11-02-06 Sustain Technologies - Corruption of The State Courts Has Deep Roots in Los Angeles County, California

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Human Rights Alert

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11-02-06 Sustain - Corruption of the state courts has deep roots in Los Angeles County,

• The Los Angeles based Sustain Technologies is wholly owned by the Los Angeles based Daily Journal - the largest
legal newspaper in California, with tight ties to the California Judicial Council.

• Sustain Technologies is the maker of:

o Sustain - the secretive courts’ case management system, and

o eCourt - the courts’ online public access system

• Around 1985 Sustain was first developed and installed in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

• At that time, Ronald George, the immediate past Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, according to his
official bio, served in leadership positions in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

• Based on two unpublished reports by Dr Zernik, a world-renowned computer science expert provided an opinion
[1,2] supporting Dr Zernik's claims that the Sustain enables fraud by court staff, and called upon US based computer
science experts to investigate the system.

• Combined, Sustain and eCourt were opined by Dr Zernik as the enabling tools for racketeering in the Los Angeles
Superior Court.

• The latest report by Sustain Technologies claims: "25 Years. Two Provinces. Eleven States. Three Countries."

[1] 09-04-20 Prof Eliyahu Shamir's Opinion Letter re: Sustain - the Case Management System of the Superior
Court of California, County of Los Angeles
[2] 09-04-20 Prof Eli Shamir, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, directory information

2/7/2011 Sustain
eCourt | Other Produc ts | Servic es | Client Login | About


25 Years . Two Provinc es . El even States . Three Countries .

Configurable. Powerful. Dynamic. Sustain eCourt is a completely Web-based case processing system, developed from
over 25 years of delivering successful case management systems to large and small courts and justice agencies in De ce mb e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 0
two provinces, eleven states and three countries. Owned by the Daily Journal Corporation, a legal industry leader E-Courts West (National
since 1888, Sustain eCourt uses the latest in Web technology for the flexibility and scalability you need in today’s Center for State Courts) in
dynamic justice environment. Las Vegas

Fe b 6 – 8 , 2 0 1 1
Confi gurable Flexible Web Des ign – All Courts /Jus ti c e Agenc ies and All Cas e Types
NACM Mid-year conference
eCourt is ideal for all courts/Justice Agencies and all case types because its screens, data elements, business rules,
in Baltimore, MD
work queues, searches, alerts, etc., are user-friendly and highly configurable. The system is readily adapted by your
personnel – we deliver a complete system, train you to use it, and give you all the tools and support so you can
J uly, 2 0 1 1
rapidly adapt with the future.
Ohio Judges Conference

Powerful Work flow and Bus ines s Rul e Engi nes Proc es s Your Cas es J uly 1 0 – 1 4 , 2 0 1 1
eCourt’s configurable workflow and business rule engines automate and streamline your processes, transforming
NACM Annual conference in
tedious manual tasks so your staff can focus on serving your community. eCourt’s overall UI and database
configurability, combined with Workflow, allows the system to easily accommodate different approaches to solving
problems. No longer will you fear changes in legislation, rules and processes – you now have the means to quickly Octob e r 4 – 6 , 2 0 1 1
adapt. CTC 2011 in Long Beach

Wi th eCourt you get:

R ich Fe a ture s for rapid data access and file review. Case initiation forms that tailor to your needs.
Calendaring that is intuitive for viewing, rescheduling, canceling and reassigning cases. Dashboards, alerts,
searches and reports that give you the latest information. August 2 3
Configura b le workflow and Notification system to automate routine tasks and work queues which notify you Saskatchewan Court of
when something needs your attention. Supervisory dashboards to actively manage and report the health of your Appeal goes live in Criminal
processes. on eCourt
e CourtP ub lic which includ e s e Filing for re giste re d use rs a nd p ub lic vie w for secure, 24x7 service to
your community. J uly 1 0
R e a l time courtroom ca se p roce ssing for seamless storage of courtroom decisions and instant production Saskatchewan Court of
of orders and invoices. Appeal goes live in Civil on
Fully inte gra te d d ocume nt ma na ge me nt to produce and attach notices and orders, scan exhibits, and eCourt
give judges access to case files from anywhere.
Customiza b le time sta nd a rd s to track and report deadlines, including 'pending' and 'expired' alerts, J uly 1 0
integrated with workflow to trigger predefined sequential processes. Tulare Superior Court goes
Much more - conta ct Da vid Smith a t (3 0 3 ) 5 7 0 -3 3 8 7 or d smith@susta in.ne t. live on Sustain Web Services
in support of IVR/IWR project

J uly 1 0
Merced Superior Court goes
live on Sustain Web Services
in support of IVR/IWR project

Ap r 1 0
Tulare Superior Court goes
live on interface between
Sustain and law enforcement

Jan 10

http://www.sustain.net/ 1/3
2/7/2011 Sustain
San Benito Superior Court
goes live on Sustain Web
Services in support of
IVR/IWR project

De c 0 9
Sierra Superior Court joins
Plumas Superior Court on
Sustain – first regional
courthouse in California

De c 0 9
Monterey Superior Court
goes live on interface
between Sustain and Traffic

Oct 0 9
Humboldt Superior Court
goes live in Criminal on
Sustain, including interfaces
with County Law Enforcement
Warrant System, and to/from
the Humboldt County District
Attorney and Jail

Oct 0 9
Washington DC Office of
Administrative Hearings goes
live on eCourt

Aug 0 9
Tulare Superior Court goes
live on interface between
Sustain and CA Franchise Tax

J ul 0 9
Lake Superior Court goes live
on interface between Sustain
and its collections agency

J ul 0 9
Merced Superior Court goes
live on interface between
Sustain and CA Franchise Tax

J un 0 9
Tulare Superior Court goes
live on interface between
Sustain and Tulare County
District Attorney

Ma y 0 9
Monterey Superior Court
goes live on Sustain Web
Services in support of

Ma r 0 9
Merced Superior Court goes
live on Sustain across all case
types, including interfaces
with the County’s warrant
system, a collections agency,
and a Web portal

Fe b 0 9
Madera Superior Court goes
live on interface between

http://www.sustain.net/ 2/3
2/7/2011 Sustain
Sustain and CA Franchise Tax

Fe b 0 9
Lake, Madera and San Benito
Superior Courts go live on
Sustain Web Services in
support of IVR/IWR

N ov 0 8
Plumas Superior Court goes
live on Sustain

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http://www.sustain.net/ 3/3

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