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Unpacking of MELC

Science 10

K to 12 Learning Competencies Objectives

Merged/Clustered No clustered
Retained *Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major *Identify distance of the epicenter from
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory the seismic stations
*Locate the epicenter of an earthquake
using method
*Recognize the importance of
the epicenter of the earthquake

*Describe the different types of plate boundaries * Describe the different types of
boundaries ( convergent, divergent,
*Explain the difference between the
oceanic plate from continental plate
*Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries *locate the epicenter of an earthquake
using triangulation method
*Describe the distribution of active
volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and
major mountain ranges
*Explain the processes that occur along
a converging two oceanic plates
*identify the geologic events and
*Describe the possible causes of plate movement features resulting from the collision of
two oceanic plate

*Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement Explain continental Drift theory
Define seafloor spreading

Dropped 1.Described the internal structure of the earth N/A

Unpacking of MELC
Science 10

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