Minor Project

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Minor project


Planting vegetables in the backyard of residence houses

To make a vegetable garden in the backyard of residence houses at F.G college of Home
Economics and Management Sciences f-7/2,Islamabad.

One of the practical of Home Economics is the residence house. A group of girls live in residence
houses for a given period of time, where they perform various tasks. One of the tasks includes
providing meals three times a day. At the back of residence house at F.G College of Home
Economics and Management Sciences f-7/2 islamabad, a wasted piece of land lies .The members
of group 4/c have decided to turn the wasted land into vegetable garden. Which will help meet
the nutritional needs, add beauty to the exteriors and is economical.

 To make available fresh vegetables for the residence group.
 To improve the exteriors landscape of residence houses by planting vegetables.
 To fulfill our aesthetic sense by decorating the exterior of residence house through
planting different vegetables.

 We plan the following steps to complete our project:
 Collection of information about gardening and vegetation.
 Drafting a floor plan.
 Planting the vegetables grown during the month of November to January.
 To engage a gardener to maintain the garden.
Cost allocation:

 Seeds = Rs1500/-
 Gardeners fee = Rs1000/- month

1000*6=Rs 6000/-

 Miscellaneous = Rs 500/-
 Total cost= Rs 8000/-

Each girl contributed Rs 1333/-

Market list:

Seeds Price per packet

Tomatoes Rs 65/-

Cabbage Rs 70/-

Radish Rs 45/-

Spinach Rs 30/-

Coriander Rs 15/-

Mint Rs 15/-
A report on minor project of community development

To make a vegetable garden in the backyard of residence houses at F.G college of Home Economics and
Management Sciences F-7/2,Islamabad.

Aims and Objectives:

Our main aim by planting vegetables at the back of residence house in F.G college of Home Economics
and Management Sciences F-7/2 is to provide healthy and chemical free vegetables to the girls living in
residence houses. The wasted land was utilized for growing fresh vegetables. Vegetables grown in our
own backyard tastes much better than those bought at grocery stores. By planting the vegetables we
were also able to assure that what we put on the table is fresh and free from harmful chemicals like
preservatives. It will help save the environment. We also aim to improve the exteriors landscape of
residence houses by planting vegetables. Planting different vegetables will fulfill our aesthetic sense by
decorating the exterior of residence house through planting different vegetables.

Home vegetable garden will provide healthy food to eat. Home vegetable garden is a place where we
can make a significant positive impact on the environment. As well as providing us with a cheaper
source of more nutritious food, growing our own organic food reduces food miles* and pollution. In
addition to providing a healthy food source, the process of organic gardening returns numerous mental
and physical health benefits. Easy to grow vegetables are great plants to begin with when we are
starting a vegetable garden. Vegetables are hardy, fast-growing and nutritious. Easy to care for and able
to grow in either vegetable beds or containers, vegetables can be grown in vegetable patch or on a

*food miles: Food miles is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its
production until it reaches the consumer
Growing vegetables requires a lot of sunlight. So it was necessary to see that the backyard does get
sufficient sunlight. Started from the autumn season.It is always better to have a vegetable garden close
to the kitchen. This way you have easy access into the garden that would provide faster cooking. The
backyard is also very near to the kitchen.The seeds need to be soaked and require moisture. Once they
are a little plump they are ready to be grown. Some vegetables like cabbage and broccoli do not require
soaking their seeds. Over doing the soaking the process could cause harm to the seeds. Do not leave
them overnight.Try to avoid cutworms that spoil gentle and tender plants. When planting vegetable
plants always try to put them vertically, this would save some place.Putting a shade on the planted
vegetables will be good.To engage a gardener to maintain the garden

We made available fresh vegetables for the residence group.We were also able to improve the exteriors
landscape of residence houses by planting vegetables.our aesthetic senses were fullfilled by decorating
the exterior of residence house through planting different vegetables.


Carrot is a very popular vegetable in Pakistan. It is rich in carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and
contains appreciable quantities of thiamine and riboflavin

Time of sowing:
Due to varying climatic conditions, there is a wide range of sowing time in Pakistan. Four main seasons
are as under:

Early crop:
It is planted in August and harvested in November / December.

Mid-season crop:
It is planted during September / October and is ready to harvest during December / January.

Late-Season crop:
It is planted during November and is harvested in February/March.

Summer crop:
The crop is raised in the hilly areas. It is sown in March/April and is harvested form June to July.

Nutritional Facts Of Carrots:

Calories: 30 calories in 4oz

Total Fat: 0.2g

Cholesterol: 0mg 0%

Sodiun: 50mg 2%

Total carbohydrates 6.9g 2%

Dietary Fiber: 2.0g 8%

Sufgars: 3.4g

Protein: 0.7g


Tomato belongs to solanaceae family. It is one of the very popular vegetables in Pakistan. It is widely
used in salad as well as for culinary purposes. The popularity of tomato and its products continue to rise
as it contains significant amount of vitamin A and C.

