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SECTION A [15 marks]

Answer ALL questions in this section.

1. The proton number of ion Y is 16, its nucleus number is 33 and it has the same number of electrons
and neutrons. What is the charge of ion Y?
A. -2 C. +1
B. -1 D. +2
2. The mass spectrum of an element is shown below.

Which statement is true about the element?

A The element has two isotopes.
B Peak X is due to a dipositive ion
C The element is a diatomic molecule.
D The relative atomic mass of the element is 38

3. The fourth line in the Balmer series of the hydrogen line spectrum is caused by the transition
between levels

A n =2 to n= 1 C n = 4 to n =2
B n = 5 to n = 1 D n = 6 to n = 2

4.An element X with the electronic configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d 10 4s2 4p1 exists as
isotopes m X and n X which have 38 and 40 neutrons respectively. What is the percentage
abundance of n X ? (Relative atomic mass of X is 69.7)

A. 35.0 C. 54.5
B. 45.5 D. 65.0

5. A slow stream of water from a tap can be deflected by an electrostatically charged plastic rod
because water is a polar molecule.

Why is a water molecule polar?

A. Molecules are bonded together by hydrogen bonds.

B. The oxygen and hydrogen atoms have different electronegativities.
C. The oxygen atom has two lone pairs of electrons.
D. Water is able to dissociate into ions.

6. The isotopic composition of an element is indicated below.

What is the relative atomic mass of the element?

A. 10.2 C. 10.5
B. 10.8 D. 11.0

7. One of the lines in the Lyman series has a wavelength 102.7 nm. What is the energy of this
electronic transition?
[ The Plank’s constant, h, is 6.63 × 10 Js and the speed of light, c, is 3.0 × 10 ms ]
−34 8 −1

A. 1.937 × 10 J−18

B. 6.456 × 10 J−27

C. 6.809 × 10 J−32

D. 6.763 × 10 J−41

8. Which of the following is true with regard to the ammonia molecule?

A. It is a non-polar molecule. C. It contains two lone pairs of electrons.

B. It has a trigonal planar shape. D. The H—N—H bond angle is 107°.


The structure of an amino acid, H2NCH2COOH is shown below. Which of the hydrogen atoms,
labelled as I, II or III can form intermolecular hydrogen bonds.
A. I only
B. III only
C. I and II only
D. I and III only

10. The relative atomic mass of boron is 10.8 and its proton number is 5. Boron has two isotopes
containing 5 and 6 neutrons respectively. What is the ratio of the number of lighter isotopes to the
number of heavier isotopes?

A. 1:1 B. 1:4 C. 1:9 D. 4:1

11. Which orbital diagram shows the filling of electron (s) based on Hund’s Rule ?

12. A 2.5 dm3 vessel contains 16.0 g of oxygen at 300 K.
4.0 g of hydrogen is then forced into the vessel. Calculate the total pressure of the mixture at
300 K, if the volume of the vessel remains the same. [The gas constant, R = 8.31 J K-1 mol-1]
A. 2485 kPa
B. 2490 kPa
C. 2493 kPa
D. 2497 kPa

13. An element X with a relative atomic mass of 28.1 consists of isotopes 28X, 29X and 30X. If the
percentage abundance of 29X and 30X are the same, what is the percentage abundance of 28X?

A 0.32 B 3.33 C 93.3 D 96.7

14. Which of the statement about Lewis structure of CO 32- and NO3- ions is true ?
A Both ions are trigonal –planar in shape
B Both ions have a formal charge on the central atom
C Both ions form two double bonds and one single bond
D Both ions have central atom with one pair of unpaired electrons.

15. A copper atom has 29 electrons. Which orbital diagram shows the arrangement of the valence
electrons for a copper (II) ion ?

NAME: ………………………………….. DATE: ……………………………………
CLASS: ………………………………….

SECTION A [15 marks]

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

/ 15

SECTION B [15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

16. (a) The nucleon number of an isotope of element X is 64. the isotope has 34 neutrons. Calculate
the number of protons in X. [1m]

(b) The cation derived from X has 28 electrons. Write the symbol for the cation. [1m]

(c ) The mass spectrum of element X is shown below.

