove this provision. Ordinary People faction who was elected last year as vened to allow him to explain some of the information that only possible solution.
At the same time, have said they will only an MP for the party. his conduct in two cases in appeared in the media is “If he hadn’t left the KDH,
however, the cabinet ap- support an amendment if it Ďurkovský is the first MP in particular. Both arose from his false. However, he said he he would have been left,” Lipšic
proved a proposal by the restricts dual citizenship to this parliamentary term to tenure as mayor of the capital, was leaving the party in order told journalists, adding that he
Christian Democratic people who stay, study, are leave his party caucus and be- which ended late last year. The not to harm it and vowed to cannot imagine Ďurkovský re-
Movement (KDH) to ban employed or conduct busi- come an independent, but he first concerned alleged hidden clear his name and then re- turning to the party.
dual citizenship for police, ness in a foreign country has promised to remain faith- privatisation and questionable join the KDH. KDH chairman Ján Figeľ
army, intelligence services for at least two years, or ful to the ruling centre-right financial transactions at said there was consensus
and security officers. Public have close family ties to coalition. Observers note that Bratislava’s water utility, BVS; Opinion divided within KDH about the outcome, and said
officials who work with another country. his departure does not mark the second was his alleged he believed Ďurkovský acted
classified documents will Since the exact wording the end of the story. overstepping of authority re- One member of the KDH in line with his conscience,
also be banned from holding of the draft revision has yet Ďurkovský announced his garding the planned demoli- leadership, after hearing the information available and
dual citizenship, the Sme to be released, coalition decision to quit the KDH after tion of the city’s Culture and Ďurkovský’s defence called on the competencies he had pos-
daily reported. deputies are still waiting to a six-hour-long meeting with Leisure Park (PKO). him to give up his parlia- sessed as a mayor.
MPs of the prevailingly express their opinions, the the party’s presidency on Ďurkovský denies any mentary mandate, but
ethnic-Hungarian Most-Híd SITA newswire reported. January 24 which was con- blame and maintains that Ďurkovský refused to do this, See KDH pg 9

Senior policeman caught taking bribe

THE HEAD of the Senec ments during working hours
COP: Evaluations will affect bonuses
traffic police was detained on and at other times at the of-
January 26 and charged with fice of the traffic police in- Continued from pg 1 Police officers were working hard
ongoing acceptance of spectorate in Senec. without this system of evaluation,
bribes. The Interior Ministry Bribes were supposedly Baloghová explained that the criteria Kaliňák said, and he does not want po-
said he was caught red- paid to secure accelerated re- have been designed in such a way that they lice officers to become people who
handed taking a bribe at his gistration of motor vehicles, will cover every police officer including merely fulfil certain statistical require-
workplace. and for the identity of managers, differentiated according to the ments without a visible human face.
From September 2010 un- vehicles’ owners or keepers specific tasks each carries out. Speaking to public-service Slovak
til his arrest the officer al- not to be checked, the SITA “Based on these criteria, each police of- Radio, Kaliňák stated that he would also
legedly accepted cash pay- newswire reported. ficer knows exactly what they must do if incorporate into the system evaluation
they want to receive positive marks,” of officers by the public, saying that this
Baloghová said, adding that the new sys- was crucial and had not been men-
Twenty apply for top job at RTVS tem would motivate each police officer, in- tioned. He also suggested that the public
dividually, to perform those tasks which should be involved in establishing po-
THE PARLIAMENTARY and a former member of the are of highest priority for his or her particu- lice priorities.
Committee for Culture and Council for Broadcasting and lar role in the force. Kaliňák seemed hesitant to make
Media has received 20 ap- Retransmission, Peter Regarding drawbacks in the previous more specific comments on the new
plications for the job of head Abrahám. evaluation system, Baloghová said it lacked system, stating several times that he
of the public-service broad- The application of ad- specific targets for an employee of the Po- Police officers face new rules. Photo: Sme only hopes that Slovak police will con-
caster Radio and Television vertising executive Fedor lice Corps to achieve as well as a system of tinue to gain more credibility, a trend
of Slovakia (RTVS). RTVS was Flašík, known for his work interventions or rewards for negative or “Each road accident, including those which he said had started during his
created on January 1 by the on the election campaigns of positive evaluations. which have already occurred in January, term as interior minister.
merger of Slovak Radio (SRo) the Movement for a Demo- “The evaluation was done based on sub- will negatively influence the evaluation When explaining that each police of-
and Slovak Television (STV). cratic Slovakia (HZDS) and jective statements of supervisors in five- of traffic police patrols as well as their ficer will have a set of evaluation criter-
The deadline for applications Smer, came as a surprise. Ján year periods,” Baloghová told The Slovak supervisors,” Baloghová said. ia, Spišiak used a traffic police officer as
was midnight on January 25; Fule, former head of the syn- Spectator. “The evaluation was more or less Spišiak said that he had been plan- an example to illustrate how the system
three of the applications ar- dicate of journalists, who collective since indicators of entire units ning the reforms since 2000 when he would work: the officer would be evalu-
rived after that. later served as the spokes- were measured, which made it possible for managed the police department in ated based on whether there were any
Parliament will chose the person of the president, filed ineffective police officers, who did not con- Dunajská Streda and after having spent traffic accidents in his or her area dur-
director-general of the new his application after the tribute to the results of the team, to slip some time in Great Britain where, he ing a working shift.
public-service broadcaster by deadline and was ruled out. through.” said, police officers are trusted and “It is up to the police how they
a simple majority after a pub- Culture Minister Daniel Baloghová added that in many cases highly regarded by the public. achieve this,” Spišiak said, adding that if
lic hearing involving the Krajcer, who was behind the the positive results of a team were achieved “Police officers aren’t a closed com- there was ice on the road, for example,
candidates. If none of the creation of RTVS, has not yet through the superior activity of dedicated munity; they do not think that they are the officer should stand at the spot to
candidates is selected, an- expressed any preference for and honest police officers who in most the heroes and that citizens are an un- warn drivers.
other vote will be held, with a candidate, but promised to cases were not rewarded for their individu- avoidable evil who make their lives more Each police officer will be evaluated
only the two candidates with do so after he had read their al efforts. difficult,” Spišiak said, as quoted by the every month based on the established
the highest number of votes. proposals for RTVS. Police officials have been stressing that SITA newswire, when explaining the criteria and quarterly evaluations will
The public hearings for “Those people who the outcome of these evaluations will have principles behind the reforms. potentially affect the officer’s salary,
candidates start on February already worked either in the a direct impact on the bonuses that police Kaliňák stated that it is not possible Spišiak said. SITA wrote that there will
7 and according to the deputy [licensing] council or in the officers will receive. Baloghová added that to evaluate everything based on numbers be three levels on the evaluation scale:
chairperson of the commit- management of public-ser- the new system will also provide police of- because police officers provide many more than satisfactory, satisfactory and
tee, Magda Vášáryová, a vote vice media could be the ficers with a clear career ladder and provide types of service and each crime is unique, unsatisfactory, that all evaluations will
could “theoretically” be held favourites,” Vášáryová told rules for possible personnel changes. adding that he thinks the new system of be expressed numerically without writ-
on February 11, the SITA the Sme daily. There are The criteria are still being fine-tuned evaluation will promote a different ethic ten statements, and that police officers
newswire reported. three such candidates now: and should be complete by July 1, when the among police officers from the one he will lose part of their bonus if they are
Among the candidates Zemková and Rezník, both new system will begin being used. had supported, SITA wrote. rated unsatisfactory in a quarter.
are well-known names such former Slovak Radio direct- However, Slovakia’s traffic police are Kaliňák said he is curious about If a police officer is rated as unsatis-
as the acting head of RTVS ors, and Abrahám, a long- already subject to many of the new aspects which evaluation criteria will be spe- factory in two successive quarters he or
and former director-general time member of the licens- of the system, Baloghová said, because road cified for officers working as police tech- she can be transferred to another posi-
of Slovak Radio, Miloslava ing council. safety enforcement has been unacceptable nicians, within crime-scene units and as tion, SITA added.
Zemková, director-general of so the police commanders started “sharp” police-dog specialists as well as those
the state-owned TASR Compiled by Spectator staff application of the criteria without tuning who work in the offices that handle ID Michaela Terenzani
newswire, Jaroslav Rezník, from press reports them further. cards and other documents. contributed to this report
NEWS January 31 – February 6, 2011 3

Slovaks in Moscow blast Democracy gets

an average grade
AT LEAST five Slovaks were at turned off for security reasons
Domodedovo Airport in Mo- by the Russian authorities, “The last quarter of the
scow when a terrorist bomb “probably in order to prevent BY MICHAELA past year in the political
exploded killing at least 35 someone else from setting of TERENZANI democracy of Slovakia was
people and injuring another another bomb by mobile Spectator staff marked by the continuation
170 on January 24. Well- phone”, Sme reported. and deepening of trends that
known Slovak actress Zuzana The New York Daily News were launched after the ruling
Fialová suffered injuries in website initially reported, in- THE QUALITY of democracy Smer-SNS-HZDS coalition was
the blast and was hospitalised correctly, that Fialová had in Slovakia improved in the replaced by the SDKÚ-SaS-
in Moscow. been killed in the bombing, second half of 2010, accord- KDH-Most/Híd coalition fol-
Fialová, her colleague according to the Slovak daily ing to the independent In- lowing the parliamentary
Ľuboš Kostelný and his sister, Nový Čas. stitute for Public Affairs elections in 2010,” an IVO
were queuing for luggage Slovak media reported (IVO). For the first time press release stated. “Changes
when a suicide bomber deton- Zuzana Fialová Photo: Sme archive later on January 25 that doc- since 2008, the overall in practically all the evaluated
ated explosives which Russi- tors had classified Fialová’s in- quarterly grade it awards for areas had positive dynamics,
an media reported consisted The Sme daily wrote that morning of January 25. juries as moderate to severe, the level of democracy in the which put an end to the con-
of around 7 kilograms of TNT. no Slovak had ever experi- “It’s swinishness,” Fialová and that she was due to un- country, as judged by the sistent worsening of the rat-
Kostelný told the Sme daily enced a terrorist attack at said, in her only immediate dergo surgery in Moscow. No institute’s Barometer sur- ing which had been recorded
that the group was standing such close proximity. reaction to what had official information regarding vey, dropped below 3. since the start of the IVO Ba-
about 4 metres from the “It threw Zuzka on the happened. Her partner, Peter the surgery has been released. Slovak democracy was rometer project in 2008.”
bomber, whose identity has ground,” Kostelný said, Matulík, was in regular con- The Foreign Ministry, at the graded at 2.8 for the last The IVO Barometer evalu-
not yet been confirmed. Un- adding that she was hit by tact with her and he also con- request of Fialová’s family, quarter of 2010, using the ates the quality of democracy
named security sources cited several shards of the bomb tacted the Slovak Embassy in said it would not provide any same scoring scale employed in Slovakia on a quarterly
in the Russian media have and one cut her ear. She also Moscow and learned that mo- further information about the by Slovak schools, in which 1 basis in five key areas: demo-
suggested a link to the suffered shock and was trans- bile phone connections in health of the actress. is excellent and 5 is failing. cratic institutions and a law-
troubled North Caucasus re- ferred to a Moscow hospital Moscow, especially in the vi- The 2.8 grade represented an ful state; legislation; protec-
gion. where she remained on the cinity of the airport, were See BOMB pg 5 improvement of 0.3 points. tion and respect for human
The overall average rating of and minority rights; media
the quality of democracy for freedom and public-service

