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step into my life

ch a nge a c hi ld’s li fe forever


Dear Friends,

This comprehensive guide will help you to plan and run

your TEAR Fund Sunday event. Issues of poverty and
injustice are very close to the heart of God and we know
He honours those who speak out on his behalf.

We do hope that you find the material both useful and

inspiring as you seek to tell your church about TEAR
Fund’s work with Compassion and help us release Contents
thousands of children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
Planning Guide 2
Do let us know if you have any questions about the Presenting tear fund to your church 3
material or need any help along the way.
5-10 Minute Presentation 4
In Christ whom we love and serve
10-20 Minute Presentation 6

Small Group Presentation 8

Map of Where We Work 10

Stephen Tollestrup
Executive Director your schedule 10
Wording For Your Church Newsletter 11

Step into My Life Quiz 13

Poverty Facts 14

Bible Verses on Poverty 15

A Quick Guide To Tear fUND 17

Become an Advocate 18

How to use the Step into My Life DVD 18

Tear Fund
64c Stoddard Road
Mt Roskill
1150, New Zealand
free phone: 0800 800 777
These resources have been produced by Compassion UK. All parts may be
reproduced for the purpose of promoting TEAR Fund and Compassion.
© Copyright Compassion UK
Bible references taken from the NIV; reproduced by kind permission of Hodder and
Stoughton Ltd.

Planning your event
step 1 GROUPS I can share tear fund WITH
Sunday services
This pack provides word-for-word Home groups
presentation guides together with a Bible study groups
Youth groups
compelling film to help you tell your Work colleagues
church about the transforming impact of Interest and hobby groups
sponsorship. The film conveys the reality of
life for a child living in one of the world’s WAYS I CAN GET THE MESSAGE ACROSS
Short presentation
poorest communities and challenges the Show the Step into My Life film
audience to consider sponsoring a child. Sponsorship sign-up table
Place a brochure on every seat in church or meeting place
You know the sort of presentation that would suit your church, Put an article in your newsletter or magazine
but from our experience the most effective way to promote
TEAR Fund is by doing an oral presentation combined with a PEOPLE I CAN INVOLVE WITH THE EVENT
sponsorship sign-up table. Church leader
Home group coordinator
We will provide you with brochures and information about specific Mission’s team
children who are waiting for sponsorship. Prayerfully consider the Current TEAR Fund sponsors or Advocates
best way to share TEAR Fund with your congregation. Use the Leader of your interest or hobby group
checklist provided to help you. Work colleagues


Most church leaders are looking for ways to encourage their
MAKE AN APPOINTMENT with your church leader congregation to respond to our Biblical responsibility to care
Once you have considered the opportunities there might be to for the poor and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with
promote TEAR Fund in your church, make an appointment with your others. TEAR Fund child sponsorship through Compassion is
church leader or anyone else who needs to approve your plans. an excellent way to get Christians personally involved. You can
expect individuals to be transformed as they build relationships
Give your church or other leader the brochure enclosed in this with the children they sponsor.
pack called Information for Church Leaders before your meeting.
This brochure is designed to inspire those in leadership about the Share with your church leader why your involvement in TEAR
work of TEAR Fund. Be sure to familiarise yourself with it too. Fund’s ministry means so much to you. Take along details of the
child you sponsor and any letters that you have received.
Be prepared to talk about the impact this has had on your life.
Pray for clarity of speech and the ability to share your vision
effectively at your meeting.

Even if your church leader is familiar with TEAR Fund, stress

that we are a Christ centred, child focused and church based
organisation seeking to show God’s love to those in need.
Highlight TEAR Fund and Compassion’s commitment to integrity
and the fact that Compassion supports more than a million
children through its church-based programmes in 25 of the
world’s poorest countries. If at all possible, show your church
leader the four-minute version of the Step Into My Life film.


Put yourself in your church leader’s busy shoes; be as flexible
as you can when suggesting activities to raise awareness of
TEAR Fund. Take your church leader through the ideas that
you have come up with to share TEAR Fund with the church.
Ask your church leader if they would consider making a simple
announcement directing people to your sponsorship sign-up
table on the day of your event or to see you directly. Make
sure your church leader knows that your primary concern is
to help more children in need and you will be grateful for any
opportunities that are available to do so.

step into my life change a child’s life forever

step 3
As soon as you have an event planned let us know the date, name and address of your
church and the number of people you estimate will attend so we can send you enough
brochures and information about children who are waiting to be sponsored. You can tell us
about your event by returning the slip at the bottom of the letter accompanying this pack,
or by calling 0800 800 777, or visiting

Tell people about your event well in advance to help increase your effectiveness on the day. Use your church newsletter, notice board,
personal invitations and make an announcement in services leading up to your event to ensure that as many people as possible know
what you have planned.

