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Personal Development-Grade 11

Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 2- Module 7: Persons and Career
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

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Development Team of the Module

Author: Vanity Jade C. Lazaga
Reviewers: Amor Malayang Lorna V. Rigor, Lucille N. Quiriado,
Illustrator: Development Team of the Module:
Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III Vanity Jade C. Lazaga
Regional Director Lorna V. Rigor
Amor Malayang
Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V N. Quiriado Mala Epra B. Magnaong
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llustrator: Jay Michael A. Calipusan
Dr. Bienvenido
Management Team: U. Tagolimot, Jr.
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
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Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
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Quarter 2 - MODULE 7:

Persons and Career

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities.
We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education. Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

Cover Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i

Copyright page --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

Title page --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

What I Need to Know ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

What I Know --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

What’s In -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

What’s New ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

What is It? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

What’s More ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

What I Have Learned ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

What I Can Do ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Assessment --------------------------------------------------------------- --- 12

Additional Activities ------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Answer Key -------------------------------------------------------------- --- 14

References ------------------------------------------------------------------ 15

Rubric for Individual Work ----------------------------------------------------- --- 16

Management Team ------------------------------------------------------------- --- 17

What I Need to Know

For the Learners

Welcome to the present module! As a senior high school student, you may be
facing major decisions in life that affects your future and your own measure of
success. The alternatives that you simply can have can get to your dreams. This
explores your interests and causes you to notice your aspirations in life.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. explain that through understanding of the concepts of career and life goals
can help in planning his/her career; (EsP – PD 11/12 PC – IIf – 12.1)
2. identify the personal factors that can influence their career choices; and (EsP
– PD11/12PC – IIf – 12.2)
3. take a self – assessment tool to know his/her personality traits and other personal
factors in relation to his/her life goals. (EsP – PD 11/12PC-IIg – 12.3)

For the Facilitator

1. Introduce the lesson on career development. Enlighten that a number of the

most important decisions in our lifetime concern our career that makes it
possible for us to realize our dreams aspirations in life.
2. Do the What I know: Instruct the students a ten-item multiple choice to test
how advance their knowledge and skills on their career.
3. Do the activity What’s New: Their top most priority career interest in the
future. Let the students choose their possible career from the box.
4. Allow the students some time to read in what is it: What is career? What are
the factors to be considered before choosing a career? Lastly, Influences on
career decisions.
5. Let the students to answer the two activities from What’s More: What is in my
heart and How they shaped me? Tell the students to copy the activity on their
journal notebook. Read the directions and follow the sample given on the first
row. Also, to deepen their understanding they’re going to complete the
paragraph on What I have learned section.
6. Assign the students to do What I can Do activity where they can assess
themselves their area of interest. Lastly, allow them to sketch on how they see
themselves ten years from now.

What I Know

Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer
on your journal notebook.

1. What is a profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or

A. Job B. Career C. Employment D. Livelihood
2. Which of the following position of an individual that holds doing specific
A. Job B. Career C. Employment D. Livelihood
3. Architecture, law, engineering, teacher, and medicine are the examples of?
A. Career B. Employment C. Livelihood D. Occupation
4. What factors that jobs make varying degree of physical demands and the
choice should be made after carefully considering all the relevant facts
associated with it?
A. Interest B. Physique C. Intelligence D. Special Aptitudes
5. It is a factor should be considered that all work is easy if it shows care and
A. Interest B. Physique C. Intelligence D. Special Aptitudes
6. Who have the biggest influence on a child's career choice?
A. Culture B. Friends C. Parents D. Teachers
7. Lack of money can limit choices, popular culture such as TV and movies are
influences on career decisions that made from?
A. Family B. Culture C. Friends D. Teachers
8. The following are the influences on career decisions except one?
A. Family B. Media C. Friends D. Neighbors
9. Which of the following are the influences of the family?
A. Online career websites, apps and newspapers
B. Government policy and economics both local and globally.
C. Career choices and interests of their older brother or sister
D. Pressure from boyfriend/girlfriend to choose a study or a job
10. What factors to be considered before choosing a career that only you can judge
and decide what is best for you?
A. Physique B. Personality C. Intelligence D. Special Aptitude

1 Module 7: Persons and Career
This module will talk on the different career decisions that you simply might
select in the future. It provides you data regarding yourself knowing your strengths
and weaknesses. The activities selected for this module will help you make the right
decisions, so that, you’ll be able to get the best results. You may have a clear idea
on what to try to do and the ways to act towards your goals. So, don’t hesitate and
believe the ability of your dreams. Are you ready to build your dreams? Make a
blueprint, anticipate hardwired success and let’s get started. Let us fly high and
pursue our ambitions in life.

