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Boe-Bot Platform


Introduction to Java Programming

with Boe-Bot Platform

The “brain”: Javelin Stamp Javelin Stamp Integrated Development Environment

„ Programmable Microcontroller
„ Software that edits, compiles, and download program to
„ 32K of non-volatile EEPROM Boe-Bot board
„ Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only „ Runs on Microsoft Windows
Memory „ N d a serial
Need i l port/USB
t/USB version
i off board
b d
„ To store program instructions „ Is not a very good syntax highlighter
„ Can be written 1 million times „ Better IDE just for editing is Dr Java

„ 32K of RAM
„ To store data during program execution
„ 16 Input/Output (I/O) pins:
„ To control motors/sensors
„ Interprets a subset of Java

Javelin Stamp
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Java Compiler and Virtual Machine
Java Program Structure
„ The Java Compiler
„ Consist of one of more file ending .java
„ Reads file with extension .java
„ Each file has the following structure „ Checks syntax / grammar
public class Classname { „ Creates a .class file which
… contains
t i byte(
b t ( or machine)
hi ) code
independent of any machine

„ Filename and Classname must exactly match

„ JVM(Java Virtual Machine)
„ The curly braces { } define start and end of class „ Translates byte code in to instructions
(actual machine code) for a particular
description processor
„ Syntax error if the brace pair is missing „ Th actuall machine
The hi coded then
h iis
executed on the computer
„ Classname
„ Must start with alphabet – Java Rule
„ The first letter must capital – Style Rule
„ Can be made up of alphanumeric characters and underscore
ESE112 4 ESE112 5

Process of Programming Special Syntax

„ Programming Cycle „ Within any one class description if we have the special
Edit public
bli static
t ti void
id main
i () {
(Syntax + Semantics) statement(s)
Run-time }
or or Syntax Error
Semantic „ This known as a program’s (computational solution)
Error entry point i.e. where it starts getting executed
„ Called
C ll d th
the main
i method
th d
(observe your output) „ A method is a named group of statements
„ Difference: In a regular Java program
¾ An additional argument is used i.e. public static void main (String []
„ Philosophy: program in increments args) {... }

ESE112 6 ESE112 7

Example Java Syntax
public class Hello{ „ Comments
public static void main(){ „ Literals
// A statement
t t t that
th t prints
i t to
t output
t t screen „ D t type
Data t
System.out.println("Hello World"); „ Variables
„ Operators
}// end of main „ Expressions
} „ String
g and Printing

ESE112 8 ESE112 9

Comments Literals
„ Literals are the values we write in a
„ Comments are used to make code more
understandable to humans conventional form whose value is obvious
„ Java Compiler ignores comments 3 // An integer has no decimal point

// this is a single line comment ‘a’ // a character has single quotes

/* this is true // The boolean literals are of two types: true, false
* a multi-line
hello world”
world // A string literal
* comment

ESE112 10 ESE112 11

Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators
„ + to indicate addition „ == equal to
„ - to indicate subtraction „ != not equal to
„ * to indicate multiplication „ < less than
„ / to indicate division „ > greater than
„ % to indicate remainder of a division (integers „ <= less than equal to
only) „ >= greater than equal to
„ parentheses ( ) to indicate the order in which to
do things „ Note: Arithmetic comparisons result in a
Boolean value of true or false

ESE112 12 ESE112 13

Boolean or Logical Operators Expression

„ Like In English - conditional statements formed An expression is combination of literals and operators
using "and", "or", and "not" An expression has a value

„ In Java 3 ->
> 3
„ || -> OR operator
¾ true if either operand* is true 3 + 5 -> 8
„ && -> AND operator
¾ true only if both operands are true ‘a’ == ‘A’ -> false // == Equality operator
„ ! -> NOT operator
true && false -> false //using the logical AND
¾Is a unary operator – applied to only one operand
¾ Reverses the truth value of its operand
Later we’ll see that an expression may contain other things
* Operand: a quantity upon which a operation is
Such as variables, method calls …
ESE112 14 ESE112 15

Value & Type Operator Precedence
„ Value: Piece of data
23, true, ‘a’

„ Type: Kind of data

integer, boolean (true/false), character

Expression Value Type

23 23 integer
3+5*6 33 integer
(3 * 4)/15 ? ? integer division truncates
true && false ? ?
Note: With Boe-Bot platform
there is no support of floating Source: Javelin Reference Manual
ESE112 point numbers 16 ESE112 17

Types: a very important concept! Primitive types

„ All data values in Java have a type „ Values that Java knows how to operate on directly
„ Primitives with Javelin stamp:
„ The type of a value determines: „ int – Integer (also short and byte for less representation)
„ How the value is stored in computer’s memory -1 42
„ Max/min value that data type can take on „ char - Character
„ What operations make sense for the value 'J' '*'
„ How the value can be converted (cast) to related „ boolean - Truth value
values true false

„ Note: Types are very helpful in catching „ Regular Java has other types
programming errors „ double, long, float

ESE112 18 ESE112 19

Storage Space for Numeric Type Variables
„ Numeric types in Java are characterized by their size: „ A variable is a name associated with a value
„ how much you can store ? – computers have finite memory
„ Value is stored in computer’s memory
„ Integer
g and Character types
yp „ Instead of knowingg the location,, we access the value
by the name it is associated with
Type Value Range
0 : 255
char (8 bits) Note: Each char is assigned a unique numeric value & numeric „ Variable must always be associated with type
value is stored (ASCII code)
„ It tells the computer how much space to reserve for
int (16 bits) -32768 : 32767
the variable
byte(8 bit) -128 : 127 „ The value stored can vary over time

ESE112 20 ESE112 21

Identifiers Identifiers (contd..)