CASH: Daily spending limits suggested 2010 was 3.2 according to the
IVO Barometer, an improve-
ment of 0.1 points compared
media; and the transatlantic
and European integration as-
pects of foreign policy.
Continued from pg 1 to 2009. See IVO pg 9

The beneficiary will then be able to use

his or her e-pay card to pay wherever there
is a terminal for cashless payments. The
Labour Ministry believes it will be able to
install terminals in all local shops, phar-
Liberation, not
macies, etc, perhaps through co-financing
terminals for merchants.
To begin with, benefits sent through
e-pay will include the allowance for small number of people. We
people in material need, family allow- BY MICHAELA believe that if we manage to
ances, parental allowances, and the lump- TERENZANI catch the problems early on
sum allowance paid on the birth of a child. Spectator staff in the project, it might be
positive for the municipality
Less cash, fewer problems? that we went into [the
SVERŽOV, a small village project] and weren’t worried.
E-pay cards are often dubbed “cards for near Bardejov numbering It’s also important that
the Roma” in the Slovak media, but the au- fewer than 600 souls, will be- the people are not worried.
thors of the idea have warned against such come an ‘e-pay laboratory’ The cards are not a punish-
stereotyping. Many residents in Slovakia's Roma settlements rely on state benefits. Photo: SITA this summer. The 20 benefi- ment. Everybody sees it as a
Miroslav Pollák, the government’s ciaries of social allowances punishment, but I say no, on
proxy for Roma communities, whose of- to their ability to get food for much better “For us it is incredibly valuable who live in the village will the contrary, it’s liberation.
fice cooperated with the Labour Ministry prices then they would pay in a shop, for information,” Nicholsonová said. “As get their allowances on e-pay
on developing the e-pay project, stressed instance by buying eggs or milk from their soon as problems occur, a field social cards rather than in cash. TSS: Do people in Sveržov
that this is not classified as a project for neighbours,” Nicholsonová explained. worker will come and work with the fam- The Slovak Spectator spoke see it as a negative thing?
the Roma. “We cannot take this possibility away ily. Because this is not about restrictions, to Pavol Ceľuch, the mayor of PC: After the information
“Certainly, [the Roma shantytowns] from them completely.” it’s really about explaining and helping Sveržov, about the project. that appeared in the media –
motivated the project at the beginning,” people to save and manage their money.” which I would call half-
Pollák said. “That cannot be avoided, as Limits to cash, limits to freedom? TSS: Why did you want to truths, because they are not
the greatest poverty and the biggest prob- Missing social workers take part? lies, but they are not fully
lems occur in the segregated communit- Beneficiaries will be able to use their Pavol Ceľuch (PC): In true either – I feel like they
ies, the Roma settlements.” money either without limits, or within The success of the project will largely our village we have no prob- are ‘freaking out’, and they
E-pay cards could become an effect- weekly or daily limits, basically depend- depend on the cooperation between local lems with usury, non-pay- are now getting worried.
ive tool in the fight against usury, non- ing on how well-disciplined they are labour offices, municipalities, field so- ment [of utility bills and local They had no worries before,
payment of utility and local taxes and with their money. Daily limits (which cial workers and community centres in taxes], drugs or alcohol. But when I told them that we
the inability of some beneficiaries to would be less than €5 a day) have been village. The existence of a community since municipalities are wor- could go into this project.
manage the money they get in the form criticised as violating the human rights centre and the willingness of the mayor ried about going into this ex- They said ‘Alright, let’s try
of allowances. of the beneficiaries. were major criteria for a village to be se- periment, we decided to try it’. I never lied to them, or
“I really don’t think that e-pay cards Nicholsonová said the limits will lected for the pilot project starting this it out. We offered our village promised them something
will do away with usury for good, but I only be applied to those who already face year. as an alternative to the min- and did not live up to my
believe that we can at least build barriers limits through the institute of ‘special “Because if we want people to feel istry, and they selected us. promise. There is mutual
to prevent the usurers from doing well, recipient’ recognised by Slovak legisla- that this measure is for them and not trust between me and them.
as they’ve been doing so far,” Labour tion. Under this system, beneficiaries against them, it’s going to take a lot of TSS: What will it look like And now I have to admit
Ministry State Secretary Lucia who have been deemed unable to man- work by field social workers and com- in practice? I am a bit disappointed with
Nicholsonová said. age their money and who use state bene- munity workers, to go and explain to PC: We have municip- some of the news. Last night
The original idea was to eliminate fits for the basic needs of their family are people face-to-face why their village ally-owned social housing I saw [the e-pay cards]
cash from the lives of beneficiaries al- not paid their allowances directly, but launched the project,” Nicholsonová here, so we want to try to fa- presented on TV as a sort of
most totally, but after criticism from the instead the cash goes to a special recipi- said. cilitate payments for that whip for those who will be
non-governmental sphere the ministry ent (typically the municipality, but the- What might become a problem is the through the e-pay terminals: using them. It’s true that it’s
dropped that idea. Nicholsonová said oretically anyone approved by the state), lack of field social workers and com- electricity, water, and com- going to be a whip for the
that a percentage of the part of their al- who then decides when and how much munity centres in Slovakia. The min- bustibles that we buy them. negligent ones, but for those
lowance that a beneficiary must 'earn' of the allowance to give to the benefi- istry believes it will be able to boost its Also taxes and fees that who observe their duties, the
(by taking part in community work, for ciary, according to their needs. network of social workers in the com- everybody must pay would card will be a liberation. So
instance) will be paid to them in cash. The data collected by the e-card sys- munities where they are needed – this is go through the terminals. Al- don’t write negatively about
The cash part could amount to around tem will allow the respective authorities one of the aims the government set out though, I repeat, we don’t it. The cards are not a pun-
€30 per month. to check how a recipient uses their bene- in its programme statement. have problems with their ishment for these people;
“Those who depend on social allow- fit payments, and decide whether limits paying on time, we can they are a punishment for
ances are often able to survive only thanks are needed. Also see the interview to the right handle it with this rather the usurers.
4 January 31 – February 6, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