Think your event through from start to finish and make a note of the arrangements that you
need to make. They might include:
• Reserve the audio visual equipment you need
• Arrange for tables to display information about children who are waiting for
• Open the planning and presentation guide to the map page and place that on
the table
• Arrange for wording to be published in your church newsletter or magazine
(see page 11)
• If possible, place a brochure on every seat in church
• Display posters in your church. Use the white space at the bottom of the poster to
advertise your event and include your contact details
• Ask any other sponsors you know to help you staff your TEAR Fund sign-up
table at church
• Ensure you have enough pens for people to use at your sign-up table

If you have a presentation in a church service, make sure you keep the sponsorship
sign-up table up for the Sundays that follow, to ensure you give people every
opportunity to sponsor a child. Display any remaining brochures in the brochure stand
at church after the event. Pray God will use your activities to radically transform the
lives of children in desperate need. Remember that ultimately the success of your
event rests with Him.

PRESENTING tear fund

to your church
The sample presentations that appear on the
following pages will help you to share TEAR
Fund with your church. It is important that
you speak from your heart and that your
presentation reflects your thoughts and
your style. Feel free to follow the sample
presentations closely or simply use them as
basic outlines to create your own talk. In
either case, be sure to spend plenty of time
practising your presentation, and don’t
forget to pray as you prepare. Particularly
pray for the children who you will be trying
to get sponsored through your presentation.
Let us know when you have planned your event so we can Let us know when you have your event planned by
send you enough brochures and information about children calling 0800 800 777 or return the slip at the bottom
who are waiting for sponsorship in time for your event. of the letter accompanying this pack.


5-10 minute presentation
DON’T FORGET “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.
• Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm
letters you have received and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs,
• Set up a table and lay out information about children what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not
waiting for sponsors. Put out brochures in the brochure stand accompanied by action, is dead.”
• Take pens for signing up new sponsors
• If possible, place a brochure on each seat If we really take God at His word, we have to do something.
• If you are using audio visual equipment make sure it is
working properly
At the start of my talk I showed you a picture of [name] a child
Introduction who I sponsor in [country]. [Name] faces troubles every day
Thanks so much for giving me the time to talk to you today of his/her life as he/she lives in one of the poorest countries
about something I feel particularly passionate about: in the world. I can’t be there in person to take him/her to the
justice for the poor. doctor when he/she is sick, to make sure he/she gets nutritious
food or to teach him/her about God’s love, but through my
Let me introduce you to [name] a child I sponsor in [country] sponsorship I ensure that somebody else can.
[hold up the photo of the child you sponsor]. We may look a
bit different, be different ages and live in completely different With my support [name] attends a church-based project run in
countries, but we do have a few things in common. conjunction with the charity Compassion through TEAR
Fund, where Christian staff ensure that he/she receives the
God made us both in His image; He died for the salvation of opportunities he/she needs to break free from poverty.
us both and wants the very best for us. In the eyes of God
[name] and I are equal and yet [name] and his/her family Through the project there is someone to ensure that [name]
live in one of the poorest countries in the world where life is goes to school, that he/she gets regular medical check ups, that
a daily struggle. I’m sure like me your heart breaks when you he/she gets good food to eat and clothes to wear. And perhaps
see children suffering, but imagine how God feels about it? most importantly, through the church based project [name] gets
Imagine how it must hurt God that in the time it takes you to to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
take a single breath a child dies somewhere in the
world as a result of poverty. In fact, last year alone more than 102,000 children gave their
lives to Christ in Compassion projects across the world.

The need
I could reel off endless statistics about the plight of
children like [name], but I think it’s much easier if
I show you. I’m going to play a short film about
Christuraj a boy from Chennai in India. Christuraj is
precious in the eyes of God and yet, like 1.1 billion
other children in the world, he lives in a desperately
poor community.

Video – Show the 4 minute

Step Into My Life film

Biblical Imperative
It can be all too easy for us to watch a film like that and
think we can’t make a significant impact. But if you could
do something that would help Christuraj – would you?
We might not be able to change the world, but we can
change the world for one child.

