5 Dimensi Kepemimpinan

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Peter Senge’s

 PhD graduate from
MIT in Systems
 Founding chair of
SoL (Society for
 1990 wrote The Fifth
Systems Thinking

 interdependency and change

 focus on whole not individual parts
 long-term goals vs. short-term benefits
 better appreciation of systems leads to
more appropriate action
Personal Mastery
 organizations learn only
through individuals who
 never “arrive”; in
continual learning mode
 strive to clarify and deepen
personal vision
 deeply aware of growth
areas and tension between
vision and reality
Personal Mastery
 Individu dlm organisasi bertugas
mengembangkan dirinya sendiri
mel cara apapun
 Organisasi bertugas u/ membentuk
lingk yg mendukung
pengembangan & pencapaian hsl
yg ingin dicapai o/ indiv tsb
 Organisasi tdk dpt belajar apabila
anggotanya tidak mulai u/ belajar.
Mental Models

 deeply ingrained assumptions

and generalizations
 honest and critical scrutiny
of entrenched mental models
 transcend mental models in
order for change to take place
Mental models

 Organisasi nya membentuk

kapabilitas personal individu2 dlm
organisasi shg dpt tanggap thd
perubahan2 yg tjd di lingk-nya 
“how to think and how to act”.
Shared Vision

 A genuine vision leads to people wanting to excel and learn

 Leaders must translate personal visions into shared
 Unearthing shared ‘pictures of the future’ that foster genuine
commitment rather than compliance
 Leaders learn the counter-productiveness of trying to dictate a
vision, no matter how heartfelt.
(Senge 1990: 9)
 Visi organisasi tidak blh
diciptakan o/ pimpinan, akan
lbh baik apabila visi tsb
diciptakan dr interaksi antar
individu dlm organisasi.
 Salah satu cara seorang
pimpinan menciptakan ‘shared
vision’ a/ membagi visi nya
sendiri dg anggotanya.
Team Learning

 Team learning starts with ‘dialogue’= the capacity of members

of a team to suspend assumptions and enter genuine ‘thinking
 Allows the group to discover insights not attainable individually
 Shows group how to recognize the patterns of interaction that
undermine learning
(Senge 1990: 10)
Team Learning dlm LO 
organisasi hendaknya
melakukan transformasi
kemampuan berpikir
individu2 yg ada di organisasi
ke dlm kelompok2 di dlm
organisasi shg tercapai
kemampuan belajar scr
Terima Kasih …

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