DOWN: Laws ruled unconstitutional

Continued from pg 1 dividends to their sharehold-
ers, requiring them instead to
channel any profits back into
Observers pointed out that the health-care system. The
Heating company director sacked it has taken several years for law became effective in Janu-
the court to deliver the ver- ary 2008. The private health
THE DIRECTOR of the his tenure a sale of excess dicts, during which time Fico’s insurers operating in Slovakia
Zvolenská Teplárenská heat- emissions quotas “cost the government was replaced by objected that the legislation
ing company, Juraj Králik, state more than €800,000”. the Radičová-led centre-right was hostile to investments
nominated by the Freedom The Sme daily also wrote coalition following parlia- made by their major share-
and Solidarity (SaS) party, that Žilinská Teplárenská mentary elections in 2010. The holders and two of the in-
will be summarily sacked, was in the portfolio of state- Finance Ministry revealed in surers subsequently presen-
SaS chairman Richard Sulík owned companies controlled mid January 2011 that the gov- ted their arguments before in-
told the media on January 25. by SNS, with the wife of Mil- ernment had spent more than ternational courts.
Sulík’s action came after an Vendrinský, a business- €15.5 million in legal fees de- In 2008, a group of 49
questions about previous de- man linked to SNS chairman fending the law on health in- members of the Slovak par-
cisions by the director in a Ján Slota, sitting on the surers’ profits in international liament also asked the Consti-
similar post were raised by board of directors and arbitration procedures, the tutional Court to review the
Prime Minister Iveta Alžbeta Porubcová, Slota’s SITA newswire reported. law, arguing that the
Radičová, the TASR news- daughter, serving as a mem- Finance Minister Ivan amendment contradicted the
wire reported. ber of the company’s super- Mikloš reacted to the rulings constitution as well as inter-
Radičová stated that visory board. by saying that when the legis- national laws.
Králik had worked in 2008 as Králik was nominated by lation was being pursued by Defending the legislation
the director of the Žilinská SaS to be the director of Fico’s government the then in 2007, Fico told public broad-
Teplárenská heating com- Zvolenská Teplárenská after opposition, as well as profes- The court enforced land ownership principles . Photo: Sme caster Slovak Radio that the
pany, was nominated to that the new government was sionals, had warned that it previous, centre-right
post by the Slovak National formed following the 2010 could significantly damage calling on the government to under the original law, to government’s aim had been
Party (SNS), and that during parliamentary elections. the citizens of Slovakia as well prepare a new law that makes when the final inspection of “to allow someone, mainly
as the country itself. possible the fast construction the construction is underway. foreign firms, to access public
“It [the ruling] clearly of highways.” The original law permitted resources and gradually carve
Better economic growth forecast shows that steps by the previ- this method only in excep- off huge profits from these re-
ous government were irre- The expropriation law tional cases. The change in sources. People are now re-
BANK analysts’ GDP growth Reconstruction and Devel- sponsible in this area,” Mikloš the law is estimated to have quired to pay money for insur-
forecasts for 2011 are more op- opment (EBRD) also increased said, as quoted by SITA. According to the court’s of- affected almost 39,000 prop- ance premiums to the insurers
timistic than they were at the its estimate of Slovakia’s GDP Regarding the legislation ficial release, the legislation erty owners with land on or and it is absolutely unaccept-
end of 2010. In a regular sur- growth for 2011. Based on the commonly referred to as the on one-time measures pertain- adjacent to the planned able to us to allow someone to
vey carried out by the Nation- latest release from EBRD, the expropriation law, the Consti- ing to highway construction highways, according to the keep part of this money”.
al Bank of Slovakia (NBS), the bank expects the Slovak eco- tutional Court ruled that put inappropriate pressure on Sme daily. Of these, expropri- The European Commis-
analysts, on average, projec- nomy to grow by 3.7 percent neither the state nor any other all owners to be forthcoming ation orders were filed against sion started reviewing the le-
ted Slovakia’s economic in 2011 compared to the body can start building high- towards the builders of the 1,338 owners; most of the oth- gislation in 2009 to determine
growth in 2011 at 3.6 percent, growth rate of 3.5 percent it ways on property that is not highways. The challenged ers are believed to have sold in if Slovakia had breached EU
up slightly by 0.1 percentage predicted last October. fully owned by them. The provisions quasi-legalised anticipation of being ordered legislation and sent a letter of
point from December's estim- The prognoses offered by court in its press release said construction which would to do so. formal notice to the country
ates, the SITA newswire re- the banks and the EBRD are that the affected owners were otherwise be considered illegal Then-transport minister to begin that process.
ported. more optimistic than the in fact disadvantaged com- by allowing construction of, in Ľubomír Vážny argued at the “It seems that the imposi-
The bank analysts also re- most recent estimates made pared to other owners of land. effect, non-removable con- time the legislation was adop- tion of an absolute prohibition
vised their anticipated infla- by Slovakia’s central bank and The challenged provisions al- struction on property without ted that without the change on privately-owned public
tion rates modestly upward the Finance Ministry. The lowed a situation in which the consent of the property’s several additional years health insurance providers
for 2011, forecasting an infla- latest official forecast pub- they formally remained own- owner, the Constitutional would be required to negoti- from using their profits other
tion rate, as measured by the lished by the central bank in ers of the real estate, but de Court found. ate with property owners be- than for the provision of public
Harmonised Index of Con- December 2010 projected facto could not carry out tradi- Interior Minister Daniel fore construction could begin health care in the Slovak Re-
sumer Prices, of 3.7 percent. 3-percent growth in GDP for tional rights of the ownership Lipšic said that the state will on the government’s ambi- public constitutes an unjusti-
In the last month of 2010, the 2011. In its prognosis made in law, the court wrote. now have to pay compensa- tious programme to build fied restriction on the freedom
analysts had projected an in- September 2010, the Finance The Constitutional Court tion to people who have had new highways. of capital movements,” the
flation rate for 2011 of 3.6 per- Ministry said Slovakia's GDP also ruled that the health in- their land expropriated since Jozef Vozár, deputy head spokesman for EC Commis-
cent. growth for 2011 would be 3.3 surance legislation funda- the law came into effect. of the Institute of State and sioner for the Internal Market
The European Bank for percent, SITA wrote. mentally restricted the prop- “People in Slovakia will Law at the Slovak Academy of and Services Charlie McCreevy
erty rights of health insurers’ have their ownership rights Sciences told The Slovak Spec- told The Slovak Spectator in
shareholders. According to protected now [thanks to this tator in 2008 that “achieving 2009.
Public sector pushes up jobless rate the court, the government in- ruling], because this law made construction through means Slovakia’s Association of
terfered in insurers’ right to it possible to deprive owners that limit that which lies at Health Insurers (ZZP) warned
THE UNEMPLOYMENT rate but he expects a gradual de- do business in health insur- of their ownership rights in the core of ownership rights – several times that the legisla-
in Slovakia is being pushed crease in the unemployment ance by depriving them of the order to pave the way for im- preventing landowners from tion would conflict with in-
up by layoffs in the public rate as of March. right to make autonomous portant construction projects defending themselves against ternational agreements on
sector while private sector “In view of the relatively decisions over the use of their and their use,” Lipšic said, as expropriation or inequitable the protection of invest-
hiring is attempting to bring moderate speed of economic profits. It found that the re- quoted by TASR. compensation for their land – ments, as well with EU law
it down, Michal Mušák, an recovery, we can be justifi- striction was not in accord In January 2008, a group of is unacceptable in a lawful and Slovakia’s constitution.
analyst with Slovenská ably concerned that the un- with the constitution. opposition MPs asked the Con- state”. He was convinced that ZZP director Eduard Kováč
Sporiteľňa bank, told the employment rate will de- Fico, who is now a deputy stitutional Court to review the the act contravened the Slov- told The Slovak Spectator at the
TASR newswire. crease rather more slowly speaker of parliament, had re- expropriation law and reques- ak constitution. time that the adopted legisla-
Mušák said the number than it increased between fused to represent parliament ted a preliminary injunction to tion interfered with the own-
of unemployed Slovaks will the summer of 2008 and the at the Constitutional Court halt the use of the law for one- The health insurer ership rights of shareholders,
continue to grow during the spring of 2010,” Vladimír hearing in the health insur- off extraordinary measures to dividend ban and that the state can interfere
remaining winter months, Vaňo of Volksbank told TASR. ance case. Mikloš suggested acquire land to initiate state with ownership rights only if
that this showed Fico was highway and dual-carriage- The court decided that the certain conditions are met: if
afraid to defend the decisions way projects. The court denied legislation pertaining to intervention is unavoidable; if
Ministry nixes rail holding firm of his own government, the the preliminary injunction but health insurers unacceptably it is demonstrably in the public
TASR newswire reported. agreed to review the constitu- interfered with the right of interest; and if there is ad-
THE TRANSPORT Ministry plan tailored by former Nevertheless, Fico said tionality of the amendment. private health insurers to run equate compensation.
has discarded a plan de- transport minister Ľubomír that the Constitutional Lipšic, at that time an MP a business. At the same time Citing dissatisfaction
veloped by the previous gov- Vážny. Current ministry of- Court’s ruling was a pyrrhic for the Christian Democratic the content of their licence to with market conditions in
ernment to form a holding ficials prefer three separate victory. Movement (KDH), called the provide public health insur- Slovakia, private health in-
company called Slovenské companies, saying this en- “If one owner of a garden law an unconstitutional, flag- ance had been significantly surer Európska Zdravotná
Železnice that would have ables more transparent fund- is to stand against the public rant violation of ownership modified as well, the court Poisťovňa left the domestic
clustered Slovakia’s three ail- ing and better conditions for interest, then deputies of the rights, one of the most basic said in its official release. market in 2008. Dôvera and
ing state-owned railway open competition which will current ruling coalition have human rights. The Fico government de- Apollo have since merged,
companies, while retaining increase quality demands achieved a pyrrhic victory,” The Fico government cided in 2007 that providing leaving only one other private
the independent legal status and reduce costs, according said Fico. “Is there a general passed the amendment to mandatory health insurance insurer, Union, in the market.
of each firm, the SITA news- to Ľubomír Tuchscher, the interest in highway construc- Slovakia’s highway legislation in Slovakia should not be a The two state-run health in-
wire reported. director of the Transport tion? There is. Slovakia is los- in 2007. It changed the dead- profit-making business and surers, Všeobecná Zdravotná
The ministry stated that Ministry’s PR department. ing competitiveness because line for completing the expro- amended the law on health Poisťovňa (VšZP) and Spoločná
neither it nor the European it has been slowing down priation process from before insurance to prohibit private Zdravotná Poisťovňa (SZP),
Union institution favour the Compiled by Spectator staff highway construction. I am construction starts, as it stood health insurers from paying also merged in 2010.
OPINION / NEWS January 31 – February 6, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Some of them perhaps see it as a sort of game.” Weak choices weaken bonds
Culture Minister Daniel Krajcer comments on the fact that 20 people FRAGILE is a good word for an With Ďurkovský leaving the city hall had serious prob-
applied for the post of head of RTVS, the new state broadcaster amphora but a very bad one the KDH but keeping his MP’s lems with the conduct of the
for a ruling coalition, espe- mandate all the ruling coali- mayor”. What in the end
cially if “fragile” refers to the tion gets is a feeble promise broke Ďurkovský’s political

Diaľnice balance of influence between

the ruling parties and the op-
of support, with no real ob-
ligation for the lone runner –
who in fact would probably
neck was the so-called hid-
den privatisation of the Brat-
islava water utility BVS
lysis, which openly said that The departure of former have been expelled from the shortly before last year’s mu-
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD someone within the adminis-
tration just took their docu-
Bratislava mayor Andrej
Ďurkovský from the Christian
nicipal elections. Also, a legal
analysis has shown that
Special to the Spectator ment and changed the figures. Democratic Movement (KDH) Ďurkovský far exceeded his
That is unlikely to have is yet another reminder for authority when he approved
been the work of a zealous low- the ruling coalition led by Iv- the demolition of Bratislava’s
BY LISTENING to what Smer level bureaucrat. And given eta Radičová of what careful old cultural centre, PKO.
leader Robert Fico says, you the fact that former transport handling the coalition re- However, Ďurkovský was
would think he was a fully- minister Ľubomír Vážny made quires and how serious the one of the founding members
fledged communist: “Everyone it into Smer’s recently intro- consequences can be if coali- of the KDH, and party boss
will probably agree that the duced shadow cabinet, it is tion parties make poor choices Ján Figeľ has proved rather
speedy construction of high- also unlikely that he went be- when selecting their deputies. reluctant to state unambigu-
ways and the financing of hind the PM’s back and ma- The ruling coalition was ously that this is the end of
health care are vital public in- nipulated the largest public doomed to live with a fragile Ďurkovský’s role in the party.
terests, which override any in- contract in the country’s his- majority from its very incep- Political parties in Slov-
terest of the individual.” tory on his own. tion, when the Slovak Demo- akia keep resuscitating
This is no leaked wiretap or The main problem with cratic and Christian Union people whose performance
secret recording from the the previous government (SDKÚ), KDH, Freedom and in various posts is less than
party’s Christmas get-togeth- wasn’t that it put the interests Solidarity (SaS) and Most-Híd convincing. One way to do
er, but the opposition leader’s of the public over the interests decided to form a counter- this is to put them on the
official reaction to the Consti- of the individual. balance to Robert Fico’s mus- candidate list of the party.
tutional Court’s decision to paints a more colourful picture The main trouble was that cular Smer. A fragile majority BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ This is how one of the infam-
annul two key pieces of legisla- of Fico’s administration. it did the exact opposite – ap- seems almost to be part of the Spectator staff ous Slovak National Party
tion he adopted as prime min- When in the spring of last proving absurd legislation, genetic code of parties that ministers who “gave” Slov-
ister – the law enabling the year the cabinet approved a sending bulldozers onto oppose political forces like akia its best-known scandals
state to build highways huge increase in the price of private property, and hugely Smer. The latter still appeals of recent years has come to be
(diaľnice) on private property planned roads, it did so based overpaying for public con- to slightly less than half of Christian Democrats had he on the public payroll again,
even before the conclusion of on an analysis submitted by tracts to fill the pockets of its the nation, while the other not decided to leave. as an MP.
proper expropriation proceed- the Transport Ministry. cronies. half, plus 10 to 15 percent, Ďurkovský said that he Now, making the fragile
ings, and the law banning For months, the media has For the past four years the seems torn between parties would address all the un- majority even frailer, the Or-
private health insurers from pointed out that the numbers country wasn’t on the road to which are somewhat better answered questions and then dinary People faction within
paying dividends on profits. were fake, a fact confirmed communism. It was just Fico for voters than Smer but lack return. However, political SaS is also trying to pull some
However, this week’s other even by the consultancy firm and his pals on the super- its populist appeal. experience shows that those strings to prove that it has a
big news concerning highways that produced the original ana- highway to El Dorado. Yet if members of such explanations, even if they say in how the coalition
broad coalitions allow people transpire, will not wash should evolve.
with dubious baggage to run away the doubts and will While a fragile majority is
BOMB: PM expresses sympathy on their tickets they store up
problems for the whole coali-
leave a kind of stain on the
party until it goes through a
sometimes sufficiently
healthy to prevent a single
tion. Potential problems with substantial self-cleansing. party or a single leader from
Continued from pg 3 well as Foreign Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda, deputies’ lack of credibility And parties, by their nature, metamorphosing into a polit-
sent messages of condolence to their Russian surfaced during last year’s ill- rarely do that. Radičová said ical egomaniac, it also pre-
However, ministry spokesperson Ľuboš counterparts. fated vote to choose a new she hopes that Ďurkovský, vents political parties from
Schwarzbacher, did tell Sme on January 25 that Slovak Prime Minister Iveta Radičová general prosecutor, in which who now becomes the first focusing tightly on legisla-
Kostelný had had minor surgery in Moscow wrote in her telegram to Russian premier at least six ruling coalition independent deputy in this tion and makes many laws is-
the same day. Vladimir Putin, that she was shocked to hear deputies voted with Smer to parliament, will continue to sues of political compromise
The Slovak actors had taken a commercial about the airport attack. have Dobroslav Trnka re-se- vote in favour of government rather than public good.
flight from Vienna to Moscow to visit theatres “The unacceptability of terrorism is an ex- lected for the post despite the legislation. Perhaps the parties
and ‘do some shopping’, Sme reported. The pression of our deepest resolution and belief,” fact that Radičová had said Ďurkovský should not should take more seriously
Student Agency travel company told the Radičová wrote. “In the 21st century we can- she would quit if Trnka have been given the chance both the process of self-puri-
newspaper that it had sold five tickets on the not tolerate hurting innocent people.” stayed. If the knife-to-her- to run for the KDH. This be- fication, as well as ending
flight to Slovaks. The Slovak Foreign Affairs Dzurinda wrote that there is no excuse for back vote wasn’t coordinated came especially clear after their habit of treating par-
Ministry had no information about any other such acts of terror, Sme reported. by a specific party, which Interior Minister Daniel liament as a kind of purgat-
Slovaks who were at the airport during the “The Slovak Republic strictly rejects and would be an even worse situ- Lipšic, who is also a deputy ory where they can deposit
bomb attack. condemns any form of terrorist acts and ation for the coalition, then it chair of the KDH, called on people who have outstayed
In the aftermath of the bombing Slovakia’s violence,” Dzurinda wrote. still shows that the coalition Ďurkovský to give up his their welcome in other pub-
highest officials, Prime Minister Iveta parties cannot rely on their mandate, telling the Sme lic posts or who need to be
Radičová and President Ivan Gašparovič, as By Michaela Terenzani own deputies. daily that even “our people at rewarded.