God is resolute in His commandment that we as Christians

help the poor. In James 2:15-17 it says:

If you need any advice with your presentation

give us a call on 0800 800 777 or e-mail

step into my life change a child’s life forever

In the same way that Jesus is concerned with our individual Action
needs, TEAR Fund through Compassion meets the individual At the moment more than a million children are attending
needs of children and encourages them to develop their own Compassion projects across the world, but there are many more
skills and talents. children who are waiting for someone to sponsor them through
TEAR Fund. [Hold up one of the child profiles with information
As a sponsor I can pray specifically for [name] and exchange about a child who is waiting for sponsorship] I have with me
letters with him/her. I can honestly say that sponsorship is not some profiles of specific children who are waiting for a sponsor.
only helping to transform [name’s] life, it’s making a difference to Children like [read the name on the child profile that you are
mine as well. holding and perhaps read a little bit of information about them].

[If you possibly can, include the Make it Personal section from [Tell the congregation or group how many children you have to be
the 10-20 minute presentation] sponsored]. I have [x] number of children to be sponsored today.

Sponsoring a child through TEAR Fund really does give you the Please come and see me after the service if you can possibly
opportunity to fulfil your God-given responsibility to the poor and give $1.45 a day, less than the price of a cup of coffee, to
do something that makes a tangible difference in the world. transform the world of a child.

People are often concerned whether the money they give to a I’d like to finish with Jesus’ words from Mark 14:7: “The poor
charity will get to where it is needed, but [my family and] I have you will always have with you, and you can help them any time
been really impressed with the integrity of TEAR Fund. TEAR you want.”
Fund’s partner Compassion has been transforming the lives of
children for more than 50 years and ensures that at least Thank you.
80 per cent of its expenditure goes to benefit the children.


10-20 minute presentation
DON’T FORGET In the eyes of God [name] and I are equal and yet [name]
• Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any and his/her family live in one of the poorest countries in the
letters you have received world where life is a daily struggle. I’m sure like me your heart
• Set up a table and lay out information about children breaks when you see children suffering, but imagine how God
waiting for sponsors. Put out brochures in the brochure stand feels about it? Imagine how it must hurt God that in the time
• Take pens for signing up new sponsors it takes you to take a single breath a child dies somewhere in
• If possible, place a brochure on each seat the world as a result of poverty.
• If you are using audio visual equipment make sure it is
working properly
The need
I could reel off endless statistics about the plight of children
Introduction like [name], but I think it’s much easier if I show you. I’m going
Thanks so much for giving me the time to talk to you today to play a short film about Christuraj a boy from Chennai in India.
about something I feel particularly passionate about: Christuraj is precious in the eyes of God and yet, like
justice for the poor. 1.1 billion other children in the world he lives in a desperately
poor community.
Let me introduce you to [name] a child I sponsor in [country]
[hold up the photo of the child you sponsor]. We may look a
bit different, be different ages and live in completely different Video – Show the 4 minute
countries, but we do have a couple of things in common. Step Into My Life film
We’re told in Genesis 1:27 that we have been made in the image
of God and that He breathed life into us (Gen 2:7), which is the
first thing that [name] and I have in common.
Biblical Imperative
It can be all too easy for us to watch a film like that and think we
We know that God has a plan and a purpose for every one of
can make no significant impact. But if you could do something
us, no matter who we are or where we were born; so that’s the
that would help Christuraj – would you? We might not be able to
second thing that [name] and I have in common.
change the world, but we can change the world for one child.
And I know that when Jesus died on the cross it wasn’t just
God is resolute in His commandment that we as Christians
so the congregation here at [name of your church] could have
help the poor. The words of James are an extremely powerful
salvation; it was for all mankind, so that’s the third thing
that [name] and I have in common.
In James 2:15-17 it says: “Suppose a brother or sister is without
clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish
you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his
physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself,
if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

If we really take God at His word, we have to do something to

help. I know that we’re not politicians with international influence
and we’re not all called to be missionaries in Africa. But in the
story of the Good Samaritan Jesus reminds us that we don’t
have to change the world, we just need to do what is within our

The Samaritan wasn’t even able to take the injured man to his
own home and yet he ensured that the man received the care
that he needed. It is acts of kindness and generosity like this that
each one of us here today is capable of.

I know that children in particular are close to the heart of God.