„ Identifiers are names that you as a coder make up „ Style Rule for Variable names
„ Variable names „ Should be a noun that starts with an lowercase letter
„ Also class and method names – more later! ¾ E.g. sum, average

„ If the name has multiple words, capitalize the start of

„ Java Rule for Variable names every word except the first (style rule)
„ May consist of alphanumeric characters and the ¾ E.g. firstName, lastName
underscore (_)
„ Cannot start with a number „ Note: Style rule are for consistency and
„ Cannot use keywords such as int int, double etc
etc. readability of programs
„ If the rules are not followed then compiler will complain „ Compiler will not complain if the rule is not followed
(syntax error) „ If you do not follow the rule you get penalized in

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Declaring variables Storing value into Variables
„ All variables must be declared before being used „ To store values into variable we use the assignment
operator i.e. “=“
„ Done with a declaration statement
„ Variable = Expression; -> assignment statement
<type> <identifie>;
„ Right hand side value is assigned to left hand side

„ Declaration statement
„ Specifies the type of the variable, followed by „ Important
descriptive variable name, followed by semicolon(;) „ Assignment statement must end with a semicolon(;)
„ When a variable is assigned a value, the old value is
„ Examples:
p discarded and totally forgotten
int seats;
boolean isFriday; „ Examples
char initial; seats = 150;
isFriday = true;

ESE112 24 ESE112 25

Variable value and type Initializing Variables

„ Assume variable x is an integer „ It’s good idea to declare and initialize a variable in one
„ The value of a variable may
y be changed
double milesPerHour = 60.5; //No support in Javelin
x = 57;
boolean isTall = true;
int age = 17;
„ However its type may not
x = true; // this causes an syntax error, Note:
// i.e.compiler will complain „ If a variable is not initialized before using it, you may or
may not get a compiler error
„ Caveat „ This will depend where in the program your variable is declared
¾ You can assign do x = ‘c’ – Why? „ More on this later
¾ However when you view the value of x, a numeric value is

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Constants Sequential Instructions/Programming
„ Variables that don’t change „ Computer executes statements in the order the
„ Initialize a value and never change it statements are written
„ Program’s computation might be affected if a variable is „ Example:
not consistent throughout
int time = 123; //The time, in seconds
„ Rules
„ Java Rule: Must have the keyword final before the type /* Convert time into hours, minutes, seconds*/
„ Style Rule: Should have all caps for variable name int hours = time / 3600; // 3600 seconds in an hour
¾ If multiple words use underscore between words int minutes = (time % 3600) / 60; // 60 seconds in a minute
int seconds = ((time % 3600) % 60); // remainder is seconds
final double PI = 3.14; //No support in javelin
final int MILES_PER_GALLON = 32;

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Another Type: String System.out.println(String)

„ A String is an Object, not a primitive type „ Command that prints string to the output screen
„ Java also has objects - cover objects later „ Can also print literals, and expression values
„ The answer is automatically converted to string
„ String is composed of zero or more chars
„ Prints every time on a new line
„ A String is a sequence of characters enclosed „ Useful in finding semantic errors in a program
by double quotes
"Java" "3 Stooges" "富士山“ System.out.println(“hello world”);
„ + means concatenation for strings System out println(“x = “ + x);
"3" + " " + "Stooges" ⇒ “3 Stooges”
„ To not print on new newline use:
„ Automatic conversion of numbers to strings
„ System.out.print(String)
3 + " " + "Stooges" ⇒ “3 Stooges”
ESE112 30 ESE112 31

Memory and Strings Putting it all together
„ Due to on board memory limitations public class TimeConversion {
public static void main() {
int time = 2000; /* The time, in seconds */
„ D nott use a lot
Do l t off concatenation
t ti (+) operations
ti /* C
Convertt ti
time iinto
t hhours, minutes,
i t seconds
d */
int hours = time / 3600; // 3600 seconds in an hour
int minutes = (time % 3600) / 60; // 60 seconds in a minute
„ To declare to work with string data on Boe-Bot int seconds = ((time % 3600) % 60); // remainder is seconds
use StringBuffer instead of String object – more
on this later /* Output results */
System out println("Time
System.out.println( Time ::" + hours+ "h
h " + minutes + "m
seconds + "s ");

}//end of main
}//end of TimeConversion class

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