Corrections – BOOK OF LISTS 2011 J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher

B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
The Slovak Spectator apologises for the errors which appeared in its recent publication J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
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6 January 31 – February 6, 2011

Betting on the 2009 presiden- BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:


tial election proved popular

Poker is gaining in popularity


Licences for games of chance

Gaming hit by Licences for games of chance and other similar games
issued by the Finance Ministry as of January 1, 2011

economic downturn
- games of chance in a casino: three licences/three operators
- betting games (odds): six licences/six operators
- betting games (horse racing): one licence/one operator
- bingo lottery games: two licences/two operators
- number lotteries: one licence/one operator
- games of chance operated via the internet: one licence/one
Slovaks are avid operator
bettors on almost - immediate lotteries: 13 licences/one operator
- videogames: 20 licences/20 operators
anything - technical facilities operated directly by players:
15 licences /11 operators
- unspecified games of chance: one licence/one operator
Spectator staff
Total bets and winnings in
WOMEN and men in elegant all games of chance
evening clothes surrounding a
roulette table in a casino, or a Year Total bets Total winnings
group of fans watching a in billions of € in billions of €
sports match on TV in a betting
shop, or those sitting on stools 2010* € 2.000 € 1.497
behind slot machines in a pub:
2009 € 2.070 € 1.564
what do they have in com-
mon? A passion for games of 2008 € 2.163 € 1.583
chance. Slovaks like gambling 2007 € 1.786 € 1.323
and, had it not been for the
* preliminary results Source: Finance Ministry
economic crisis, it is thought
that the amount of money that
Slovaks spent on various kinds
of gambling would have con-
tinued to soar over the past Games of chance and online and parlour betting are popular among Slovaks. Photo: Reuters Gaming
two years. venues in Slovakia
Slovaks wagered almost €2 The ministry’s statistics show business, with spending fall- most popular form of
billion in 2010 on all kinds of that wagering in Slovakia ing to €2.07 billion in 2009 and gambling was via gaming ma-
games of chance, in betting peaked in 2008 at €2.163 billion, then further still in 2010. chines, with €617 million in Betting companies
parlours and via gaming ma- rising by more than 20 percent The Finance Ministry also revenues, followed by video-
chines, according to prelimin- from the level of €1.786 billion reported that Slovaks were games, close behind with €577 Tipos,
ary figures from the country’s in 2007. But the economic crisis able to garner wins amounting million of revenues in 2010. - The state-owned national betting company.
Finance Ministry, doubling the that began at the end of 2008 to €1.5 billion from their
€1 billion they spent in 2004. clearly affected the gaming wagers in 2010 and that the See GAME pg 8 Prvá slovenská stávková spoločnosť Niké,
- One of the oldest private betting companies in Slovakia,
launched in 1991.

Question mark remains over Metropolis Fortuna SK,

- The Fortuna Entertainment Group was established in
The programme statement adopted by casino remained,” a member of the peti- 2009 and is the largest betting operator in central Europe.
the four governing coalition parties in 2010 tion committee, Michal Makovník, told Originally a Czech firm, it has grown into a holding
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ stated that the law should revert back to the the Pravda daily in response Trigranit’s company over time, and now also operates in the Slovak,
Spectator staff legal standards regulating gambling and proposal to reduce the size of the casino Polish and Hungarian markets.
moral hazards before 2009. Even though all within Metropolis.
MPs in the coalition supported the Decem- Gábor Zászlós, the chairman of Victory Tip,
THE FATE of the grand Metropolis ber revision to the gambling law deputies Trigranit’s board of directors, announced - A Trnava-based betting company.
project, a multi-functional complex from the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party last October that the company would re-
planned for a 30-hectare plot near Bratis- made it clear that they did not oppose con- duce the casino’s size from the origin- Poker
lava, remains unclear. Last December struction of a casino complex like Metropol- ally-planned 27,000 square metres to
Slovakia’s parliament changed the law is, but only objected to deformation of the around 19,000 square metres, meaning Herňa Golden Vegas,
that had given projects of this kind pref- tax system to support such a project. that the gaming area would make up - The biggest poker gaming room in Slovakia at 1,000
erential tax treatment. The developer of The multi-functional complex raised about 2 percent rather than 3 percent of square metres, it is located in the Hron shopping centre
Metropolis, Trigranit, said at the time concern and opposition among a group of the whole project. The total price tag was in Bratislava’s Podunajské Biskupice district.
that it needed time to analyse the new citizens as well as politicians, particularly put at €1.5 billion.
situation. The developer was expected to those from the Christian Democratic Zászlós also said at that time that the Monte Carlo Poker Club,
have benefited from the preferential le- Movement (KDH). They expressed fears fate of the project would depend on - This poker club in Košice’s Galéria shopping centre is
gislation because a large casino, managed that the casino would draw more criminal- whether Slovakia’s parliament adopted the biggest poker club in eastern Slovakia. Its capacity is
by the biggest casino operator in the ity and prostitution into the country and the proposed change in the law on games 150 players (on 15 tables).
world, was an integral part of the Metro- also lead to a higher number of pathological of chance, adding that if the Finance
polis complex. gamblers. Last September opponents of the Ministry’s proposal was adopted Trigran- The Slovak poker portal, (in Slovak
Nevertheless, Slovakia’s parliament Metropolis submitted a petition to parlia- it would think about relocating the en- language only)
approved the amendment to the law on ment containing the signatures of 125,640 tire project to a location in Hungary.
games of chance on December 8 and people opposed to the development. The developer had stated that Met- Casinos
ended the special tax category that had The petition committee stated that a ropolis would create as many as 20,000 Casinos Slovakia,
been created for a ‘casino in a recre- mega-casino built outside Bratislava jobs during its construction and - Operates five casinos across Slovakia: in Piešťany,
ational complex’. This preferential tax would be a huge security risk for Slov- provide around 9,000 jobs after its com- Košice, Bratislava (Casino-Cafe Reduta), Nitra and Žilina.
treatment category had become part of akia, noting that since this would be the pletion, as well as support and help de- Regency Casino,
the law on the initiative of the previous largest casino in Europe they believed it velop what the company called a neg- - Operates the casino in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Bratislava.
finance minister, Smer nominee Ján would be very detrimental to the lected tourism and services sector in Olympic Casino,
Počiatek. The current Finance Ministry country’s moral environment and cul- Slovakia. Trigranit also estimated that - Operates three casinos, two of which are in Bratislava,
then proposed last year that parlia- ture, SITA wrote. The petition called for the state would receive revenues of in the Carlton Hotel and in the Eurovea complex, and one
ment delete the category, with the the complete scrapping of the idea of around €600 million per year from the in Trnava, in the Arkadia shopping centre.
stated aim being to unify taxation building more casinos in Slovakia. project.
treatment of all casinos, the SITA “For us it [the project] would be in- Source: The Finance Ministry
newswire wrote. teresting only if everything except the See PROJECT pg 8 Compiled by Spectator staf
BUSINESS FOCUS January 31 – February 6, 2011 7

