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Summary of Indian National Movement

The Indian National Movement was an organised mass movement concerned

with the interests of the people of India and affected by both internal and
external factors. It led to the formation of Indian National Congress in 1885
and several revolts broke out across the country. Formation of Muslim League
in 1906, Swadeshi Movement 1905 etc. which spearheaded the freedom
struggle in India from 1885 to 1947.

It has been observed that the struggles for Freedom in India had been a
merger of a series of Political, Socio-Cultural, and Economic factors that led
to the rise of Nationalism.

 On 28 December 1885 Indian National Congress (INC) was

founded on the premises of Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit School at Bombay. It
was presided over by W.C Banerjee and attended by 72 delegates. A.O
Hume played an instrumental role in the foundation of INC with an aim to
provide Safety Valve to the British Government.
 A.O Hume served as the first General Secretary of INC.
 Real Aim of Congress is to train the Indian youth in political agitation
and to organise or to create public opinion in the country. For this, they use
the method of an annual session where they discuss the problem and passed
the resolution.
 The first or early phase of Indian Nationalism is also termed
as Moderate Phase (1885-1905). Moderate leaders were W.C Banerjee,
Gopal Krishna Gokhale, R.C Dutt, Ferozeshah Mehta, George Yule, etc.
 Moderates have full faith in British Government and adopted PPP path
i.e. Protest, Prayer, and Petition.
 Due to disillusionment from Moderates methods of
work, extremism began to develop within the congress after 1892.
The Extremist leaders were Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin
Chandra Pal, and Aurobindo Ghosh. Instead of PPP path they emphasise on
self-reliance, constructive work, and swadeshi.
 With the announcement of Partition of Bengal (1905) by Lord Curzon
for administrative convenience, Swadeshi and Boycott resolution was passed
in 1905.
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Congress Sessions during Swadeshi Movement:
1. 1905 – Congress session in Banaras. Presided over by Gopal Krishan
2. 1906 – Congress Session in Calcutta. Presided over by Dadabhai Naroji.
3. 1907 – Congress Session in Surat on the bank of the river Tapti. Presided
over by Pherozeshah Mehta where due to the differences
between Moderates and Extremist first split in Congress occurred.
o Muslim League was founded in 1906 by Agah Khan III and
Moshin Mulk.
o Separate electorate was introduced by the Act of 1909 Morley-
Minto Reform Act.
o Gadhar Movement was started by Lala Hardayal in 1913 and
founded the Gadhar party on 1st November 1913 at Kotland. Its headquarter
was set up in the form of Yugantar Ashram at San Francisco and started the
publication of Gadhar Journal.
o Komgata Maru incident took place on September 1914 and for
this Indians set up a committee named as Shore Committee to fight the
legal battle of the passengers.
o In 1914 First World War broke out.
o Tilak on April 1916 started Home Rule Movement and it’s
headquarter was at Poona and demanded Swaraj.
o Annie Besant on September 1916 started Home Rule movement
and it’s headquarter was at Adiyar near Madras.
o Lucknow Session of Congress 1916 presided over by Ambika
Charan Majumdar (Moderate leader) where both Extremist and Moderate
leaders were united.
o Government of India Act 1919 or Montagu- Chelmsford
Reform Act was passed to establish a responsible Government in India.
o On 9th January 1915, Gandhi ji returns to India from South Africa
at the age of 46.
o In 1916 Gandhi Ji founded Sabarmati Ashram at Ahmadabad
(Gujarat) to preach the idea of truth and non-violence.
o Champaran Satyagraha – 1917
o Kheda Satyagraha – 1917
o Ahmadabad Mill Strike – 1918
o Rowlatt Act Satyagraha February,1919
o Gandhi ji founded the Satyagraha Sabha in February, 1919. In
this movement students, middle class, labour, and capitalist participated,
and congress as an organisation was nowhere. This was the first mass
movement of Gandhi ji.
o Jallianwala Bagh Massacre – 13 April, 1919. People were
gathered at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar to protest against arrest on
Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal on 13 April 1919.
o On 1st August 1920 Khilafat Committee launched a Non-
Cooperation movement on triple issues- Punjab wrongs, Khilafat issue and
Demand for Swaraj.
 Therefore,  Non-Cooperation Movement was started in 1920.
