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FOR THE MONTH OF ____________________________________
Main Reporting
Sub-Points Rubrics Current Month Progress
Point Responsible
Security & Safe Arrangement Barbed wire or glass pieces on Boundary Wall
MEA Availablity of Security Guard
Availablity of Gate
Dangerous Classroom MEA Visible cracks or missing bricks
Electricity MEA Electricity Meter or Solar presence
Classroom Visiablity AEO Board should be visible from back of the class
Furniture MEA 1 bench for 3 students excluding plastic chairs
School Environment

Student Toilet Ratio MEA 2 toilets for upto 100 students, 4 for upto 250
Hand wash Facility MEA 3 Handwash points
Safe Drinking Water MEA Smell free water
Drinking Water MEA availablity of water
Playground Play Ground / Play Area
Cleanliness Facilities Building
(As per chart)
Play Ground / Play Area
Student Participation

Student Attendance Rate MEA Attendance / Total Students X 100


Student Graduate Rate *

& Personal

Student Cleanliness Clean Uniforms

AEO Combed hair
Trimed Nails
Teacher Attendance Rate MEA Present / Total Teachers X 100
Teacher Allocation MEA As per STR
Teacher Aids Availablity White/Black Board
Teachers & Teaching

AEO Chalk/Marker
Classroom Displays
CPD Participation Rate of teachers Monthly Meeting -invited
(Monthly Meeting)
AEO - present
- on leave
Teaching Practice AEO on 11 selected teaching routines
Head Teacher Attendance MEA Presence of HT in the school
Leadership & School Support

Non-Teaching Staff Attendance MEA Hiered on NSB or Sanctioned Post

Instructional Leadership Meeting with teachers
HT Feedback
Self-report on SIS
NSB disbursement MEA CEO disbursed the NSB on give time?
Availablity of School-based plan AEO Presence of this page in booklet for each month

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