Determine the relative atomic mass of X. [2m]

(d) An impure sample of X is treated with an excess of sulphuric acid. Write a balanced equation for
the reaction. [1m]

(e ) If 0.0764g of hydrogen is obtained from a sample of 3.86g, calculate the percentage purity of the
sample. [3m]

17(a) Use the hybridisation theory to explain the formation of the following molecules:

i) C2H4
ii) NH3
iii) C2H6

[6 marks]

(b) Explain why the shape of NF3 is not the same as the shape of BF3.



[2 marks]

Section C [30 marks]
Answer two questions only in this section.
18.(a) Water is a hydride of oxygen. The bonding in water molecules is a result of the
overlapping of the orbitals of oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

(i) What is meant by orbital?

(ii) Draw a labelled diagram showing the shapes of all orbitals of an oxygen atom
with the quantum number n = 2.
(iii) Draw a labelled diagram showing the overlapping of orbitals in water molecules.
[6 marks]

b)(i) Give the meaning of relative atomic mass and relative isotopic mass.

[2 marks]
(ii) Naturally occurring sulphur consists of four isotopes with relative abundance as
given in the table.
Relative isotopic mass Relative abundance
31.97 95.02
32.97 0.75
33.96 4.21
35.96 0.02

Calculate the relative atomic mass of sulphur . [2 marks]

c) i) State Hund’s rule [1 mark]

(ii) Write the electronic configurations of copper and chromium in their ground states,
and comment on any irregularities present in both the electronic configurations.
[4 marks]
19. (a) Atom X has one electron and its mass is 1/6 mass of an atom of carbon-12.
(i) Determine the relative atomic mass of X and write its chemical symbol. [3marks]
(ii) Compare the behaviour of beam of X ions with a beam of protons in the same magnetic field.
[4 marks]

(b) Compound Y is made up of 82.35% N and 17.65% H atoms. Its mass spectrum is shown

(i) Determine the chemical formula of compound Y. [3 marks]
(ii) Identify the ions which cause the peaks at m/e =16 and m/e = 18. Explain your answer.
[5 marks]