They are the ones who suffer most as a result of poverty and
yet, it is these children who hold the potential to break free
from poverty and build brighter futures for themselves and their

The importance of caring for children is something that God

reiterates time and time again in the Bible. You’ll be pleased
to know I won’t read out all the verses, but we are told in
Mark 9:37 that welcoming a little child into our hearts is like
welcoming Christ himself.

step into my life change a child’s life forever

Solution Sponsoring a child with TEAR Fund really does give you the
At the start of my talk I showed you a picture of [name] a child opportunity to fulfil your God-given responsibility to the poor
who I sponsor in [country]. [Name] faces troubles every day of and do something that makes a tangible difference in the world.
his/her life as he/she lives in one of the poorest countries in the People are often concerned whether the money they give to a
world. I can’t be there in person to take him/her to the doctor charity will get to where it is needed, but [my family and] I have
when he/she is sick, to make sure he/she gets good nutritious been really impressed with the integrity of TEAR Fund and its
food or to teach him/her about God’s love, but through my partner Compassion.
sponsorship I ensure that somebody else can.
Compassion has been transforming the lives of children for
With my support [name] attends a church-based project run more than 50 years and ensures that at least 80 per cent of its
in conjunction with the charity Compassion through TEAR expenditure goes to benefit the children.
Fund, where Christian staff ensure that he/she receives the
opportunities he/she needs to break free from poverty. By working through local churches with some of the world’s
poorest children, TEAR Fund and Compassion has not only
Through the Compassion project there is someone to ensure that seen the lives of individual children changed, but these knock-
[name] goes to school, that he/she gets regular medical check on effects have resonated throughout their families and
ups, that he/she gets good food to eat and clothes to wear. communities.

And perhaps most importantly, through the church-based project action

[name] gets to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, last At the moment more than a million children are attending
year alone more than 102,000 children gave their lives to Christ Compassion projects across the world, but there are many more
in Compassion projects across the world. In the same way children like Christuraj who are waiting for someone to sponsor
that Jesus is concerned with our individual needs, TEAR Fund them through TEAR Fund. [Hold up one of the child profiles with
in partnership with Compassion meets the individual needs of information about a child who is waiting for sponsorship].
children and encourages them to develop their own skills and
talents. As a sponsor I can even pray specifically for [name] and I have with me some profiles of specific children who are waiting
exchange letters with him/her. for a sponsor. Children like [read the name on the child profile
that you are holding and perhaps read a little bit of information
Make it Personal about them].
I can honestly say that sponsorship is not only helping to
transform [name’s] life, it’s making a difference to mine as well. [Tell the congregation or group how many children you have to be
[Share something that has particularly blessed you in your sponsored]. I have [x] number of children to be sponsored today.
sponsorship. Consider including one of the following:]
Please come and see me after the service if you can possibly
• Read a short excerpt from a letter you received give $1.45 a day, less than the price of a cup of coffee, to
• Show the congregation a picture your sponsored child has transform the world of a child.
drawn for you
• Mention any transformation witnessed in your sponsored I’d like to finish with Jesus’ words from Mark 14:7: “The poor
child you will always have with you, and you can help them any time
• Talk about how the relationship has affected you and you want.”
your family
• Anything else about the relationship that has touched your life Thank you.

If you need any advice with your presentation give us a call on 0800 800 777 or e-mail


small group presentation (30-40 mins)
DON’T FORGET I’m sure like me many of you find it difficult to understand what
• Bring with you the photo of the child you sponsor and any those huge numbers really mean. But I think it’s important
letters you have received for us to remember that behind each of those statistics is an
• Take along information about children who are waiting individual loved by Christ and created in the image of God. And
for sponsors although we might not be able to make an impact on those huge
• Give a brochure to everyone in the group statistics, we can certainly do something to help one child.
• Photocopy or print copies of the quiz for each member of
your group [the quiz is available to print from the dvd] I’d just like to take a few minutes to show you a short film about
• Make sure that you have access to the audio visual Christuraj from Chennai in India. Christuraj is precious in the eyes
equipment you need of God and yet, like 1.1 billion other children in the world, he lives
• Take along a large piece of paper and some marker pens in a desperately poor community.
• Make sure you take along extra pens for anyone who wants
to sponsor a child
Video – Show the 4 minute
Step Into My Life film
Introduce yourself
Thank you so much for inviting me to visit your group and
share something that I feel particularly passionate about: EXPAND ON THE BIBLICAL IMPERATIVE [5 mins]
justice for the poor. It can be all too easy for us to watch a film like that and think we
can’t make a significant impact. But if you could do something
that would help Christuraj – would you? We might not be able to
ICE BREAKER [10 mins] change the world, but we can change the world for one child.
To start with I’ve got a short quiz that I’d like you to do. [Hand a
copy of the quiz on page 14 to each member of the group. Allow Let me remind you briefly of what we are taught in the Bible.
them enough time to go through all the questions before reading In James 2:15-17 it says: “Suppose a brother or sister is without
out the answers]. clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish
you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his
physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself,
OUTLINE THE NEED [2 mins] if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
Did some of those statistics shock you? In the time it took you
to complete that quiz roughly 200 children died just because Can you think of other references in the Bible where we are
they didn’t have the basic necessities to survive that you and I challenged to help the poor?
take for granted.

step into my life change a child’s life forever

[Allow some time for the group to think of other verses. You could
ask the group to read out some of the following Matthew 10:42,
Luke 10:25-37 or 1 John 3:16, Isaiah 61:1-2, Psalm 82:3-4,
Proverbs 14:31, Amos 5:21-24 [more verses are available on
page 16 & 17].