What’s In

From the previous lesson on family structures and legacies, it reminds us that
family influences us and makes a larger impact in our different lives. In addition, you
have learned to collect information concerning your family and somehow helped you
perceive your core being. This time, you may hold additional information concerning
the importance of family and find out who else can influence you on your career
decision. Also, you may hold the factors to be thought about before selecting a

What’s New

Activity 1. My Top 5 Career Interest in the Future

Directions: Choose from the box below your five (5) career interest within the future.
You can also add more career choice if it’s not found within the box.

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________

Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources – (Plants, Animals)
Architecture & construction - (designing and building)
Business, Management & Administration - (Business detail)
Information Technology – (software, multimedia, technical support)
Finance – (Banking and Investments)
Education & Training – (Teaching)
Government & Public Administration
Law, Public Safety & Security
Manufacturing – (Mechanical , Industrial )
Marketing, Sales & Service
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution &Logistics
Source: Perkins, Carl D. from Washington State’s “Where are you going? Vocational
Act”. http://www/,pp.1-

What is It

What is Career?

Career is one of the most important aspects which all of us are concerned
about in our entire life. According to Advance Learner’s Dictionary, career means a
profession or occupation giving us multitudes of opportunities for promotion.
Occupation means a job or an employment. It helps us to earn a livelihood or
profession. It also means paid occupation, especially one that requires advanced
education and training, e.g. architecture, law, engineering or medicine, etc. So a
career is not simply a job, an employment to earn a livelihood.
A job is a certain position an individual hold doing specific duties. For
example, if you would look closely at the job of a lawyer, you can say that a lawyer’s
job is working as an associate in X Law Firm.
A job or profession or an employment can be called a career only when it
gives opportunity for progress and advancement as human needs gradually
changing. Moreover, a job or employment to be called as a career must offer
adequate opportunities to satisfy or meet those changing needs. Thus, a job or
profession must be dynamic enough to fulfil one’s aspirations or ambitions before
calling it a career in real terms.

Factors to Consider in Choosing Future Career
• Intelligence comprises your I.Q., Social Intelligence and
Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.). The Total intelligence is more important
to be successful in life and career than simply having a high I.Q. There
are many instances where an academically brilliant executive,
considered a genius in his field but had failed miserably in his career.
He failed because he did not have required social intelligence and
emotional stability.
• A person may be an Introvert or Extrovert. One can be a Dominating
personality or Submissive personality. If you are an Introvert, you
should not select a career that needs people with Extrovert nature.
You may be too social or you prefer to be lonesome to do creative
work. Only you can judge your personality and choose what is best for
you. So always give to your personality factor while deciding on your
future career.
• All work is hard unless you care for it, show interest and have passion
in it. You may have the ability, aptitude, financial backing or any other
support but if interest is absent it is no use. However, it must also be
said that too much interest towards an occupation does not
guarantee success in that field if other factors are also considered.
Special Aptitudes
• If one is good at art, it would be really miserable for him to take up a
career where he has to work in a machine shop.
• All jobs make varying degree of physical activities and demands. The
choice of a career should be made after carefully considering all the
relevant facts associated with it. Hence, a man with a poor health and
heart problem should not engage in a career in the mountain brigade
of the army.
• As perceived men and women are socially and legally equal, but nature
has given them different physique and capabilities too. Some careers
are more well- suited to men than women. Consequently, this factor
should also be kept in mind while choosing a career. Some careers
need an early entry to be successful for this may only result to

Source: Devajit, Bhuyan. A Complete Guide to Career Planning.F-2/16, Ansari Road,

Daryagani, New Delhi-110002:V & S Publishers. 2015. Retrieved from on January
15, 2019.

