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Title: Depression Reduces Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) among

Background of the Study

Medical conditions drastically affect the lives of those afflicted especially on elderly, leading
to pain, disability, and disruption. Comorbid depression can exacerbate the effects of
medical illness and may be an independent source of suffering and disability. Depression is
a prevalent and disabling condition in older persons (≥60 years) that increases the risk of
mortality and negatively influences quality of life (QOL). People with severe mental illness
are more vulnerable to have a diminished health related quality of life, and depression
takes a higher proportion. Thus, the nature ofand its comorbid illnesses together with the
social, occupational and cognitive impairments significantly affect the quality of life of
people with depression. Inevitably, increasing age is associated with increased exposure to
risk factors and reduced adaptability, which results in disease, vulnerability and reduced
quality of life. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify factors that are associated
with lower Quality of Life among elderlies with depression.


Basel, K., (2016). Depression and Quality of Life in Older Persons. Retrieve from:

Joo, Y.C., Lee, K., Kim, L.D. et al. Factors associated with quality of life in patients with
depression: A nationwide population-based study. PLOS ONE (2019). Retrieve from:

Klompstra, L., Ekdahl, A.W., Krevers, B. et al. Factors related to health-related quality of life
in older people with multimorbidity and high health care consumption over
a two- year period. BMC Geriatr 19, 187 (2019). Retrieve from: 1194-z

Title: Positive and negative impacts of pandemic in older adults around Butuan City

Background of the Study

Older adults are facing the most threats and challenges at this time. Although all age
groups are at risk of contracting Covid-19, older people face significant risk of developing
severe illnesses if they contract the diseases due to physiological changes that come with
aging and potential underlying health conditions (WHO 2020). This study emphasizes the
negative and positive impact of pandemic in older adults and what are the factors that need
to be considered in dealing with this situation. During this pandemic, strong policies play
an important role specifically to the older people who are monitored and strictly requested
to stay at home unless it is necessary to go out such as going to hospitals and for emergency
cases this is for their protection and the safety of older adults as well as to the people that
surround them. This study examines the positive and negative impact of pandemic in older
adults of what they have experienced during this pandemic as we called it a new normal.


World Health Organization. (2020). WHO delivers advice and support for older people during
Covid 19. Geneva Switzerland: Author. Retrieved from
during- covid-

Llyte, A., Apriceno, M., & Levy, S. R. (2020, July 16). Covid and Ageism: How Positive and
Negative Responses Impact older adults and Society.. Retrieved from
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Title: Self-studying and the Experiences of the Nursing Students by the Use of Gadgets due
to New Normal Classes at Father SaturninoUrios University, Butuan City

Background of the Study

One of the incalculable losses of the Covid-19 pandemic is in how children and
teenagers have, in many ways, been forced to “grow up.” In particular, due to the shift to
online and modular learning, students are now taking more of an initiative in their
education and learning process (Tinga, 2020). Due to the existing pandemic, there are
adjustments needed to be done in order to continue education despite thecrisis and one
way to do is to pursue online classes. One of the challenges here is that, when classes are
donevirtually, are the students able to cope up and understand the given lessons? There is
a need to check the level of understanding as well as the nursing student’s capacity to do
tasks. According to, one of the advantages of self-study is that
students can control their learning and they are encouraged to further explore the given
topics. However, one of the disadvantages of self-study is not being able to comprehend the
given topics appropriately especially that nursing subjects are crucial and not just limited
to reading but more of being practical and rational. In this study, the group will identify
factors and effects of doing self-study under the curriculum of outcome-based education, as
well as the effects of the long time use of gadgets in the student’s physical and mental state.
In this case, the problem is to be evaluated to provide a good solution, outcome, and
recommendations for the respondents.

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