[As the group read the verses out, ask them what the key
points are and write them on a large piece of paper].

In fact, there are more than 2,800 verses in the Bible regarding
poverty, injustice and the dangers of wealth. I’m sure you’re glad
I didn’t ask you to find them all.

The Bible makes it clear that we have a responsibility to help the

poor, but it also points out that we are not expected to solve the
world’s problems; we just have to do whatever is in our capability. MAKE IT PERSONAL [2 mins]
Verses such as Matthew 10:42, Luke 10:25-37 or 1 John 3:16 [Share something that has particularly blessed you in your
remind us that we have a responsibility to use what we have to sponsorship such as:]
help others. God knows that individually we cannot change the • Read a short excerpt from a letter you received
world, but together we can make a huge impact. • Show a picture your child has drawn
• Mention any transformation you have seen in your
sponsored child
• Talk about how the relationship has affected you and
EXPLAIN ABOUT tear fund [5 mins] your family
[Hold up the photo and information about the child you sponsor] • Anything else about the relationship that has touched your life
I want to take a moment to introduce you to [name of child] from
[name of country]. I have been sponsoring [name] for about [x]
number of years now through a Christian child and development
organisation called TEAR Fund. PRAYER [7 mins]
[Ask the group to take out the quiz sheets they had at the
It is a way that I have been able to put into practice some of beginning of the meeting and pray specifically for some of the
those verses that we’ve just read and I have to say it is one of the needs that were outlined there. You could also place the map
greatest investments that I have ever made. on page 10 in the centre of the group and ask them to pray for
specific countries, or share some more of the poverty facts on
Being a TEAR Fund child sponsor is a little like being the Good page 15].
Samaritan; I might not be there in person to look after [name],
but through the TEAR Fund, Compassion project, I know there is
someone to ensure that [name] goes to school, that he/she gets CHALLENGE [1 min]
regular medical check ups, that he/she gets good food [Hold up one of the child profiles with information about a child
to eat and clothes to wear. who is waiting for sponsorship] I have with me some profiles of
specific children who are waiting for a sponsor. Children like [read
And perhaps most importantly, through the church based project the name on the child profile that you are holding and perhaps
[name] gets to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, last read a little bit of information about them].
year alone more than 102,000 children gave their lives to Christ in
Compassion projects across the world. I have brought [x] number of child profiles with me today so that
these children’s lives can be transformed by one of you. I would
TEAR Fund’s partner Compassion has been working with really encourage you, if you have been touched by anything that
children for more than 50 years and [my family and] I have been you have learnt today, to consider sponsoring a child as your
really impressed by their commitment to making sure their response. It costs just $1,45 a day, less than the price of a cup of
programmes are as effective as possible. coffee, to transform the world of a child.

I also love the fact that sponsorship gives you the opportunity to I’d like to finish with Jesus’ words from Mark 14:7: “The poor
exchange letters with a child and pray specifically for their needs. you will always have with you, and you can help them any time
It means that I don’t just have to hope that my money is getting you want.”
to the child I sponsor; I really can see how my financial support is
making a difference through the letters and pictures I receive. Thank you.

For so many children the knowledge that there is someone

on the other side of the world who loves and cares for them QUESTIONS
is a great encouragement. By working through local churches [If there is time, ask if anyone has any questions].
with some of the world’s poorest children, TEAR Fund through
Compassion has not only seen the lives of individual children
changed, but the knock-on effects resonate throughout their
families and communities.


where we work
TEAR fund works through
more than 5,000 churches in
25 of the world’s poorest countries.



your schedule Use the form below to help you plan your event.

Action Date to be completed notes


Familiarise yourself with the presentation materials including those on the

Step Into My Life dvd (see page 18 for a list of materials on the dvd).

Think about how you can get the message across

e.g. oral presentation and sign-up table.

Think about who can help you with your event.

Make an appointment with your church leader.

Tell TEAR Fund the date of your event, the name and address of your Contact us when you have your
church and number of people you estimate will attend. event planned.

Arrange for wording to be included in your church newsletter.

Arrange for posters to be put up advertising your event.

Arrange for the audio visual equipment to be set up on the day

of your event.

Practise your presentation.

Put a brochure on each seat in church.

