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the Institut d'Optique Theoretique et Appliquée, Universit Pare oy subject Bell’ inequality to the most rigorous test then possible The,” results show that the inequality is violated. Although certain loophole remain t be closed, most physicists, including Bell acept the roan 1984 October: Dirac dies in Tallahassee, lorida aged 82. 1987 _ March: De Broglie dies in France aged 94. SSS 1997 December: A team at the University of Innsbruck led by Anton Zeilinger report that it has succeeded in transferring the quantum state of a particle from one place to another ~ in effect, teleporting it. An integral part of the process is the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. A group at Rome University, under the leadership of Francesco DeMartini, also successfully carries out quantum, ae teleportation, 7 2003 October: Anthony Leggett publishes a Bel-type inequality derived on w c 007 April: An Austrian-Polish team led by Markus Aspelmeyer and Anton Zeiinger announce that measurements of previously unesed correlations between pairs of entangled photons show that LeBsetS inequality is violated. The experiment rules out only a subset of Possible non-local hidden variables theories. 2611 A quantum theory of gravity? A Theory of Everything? A theorY beyond the quantum? pees pp Quantum o® ‘y 2 A P wit : 2 = -- : rin yo27_ May: The uncertain principle is published afte 9 i rein P Mer argu ae ns a 1927 grenberg ane! Hobe over is interpretation, MeN Ley Pe Oo september: The Vola conference at Lake Como, aly. Pe principle of comptementarity and the central Ne Hol pce ater became known as the Copenh: 1 interpretation of what mechanics, Born, Heisenberg and Pauli are among those anti not Schrodinger oF Eins © Present, buy October: At the fifth Solvay conference in Brussel, the Is, the Kinstein. over the foundations of quantum mechan the nature of reality els Planck as proferr theoretical physics at Berlin University: Compton is awarded he ' Prize for the discovery of the ‘Compton effect. Heisenberg, ag Lr Nobel vg is appointed to a professorship at Leipzig University. » aged only Bohr debate be November: George Thomson, son of JJ. Thomson, the discovers of wejectron, reports the successful diffraction of electrons employi nt technique than Davisson and Germei 7 Heisenberg delivers his inaugural lecture as professor of February: ‘ theoretical physics at Leipzig University. 1929 October: De Broglie receives the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the wave nature of the electron. 1930 October: The sixth Solvay conferen' the Einstein-Bohr debate as Bohr rel .ce in Brussels, the second round of futes Einstein’s ‘clock-in-the-box thought experiment challenging the consistency of the Copenhagen interpretation. ee J531 December: The Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters selects Bohr as 5 the next occupant of the Aeresbolig, “The House of Honour’, a mansion = tok uty the founder ofthe Carsbergbreweres,_—_——————— ae 1932 John von Neumann’s book The Mathematical Foundations of app. Quantum Mechanics is published in German. Tt contains his famous strik ‘impossibility proof” ~ no hidden variables theory ca" reproduce the Oct predictions of quantum mechanics. Dirac jg elected Lucasian Professor Bedi of Matheratceat Cambridge University ~a post once held by Tse ani alg _ Newton 368 e Zi marie seize power in Germany” Luckily, Binstein is in rhe Nov Myafesor at the California tnstitute of Fechnology asa visiting } dlechares that he will not return (o Germany, ences a8 soon as he arrives: teins publicl the Prus severs all in sian Academy of § bi ks with official German institutions, ans from aw for the Restoration of the Career introduce the ‘T litical opponents, socialists, the Na jee. designed to target pol hi ‘and the Jews. Paragraph 3 contains the infamous ‘Aryan ‘of Aryan origin are to retire? By 1936 oosCivil servants not ese ON Ap scholars woul be ousted a third of them scientists, ethan 1,000 8 more t sho had been or would be awarded the Nobel Prize. aventy W > burned in Berlin, with similar bonfires of «throughout the country. Although unaffected by unlike Born and many other colleagues, Schrodinger Oxford. Heisenberg stays. The Academic Assistance up in England to help jnclading ¢ zi regulations, sermany for with Rutherford as its president, is set Council, é P refugee scientists, artists and writers. tember: As fears over his safety increase, England. Paul Ehrenfest commits suicide. : eton, New Jersey for a scheduled visit. onths at the Institute for Advanced Einstein leaves Belgium for October: Einstein arrives in Princ Intending to stay for only a few m Study (IAS), Einstein never returns to Europe. November: Heisenberg receives the deferred 1932 Nobel Prize, while Dirac and Schrodinger share the prize for 1933. May: The Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) paper, “Can Quantum 1935 Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?’, is published in the Physical Review. October: Bohr’s reply to EPR is published init March: Schrdinger and Bohr meet in Lon appalling’ and ‘high treason’ that Schrodinget strike a blow against quantum mechanics. pate Born takes up a post as professor ; aang University after spending nearly ne few months in Bangalore, India. He sta

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