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PHOTO: stephen tollestrup



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Share and Care is creating work and helping boost family
incomes to ensure children aren’t sold to traffickers as a result
of poverty.
of the
about share and care
Share and Care is TEAR Fund’s strategic partner in the
central and rugged Himalayan eastern regions of Nepal; home
to the famous Gurkha, Gurung and Sherpa peoples. Share
and Care has been central in mobilising Nepal’s growing Every year thousands of young Nepalese children endure the misery of being trafficked to India and
churches and in responding to the nation’s desperate poverty, sold into prostitution or to work in servitude. You can help prevent this happening to children like
exacerbated by the decade-long civil war. these ones.

Share and Care’s staff specialise in organising local

communities to stand up for human rights and gender equity married into prostitution
in Nepal’s oppressive patriarchal culture which sees women
as mere chattels. It also has expertise in small business and It is extremely hard for us to imagine the sort trapped in the brothel, Lalita was frequently ill
agricultural development and securing the safe return of of desperate poverty that would compel us to and like many other traffick victims, was delivered
refugees and victims of trafficking. marry off a daughter to a stranger for the sake of a death sentence, testing positive for HIV.
a bride price, but that is what happened to Lalita
Share and Care promotes the enrolment of children in and thousands of other girls like her. Lalita eventually made her way back to her
schools, raising awareness of health and sanitation as well as mountain village in Nepal but hasn’t been
providing HIV/AIDs education and church and community- Lalita was married at 14 to a much older accepted back into her community because she
Symonds Street

based support services for victims. stranger, a con-artist, trafficker, who came to is HIV positive. Life was very tough for Lalita,

visit her remote mountain village, promising a not only was she shunned, but she couldn’t
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Share and Care works with the poorest and most destitute bride price for her parents and a future for Lalita. afford treatment for her failing health. When
populations. During the civil war which saw 13,000 casualties found by Share and Care she was destitute and

The reality was much different; once taken to

and displaced an estimated 150,000 people, Share and Care India, like thousands of other unsuspecting girls, completely dependent on her younger daughter.
won the respect of all concerned for their determination to she was sold into prostitution to the brothel As part of a Share and Care community
serve the needs of that war’s poorest victims. Today Share and slums of Mumbai. education team, Lalita is making families aware


Care has the support and backing of the new government and of the deceptions of traffickers and encouraging
works without constraint. Lalita was completely alone, torn from her the community to have compassion for victims.
family, enduring a degrading and humiliating life
Share and Care summarises its values as: “Speak up for the she never imagined. She was a child living in Share and Care has helped Lalita survive and
people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of fear, trying to satisfy the depraved appetites of empowered her to reach out and make use of
all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. her adult clients; failure to please meant beatings her experience for good. Christmas Focus 2008
Protect the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:8-9 and loss of food. During the many years she was
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Evil stalks the
mountains of Nepal

Behind the breathtaking scenery, the tourist trekking routes and captivating mountains, Nepal


Cheque (make payable to TEAR Fund)

has a nasty secret borne out of poverty. Every year a staggering 10,000 Nepalese children between
the ages of 9 and 16 are sold to brothels in India, where their youth brings a high price for their


Enclosed is my donation of
Trafficking is a multi-million dollar industry in Nepal fed by poverty, greed and depravity. Being


utterly destitute makes parents vulnerable to the deceptions used by child traffickers. They trick
poor unsuspecting parents into agreeing to marry their daughters offering tempting bride prices or

Card Number
else fictional job opportunities. Right now 200,000-250,000 Nepalese children are believed to be
child traffick victims, who daily face abuse and molestation. If they don’t attract enough clients they
are beaten and go without food. Most will become HIV positive and die in squalor.
TEAR FUND SAYS no to trafficking by:
The Lost Children of the Himalayas project will help end the abuse of Nepal’s children. This
comprehensive project will attack the roots of the problem which stem out of grinding poverty, the aCreating awareness against child trafficking and child prostitution
sort of poverty which causes parents to hand their children over to child traffickers. It will provide aProviding education for girls

church, home group, family,

This Christmas please, as a

praying for an end to this

opportunities for work in the community to alleviate poverty, through Microenterprise initiatives or call 0800 800 777 (24 hrs)

aProviding pastoral and psycho-social counselling to victims of

workplace or individual,

envelope provided. You can also donate online at

evil and depraved trade.
giving to this appeal and
help the child victims of
and offer these child victims the chance to return safely to their communities, receive counselling

trafficking in Nepal, by

Please tear off this coupon and enclose in the

child trafficking
and gain new vocational skills. Most of all, they can know the love of Christ through this practical aWorking with local government to apprehend traffickers
demonstration of his love through our church-based Christian partner, Share and Care Nepal.
aProviding vocational skills training to trafficked victims
aAssisting in reintegration of trafficked victims into society
It will also protect the vulnerable by educating communities about the deceptions used by
aAdvocating and lobbying Government for tougher legislation on
traffickers, while project staff will work closely with Nepalese authorities to bring to justice the
perpetrators of this unconscionable evil.
aProviding medical support for trafficked and HIV/AIDs victims
This Christmas would you please as a church, family or individual join with us to give a aImproving the health and well-being of vulnerable children
new life to the Lost Children of the Himalayas? Together we can make a lasting difference for aImproving the ability of parents to produce food to earn an income
Nepal’s victims of child trafficking and stop these vultures preying on the nation’s children. aCreating jobs through Microenterprise initiatives

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