Ante up – poker gains FOCUS shorts

popularity in Slovakia LOTO jackpot winners set record
WINNING tickets were be- year was €1.696 million,
was a regular winner, was en- ing cashed in thick and fast which went to a player in
Two Slovak pros couraged to enter a tourna- last year and players of Žilina Region in February.
have won more ment at the Crowne Plaza Slovakia’s LOTO lottery run Five LOTO players cashed in
casino for Sk3,000 (about by the state-owned Tipos winning tickets of over €1
than $500,000 €100), significantly more than company were among those million.
he had ever considered wager- most lucky. No less than 24 Slovaks are keeping up
ing before. But he also won LOTO players won jackpots, with modern trends: in ad-
HOWARD SWAINS that tournament and was bit- with prizes totalling over dition to placing their bets
Special to the Spectator ten by the poker bug. “We €16.77 million. In 2010 LOTO and buying their lottery
loved the game,” Palovič said. players benefited from a re- tickets in bricks-and-mortar
“It was something new, it was cord number of wins com- offices they often use the in-
for money, and of course I pared to 2009, when they ternet or mobile phones.
OVER the past 10 years or so, loved the game much more be- collected the top prize ‘only’ The first top prize based
the game of poker has become cause I was in profit.” 20 times, Tipos reported. on a bet submitted via a text
so popular that it can at times He established Golden Ve- Players from Nitra and message happened in March
seem almost impossible to gas and then became a full- Trenčín Regions were espe- 2010 and paid €596,621. In
avoid. In the United States time poker player on the in- cially lucky, with five play- September a player who
and the UK, the late-night ternational circuit when he ers in each region hitting bought a lottery ticket via
television schedules fre- merged the club with an in- the jackpot. In Bratislava the internet won €795,500.
quently feature poker tour- vestment company and took a and Prešov Regions, players Tipos paid out over
naments, and even the main- place on the board. He has hit the jackpot only three €79.15 million in 2010 to
stream press routinely covers since made six-figure scores times in each. players in its number
the game. Countries as di- in tournaments in Prague, The biggest payout last games.
verse as Italy, Brazil, Aus- San Remo (Italy) and Las Ve-
tralia and Taiwan are also gas, and often plays wearing a
hotbeds of poker action, with Slovakia soccer scarf around Presidential betting attracts action
the traditional image of the his neck.
game as a seedy pastime for By Palovič’s own admis- IN 2009 betting parlours general, Otto Berger, as
gangsters long outdated. sion, Slovakia currently lags offered the chance to bet on quoted by the SITA news-
Poker still takes place slightly behind many of its the winner of Slovakia’s pres- wire. “There was a large
amid the glitter of Las Vegas Dag Palovič Photo: Courtesy of PokerStars/Neil Stoddart neighbours in terms of poker- idential election. Ivan number who bet €100, or a
and the glamour of the Carib- playing talent, largely be- Gašparovič, who won the few hundred euros. Actually,
bean, but it is also now found Certainly the statistics cor- player’s concealed cards. Sud- cause there is hardly any election, was favoured in we were the first to know
beneath the sheen of the TV roborate Palovič’s assertion. denly, gambling’s biggest poker literature in the Slovak both rounds of the election. how the election would turn
studios, or on millions of PokerStars said that in Decem- secret – what is the truth be- language, nor a long-standing The Niké betting com- out because those betting
laptops worldwide. Its most ber 2010, there were more than hind the poker face? – was history of the game in the pany reported that it lost would not put money on one
successful exponents can 70,000 Slovaks with active ac- there for all to see, and viewers country. Of all Slovaks, only €66,388 when an unexpec- candidate and then vote for
graduate from their own stud- counts on their website, com- could agonise along with the Palovič and Ján Bendík have tedly large number of people, the other.”
ies to become celebrities and pared with only 1,000 at the players over every decision, or accrued more than $500,000 about 12,000, put their Niké also offered the op-
millionaires. Anyone with an end of 2006. Similarly Betka coo as they pulled off auda- in career tournament earn- money on the race, with only portunity to place bets on the
internet connection can take Stieranková, one of the man- cious bluffs, potentially worth ings, which is made to look about 10 percent tipping Iv- actual percentage of votes
a shot at the big time, playing agers of the Monte Carlo Poker a fortune. The concealed cam- paltry beside the $1.5 million eta Radičová to win. In the that individual candidates
24 hours a day for any amount Club, which opened in Košice era technology made poker a won by Jan Škampa, the top run-off election the number would get in the presidential
of money, thanks to the ubi- in 2008, said that on average 60 compelling television spec- Czech player, or the $2.5 mil- of bettors was even higher. election, on which candid-
quity and ease of online poker. players join the live poker ac- tacle, and mobilised millions lion of Hungary’s Dénes Kaló. With Niké, the bettors ates would advance to the
Somewhat belatedly, this tion every night. “During three of people across the globe to (The all-time leading tour- put down about €215,000 on second round, and even on
boom has now also shuddered years, the capacity of the room learn the rules and join in. nament earner is the Cana- Gašparovič’s victory. The the voter turnout.
through Slovakia, where has risen from 30 to 150 play- In 2003, this new breed of dian Daniel Negreanu, who odds on each candidate The Fortuna SK betting
poker has rapidly become as ers, which says it all,” player was given even more has amassed more than $14 changed over the course of company also offered bets on
accessible and as popular as it Stieranková said. encouragement when an un- million. Last November, an- the campaign. It started at the presidential election and
is across the globe. A number A dedicated poker club known 27-year-old account- other Canadian, Jonathan 1.5:1 for a Gašparovič victory had players submitting
of clubs dedicated to the game founded by Palovič, Golden Ve- ant from Tennessee named Duhamel, won close to $9 mil- and 3.4:1 for Radičová. Later between 1,200 and 1,300
have popped up across the gas in Bratislava, has several Chris Moneymaker won lion in a single tournament.) the odds for Gašparovič wagers. The total amount in
country, complementing thousand members, and in poker’s most sought-after Palovič, however, was re- shortened to 1.2:1 and the pot for Gašparovič was
poker rooms in the more tra- 2009 it even hosted one of the title: the World Series of Poker cently one of two poker profes- lengthened to 4:1 for around €50,000 and his odds
ditional casino environment. first European stops on the in Las Vegas, which, at the sionals invited to participate Radičová. were at first 1.4:1, decreasing
In January, a Slovak team World Poker Tour (WPT), a time, carried with it a $2.5 mil- in a made-for-television poker A Košice citizen landed later to 1.25:1. Radičová drew
qualified to play in the World series of high-stakes tourna- lion first prize. tournament recorded for the the biggest win when he bet bettors laying down a total of
Cup of Poker, hosted in the ments with a significant tele- If that alone wasn’t re- Czech channel TV Nova, which €5,000 on Gašparovič when €10,000 and the odds for her
Bahamas, and last month vision following in the USA. markable enough, it soon will be broadcast in the coming the odds were 1.5:1 and success started at 2.5:1 and
PokerStars, the world’s Organisers were actually dis- emerged that Moneymaker couple of months. And he has walked away with €7,500. gradually lengthened to 3.5:1.
largest online poker room, appointed that only 100 play- had won his $10,000 tourna- also penned the first poker “This was the highest The highest pay out by For-
promoted the first Slovak to ers stumped up €4,400 to enter ment entry fee for only $40 by strategy book in Slovak, ambi- bet,” said Niké’s director- tuna SK was €700.
its prestigious stable of – they were expecting more – playing poker on the internet. tiously titled “How to Become
sponsored players. Dag but cited a scheduling clash Online poker sites had begun a Poker Pro”. Both ventures
Palovič, a 36-year-old former with two other major tourna- offering “satellite” tourna- will again expose more Slovaks Police snag roulette cheat
child actor and media execut- ments for the reduced turnout. ments for tiny amounts, the to poker, and no doubt increase
ive from Bratislava, has Nevertheless, the winner, winners of which could com- the interest in the country. A MAN who won at the roul- shortly thereafter he was de-
amassed more than $500,000 Hungary’s Richard Toth, took pete on the grandest stage of However, perhaps one of ette wheel in a gaming house tained by the police. The
in tournament earnings in home €104,000 and six Slovak them all. Moneymaker’s jour- the most obvious indications in Vrútky ended up in the erstwhile roulette expert has
the five years since he learned players ranked in the top 20. ney had started in his own of poker gaining a foothold in hands of the police. Žilina po- already been convicted in
the game, and is now a fixture The two principal factors home, and he had essentially Slovakia is the recent argu- lice spokesperson Jana fast-tracked court proceed-
at the most prestigious tour- in poker’s remarkable explo- parlayed $40 into $2.5 million. ment over the game’s legal Balogová told the media that ings and sentenced to two
naments around the world. sion are television and the in- He quickly became an every- classification – a familiar bone a 27-year old Vietnamese na- years in prison with one
“About four years ago, I ternet, which have made the man hero; if Moneymaker of contention in countless tional had unlawfully af- year's probation.
didn’t know anybody who game immeasurably more ac- could do it, so could anyone. other countries. Poker enthu- fected the operation of a Another crime happened
played poker,” said Palovič, cessible for players and spec- Palovič is a perfect ex- siasts have long campaigned roulette wheel so that the in a gaming house in Veľký
interviewed in Florida on his tators alike. In the late 1990s, ample of the post-Money- for poker to be regarded as a ball landed in fields of num- Krtíš on January 24. An un-
way home from a poker fest- Channel 4 television in the UK maker player. He first learned game of skill, rather than of bers and colours on which he known duo of masked men
ival in the Bahamas, where he began screening “Late Night poker in 2006 when a friend pure chance, aligning it more had earlier bet, the SITA threatened the staff with a
captained the Slovak World Poker”, a series of games that brought along a set of chips, with the likes of bridge or newswire wrote. gun and demanded money.
Cup team. “But I think now employed a unique innova- bought in the United States, to chess than traditional casino SITA wrote that the man The staff handed over €1,000
about half of all people of uni- tion. Mounted beneath a a regular meeting at a coffee games such as roulette or had laid down bets of about to the robbers.
versity age have at least tried glass-topped table were six shop. The group of friends blackjack. €100 and had won as much
poker. It’s much more popular tiny cameras, allowing view- played initially for loose as €1,515. But he did not en- Compiled by Spectator staff
than it has ever been.” ers at home to peek at a change, but then Palovič, who See POKER pg 8 joy his gain for long as from press reports
BUSINESS FOCUS January 31 – February 6, 2011 8
GAME: A matter of luck, or skill? POKER: TV makes
Continued from pg 6