Make sure you have the materials you need for the day including
profiles of children waiting for a sponsor.

Leave the sponsorship sign up table at church for the weeks that
follow your presentation.

Place a notice in the church newsletter telling everyone how many

children were sponsored and how many still need to be sponsored.

Don’t forget you can contact TEAR Fund at any time if you need some advice about your event.
Call 0800 800 777 or e-mail

step into my life change a child’s life forever

ews wording for your

Parish N church newsletternd St. John
’s Church
August 23
2009 No.276

Events in and arou

News and

or magazine
Contact the editor of your church newsletter as soon as

is here!
you have a date for your event. Ask if they would include
some text about your event and the work of TEAR Fund
child sponsorship through Compassion in a forthcoming
edition. Consider using the different wording below over
several weeks.

st at 10.3
August 23 arn more informatio
n contact
For more r on 027 44 11 75
Join us on ll to le
ch ha
in the chur heart for the poor
and Beth Harpe • The wording below is available on the Step Into My Life dvd
w w.
about God n transform the wor
ld or visit w • Phone 0800 800 777 if you require a TEAR Fund logo
s it!
Don’t mis
how you ca need through th R
for a child pment ministry T
EA • Offer the TEAR Fund logo and photos to add visual appeal
child deve h Compassion. to your article or news item
Fund thro
• Include your contact details, the time, date and venue of
your event and the TEAR Fund website address


Join us on [date] at [time] in [venue] to
learn more about God’s heart for the poor
and how you can transform the world
for a child in need through the child
development ministry TEAR Fund.

For more information contact [your details]

or visit
meal is coming from, the child development centre is a breath
of fresh air. It is here that Christuraj gets a healthy evening meal
FOR USE ON THE DAY OF YOUR every day and regular medical check ups; something his father
TEAR Fund SUNDAY EVENT could never afford to provide for him. He can play cricket and
Today you have the opportunity to change the world for one football with his friends and get extra support with his studies.
child. Visit the TEAR Fund stand in the [location] to view He even gets a chance to learn valuable computer skills. But the
photographs and read biographies of children who are waiting Bible study classes are his favourite. “What I love the most is the
for sponsorship. This is your opportunity to release a child from word of God,” he says with a warm smile. His father’s disability
poverty and enable them to fulfil their God-given potential. For means that Christuraj’s family have no regular income. Without
more information see [your details] or visit the support of the project and his sponsor, Christuraj’s knows
his life would be very different.
Christuraj lives in Chennai India. The mud and brick shacks of his “If TEAR Fund’s Compassion project had not been there,
community are so close to the river that when it floods, sewage we would have been begging on the street.”
washes into people’s homes. Unemployment, alcoholism and
violence are rife but life poses even more problems for Christuraj. For more than 50 years, TEAR Fund’s child sponsorship partner,
Compassion, has been working to transform the lives of children
“My father had small pox and is blind in both his eyes,” explains across the world. In addition to their financial support sponsors
the 15-year-old. “I have to do everything for him.” Christuraj’s can also exchange letters with the children they sponsor and
mother left when he was just five years old and Christuraj has to pray for them. More than a million children are currently attending
take sole responsibility for his father. Compassion’s church-based projects in 25 of the world’s poorest
countries, but there are many more children waiting for a sponsor
But, in spite of his hardship, Christuraj has big dreams. “I want to give them the opportunities that Christuraj has been given.
to be a doctor,” he says with resolution. Every day after school
and every Saturday Christuraj attends the Andrew’s Kirk Child It costs just $1.45 a day, less than the price of a cup of coffee,
Development Centre, run in conjunction with the TEAR Fund’s to transform the life of a child like Christuraj through sponsorship.
child development ministry Compassion. “I want to be a big man Join us on [date] at [time] in [venue] to learn more about
and bring honour to my father and Compassion because they are God’s heart for the poor and the work of TEAR Fund through
helping me a lot.” Compassion.

In the cramped and crowded community where the majority of To find out about TEAR Fund visit or
parents work as casual day labourers, uncertain where the next call 0800 800 777. Alternatively, contact [your details]

step into my life change a child’s life forever

step into my life quiz

1. How many children world wide are 7. The world’s population grows at a rate
subjected to violence, exploitation of 80 million people each year. What
and abuse? percentage of this growth takes place
in the developing world?
a. 10,000
b. 13 million a. 16%
c. 150 million b. 38%
d. 300 million c. 67%
d. 97%

2. What percentage of the of the world’s

population suffers from hunger or 8. How many children live on less than
malnutrition? US $1 a day?
a. 5% a. 1 billion
b. 10% b. 650 million
c. 13% c. 480 million
d. 16% d. 100 million