Influences on career decisions

Parents have the biggest influence on a child's career choice. Find out who and what else will
influence a young person's career decisions.
The child is also influenced by:
• Career selections and interests of their older brother or sister
• Needs, opinions and work of their parents
• Family work traditions or family aspirations for the future
• Limits to your family's experience of different career choices
• Negative beliefs like as “He’ll never amount to anything”, or “I’m a failure and so is

The child's friends can:
• Pressure your child to form constant choice as them regarding careers and effort
leaving school
• Be good or poor role models
• As a boyfriend or girlfriend pressure your child to settle on study or a job in their city.
Cultural influences on your child's career choices return from:
• Their neighborhood, ethnic group and social group
• Popular culture like TV and movies
• Role models – winning and famous individuals
• Money – lack of money will limit choices
• Government policy and economics both local and globally.
Teachers/career advisers
Teachers and careers advisers can:
• Inspire, motivate and inform your child
• See your child's talent, skills and aptitudes for certain careers
• Offer resources, work expertise opportunities and guidance.
Your child will notice career information from:
• Online career websites, apps and newspapers
• Career designing and assistance books.

decisions/influences-on-career-decision. Updated 19, Dec.2019. Retrieved on
January 15, 2019

What’s More

Activity 2. What’s in my heart?

Directions: Reflect and write three activities that you enjoy most. From the activity
that you enjoy most, write the skills that you are learning and point out the jobs that
you might be interested in.

Subject I enjoy Skills I am learning Possible job interest area (s)

Ex. Researching Writing and reading blogger, journalism, writer,


i.__________ i.__________ i.__________

ii__________ ii__________ ii__________
iii. ________ iii. ________ iii. ________

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Shout Out!

Directions: Sum up the lesson by supplying the statements provided below.

1. My three activities that I enjoy most are ________________________________


2. Based from my skills, the possible jobs that I am interested are _____________

Activity 4: Shape Me As I Am!
Directions: Who/what influences you most? Copy and list all your personal
influences of your career choice.


Family Friends Culture Media

1. In making career decisions, the factors that influence me most are …

2. Personal interests are important in choosing career because …

What I Can Do

Activity 5: What’s My Interest?

Directions: In each section, answer each question by checking the Yes or No box.
Total all the Yes checks for every section then, at the bottom of the page, circle the
area of interest where you had the most Yes answers. Copy the table and answer
on your journal notebook.


Do you like to: YES NO

Entertain a child
Listen to a friend’s personal issues
Teach someone a way to do one thing
Help someone who is sick
Lead a group or club activity
Work with the general public
Run for associate workplace
Sell a product


Do you like to: YES NO

Research a subject of interest to you
Be a treasurer of a club
Work scientific experiments
Work with numbers/statistics
Figure a car’s fuel consumption rate
Balance a financial statement
Write a computer program



Do you like to: YES NO

Bake a cake
Repair car/machinery
Sew or create crafts
Build one thing from wood
Operate a cash register or calculator
Do landscaping/lawn care
Operate camera/video equipment


Do you like to: YES NO

Decorate a room
Write a poem or story
Publish school yearbook or newspaper
Write lyrics or rap
Paint, draw, watercolour
Perform or act in school/class play
Play musical instrument
Invent a brand new product

My highest INTEREST section at this point is: PEOPLE DATA THINGS IDEAS

Source: Career Development User’s Guide(Youth ed.).Career Choices in North Carolina,

2005 – 2006


Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer
on your journal notebook.

1. What factors that jobs make varying degree of physical demands and the
choice should be made after carefully considering all the relevant facts
associated with it?
A. Interest B. Physique C. Intelligence D. Special Aptitudes
2. The following are the influences on career decisions except one?
A. Family B. Media C. Friends D. Neighbors
3. Who have the biggest influence on a child's career choice?
A. Culture B. Friends C. Parents D. Teachers
4. What is a profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or
A. Job B. Career C. Employment D. Livelihood
5. Lack of money can limit choices, popular culture such as TV and movies are
influences on career decisions that made from?
A. Family B. Culture C. Friends D. Teachers
6. Which of the following position of an individual that holds doing specific
A. Job B. Career C. Employment D. Livelihood
7. It is a factor should be considered that all work is easy if it shows care and
A. Interest B. Physique C. Intelligence D. Special Aptitudes
8. Architecture, law, engineering, teacher, and medicine are the examples of?
A. Career B. Employment C. Livelihood D. Occupation
9. What factors to be considered before choosing a career that only you can judge
and decide what is best for you?
A. Physique B. Personality C. Intelligence d. Special Aptitudes
10. Which of the following are the influences of the family?
A. Online career websites, apps and newspapers
B. Government policy and economics both local and globally.
C. Career choices and interests of their older brother or sister
D. Pressure from boyfriend/girlfriend to choose a study or a job