Videogames registered the

mentary election, one bettor
wagered €2,000 with odds of
1.2:1 that the Christian Demo-
it ubiquitous
largest increase in customers cratic Movement (KDH) Continued from pg 7 “It is a huge advantage in
and money bet, with the Fin- would get more votes during poker, if you compare it with
ance Ministry reporting that the election than the Slovak Typically there is much all other sports. About 20 per-
€577 million was wagered via National Party.” looser legislation govern- cent is still luck, and that
this kind of gambling in 2010, The availability of ing skill games than those keeps everyone playing, be-
more than tripling the level of gambling opportunities on of luck, which are often cause everyone has the
€129 million in 2007. the internet has also been taxed at a higher rate and chance to win the tournament
Granting licences to busi- changing the nature of pla- require a specific licence. and the money… But it’s dif-
ness for gambling, betting and cing bets. The Slovak Parliament ferent from roulette and
gaming machines is the re- “This is a more comfort- adopted a revision, effect- blackjack too. That's
sponsibility of the Finance able way of betting,” said ive from April 2010, desig- gambling, because you cannot
Ministry and individual mu- Varga, adding that last year nating poker a “game of influence the result. When
nicipalities. The Finance Min- Fortuna SK’s number of cus- risk” in which “the result you're playing poker, almost
istry decides about licences for tomers grew by over 25 per- depends exclusively or everything is in your hands.”
games of chance while muni- cent, particularly as a result mostly on chance,” accord- The main concern now
cipalities grant licences for of increasing numbers using ing to Stieranková of the among Slovak poker players
the use of gaming machines. the internet to place bets. Monte Carlo Poker Club. and entrepreneurs is consol-
However, current national le- Niké has a network of Although the designa- idating the existing market
gislation does not give muni- over 850 betting parlours in tion might appear to be a and not overstretching.
cipalities the power to veto Slovakia but said that inter- blow to poker purists, who “There are not enough
whether gaming machines are net betting is a phenomenon insist a player’s skill is the players for 10 clubs to
to be installed and used with- that has been advancing at a most important factor, the survive,” said Jankovich,
in their territory. robust pace. Berger expects ruling was broadly wel- who also mentioned that the
If a licence applicant ful- the number of internet bet- comed by club owners. economic crisis has necessar-
fils all the requirements under tors to grow dramatically in “We are glad that a le- ily hit poker too. But he added
the state law the municipality coming years. gislative background was that the return of the World
must issue a licence. For that made for poker because Poker Tour is scheduled for
reason Slovak towns and vil- Slovakia is home to 17,300 gaming machines. Photo: Reuters Gambling addiction before that, poker was not March, and that he expected
lages’ ability to restrict busi- ranked anywhere or at least 200 players to enter
nesses offering what some call Skubeň’s ambition is to the operating director of Ľubomír Okruhlica, head defined,” said Jozef the Slovak National Champi-
a “moral hazard” from operat- make a visit to one of his Niké, told The Slovak Spec- of the Centre for Treatment Jankovich, the current onships, also scheduled for
ing within their municipality company’s casinos about tator. “It has a large group of of Drug Dependencies in poker manager of Golden spring, where there will also
is very limited. more than just gaming and to enthusiasts especially among Bratislava, said the centre Vegas. Clubs are now re- be a ladies-only event, de-
Many municipalities per- offer visitors Las Vegas-style sports fans. For them tipping also deals with gambling ad- quired to acquire a licence signed to encourage women
ceive these restricted powers entertainment interconnec- results is not only [seen as] diction and described Slov- for each poker table in players to take up poker.
as problematic. Even though ted with events such as film the path to huge wins but aks’ relationship with games their premises. And although Palovič
gaming machines bring addi- premieres, live music, fash- simultaneously adds an ele- of chance as “naive". Although the top play- will continue to sport the
tional revenue to municipal ion shows or poker tourna- ment of special excitement to “Slovaks – compared to ers will attempt to minim- Slovak colours around the
budgets, some municipal offi- ments. Skubeň expects that the matches on their tickets.” Austria and most of the ise the luck factor in poker, poker tables of the world, he
cials say they would rather with such offerings an in- Berger sees a difference in western part of the European the game’s variance is ac- has also committed himself
deal with the loss of this rev- vestment of €1.3 million in the amount of betting in Union – are more prone to tually one of its most ap- to making more frequent ap-
enue than with the social the casino at Eurovea might Slovakia in comparison with become pathological players pealing aspects for the be- pearances in Bratislava too,
problems they perceive are begin to have returns within other countries, saying that due to the extensive exposi- ginner, according to saying his money is as good
linked with pathological five to eight years. the poorer a country is, the tion of intensive and little- Palovič. as anyone else’s.
gambling. The average guest at a larger is the number of cit- regulated advertising by this
Slovakia’s Tax Directorate Slovak casino spends izens who are searching for industry,” Okruhlica told
reported that there were about
17,300 gaming machines oper-
ating in various venues
between €35 and €50, Skubeň
said, adding that “there are
some players who play only
ways to make some extra
money, opining that in Slov-
akia betting on sporting
The Slovak Spectator.
Okruhlica said that pas-
sions flowing from gaming
PROJECT: Unclear
throughout the country in
€5 but also those who play for
€5,000,” as quoted by TASR.
Many of the guests at
events is one of the little
ways in which people can
win money relatively easily
stimulate some of the first-
developed centres of the
human brain in a way simil-
fate for Metropolis
Casinos casinos in Slovakia are for- and quickly. ar to adrenaline sports or Continued from pg 6 from 6 million annually to
eign tourists and Skubeň es- Slovaks like to bet on drinking alcohol. 11 million and that the
There are two dominant timated that they make up football, ice hockey, and ten- A player becomes patho- Trigranit had said that project would also attract
companies operating casinos about 50 percent of the clien- nis matches, Berger said. logical, according to Okruh- the project’s total construc- Hungarians and Austrians.
in Slovakia. Casinos Slovakia tele at Olympic Casino’s prop- Niké and Fortuna SK en- lica, when he or she loses tion would take between The Bratislava City
was established in 1990 and erties. Austrians and Italians, able bettors to wager on personal control and cannot three and five years and Council and municipal offi-
opened its first casino in coming from countries with events other than sports. resist the impulse or the that the complex’s cials in Jarovce reportedly
Piešťany in 1991, according to very old casino traditions, are These have included parlia- need to gamble, or is not able aquapark, a facility that opposed construction of the
its website. It later opened a among regular visitors to mentary and presidential to stop making wagers, or Bratislava lacks, as well as project.
casino in Prešov which later Slovakia’s casinos. Skubeň elections, film awards such when a person continues to the planned congress centre Pavel Škodler, the mayor
moved to Košice. Its biggest added that younger Slovaks as the Oscars and the Czech gamble even after exceeding would be finished within of Bratislava’s Jarovce dis-
and most prestigious property visit his firm’s casinos more Lions, and even TV contests a certain limit that he or she three years of the launch of trict, said the main objec-
is Casino-Cafe Reduta in Brat- often than do older Slovaks. like last year’s Talentmánia had established. construction. tion of his municipal office
islava which opened in 1994. show. He added that because of The proposed site for the is that the project is at odds
In 2007 it also opened casinos Betting parlours Because Slovaks show this addiction, a pathologic- complex is a 30-hectare plot with the municipality’s
in Nitra and Žilina. quite an interest in such bet- al gambler begins to neglect between Petržalka and master plan in areas such as
Olympic Casino entered Many Slovaks love play- ting opportunities these family, friends and past Jarovce, south of Bratislava, usage intensity within the
the Slovak market in 2008 and ing various kinds of lotteries kinds of wagers are not ex- hobbies. Okruhlica estim- at a junction of highways district and the expected
now operates three casinos: in and betting on sports pected to disappear from bet- ated that there are over linking Hungary, the Czech transport burden which the
Bratislava’s Carlton Hotel, the matches as well as on other ting companies’ offers. But 10,000 pathological gam- Republic and Austria. project, and especially the
largest casino in Slovakia; in kinds of events, for example, according to Fortuna SK, bet- blers in Slovakia. In addition to an Amer- casino, would bring.
the Arkadia shopping centre political elections. In addi- ting companies must apply Okruhlica believes that ican-style casino, the plans In October, prior to the
in Trnava; and in the new tion to private betting com- for special permission from gaming machines that are for Metropolis include a municipal elections, Milan
Eurovea complex on the banks panies (the first post-1989 the Finance Ministry before very accessible to the public shopping centre, the afore- Ftáčnik, who was later elec-
of the Danube in Bratislava. betting company was Prvá they can offer such bets and are the most dangerous in mentioned aquapark, a re- ted mayor of Bratislava,
Another casino, Regency, slovenská stávková that significantly shortens cultivating an addiction to creational centre and enter- voiced a negative opinion
operates within the Crowne spoločnosť Niké, which the time period during which gambling. tainment venues, as well as about the project.
Plaza Hotel in Bratislava. began operating in early 1991, this kind of betting can oc- “They [gaming machines] hotels, conference facilities, “I do not need
According to Jozef Skubeň, followed by Victory Tip, For- cur. do not require a cultivated galleries, a multi-functional Metropolis,” he said, as
the head of Olympic Casino tuna SK and others) there is a “In spite of this, these personal appearance as do hall and other attractions. quoted by the Hospodárske
Slovakia, the popularity of state-owned lottery and bet- events meet with a relatively most casinos; they do not re- When introducing the Noviny, adding that even
casino gaming in Slovakia has ting company, Tipos. Betting sound response among bet- quire complex intellectual project in October 2009, An- though it would bring posit-
been gradually growing but on horses is also available as tors and that is proved by bets thinking; and they are located drew Tottenham, a manager ive things, he did not like its
the poor health of the eco- part of the entertainment at of €1,000 or more,” Marian right in pubs or places where from Harrah’s Entertain- size. He also said the
nomy has affected the sector the Petržalka racetrack in Varga, the senior bookmaker a lot of people congregate, for ment company, said that developer’s offer to reduce
and people are more cautious Bratislava. at Fortuna SK, told The Slovak example in bus and railway the Metropolis complex the size of the casino was
when visiting a casino, the “Betting is very popular Spectator. “For example, prior stations or close to them,” would increase the number not enough to secure his
TASR newswire wrote. in Slovakia,” Roman Berger, to the most recent parlia- Okruhlica said. of tourists visiting Slovakia support for the project.
BUSINESS / NEWS January 31 – February 6, 2011 9
FLY: Good sale price is no longer likely IVO: Worries over RTVS
Continued from pg 1 the airport’s entire senior management Continued from pg 3 in the law, such as the unre-
in September last year. Figeľ stated that solved financing of the pub-
It is pushing for long-term rental among the reasons for the wholesale Experts define the criter- lic-service broadcaster, as
through a concession agreement of 20 to change at the top was the previous ia and then assign numerical well as moving responsibil-
30 years’ duration, according to a docu- management’s ambiguous decision-mak- ratings for each domain (ex- ity for selection of its direct-
ment published on the Justice Ministry’s ing and unexplained preference for cer- cept for foreign policy) and or back to parliament,
web portal for regulations on January 27. tain financial partners and companies, from these calculate an over- “which gives rise to worries
The Sme daily had reported on the pre- according to the SITA newswire. all average. about attempts [to impose]
ferred method of development a couple of Bratislava Airport handled close to IVO stated that although political rule over the pub-
days earlier, based on a preliminary draft 1.67 million passengers in 2010, a drop of 3 the overall rating for 2010 lic-service media”.
obtained from the ministry. percent year-on-year, the airport recently improved in comparison According to IVO, the
The ministry argues that the econom- reported in a press release. with the previous year, it term of the previous gov-
ic downturn and the situation in the Six carriers operated scheduled has still to reach the score ernment was rather dam-
European Union and the eurozone would flights from the airport to 42 destinations recorded at the start of the aging for the quality of
have a negative impact on the likely rev- last year. Ryanair accounted for the project in 2008. democracy in Slovakia
Bratislava Airport Photo: Sme
enue from privatisation of the airport. largest share of the total, with 1.1 million “Of course it would be since, due to the measures
“It is not possible to expect similarly passengers using its flights to and from ideal to get the best grade, 1, that the Robert Fico-led gov-
advantageous conditions as existed for duration of the transaction would mean Bratislava. London topped the list of des- in all the areas,” Grigorij ernment took in the area of
the planned privatisation of the airport the government retains greater influ- tinations, with 315,839 passengers. Mesežnikov, the president of democratic institutions and
back in 2006,” reads the document, ence and a degree of control, and Meanwhile, twelve charter carriers flew IVO, told the press confer- the rule of law, legislation,
pointing out that privatisation processes moreover would receive a regular in- to 39 destinations, with Travel Service ence. “But that would be human and minority rights
elsewhere in the European Union have come. The ministry also stated that there coming first in terms of the number of idealistic. I can only say that and free media, its quality
been halted. are potential partners interested in the holidaymakers, according to TASR. we started evaluating the worsened so much that the
Based on the 2006 privatisation plan, 66 airport, not only from Europe but also In December, airport spokesperson state of political democracy return to the values recor-
percent of airport shares were to have gone from other regions, and said that the pro- Dana Madunická told The Slovak Spectat- in Slovakia in 2008 with a ded in 2008 will take much
to the TwoOne consortium consisting of posed form of partnership, a long-term or that it is important to choose the cor- rating of 2.6. That was after longer than half a year.
Schwechat Airport in Vienna, the Penta rental, is appealing. rect kind of partnership, and that there all those inappropriate legis- “On top of that, it ap-
private equity group and Raiffeisen Zent- Based on the draft, a private strategic are several successful models in use lative measures. Today, the pears that the process of do-
ralbank of Austria. The 2006-2010 Robert partner could start operating the airport around the world. rating is 2.8, so it is still ing away with the deforma-
Fico-led government halted the sale. as early as the end of 2012 while a tender “The entry of a strategic partner worse than it was when we tions and negative con-
According to the ministry, granting a process could take place in the second would in particular mean for the airport started.” sequences of problematic le-
concession or renting the rights to oper- half of this year. additional financial resources being used In the democratic insti- gislative measures keeps
ate the airport for a defined period would Currently, the Transport Ministry for the development of services and com- tutions and the rule of law hitting certain obstacles
shift all the risks of running the business holds 48 percent of the shares in the air- pletion of the necessary infrastructure category, democracy in the even after the change of
and making future investments onto the port and the National Property Fund holds which we are not able to cover from our last quarter was given a power,” the IVO Barometer
investor. As opposed to sale, the limited the remainder. The shareholders replaced own resources,” she said. grade of 2.75, a marked im- report reads. “And so we
provement compared to the must state that in some
whole-year average of 3.2. areas the situation in Slov-