20. (a) A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of 1.2 x 10 -3 dm3 at a temperature of 2.0°C and
pressure of 2.4 atm. What is the volume and mass of the sample of gas under room condition?
[6 marks]
(b) Our body needs oxygen gas at a partial pressure of 0.20 atm. At a total pressure of 2.4
atm, calculate the percentage of oxygen gas to maintain a partial pressure of 0.20 atm.
[3 marks]
( c) There are two types of solid, namely crystalline and amorphous solids. NaCl, I 2 and SiO2
are examples of amorphous solid.
(i) Draw the unit cell of iodine and explain why it is crystalline solid under room condition?
[2 marks]
(ii) Arrange the melting points of NaCl, I2 and SiO2 in ascending order. Explain your answer.
[4 marks]

~~~~~~ END OF QUESTION~~~~~~




The average between the atomic mass 28 and 30 is 29 (if the isotopic abundance is 1 : 1). Since 28.1
is closer to 28, there are more 28Si than 30Si. The size of atoms of the same element does not depend
on the relative mass. From the information given, it is not possible to say whether they are radioactive
or not. 30Si has two neutrons more than 28Si.
Proton Electron Neutron
28Si 14 14 14
30Si 14 14 16

[note: to calculate the relative abundance of the two isotopes:

Let the relative abundance of 28Si be x and that of 30Si be (1-x)

28x + 30(1-x) = 28.1

= 0.97

X = 0.97 x 100% = 97%

Relative abundance of 28Si : 30Si = 97% : 3%


The element exists as a diatomic molecule, 19M – 19M. the peak at m/e = 38 is caused by the
molecular ion [19M2]+. The line at m/e is caused by the [19M]+ fragment. The difference in isotopic
mass cannot be very large. They usually differ by a few units only. If peak X is caused by a dipositive
ion [19M]+, its abundance should be very low. This is because it is difficult to ionise off two electrons
from the M2 molecule. Thus, only a very small amount of [19M]2+ would be produced. The relative
atomic mass is 19 and the relative molecular mass is 38.


n= 7

n = 2 (Balmer series)

4 B
5 B

6. B
Ar = 10(20) + 11(80)
5 x 20
= 200 + 880
= 10.8
7. D Resonance of actual NO3-
8. D Draw the Lewis diagram of ammonia, NH3

y ( 2) 22.4 x
9. A A) density , x  ; y=
22.4 2

= 11.2 x
Density, ρ = mass/ volume
X = mass of diatomic gas, g
Volume , dm3
Mass = (22.4 x)/ 2 = 11.2 x
10 B
10.8 = 10B (x) + 11B (100-x)
1080 = 10x + 1100- 11x
11x-10x = 1100-1080
x= 20
Hence, 10B : 11B
20 :80 ~ 1 : 4
11. D
Hund’s rule states that if two or more orbitals with equal energy are available, the orbitas are filled
with one electron each, with the electrons having parallel spin, before adding the opposite spin.
12. C
13. A

Draw the Lewis diagram of CO32- and NO3-. In both ions, the central atoms are surrounded
by one double bond and two single bonds with no lone pair electrons on the C or N atoms. They

16.a ••

b. coordinate bond/ dative bond

the P atom has 5 electron valence and has a lone pair to be donate to H+ ion and create a dative bond

c. X – Axis labelled [1]

Show at least 4 energy
level n = 1 to n = 4 [1]
Draw the arrow down
from n = 4 to n = 1 [1]

17b. the shape for NF3 is trigonal pyramidal and BF3 is trigonal
N atom has a lone pair and it has repulsion between the bonding pairs in the molecule and the angle of
the bond pair is smaller

18a. Orbital is the probability of finding any electron of an atom in any specific region around
the atom's nucleus.


Relative atomic mass is the ratio of the average mass of one atom of an element to one
twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12.
relative isotopic mass - the mass of an atom of an isotope compared to the mass of 1/12
of the mass of an atom in carbon-12.
bii.Relative atomic mass of sulphur
= (31.97)(95.02)+ (32.97)(0.75)+ (33.96)(4.21) +(35.96)(0.02)
= 32.06
18 c i)
Hund’s rule states that if two or more orbitals with equal energy//degenerate are available,
the orbitals are each filled with one electron//fill singly, with the electrons having parallel spins,
before a second electron of the opposite spin is added
must full fill 3 points [1]
18cii. Draw the electronic configuration of Copper and chromium

These configurations for copper and chromium are more stable because they result in a more
symmetric distribution of the electrons. 

For chromium, the electron configuration [Ar]3d5 4s1 distributes the 6 valence electrons evenly. 5
electrons fill the 5 d-orbitals and 1 electron fills the single s-orbital. This distribution is more stable
because the electrons are spread out to reduce electron-electron repulsion.

For copper, the electron configuration [Ar]3d10 4s1 fills the d-orbital for stability. These more stable
distributions can be seen in the picture below.

19 (a) i. C2H6 + 7/2 O2 2 CO2+ 3 H2O [1]

- C3H6 + 9/2 O2 3 CO2 + 3 H2O [1]

ii. mol of C2H6 = 1.00 / 30 = 0.0333 mol [1]

mol of C3H6 = 0.70 / 42 = 0.0167 mol [1]
mol of CO2 by C2H6 = 0.0333 x 2 = 0.0667 mol ;
and mol of CO2 by C3H6 = 0.0167 x 3 = 0.05 mol
total mol CO2= 0.0667 x 0.05 = 0.1167 mol [1]
VCO2 = mol x Vm @ = 0.1167 x 24.4 [1]
= 2.85 dm3 or 2850 cm3 [1]
(b) i. E = hf @ (6.63 x 10-34)(3.66 x 1014) [1]
= 2.43 x 10-19 J e- [1]
ΔH = E x NA @ (2.43 x 10-19)(6.02 x 1023) [1]
= 146 kJ mol-1 [1]
ii.1/λ = f / c @ 3.66 x 1014 / 3.0 x 108 [1]
= 1.22 x 106 m-1 [1]
1.22 x 106 = 1.097 x 107 (1/n2 - 1/∞2)
n = 3 (Balmer series) [1]

20 a.




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