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All Tiers

Purpose: CSAP is…..

 A framework for student assistance
 Governed by federal and state mandates
 A three tiered-collaborative team process
 Provides progressive levels of support to students in regular education settings
experiencing academic or behavioral difficulty

Legal Basis
Pursuant to:
 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Chapter 15)
 the Pennsylvania Public School Code: Students and Student Services (Chapter 12)
 State of Pennsylvania’s Buckley Amendment/Act 211

CSAP endeavors to…

remove barriers to learning and reduce the likelihood that students are inappropriately
referred for an evaluation for special education services. CSAP also serves to ensure
the provision of education and counseling support for students in need of mental health
and substance abuse support.


S c h o o l- W id e

T ie r I T ie r II T ie r I II
G ro u p I n d iv i d u a l I n d iv id u a l
S u p p o rt S u p p o rt E v a lu a tio n
Tiers of Progressive Support

(CSAP Tiers II & III)

A Systematic Problem-Solving Approach

Used to Mobilize Resources to

Remove Barriers to Learning

Involving Four Phases:

Tier I Purpose
The Tier I level of intervention is designed to support groups of students experiencing similar
barriers to learning. Both behavioral and academic issues are addressed at Tier I.
(The groups can be comprised of multiple students presenting with the same issue from the
same classroom or students from multiple classrooms all exhibiting the same need.)

Tier I Timeline
Progress toward goals set in Tier I is measured over a 30-day period. If an individual child
fails to make adequate progress via group intervention, following a 30-day period, that child
must be referred immediately to Tier II. (“Days” = calendar days)

Tier II Purpose
The Tier II level of intervention is designed to address the needs of individual students
experiencing barriers to learning and in need of more targeted support. Both behavioral and
academic issues are addressed at Tier II.

Tier II Description:
At Tier II, a core team of school staff, along with parents of identified students, meet as a team
 review behavioral and academic data for the individual student
 develop an effective intervention plan through a strengths-based, problem-solving
 Include in the plan both school-based and community-based supports,
(Auxiliary team members may be included, as indicated by the presenting concern.)

Tier II Timeline
Progress toward goals set in Tier II is monitored for up to 60 days. If the intervention activities
have produced little or no improvement within 60 days after initiation, the CSAP team should
follow the Tier III process. (“Days = calendar days)
Types of Issues Addressed at Tier II
 Academics: when a student demonstrates poor academic performance or danger of
 Behavior: when a student demonstrates a pattern of behavior indicating emotional or
behavioral needs that pose a barrier to learning (this includes problems with drugs or
 Attendance: when a student demonstrates a pattern of lateness, absence, or early
 Health: when a student demonstrates difficulty in accomplishing classroom tasks due to
suspected visual, speech, hearing, or other health concern
 Transition: when a student returns from out-of-district placement, or reengages in
school after dropping out

Students can be Fast Tracked to Tier II when:

 The student
 is in crisis (suicidal or experiencing trauma response)
 has problems with drugs or alcohol
 is returning from out-of-district placement or treatment
 has hearing or speech needs
 is homeless, as indicated
 has failed at the end of the first marking period
 was in CSAP II at the end of the previous school year
 The parent
 has requested CSAP Tier II support for their child
 has signed a Permission to Evaluate for the student

Tier II Team Members May include:

 Counselors
 Teachers
 Non-instructional school-based supports
 School Psychologist
 School Nurse
 Administrator
 The identified student’s Parents/Guardians
 The identified student, as appropriate

Progress Monitoring at Tier II:

In order to ensure progress monitoring occurs at Tier II, schools must establish CSAP Tier II
Monitoring Meetings.
Tier III Purpose
At Tier III, the focus is on an evaluation for change in placement when a child is still not
successfully responding to Tier II interventions.
(This change in placement may be for educational or behavioral reasons. Team membership,
documentation, and timelines are governed by procedural dictates established by the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).

Tier III Description

If the student has not successfully responded to Tier II interventions, the CSAP II Team meets
with parents to review the educational options and arrange follow-up activities, which
may include (following parental consent) a multidisciplinary evaluation to determine eligibility
for specially designed instruction and related services under IDEA.

Characteristics Meriting a Referral to Tier III:

 Extremely slow rate of academic progress or communication skills in response to
interventions that are appropriately designed and measured
 The continued presence or acceleration of inappropriate behavior that significantly
affects a student’s educational performance
 Needs that exceed the functional ability of the regular education program to maintain
the student at an appropriate instructional level.

Fast Tracking to Tier III

 Parents continue to have a right to request an evaluation for their child, at any time.
 students suspected of having a significant developmental delay or moderate to severe
cognitive challenges, as compared to peer groups.

If it is determined that a referral for an evaluation is not appropriate or that a student is not
eligible for special education services, he/she should be referred back to Tier II for
additional intervention planning.
Zoom in on Tier I
Removing Group Barriers to Learning

Tier I Description
Teachers meet regularly with their colleagues to:
 identify challenges
 develop effective intervention plans through a strengths-based, problem-solving process
 share effective practices in curriculum, instructional assessment, classroom
management, and accommodation for identified groups of students.

Sample Tier I Meeting Agenda

1. New Presenting Concerns (new groups)
2. New Students to be Added to Existing Tier I Groups
3. Review of Progress for all Students in Existing Tier I Groups
4. Any Additional Needs
5. Plan for Next Meeting

Tier I – Setting up the Process

Tier I Documents:
 CSAP Tier I Intervention Tracking Form – Academic Barrier
 CSAP Tier I Intervention Tracking Form – Behavior Barrier
 CSAP Tier I Intervention Tracking Form – Attendance Barrier

Tier I – During the Meeting

The Tier I Team:
 identifies any new presenting concerns
 using relevant resources, develops an intervention plan to target the presenting concern
 presents students to be added to existing Tier I groups

Tier I Note:
Parent/guardian consultation on Tier I CSAP Teams is not required, but is encouraged.
Progress Monitoring and Closing Out Tier I:
 The team reviews the progress of previously addressed groups at the conclusion of
each meeting.
 Progress should be documented each week on the CSAP Tier I Intervention Tracking
 If the student is making progress, interventions are continued, modified or concluded.
 When Tier I is closed, the team must attach data demonstrating sufficient progress
 Those individual students who are still not making progress should be referred to Tier II.

Transitioning from Tier I to Tier II

 When students in Tier I continue to exhibit behavioral or academic concerns after the
implementation of research-based classroom interventions, they should be referred to
Tier II.
 Students being addressed in Tier I, who accrue the following, should be referred to Tier
 8 or more unexcused absences
 3 or more suspension incidents

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