KDH: 'A story with an open end' Problems that remain

in this area include the
tense relations between
akia is worse now than be-
fore the advent of the ruling
coalition of Smer, SNS and
the executive and the Su- HZDS, despite the ambitions
Continued from pg 2 as a consequence,” Mesežnikov told The sponsibility, but rather saying “one ‘our preme Court, as well as the of the new ruling parties to
Slovak Spectator, adding that the present father’ for a mortal sin”, the SITA news- failure to strip MPs and straighten those
Political analyst Grigorij Mesežnikov situation is acceptable for both sides, wire reported. judges of their immunity deformations.”
said in an interview with The Slovak Spec- since KDH can say they didn’t sweep the Fico also accused Figeľ, the KDH lead- from prosecution, IVO re- Smer, now the main op-
tator that Ďurkovský’s departure had not problem under the carpet, while er, of lying, since “he must have known ported. The failed vote on position party, reacted by
come as a surprise to him. Ďurkovský can claim he now has some from the beginning what was happening the next general prosecutor saying that IVO had long
“I didn’t expect any sort of absolute space to clear his name and will return. in BVS”, referring to alleged links was also politically signi- supported the current
break-up between him and the KDH,” “It is still a story with an open end,” between Figeľ and the management and ficant, it noted. centre-right government. It
Mesežnikov said, pointing out that Mesežnikov said. board members of BVS. Further improvement had never tried to hide this,
Ďurkovský had been a KDH member for “I don’t see it as a solution; it is mo- The scandal around BVS involves re- was recorded in the areas of party spokesperson Silvia
many years, almost since the beginning mentarily a reaction to the situation that cent media reports about a highly unusu- legislation and minority Glendová said.
of the movement’s existence, and he was arose,” PM Iveta Radičová told the Sme al series of transactions that have been rights, which scored 2.5 What matters for the
very strongly identified with the political daily in her response to Ďurkovský’s de- portrayed as privatisation of a key part of and 2.75 respectively, as ranking, according to
line of the KDH. parture. She said she considered him an the water utility. The deal was orches- opposed to the 3.0 grades Mesežnikov, is the stability
According to Mesežnikov, the con- independent MP who would support the trated by Ďurkovský and concluded just both received in the previ- in the operation of constitu-
troversies around Ďurkovský were un- ruling coalition in parliamentary votes, one day before last year’s municipal elec- ous quarter. tional institutions, relations
pleasant for the movement, and his quit- as he has promised. tions. The official buyer is the firm HASS Media freedom was the between those institutions,
ting the party now allows its leaders to “I believe it doesn’t change much for from Zlaté Moravce, which drew a loan only area where how power is handled, the
demonstrate they have not closed their the coalition as such,” Mesežnikov agreed, arranged for the purchase from Privat- democracy’s grade did not relations among political
eyes to the allegations affecting him, as adding that the cohesion of the ruling co- banka, owned by the well-connected fin- pass 3.0 this quarter. actors, how legislation is
the media and opposition had been alition cannot be cracked by just this. ancial group Penta. The survey’s authors prepared, how human and
claiming. The opposition was, however, less The owner of HASS, Eduard Huňady, is point to the extremely short minority rights are observed,
“Certainly he did not do [leave] delib- than satisfied with Ďurkovský’s reaction. a long-time friend of BVS director-general time which it took to pass the freedom of the media,
erately, he surely did so under pressure Smer leader Robert Fico said Ďurkovský’s Daniel Gemeran, who was appointed by the law to create RTVS and and whether pressure is ap-
from the KDH too, so they can present this departure does not mean he is taking re- Ďurkovský, the SITA newswire reported. said there are several risks plied to the media.


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Sundays, 9:30 at historic Small Lutheran Church
1/48 page 1/24 page DEADL INE: Wednesday, 12:00,
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(Maly evanjelicky kostol) in central Bratislava 44 x 41 mm 44 x 87 mm the advert will be published the
(near Hodzovo namestie); on Lycejna at following Friday.
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Information at 02-5443-3263 or write:
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C 3634 C 3573
10 January 31 – February 6, 2011 CULTURE
The organ makers of Rajec Bratislava
Concert – Organ player Csaba
Király from Hungary, winner
of several international com-
petitions (both as a pianist and
organist) performs works by
Franz Liszt including Ave
THE SMALL town of Rajec lies close to Žilina Maria, Consolation Des Major,
in northern Slovakia. Its oldest and most Zur Trauung, Hosannah,
valued attraction is the Roman Catholic Totentanz (Dance of the Dead),
church dedicated to St Ladislaus. The ori- and others.
Starts: February 6, 10:30;
ginal Gothic building is first mentioned in Big Concert Studio of Slovak
1368 and one of the church’s walls has a Radio, Mýtna 1. Admission: €1.
sundial dating from 1770 with the Latin in- Tel: 02/5727-3856; www.
scription: “If it were not for the Sun, a clock
would not show digits.”
Rajec was also famed for its craftsmen, Bratislava
its most renowned artisans probably being EXHIBITION: Ekoglass Festival
the Pažický family of organ makers. The 2010 – Artists from Poland, the
founder of the organ-making tradition, On- Czech Republic and Slovakia
showcase the results of their
drej Pažický, built his first big organ in St work, made out of glass waste IN THE new building of the Slovak National Theatre in Bratis-
Ladislaus’ and he was followed by three gen- during the International Field lava, world-famous Peruvian tenor Juan Diego Flórez will
erations who constructed 200 organs of dif- Workshop in Szklarska Poreba give a concert on February 3 at 19:30. The “King of Bel Canto”,
ferent sizes. (PL) and Desná (CR). as he is dubbed, will sing selected arias by Cimarosa, Rossini,
Other successful Rajec craftsmen were Open: Mon-Thu 10:00- Donizetti, Verdi, Gounod, Massenet and Boieldieu in what
wood carvers, usually referred to by the Lat- 17:00, Fri 9:00-15:00 until Feb-
ruary 11; Polish Institute, SNP might be one of the highlights of this season at the SND. Tick-
in term “sculptor” in historical documents.
Square 27. Admission: free. Tel: ets cost between €115 and €250 and can be bought either
The intricate work of these carvers was well
02/5443-2014; www. through, or at the SND’s ticket offices
used by other craftsmen such as the Pažický
( Photo: Courtesy of SND
family. The most beautiful works by the Ra- Slovak Bethlehem in Rajecká Lesná was Bratislava
jec carvers that are preserved to this day in- carved by Rajec master-carver Juraj Pekara. l EXHIBITION: Planet Magnet of cooperation between the by modern Slovak artists that
clude splendid carved double-winged doors This postcard shows the church of St - Petr Bařinka – The avant- Nitra branch of Matica can be purchased. Includes all
made by the Igonda brothers. Ladislaus in 1939. garde works of this young Slovenská, a national cultural genres and all kinds of art-
Carvers are still hard at work in Rajec Czech artist combine all institution, and Salesian vo- works, from glass to tapestry,
today. It is no coincidence that the famous By Branislav Chovan genres of modern art, includ- lunteers and activists. graphic art to clothing.
ing comics, advertising Starts: February 5, Dom Open: Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00
ADVERTISEMENT posters and animated car- Matice slovenskej, Dolno- until February 5; Liptovská
toons. čermánska 737. Tel: 037/6566- galéria P.M. Bohúňa, Tranov-
Open: Wed-Fri 15:00-19:00 228; ského 3. Admission: €0.50-€1.
G r an d i o s e h ig hl ig ht o f t h e b a l l s e a s o n i n S l ova k i a! until February 7; Fru Fru Gal- Tel: 044/5522-758; www.
lery, Štefánikova 13. Admis- Trnava
sion: free. Tel: 0907/706-081; l EXHIBITION: Spomienky na budúcnosť / Memories ofthe Žilina
Future – As part of a project l EXHIBITION: Biely sex /
Bratislava bringing young artists to pub- White Sex - Nina Šošková –
l EXHIBITION: Bienále di- lic attention, the works of This exhibition by a young
vadelnej fotografie 2010 / The Trnava native Ivan Dudáš, fo- Slovak sculptor integrates the
Biennale of Theatre Photo- cusing on video art and digital statues and items with space,
graphy represents the cul- images, are being shown in among others in the form of
mination of the initial year of the klUb 3 venue of the Ján in-sits.
this competition and the Koniarek Gallery. Open: Tue-Sat 9:00-12:00,
creme de la creme of contest- Open: Tue-Fri 9:00-17:00, 12:40-17:00, Sun 10:00-12:00,
ants’ works. Sat-Sun 13:00-18:00 until Feb- 12:40-16:00 until February 13;
Open: Evenings until Feb- ruary 4; GJK, Zelený kríček 3. Považská galéria umenia, M.R.
ruary 8; foyer of the new SND Admission: €0.60-€1.30. Tel: Štefánika 2. Admission:
building, Pribinova 17. More 033/5511-659; €0.50-€1. Tel: 041/5622-522;
Nitra Eastern SLOVAKIA
l BALLROOM DANCE: Ples Liptovský Mikuláš
saleziánov spolupracovníkov / l EXHIBITION: Predajná Košice
011, 7pm
March 5th, 2
The Ball of Salesian Work- výstava / The Marketable Ex- l OPERA: Pietro Mascagni -
mates marks the culmination hibition – A collection of works Silvano – The closing night of
ding of SND
this lesser-known opera will
The new buil be performed in Italian, with
Slovak subtitles. It is directed
by Andrea Hlinková and con-
ducted by Marián Vach.
Starts: February 3, 18:30;
Štátne divadlo, Hlavná 58.
Admission: €3-€5. Tel: 055/
l EXHIBITION: Rekapitulácia
Organizátori: Slovenské národné
/ Recapitulation - Ivan
divadlo v spolupráci s organizátorom Šafranko – This summary re-
P r e s t ig io u s c ult ur al e v e n t Krištáľového krídla view of the life’s work of one of
w i t h t h e w o r l d s t a r s o f o p e r a! the most interesting eastern-
Krištáľové Slovak artists of the second
M o s t p o p ul a r a n d g la m o r o u s krídlo half of the 20th century is on
diva, operatic soprano show in the region where he
IN THE “culture nod” Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, US band Kayo Dot, created and taught.
A nn a N e t r e b ko Open: Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00,
the Tartar Lamb (grouping consisting of two members of Kayo
Great operatic bass-baritone Dot) and Jeremiah Cymerman (US) will play on January 31 at
Sun 13:00-17:00 until April 10;
Er win S c hr ot t Tickets available at: 20:00 for fans of avant-garde, progressive rock or experimental
Tatranská galéria, Hviez-
doslavova 12. Admission:
SND Box offices and music characterised by rich instrumentation and longer-than- €0.50-€1.50. Tel: 052/7721-968;
A prominent operatic tenor
usual tunes. Tickets – priced €2.50-€4 – can be bought at the
José Cura HOTLINE: +421 2 204 72 297 venue. For more information, please visit
Photo: Courtesy of Kayo Dot By Zuzana Vilikovská
SP 90250/6

N A M E D A Y J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Emil Tatiana Erik BlaÏej Veronika Agáta Dorota
can now be found at
January 31 February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE January 31 – February 6, 2011 11
US-Slovak family’s art
exhibited in Bratislava
THE RESIDENCE of the US ary one but will remain at
ambassador to Slovakia, the ambassador’s residence
Theodore Sedgwick, is cur- until spring; some pieces
rently housing an exhibition may remain even longer.
showing both the artistic Members of the embassy
and human genesis of the thought the exhibition
Rudavský family. Zuzana would be interesting because
and Ondrej, children of the of the importance and di-
artistic couple, have both versity of the entire family’s
Slovak and US citizenship, body of work.
since they left what was then The Rudavskýs represen-
Czechoslovakia in 1986. Zuz- ted Slovakia at the 1997
ana, a versatile creator, has Venice Biennale and Andrej
returned to Slovakia after 16 Rudavský’s sculpture depict-
Sashar Zarif's performance explored perceptions about migrants and his own life experience. Photo: Courtesy of Shiraz and S. Zarif years of living and working ing Saints Cyril and Metho-
in New York while Ondrej, dius stands at the United Na-
who specialises in video-art, tions headquarters in New