Additional Activities

Activity 6: Sketch Note

Directions: Ten years from now, how do you see yourself? Make a sketch of your
lifelong dream in the space provided.


Devajit, Bhuyan. A Complete Guide to Career Planning.F-2/16, Ansari Road, Daryagani,

New Delhi-110002:V & S Publishers. 2015. Retrieved from on
January 15, 2019.

Perkins, Carl D. from Washington State’s “Where are you going? Vocational Act”.

Career Development User’s Guide(Youth ed.).Career Choices in North Carolina, 2005 –

decisions/influences-on-career-decision. Updated 19, Dec.2019. Retrieved on
January 15, 2019

Answer Key

Activity 1: My Top 5 Career Interest in the Future

Answers may vary

Activity 2: What’s in my heart?

Answers may vary

Activity 3: Shout Out!

Answers may vary

Activity 4: Shape Me As I Am!

Answers may vary

Activity 5: What’s My Interest?

Answers may vary

Activity 6: Sketch Note

Answers may vary

Rubric for Individual Work

Exemplary Sufficient Minimal Beginning

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Student Student demonstrates Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
demonstrates an in a general reflection on, a minimal reflection on, a lack of reflection on,
– depth reflection and personalization of and personalization of or personalization of
on, and the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts, the theories, concepts,
personalization of and/or strategies and/or strategies and/or strategies
the theories, presented in the presented in the presented in the
concepts, and/or course materials. course materials. course materials.
Self – disclosure/ strategies presented Viewpoints and Viewpoints and Viewpoints and
Depth of Reflection in the course interpretations are interpretations are interpretations are
materials. insightful and well unsupported or missing, inappropriate,
Viewpoints and supported. Appropriate supported with flawed and / or unsupported.
interpretations are examples are provided arguments. Examples Examples are not
insightful and well from personal are not provided or are provided.
supported. Clear, experiences, as irrelevant to the
detailed examples applicable. assignment.
from personal
experiences are
provided, as
Student makes in- Student goes into Student goes into little Student merely
depth synthesis of some detail explaining detail explaining some identifies some general
thoughtfully some specific ideas or specific ideas or issues ideas or issues from
selected aspects of issues from outside from outside outside experiences
experiences related experiences related to experiences related to related to the topic.
Connection to to the topic and the topic and makes the topic and makes
Outside makes clear general connections few connections
experiences connections between what is between what is
between what is learned from outside learned from outside
learned from experiences and the experiences and the
outside experiences topic. topic.
and the topic.
Student makes in- Student goes into more Student goes into little Student identifies
depth synthesis of detail explaining some detail explaining some some general ideas or
thoughtfully specific ideas or issues specific ideas or issues issues from readings
seledted aspects of from readings related from readings related related to the topic.
readings related to to the topic and makes to the topic and makes Readings are only
Connection to the topic and makes general connections general connections those assigned for the
readings clear connections between what is between what is topic.
between what is learned from readings learned from readings
learned from and the topic. Includes and the topic.
readings and the reference to at least
topic. Includes one reading other than
reference to at least those assigned for
two readings other class.
than those assigned
for class.
Student Student synthesizes Student attempts to Students has difficulty
synthesizes, clearly some directly synthesizes some restating some general
analyzes and appropriate ideas or directly appropriate ideas or issues from
Connection to class evaluates issues from the class ideas or issues from the class discussion as
discussions & unit thoughfully selected discussion as they the class discussion as they relate to this topic.
objectives aspects of ideas or relate to this topic. they relate to this topic.
issues from the
class discussion as
they relate to this
Adapted from: rubric.html


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