 In October 1920 All India Trade Union Congress was founded in
Bombay by N. M Joshi, Ray Chaudhary. Presided over by Lala Lajpat Ray
 Akali Movement was started in 1920.
 In 1925, SGPC (Shiromani Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee) was
 Congress Khilafat Swaraj Party was formed by CR Das and Motilal
Nehru. Also famous for the second split in the congress.
 In 1927, Workers & Peasant Party (WPP) was formed at Bombay by
S.S Mirajkar, K. N Juglekar, and S.V Ghate.
 In 1924, H.R.A (Hindustan Republican Association) was formed at
Kanpur. Its members were CS Azad, Sachin Sanyal, and Ramprasad Bismil.
 In 1929, HSRA (Hindustan Socialist Republic Association) was formed
at Firozeshah Kotla Delhi. Bhagat Singh joined HSRA.
 On 9 August, 1925 Kakori Train Dacoit, in this conspiracy case Ram
Prasad Bismil, Rajendra Lahiri, Roshan Lal, and Asafaqullah khan were
hanged to death. 
 On 23rd March, 1931 Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were
hanged to death in Lahore Conspiracy Case.
 On 8 November, 1927 Simon Commission was appointed by the
British Conservative government under Stanley Baldwin. To inquire in the
working system of Government in the country after the reform act of 1919.
 Nehru Report- 1928 for dominion status, universal adult franchise,
 Jinnah’s 14 point programme on 31st March, 1929.
 1929 Lahore Session of INC presided by Jawaharlal Nehru where the
resolution of Purna Swaraj was passed by congress and decided to launch a
Civil Disobedience movement under the leadership of Gandhi ji.
 On 26th January, 1930 Independence Day was celebrated for the
1  time.
 Civil Disobedience Movement was started with the Dandi March.
From 12 March to 6 April , 1930 Gandhi ji along with his 78 followers
marched from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi and broke the salt law by making
salt on 6th April 1930.
 On 12 November, 1930 First Round Table Conference was held.
 On 5th March, 1931 Gandhi Irwin Pact was signed.
 On 23rd March, 1931 Trial of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and
 On 29 March, 1931 Karachi Session of INC, presided over by
Vallabh Bhai Patel. In this session first time a resolution of Fundamental
Rights and Economic policy was passed.
 On 7th September, 1931 Second Round Table Conference was
held in which Gandhi ji participated on the behalf of congress.
 On 16th August, 1932 Communal or Ramsay Macdonald
Award was announced.
 On 26th September, 1932 Poona pact was signed.
 In November, 1932 the Third Round Table Conference was held.
 In 1935, the Government of India Act was passed to create the All
India Federation, Provincial Autonomy and Diarchy should be there in the
       Towards Quit India Movement
            Important Congress Sessions:
            √ 1936 – Lucknow (UP) – Presided by J.L Nehru
           √ 1937 – Faizpur (Maharashtra) – Presided by J.L Nehru
( First session held in the village)
           √ 1938 – Haripura (Gujarat) – Presided by S.C Bose
           √ 1939 – Tripuri (M.P) – Presided by S.C Bose
 In September, 1939 IInd World War broke out and India was
declared an ally without its consent.
 In 1939 S.C Bose founded Forward Bloc. It was a left party.
 On 10th August, 1940 – August Offer was announced by Lord
Linlithgow viceroy to get the support of Indians in the Second World War.
 On 11th March, 1942 Prime Minister Winstill Churchill announced for
sending a mission under the chairmanship of Sir Stafford Cripps to find out
the solution of constitutional deadlock and problems of Indians.
 With the failure of Cripps Mission, Quit India movement was
started in 1942 by the Indian leaders and the resolution of Quit India was
drafted by Gandhi Ji. Gandhi ji gave a call for Do or Die.
 In 1942 - Indian National Army was founded by Captain Mohan
Singh and Niranjan Gill in Singapore. S. C Bose took over its command of
2nd Headquarter in Singapore and Rangoon.
 On 21st October, 1943 – Azad Hind Government was set up in
Singapore under S.C Bose. There was a women regiment known as Rani
 In 1945, the Second World War was ended.
 In 1945 – Shimla Conference or Wavell Plan was proposed by
Lord Wavell to solve the political deadlock.
 In 1946, Cabinet Mission Plan was announced by PM Clement
 On 2nd September, 1946 - Interim Government was set up under J.L
 In March, 1947 – Lord Mountbatten was sent to India with an aim
to find a way to transfer of power. Also known as Plan Balkan.
 On 3rd June Independence of India Act, 1947 was passed by which
powers were transferred to two Dominion States India and Pakistan.

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