Dance as a route film, and digital art, has

stayed in Los Angeles, the
TASR newswire wrote.
Their father Andrej, a
renowned Slovak sculptor,
York as a gift from Slovakia.
Zuzana and Ondrej’s dual cit-
izenship means that the
work of this one family rep-
resents a joint exhibition of

to self-discovery has remained strongly con-

nected to the Slovak coun-
tryside. Their mother Mária
has exhibited in every
corner of the world, with her
Slovak and American art.
Ambassador Sedgwick
said at the opening of the ex-
hibition, which was accom-
panied by Ivan Šíller on pi-
just living in the West and feel- work merging the “folk- ano, that the artworks have a
Canadian dances ing embarrassed about it, I can Slovak” and the internation- historic, social and political
Sufi rituals embrace all the positive sides al dimension in a unique es- resonance. They reflect a
of my origin, my background sence. The curator of the deeply Slovak perception as
in Bratislava and my life experiences even if Slovak National Gallery, well as the universal lan-
the whole world is looking Katarína Bajcurová, guage of art and beauty. Un-
only at the negative sides. So, I summed up the element that fortunately, the exhibition is
BY ZUZANA VILIKOVSKÁ wanted to embrace that and I connects all four members of not open to the public.
Spectator staff wanted to also make a confes- the family as “the con-
sion with my work. sciousness of tradition”. By Zuzana Vilikovská,
The exhibit is a tempor- with press reports
TSS: What did you showcase in
SHAMAN, Conference of the your performance?
Birds, and Tryst were among SZ: The first part was a de-
the gifts that a Canadian dan- votional dance. I was trying to
cer, choreographer and ethno- showcase the techniques that I
grapher of Azeri-Persian an- learned in performances that
cestry brought to Bratislava at exist in Sufi ritual practices.
the end of last year. [Sufism is the inner, mystical
Sashar Zarif, who believes dimension of Islam, character-
in telling stories through ised by practices of repeating
dance, did much more than the names of God, whirling and
just dance while in Bratislava: Esther Chabot and Sashar Zarif perform. Photo: Andrea Kosarová asceticism - Ed.]. I don’t mean
he participated in a discussion the clichés that you read in
organised by the People in Per- as an adult. I left Iran as a teen- close to the body, and so true books, or tourist attractions,
il organisation and the Shiraz ager and I lived first in India, and so sensual. but the real Sufi treasures that
web-portal, held a workshop then I returned to Iran and you can find in remote places.
for students from a dance con- then I went to Turkey where I TSS: Have you been to Slov- The Shamanic practices are a
servatory, and marked Inter- stayed for three and a half akia before? How did the Slov- very profound performance
national Migrants Day by per- years, and then I went to ak audience respond to you? structure embedded into the
forming his dances at the Met- Toronto. That city enchanted SZ: Two years ago I came rituals: performing arts or ex-
eorit Theatre, co-organised by me since Toronto is very di- here for a brief visit. The recent pressive arts. I use it not neces-
EtnoDance and the Šimečka verse and allows you to feel at audience was very open, re- sarily to communicate with the
Foundation. Zarif focused on home from the very first mo- sponsive, and as I did the work- audience but rather to commu-
the lives of migrants through ment. I went to high school shop at the dance school, I was nicate with myself and to self-
his own life experience. there but I did not speak Eng- amazed how open the students discover; to go to different
Zarif is the artistic director lish very well at that time. there were. I find the Slovak stages of embodiment and prac-
of the Sashar Zarif Dance I will never forget those mentality close to where I come tise their roots as a human being
Theatre in Toronto and is also feelings as a young boy, a from: there is some fire in our because we are neither good nor
involved with Joshgoon – the teenager, walking down the mentality to which you seem to bad; we have everything in us, US Ambassador Theodore Sedgwick with Zuzana and Mária
Canadian Academy of halls of the high school in a respond. I also enjoyed my dis- and this is encouragement for Rudavská. Photo: Courtesy of the US Embassy
Azerbaijani Dance, Dancers for distant land, not even speak- cussion with Andrej Bán [head us to look into that.
Peace and the Centre for Dance ing the language very well but of the People in Peril humanit-
Studies. The Slovak Spectator feeling really at home. It was a arian civic association, journal- TSS: Where did you learn the
spoke with Zarif about his life, place where I was able to re- ist and photographer - Ed.], who techniques and traditions?
his beliefs, and about what late to different cultures: be- has much positive energy and SZ: I’ve been very much in-
dancing means to him. cause my neighbour is from interesting ideas; he is humble volved with Sufi poetry: Hafiz,
one place, my friend is from but well-informed. Omar Khayyám, Rumi. In fact,
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): somewhere else, and then my as a child, I would read Hafiz
During your performances boss is from yet another place. TSS: Did you have any ambi- and I wouldn’t understand
you managed to make people I did a lot of dancing at that tion to tell a sort of personal much but I would be fascinated
think about how they might time. The culture of body lan- story? by his work. I am not a Sufi, by
feel if they were migrants, or guage is very important and SZ: It definitely was story- no means. I am a dancer inter-
as many still call them when you really understand telling. I was telling my story ested in Sufism – I started my
“strangers”. Have you it, a lot of conflicts will disap- and I wanted also to acknow- fieldwork in different coun-
drawn from your own per- pear. I think sometimes ledge the background I come tries, from western Mongolia all
sonal history? Could you words are problems in conflict from. I can turn very modern, I across the steppes of Central
share some details? situations. can change myself and my re- Asia, Azerbaijan, Georgia,
Sashar Zarif (SZ): I was Every time people start ar- ligion even though I hate to Chechnya and then Morocco
born in Tehran to an guing or debating it’s so hard involve religion in any politic- (African Sufis), and I went
Azerbaijani family and I first to understand each other – be- al issues; but I can never there, lived with them, re-
went to Azerbaijan, where my cause the sensation comes out change myself, my roots, how searched, and that’s my spe-
grandmother was raised and filtered through your mind in a I grew up, my embedded cul- cialty, the dance and music Ondrej Rudavský: Space Transformation.
which she used to talk about, different way – but dance is so ture. I realised that instead of which show in Sufism. Photo: O. Rudavský
12 January 31 – February 6, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports



Marathon bowlers exhibition

installed in

set new record the foyer of

Apollo Business Centre I in
Bratislava has the goal of
ON SAT- packed for the record-setting reminding individuals

URDAY attempt and the honour of that they can personally
December 16 bowling first was given to contribute to a more sus-
at exactly four participants from tainable and pleasant life
17:05 bowlers Galanta – František Pilcz, one on planet Earth and that
at the House of of the oldest bowlers, along the future of our ecosys-
Sport in Galanta started their with Ernest Rácz and Tomáš The Slovak polar explorers had to contend with deep snow and frigid temperatures. Photo: TASR tem is not only the re-
attempt to set a world record and Martin Mrva. A team sponsibility of politicians
and become the biggest bowl- from the Hungarian town of and environmental activ-
ing tournament ever held.
The fifth year of this popu-
lar marathon – which has
Bábolny followed and it in-
cluded the first female parti-
cipant, Violetta Szuntein.
Slovaks reach the South Pole ists.
The travelling exhibi-
tion called How to Change
already acquired an interna- Bowlers from the Czech AFTER marching 200 kilo- rock formations which pierce marathon runner. the World highlights the
tional reputation – brought a Republic were also on the metres on skis through the the Antarctic ice sheets. The Slovak polar group idea that many small indi-
first Slovak record in 2006: a starting list and three teams Antarctic environment, four “We managed to travel to came together during a ski vidual steps can have a big
24-hour bowling marathon of visually-impaired athletes Slovak polar explorers the Antarctic thanks to good crossing to the North Pole in impact on the world’s en-
involving 104 players. A year from Šaľa and Trnava took reached the South Pole in contacts with Russian polar 2008 using the route called vironment.
later, 124 players participated part. The last team to com- early December. Peter explorers that were estab- the Messner variation. “I The exhibition was
in 24 hours of bowling and in plete was TJ Družba Piešťany, Valušiak, Róbert Kukučka, lished two years ago during thought this march would be created by graphic design-
2008 the event went on for made up of Jaroslav Kozák, Patrik Tkáč and Pavol Barabáš my solo attempt at a Trans- easier when compared to the er Róbert Szabó and photo-
more than 37 hours with as Peter Gocký, Michal Schmidl had to contend with – among Antarctic crossing,” said ex- Arctic where frost was com- grapher Viktor Szemzö and
many as 164 bowlers. In 2009, and Štefan Kočan, who also other things – temperatures pedition leader Valušiak. He bined with 100-percent hu- urges people to think
184 bowlers in Galanta logged serves as the president of the around minus 40°C that are added that even though the midity, but in the last part, about what can be done in
42 hours. Slovak Bowling Association. typical for the beginning of sun really never vanishes close to the South Pole, the everyone’s everyday life
The Slovan Galanta bowl- The record-setting mara- Arctic summer, said Hana from the horizon at this time altitude complicated the con- without much effort and
ing club asked the London thon ended shortly after 20:00 Vítková of the K2 Studio to the of year in Antarctica, the ditions, and this combination time, while noting that too
headquarters of the Guinness on Sunday, December 19. It TASR newswire. She added group had to adapt to the very shook us all,” Kukučka stated. few people think about the
Book of Records to inscribe had lasted for 75 hours, 1 that the explorers’ travel was low temperatures. The expedition had the negative effects that their
their marathons in the world minute and 42 seconds, and it made more difficult by huge “Each of us had reached opportunity to witness a huge everyday actions can have
record book but the hurdle had a record number of bowl- snowdrifts and the high alti- the very end of his tether. The colony of Emperor Penguins. on the environment.
they had to leap was at least ers: 324. tude – 3,300 metres above sea snow literally sucked the “There were thousands of “The exhibition is a
252 people taking part in a The best single bowler level. strength out of us. The heavy them; they were absolutely project of four countries
bowling marathon. during the marathon was The men were the first sleighs made travel through not afraid. Males guarded and the posters, with
Jozef Butko, the main or- Ľubomír Bugár of the Inter Slovak expedition to the the snowdrifts difficult. One their offspring that were translated texts, will also
ganiser, had no fears about Bratislava club with a score of South Pole in 2010. They flew could not just change a three months old while fe- travel to Austria, Hungary
reaching the required level of 611 points, and his team was to the Novolazarevskaya polar sweaty t-shirt for a dry one, as males roamed dozens of kilo- and Slovenia,” Zuzana
participation and the bowling also named the best of the base in early November and it would have frozen. We had metres towards the sea to Jezerská from the Slovak
club had to literally stop fur- event. acclimatised themselves with to dry our t-shirts while wear- search for food,” said Barabáš, Centre for Communication
ther enrolment after the Jozef Butko accepted the ascents in Queen Maud Land, ing them during sleep,” said who was the cameraman for and Development told the
queue of enthusiastic bowlers certificate for the new record. characterised for its sharp Patrik Tkáč, a financier and the expedition. TASR newswire.
came close to 370. More information is available
The bowling hall was at

Košice art faculty unveils novel ideas

THE FACULTY TUKE’s Faculty of Art also

of Art of the offered a workshop on
Technical Uni- December 17 focused on water
versity of – in its solid state as ice and as
Košice (TUKE) a liquid imprisoned in a man-
has come up made product, a PET bottle.
with the idea of building a pa- Artists displayed how they
vilion for cultural events en- had transformed ordinary
tirely from PET bottles that plastic bottles into utility
can be disassembled and artworks and sculptors from
moved when needed, making Slovakia, Hungary and Poland
it unique. transformed blocks of ice into
“It will be a sort of a amazing shapes reflecting the
puzzle, able to be put together world of nature.
in any space or form. We will The workshop was organ-
be able to adapt it to the local ised by the Košice 2013 non-
space and to transport it any- profit organisation together
where where an event, cul- with students from the Fac-
tural performance, lecture or ulty of Arts and invited
exhibition will take place,” sculptors. Sculptors particip-
Zuzana Grošaftová, one of the ating included Robert Burkat,
designers, told the Korzár Michal Mizula and Zsolt M.
daily. The university faculty Tóth. More information is
started collecting PET bottles available at
The strain of breaking records begins to show... Photo: SITA in December. or Sculptors from three countries created works of art. Photo: TASR

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