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NAME _______________________ LEVEL________________

I. Complete the sentences with the past forms of the verb.

a. Patrick and Julia _________________(see) the game.
b. I _______________(not leave )the house last weekend.
c. We________________(fall) off the chair.
d. He _______________ (take) classes at home last month.
e. They ______________(come)back a week ago.
II. Put these regular verbs in past.
a. His parents __________(work) at home last week.
b. My brother __________(study) all night.
c. William ______________(create) a windmill.
d. Our family _____________(not visit) our grandmother last Sunday.
e. They ____________(play) videogames last night.
III. Write the past tense of these verbs.
a. Eat ___________ f. make___________
b. Do ____________ g. sleep __________
c. Have___________ h. meet ____________
d. Read ___________ i. run _____________
e. Teach ___________ j. swim ____________
IV. Unscramble the sentences.
a. I /well/didn’t/last night/ sleep __________________
b. Decided/Chris/to /the/to park/go / ________________
c. Pushpa/children’s day centre/ started/a _______________
d. Catalina’s son/?/die/Did______________________
e. Thulani/cars/washed/_______________________
V. Complete with can/can’t
a. Chimpanzees ____________ talk.
b. Camels ____________live up to twelve days without water
c. Sandra ___________ build houses.
d. William __________read.
e. I _____________ski.
VI. Use could or couldn’t. Complete the sentences.
a. When I was a child, I ______________
b. When I was I primary, I couldn’t _____________
c. When I was six years, I__________
d. My brother ___________________ when he was one year old.
e. My grandfather could ________________when he was young.

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