3. how many children die each minute from 9. What percentage of women in the
preventable causes? developing world are married before
they are 18 years old?
a. 10
b. 15 a. 25%
c. 21 b. 36%
d. 31 c. 40%
d. 45%

4. What percentage of the world goes to

high school? 10. What percentage of the world’s
population has access to safe water?
a. 5%
b. 7% a. 18%
c. 17% b. 21%
d. 26% c. 28%
d. 31%

5. What percentage of the world owns

59% of the world’s wealth?
a. 6%
b. 16%
c. 26%
d. 46%

6. What percentage of the world’s

poor live in India?

a. 9%
b. 21%
c. 41%
d. 62%

Answers: 1 = d, 2 = c, 3 = c, 4 = b, 5 = a, 6 = d, 7 = d, 8 = b, 9 = d, 10 = a.


10 poverty facts
1. Of the 2.2 billion children in our world today, nearly half of them 7. An estimated 300 million children worldwide are subjected to
live in abject poverty. [] violence, exploitation and abuse including the worst forms of
child labour in communities, schools and institutions.
2. It would take $13 billion to provide safe water world wide and  []
$18 billion to provide basic healthcare and nutrition globally.
However, Europe and the US spend $23 billion each year on 8. 21 children die every minute from poverty related causes.
food alone.  []  []

3. Life expectancy is just 40 years in the developing world 9. An estimated 246 million children are engaged in child labour.
compared with 80 years in the developed world.  []
10.The combined income of the world’s seven richest men
4. An estimated 130 million of the world’s 15 to 24-year-olds is more than enough to provide the basic needs of
cannot read or write.  [] the poorest quarter of the world’s people.

5. The average person in the developing world uses 11 litres

of water every day for drinking, washing and cooking. This is
the same amount used in the average flush of a toilet.

6. More than 15 million children have been orphaned by AIDS.


step into my life change a child’s life forever

bible verses
There are over 2,800 verses in the Bible on the
subject of poverty, wealth and injustice.

christian responsibilty for the poor

James 2:15-17
Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If
one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well
fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action,
is dead.

Isaiah 61:1-2
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has
anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to
bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives
and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year
of the Lord’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God.

Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the
rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend
the rights of the poor and needy.

Job 29:12-16
Because I rescued the poor who cried for help, and the
fatherless who had none to assist him. The man who was
dying blessed me; I made the widow’s heart sing. I put on
righteousness as my clothing; justice was my robe and my
turban. I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a
father to the needy; I took up the case of the stranger.

Deuteronomy 15:11
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I
command you to be open-handed toward your brothers and
toward the poor and needy in your land.

Mark 14:7
The poor you will always have with you, and you can help
them any time you want.

Leviticus 25 Leviticus 19:9-10

Deuteronomy 24:19-22 Psalm 82:3-4
Proverbs 31:8-9 Isaiah 58:6-7
Lamentations 2:19 Micah 6:8
Matthew 19:21-24 Luke 3:10-11
Luke 14:13-14 James 2:1-9
Galatians 2:9-10 James 1:27
2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 9-14


caring for the poor honours god Job 31:16-25 Proverbs 11:4
Psalm 41:1 Proverbs 21:13 Proverbs 28:27
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers Isaiah 1:15-17 & 23 Ezekiel 16:49
him in times of trouble. Daniel 4:27 Amos 5:11
Amos 5:21-24 Luke 6:24-25
1 John 3:16-18 Luke 16:19-31 1 Timothy 6:6-10
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his
life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. James 1:9-11 James 5:1-6
If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in
need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in
him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but
with actions and in truth. god’s heart and purpose for children
Matthew 11:25
Zechariah 7:8-10 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven
And the word of the LORD came again to Zechariah: “This is and earth, because you have hidden these things from the
what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Administer true justice; show wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.”
mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the
widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do
not think evil of each other.’
1 Timothy 4:12
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,
but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love,
Matthew 10:42 in faith and in purity.
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these
little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will
certainly not lose his reward.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he
will not turn from it.

Proverbs 14:31 Proverbs 19:17 Matthew 19:13-14

Proverbs 22:9 Jeremiah 22:16 Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his
Matthew 9:35-37 Mark 10:17-25 hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked
Luke 10:30-37 Acts 10:1-3 those who brought them. Jesus said, “Let the little
children come to me, and do not hinder
2 Corinthians 9:6 them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these.”

