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How to Grow Onions

Onions are a popular vegetable with the home gardener because they have a
wide variety of uses, are easy to grow, and require very little space. Additionally, they
have a short growing season which means you can start harvesting in the spring, and
then dry and store them for use in the winter.

Preparing for Planting

 Choose a type of onion to grow. As with most fruits and vegetables, there are
many variations of the onion that are appealing for different reasons. Onions come in
three general colors - white, yellow, and red/purple - each with their own distinct
taste. Additionally, onions are categorized into two growing types: long-day and
short-day. Long-day onions are named such because they begin sprouting when the
days between 14-16 hours in length (late spring/summer), while short-day onions
begin sprouting when days are between 10-12 hours in length (winter/early spring).
 Long-day onions grow the best in northern states, while short-day
onions grow the best in southern states. [1]
 Yellow onions are golden in color and have a slightly sweet flavor,
white onions are sharp and a bit tangier than their yellow counterparts,
and red onions are violet in color and are often eaten fresh rather than
2. Decide how you will plant the onions. In general, there are two popular ways of
growing onions: using either onion sets (bulbs) or using onion seeds. Gardeners
tend to prefer planting onion sets, as they are a bit hardier and stand up to poor
weather better than onion seeds. However, if you’re able and willing to grow your
onions from seeds indoors and transplant them outdoors, you can certainly raise
them all on your own from seeds.[2]
 You can choose to grow onions from transplants/cuttings, but this isn’t
always successful and is much more difficult to accomplish than just
using sets or seeds.
 Visit a local nursery to get recommendations on sets and seeds that
grow well in your area.

3.Know when to grow. Onions can be tricky to grow if they’re not planted at the right
time. If planted in cold weather, they can die off or waste energy in blossoms rather than
bulbs in the spring. If you’re planting seeds, start them indoors at least 6 weeks prior to
planting outdoors. Onions can be planted outdoors at the end of March or beginning of
April, or whenever temperatures do not drop below 20 °F (−7 °C).
4.Select the ideal location. Onions aren’t too terribly picky when it comes to growing
conditions, but they do have some preferences. Select a place with plenty of room and
full sunlight. Onions will grow quite large if they’re given enough space, so keep in mind
that the more area you give them to grow, the larger they will get. Avoid planting them in
a location that is shaded by larger plants or trees.
o Onions grow well in raised beds, so if you’re unable to find adequate garden
space, you can build a separate raised bed for your onion crop.

5.Prepare the soil. Although it takes some forethought, if you are able to prepare the
soil of your plot for planting several months in advance, you’ll receive a better onion
crop down the line. If you’re able, begin tilling the soil and adding in manure in the fall. If
your soil is very rocky, sandy, or has lots of clay, mix in some potting soil to help even
things out. Additionally, test the pH level of your soil and add in any necessary
compounds in order to create a pH that falls between 6-7.5.
 Testing and altering the pH of your soil is best done at least a month prior to
planting, so that any additives have time to take effect on the soil and prepare the
foundation for the onions to grow.

Planting Your Onions

1.Get the soil ready. When you’re ready to plant, till the soil about 6 inches (15.2 cm)
deep and add a layer (1 cup per 20 feet) of phosphorous fertilizer. Using a mixture such
as 10-20-10 or 0-20-0 will provide an extra boost for your developing onions. At this
point, be sure to remove any weeds that may be present in the garden plot you’re
planting in.

2.Dig the holes. Plant onions so that no more than one inch of soil is placed above the
sets or seedlings; if too much of the bulb is buried, the growth of the onion will be
reduced and constricted. Space onion sets 4–6 inches (10.2–15.2 cm) apart, and onion
seeds 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) apart. As your onions begin to grow, you can transplant
them and space them further apart in order to increase their growing size.

3.Plant the onions. Place your seeds in the holes you’ve dug, covering them with ½ to
1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil. Use your hands or shoes to firmly tamp the soil over the top of
the onions; they grow better in firm, rather than loose, soil. Finish up planting by adding
a bit of water, and you’re set to watch them grow!
 Transplanted onions require more water than sets or seeds, so give yours a
little extra moisture if that’s what you planted.
4.Maintain your onion patch. Onions are relatively delicate plants, as they have a
fragile root system that can easily be damaged or abused by weeds and tugging. Use a
hoe to cut off the tops of any weeds that emerge, rather than pulling them out; tugging
the weeds could tug out the roots of the onions, and make growing difficult. Give your
onions about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, and supplement with a nitrogen
fertilizer once a month for nutrients. One month after planting, add a layer of mulch
between each plant to lock in moisture and block out weeds.
 If you want your onions to taste a bit sweeter, give them more water than you
normally would.
 If any of your onions flower, pull them out. These onions have ‘bolted’ and
won’t continue to grow in size or flavor.
5.Harvest your onions. Onions are fully ripe when the tops appear golden yellow; at
this point, bend the tops so that they lay flat on the ground. Doing this will move further
nutrients towards developing the bulb rather than growing the shoots. After 24 hours,
the tops should appear brown and the onions are ready to be pulled. Remove them
from the soil and trim off the shoots at 1 inch (2.5 cm) above the bulb and the roots.
Leave the onions to dry out for a day or two in the sun, and then move them to a dry
space indoors for 2-4 weeks to continue drying.
 Store onions in stockings or over a wire screen to allow good airflow when
drying. This will help them to keep for longer and maintain their flavor.
 Sweet onions will go bad earliest because of their high moisture content, so
eat them first in order to prevent rot from making an appearance. [3]
 Discard, or cut up and use, any onions that show signs of decay so they don't
spread disease to other onions in storage.

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