Time of sowing:
Due to varying climatic conditions, there is a wide range of sowing time of tomato in Pakistan. There are
three main crops that are as under.

Early crop:
For early crop, nursery is sown in July-August, transplanted in the field in August-September and the
harvesting of the crop starts in November.

Mid season crop:

Nursery is sown in September, which is transplanted in October and harvested in December/January.

Main season crop:
Nursery is sown in mid-November, transplanted in February and the crop is harvested in May-June.

Nutrition Facts of Tomato:

Serving size: 1 tomato (123.0g)

Calories: 26c

Total Fats: 0.4g =1%


Spinach is an excellent source of beta cortene, vitamin C, E and K, potassium, iron, sulphur. It
contains more protein than most vegetables. Spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest amount
of chlorophyll, a fat-soluble substance that stimulates hemoglobin and red blood cell production.

Harvest and yield:

The crop is ready for cutting with in six to eight week after sowing. The cutting is done 2 cm
above the ground level when plants have put five to six leaves. New foliage is cut later with three to for

Nutritional Facts of Spinach:

Calories: 75

Total Fat: 1.9g = 3%

Sodium: 213mg = 9%

Total Carbohydrate: 10.6g = 4%

Protein: 8.8g

Onion is one of the important condiments widely used in all households all the year round. The green
leaves and immature and mature bulbs and eaten raw or used in preparation of vegetables. Onions are
used I soups, sauces and for seasoning foods. Onion bulb is rich in phosphorus, calcium and

Harvesting and Curing:

Onion bulb should be harvested after 75% of the crop have shown necle fall. Onion bulbs may
be left on the surface of the ground for field curing until tops one fully dry. Three to four days field
curing is desirable to improve the storage life of onion.

Nutritional Facts of Onion:

Serving size: 1 small (70.0g)

Calories: 28

Total fat: 0.1g

Sodium: 3mg

Total Carbohydrates: 6.5g = 2%

Protein: 0.8g


Cabbage is family of crucifer is a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Harvesting and yield:

Harvesting should be done when the heads are firm. The mature heads should be cut with a knife
along with some wrapper leaves. The yield of cabbage depending upon varieties varies between 20-50
tones per hectare.
Nutrition Facts of Cabbage:

Calories: 290

Total Fat: 0.8g = 1%


Mint is on of the easiest herbs to grow and therefore os a good one to start your herb
gardening. In fact many other herbs are also easy to grow, but people tend to start with mint due to its
fresh smell.

Morning is the best time to harvest your herb. You should star cutting and snipping them right
after the dew on their leaves have dried out to guarantee you only harvest them most flavorful,
aromatic and freshest mint herb.

Nutritional Value of Mint:

Protein: 4.8g

Fats: 0.6g

Carbohydrates: 5.8g

We have two residence in our college. They both have separate gardens which are not being used. So
we the students of Home Economics decide to do vegetation in those gardens. We have decided to
make these gardens useful for the students of Home Economics, who have to live in the residence for
some period of time. Vegetation in these gardens will be very helpful for the girls living in residence
because they have to serve food at different time of day. They have to serve breakfast, midmorning,
lunch, tea time and dinner.

Maintaing the gardens of residences will increase the aesthetic value of our residence. Vegetable
garden should not only serve as a tool for enhancing beauty. We should maximize our lawn by thinking
about planting and maintaining edible vegetation in our garden.

Organic plants should be grown in the garden because these kind of vegetation is easy to take care
of organic plants are healthy. They can usually resist plant eating insects and keep themselves safe from
other stains in the environment. They are long lasting.

Organic plants include:

 Carrot
 Cabbage
 Cauliflower
 Lettuce
 Onion
 Peas
 Raddish
 Spinach
 Spring Onion
 Tomatoes

The most important requirements for the gardening or vegetation are sunshine and watering. Other
requirements and loosened soil, some fertilizers and a little bit of weeding. The ground that the plants
will grow in needs to be loosened up so that the roots of the soil and make strong and healthy plants.

The time at which the girls live in residence is winters from October to January. So in winter we can grow
the following vegetables:

 Spinach
 Onion
 Lettuce
 Cabbage
 Carrot
 Raddish
 Peas


the departement of home management

F.G college of home economics and management sciences

F-7/2 Islamabad

Respected madam

It is stated that we the students of 4th year B.Sc home economics section b have
decided to do our community project on planting vegetables in the backyard of
residences houses.As our FNCD practical requires a community project so our group
has decided to plant vegetables.we want to enhance the beauty of its exterior and
make a vegetable garden in the backyard.this will provide the up coming residence
groups with fresh vegetables.we also plan to hire a gardener and pay him to look
after it

Kindly grant us permission.


Your Sincerely,
Group 4/c
Amina Hassan
Date: Aisha Amjad
Kinza Siddique
Fizza Hasnain
Yasra Zahoor

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