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Pray with us

As a Christian organisation, TEAR Fund’s purpose is to glorify

God by extending His Kingdom to the poor.
We would like you to join us in praying for our work in the
developing world and become our partner in prayer.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being

watchful and thankful” - Colossians 4:2

Day Prayer Day Prayer

Pray for the safety of sponsored children in areas of Pray for the government of Kenya as they crack
1 Peru suffering through violence at the moment.
Reading: Deu 20-23
15 down on corruption and bribery that cripples the
poor. Reading: Judg 6-8
Pray for the nation of Iran as it continues to deal with Pray that Zimbabwe would continue to stabilise un-
2 political turmoil – that a peaceful resolution would be
found. Reading: Deu 24-27
16 der its power sharing government.
Reading: Judg 9-11
Pray for TEAR Fund’s staffing needs – that the right Pray for child victims of human trafficking – that they
3 people would be found for the available positions. 17 would find freedom and wholeness.
Reading: Judg 12-15
Reading: Deu 28-29
Pray for the Shooting Stars and Roger Ellem tour Pray for our supporters – that they/you would be
4 – the people would be moved to make a difference. 18 blessed for their generosity and the difference it
makes. Reading: Judg 16-18
Reading: Deu 30-31
Pray for the health of TEAR Fund staff members as Pray for sponsored children in Mexico and Bolivia,
5 winter illnesses keep coming.
Reading: Deu 32-34
19 that they would be protected from the H1N1 flu
virus. Reading: Judg 19-21
Pray for families that sleep in poor conditions – that Pray for NZ Schools – that they would educate chil-
6 their rest would still be rejuvenating.
Reading: Josh 1-4
20 dren to understand the difference they can be with
their lives. Reading: Ruth 1-4
Pray for the tour of violinist, Peter Shurley, in NZ - Today, think about what it means to be a Christian
7 that people would be inspired to sponsor children.
Reading: Josh 5-7
21 not just in word, but also in action.
Reading: 1 Sam 1-3
Pray for our partners in Somalia as they look at ways Pray that TEAR Fund’s connection to its international
8 to integrate pirates back into communities.
Reading: Josh 8-10
22 partners would continue to strengthen.
Reading: 1 Sam 4-7
As you read anything today, pray that the provision of Pray for the safety of the transitional government and
9 education in the developing world would be effective.
Reading: Josh 11-14
23 humanitarian workers in Somalia.
Reading: 1 Sam 8-10
As TEAR Fund start’s another financial year, pray for Pray for the coming Advocates conference and that
10 continued growth during the recession.
Reading: Josh 15-18
24 our hard working Advocates would be inspired.
Reading: 1 Sam 11-13
Pray for churches that support TEAR Fund - that Pray for the continued work to eradicate Guinea
11 they would continue to know the difference they
make. Reading: Josh 19-21
25 Worm in Côte d’Ivoire – that it would be a success.
Reading: 1 Sam 14-15
Pray for safe travels for TEAR Fund staff travelling Pray for those continuing to support victims in
12 this month.
Reading: Josh 22-24
26 Bangladesh affected by Cyclone Aila. That they would
have strength. Reading: 1 Sam 16-17
Pray for stability in Iraq as violence increases ahead Pray for those who have lost their jobs in NZ due to
13 of the pull-out of American troops.
Reading: Judg 1-3
27 the recession – that work would be found.
Reading: 1 Sam 18-20
Pray for those in developing countries struggling to Thank God for the successes of our partner, IJM, as
14 survive because of the recession.
Reading: Judg 4-5
28 they free minors from sexual exploitation.
Reading: 1 Sam 21-24

For more information about TEAR Fund or our projects

please call 0800 800 777 or visit
Pray with us
As a Christian organisation, TEAR Fund’s purpose is to glorify
God by extending His Kingdom to the poor.
We would like you to join us in praying for our work in the
developing world and become our partner in prayer.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being

watchful and thankful” - Colossians 4:2

Day Prayer Day Prayer

Pray for Watoto as they work with ex-child soldiers As you spend time with family today, pray for those
29 in Uganda – that their work would help rebuild the
children. Reading: 1 Sam 25-27
33 who have lost family through AIDS.
Reading: 2 Sam 8-11
Pray for the continued success of the TASK Women’s Pray for our partner in Bali empowering the vulner-
30 Health Project we work with in Cambodia.
Reading: 1 Sam 28-31
34 able Gitgit community with education, sanitation and
healthcare. Reading: 2 Sam 12-13
Pray for TEAR Fund artists – that they would continue Pray for yourself – that God would continue to open
31 to have impact through their music. 35 your eyes to your part in the world and enable you
to serve in the brokenness. Reading: 2 Sam 14-15
Reading: 2 Sam 1-3
Pray for all TEAR Fund staff as they continue their
32 work – that they would be successful in pursuing
God’s justice. Reading: 2 Sam 4-7

For more information about TEAR Fund or our projects

please call 0800 800 777 or visit

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