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Name: Gerald C.

Teaño Date: 11-3-2020

Reading and Writing Skills

Patterns of Development in Writing

What’s In

Direction: The following sentences are not arranged logically. Number the sentences in the
order that they should be in the paragraph.

Paragraph 1

___2___ This is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 or SARS-CoV-2.

___3___ The outbreak of this was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019.
___6___ In fact, millions of cases have been reported in 188 countries and territories.
___1___ The COVID-19 pandemic is also known as the corona virus pandemic.
___5___ The declaration was done because the number of cases continuously increase.
___4___ This outbreak was declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern on
January 30, 2020, and a pandemic on March 11 of the same year by the World Health

Paragraph 2
___3___ It lies in learning to be aware of our moments of happiness as sharply as our
moments of pain.

___2___ But courage goes on to see the triumph of life is not in pains avoided, but in joys
lived completely in the moment of their happening.

___4___ We need not to be afraid to weep when we have caused to weep, so long as we can
really rejoice at every cause for rejoicing.

___1___ Courage begins when we admit that there is no life without some pain, some
frustration; that there is no tragic accident to which we are immune; and that, beyond the
normal exercises of prudence, we can do nothing about it.
What’s New
Activity: A Picture Study
Directions: Study the picture below. Name ideas conveyed by the picture. Recall how you
arrange ideas. Answer the Processing Questions that follow.

Processing Questions:
1. After examining the picture, what ideas were formed in your mind?

The picture shows an act of hand washing. The ideas formed in my mind were things
like why do we need to wash our hands, when and how do we wash our hands, what
is the importance of hand washing, and how does it help us to prevent the spread of
coronavirus disease.

2. How do you arrange these ideas?

I arrange these in a logical order to achieve organization, focus, and unity in

developing ideas.

3. Was there a pattern you used while developing your ideas?

There are patterns that I used in developing these ideas. Each pattern is
designed/used depending on the purpose so that I can effectively convey my ideas
in the best way.
What’s More

Activity 1: Let’s Do It
Directions: Identify the pattern of development, and the signal words in each paragraph.

Different students attend various types of schools; however, they can usually
be classified as either public, private religious, private non- religious, or alternative. Public
schools are funded by the state, and the majority of students in the United States attend
them. Private religious schools are based around a particular faith, such as Catholicism,
Judaism, and so forth. The religion is part of the everyday lives of the students and they also
learn about the faiths. All types of private schools do not receive state funding. Therefore,
private non- religious schools are simply just that: schools which do not receive state
funding and have the ability to make their own rules. Alternative schools can be made up of
a variety of different categories, such as the Montessori program or technical schools. Most
students who attend class in an actual school building go to one of these types of
Pattern of Development Signal Words
Division and Classification • various types of
• classified as
• all types of
• one of these types of

As broad as their sounds are, there are several very distinct similarities and differences
between electric and acoustic guitars. For instance, both utilize the use of a body for the
neck to attach to and a neck with frets for finger placement. The strings attach to the lower
end of the body and go all the way to the head, or the top of the neck. They both use strings
that vary in gauge, or size, which are vital to produce sound when they are picked,
hammered on, or strummed as a group. Similarly, each is tuned in the same manner to
produce the proper tone desired. An acoustic guitar needs no amplifier to make its sound
loud enough to be heard. An acoustic guitar uses the body of the guitar as its amplifier.
Because the body is very thick and hollow it is able to project its own natural sound loudly.
This makes it very portable and capable of being played virtually anywhere. An acoustic
guitar doesn’t need any foot pedals, volume and tone knobs, or any other hardware like
that to produce the sound it makes. An electric guitar is very hard to hear without an
amplifier. An electric guitar requires the use of an amplifier to transport the sound though
pickups that are secured in the body. These sounds are transferred through a cable
connected to the guitar. The cable then goes to the amplifier which produces the sounds
out of the speakers. Volume and tone knobs on the electric guitar can make it louder or
change the sound of the strings being played. Additionally, foot pedals can be added to
produce even more different sounds so that the musical capabilities of the electric guitar
are almost limitless. There’s not a lot of music that I listen to that doesn’t have some sort of
electric or acoustic guitar in the mix, either as the main instrument or as small as a fill in for
a certain sound. The genre of the music frequently dictates which type of guitar should be
Pattern of Development Signal Words
Comparison and Contrast • both
• similarly

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