Genesis 21:17-20
warnings about greed and judgement
1 Samuel 3
for those who oppress the poor 1 Samuel 17
Matthew 25:40 Psalm 8:2
The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one Psalm 78:4-7
of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
Isaiah 11:6
Malachi 4:6
Proverbs 17:5
He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker; Matthew 18:1-10
whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished Mark 10:15

Luke 16:13
No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the
one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and
despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

1 Timothy 6:17-19
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be
arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain,
but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with
everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good,
to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to
share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a
firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold
of the life that is truly life.

step into my life change a child’s life forever

A quick guide to tear fund

WHO IS TEAR Fund? About TEAR Fund’s Child Sponsorship Partner
TEAR Fund is a leading Christian aid and development TEAR Fund’s partner Compassion began in 1952 and has
organisation with connections to other TEAR organisations over 50 years’ experience in working with some of the poorest
around the world. TEAR Fund stands for The Evangelical communities in the world. In that time more than one million
Alliance Relief Fund. children have attended its child sponsor programmes.

TEAR Fund represents the compassion of Jesus. In the 1980s TEAR Fund through Compassion works in 25 of the world’s
TEAR Fund partnered with Compassion International to give poorest countries. With the help of sponsors across the world,
New Zealanders the opportunity to sponsor children in addition one million children are currently receiving care in local church
to its other aid and development work which it has undertaken projects.
for more than 30 years. This includes community development,
emergency relief and microenterprise.
Assistance is provided regardless of the religious beliefs of Individual sponsors in NZ contribute $45 a month to support
recipients. TEAR Fund partners with local Christian organisations one or more individual children in a TEAR Fund and Compassion
and churches in developing countries. Our partners use programme. As a sponsor they will ensure the child they support
experienced local staff who work directly with the poorest people, receives healthcare, education, social care, vocational training and
helping them find their own solutions, cutting out the middleman spiritual nurturing. Sponsors are also encouraged to build up a
and reducing costs. Our key activities are child sponsorship, relationship through prayer and the writing of letters.
Microenterprise, community development projects and
disaster relief.
TEAR Fund Child Sponsorship PROGRAMMES?
TEAR Fund and Compassion are committed to making sure that
TEAR Fund through Compassion works exclusively through local
their programmes are as effective as possible.
churches overseas to release children from economic, social,
physical and spiritual poverty. When children learn of their worth
Regular internal and external audits ensure that TEAR Fund’s
in Christ other aspects of their lives begin to flourish, which is why
Compassion’s programmes are run efficiently. TEAR Fund’s
TEAR Fund and Compassion takes time to introduce children
partner Compassion has been recognised by a number of
to Jesus. Last year alone, more than 102,000 children came to
independent accountability organisations for its outstanding
know Christ through the work of TEAR Fund and Compassion.
financial integrity.
TEAR Fund through Compassion has not only seen the lives of
individual children changed but the knock-on effects resonate
throughout their families and communities. Many sponsored
children go on to become change makers in their local areas.


It is our Christian responsibility to help the poor as Christ did.
Children are the greatest victims of poverty but they also hold
the potential to break the cycle of deprivation. TEAR Fund
and Compassion believe that connecting local churches
with committed sponsors through its child development
programme is the most strategic way to end poverty.

Through our experience, the local church is in the best

position to provide holistic care for children in their
community. The local church leaders are often the most
trusted individuals in their communities and church-based
projects provide long term stability and accountability for
TEAR Fund’s Compassion projects.


If you share our heart for TEAR Fund’s ministry you
might like to think about becoming a TEAR Fund
Advocate. Advocates volunteer some of their time on
an ongoing basis to raise awareness of child poverty
and promote TEAR Fund in their churches and within
their spheres of influence.

As a TEAR Fund Advocate, you will receive additional

resources, advice and practical assistance, with
regular updates on TEAR Fund’s work as well
as invitations to our Advocate’s conference and
opportunities to participate in overseas exposure trips.

You will also be put in contact with others who are

passionate about releasing children from poverty in
Jesus’ name.

To find out more about Advocacy call 0800 800 777,

e-mail or visit the
Get Involved Section at

How to use the

step into my life DVD
On the Step Into My Life dvd you will find
a range of TEAR Fund and Compassion films
and other resources to help you with your
TEAR Fund Sunday presentation

Step Into My Life films To view the films just load

Step Into My Life (4 minutes)
Rebecca St James in Rwanda (4 minutes)
the DVD into the DVD player and
Hand in Hand (4 minutes) select the film of your choice.
To view the other resources visit
Other resources available on
Please note this process may vary on
PowerPoint presentation some computers.
5-10 minute presentation
10-20 minute presentation
Small group presentation
The quiz, map, Bible verses
Wording for your church newsletter or magazine

step into my life change a child’s life forever


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