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Task 2. Sharing Your Google Classroom, Give andGet Feedback, Then Answer
the Questions Below

1. Did any students in your group (from the Wiki) not provide feedback before the Sun. 9/27
11:59pm deadline? If so, please provide their name(s) below.
The only group member that I did not receive feedback from is _____________.

2. Post the feedback you received on or before the deadline for feedback responses regarding about
your Google Class below. Hopefully you will have at least a couple of feedback responses but
provide whatever responses you got about your class before the Sun. 9/27 deadline. Simply
copy/paste the feedback you received and past it below.

___________ sent me this feedback on Saturday 9/26:

I thought your classroom was well put together! I really enjoyed the video haha it was entertaining to watch, I
feel like if a teacher were to show that to students they would love it. Also I like the quiz, It was short and simple
and I liked how you took questions from the video you showed. One question: what grade level are you wanting
to teach? Another thing are you wanting to be a science teacher? 

____________ sent me this feedback on Saturday 9/26:

I enjoyed your google classroom! It was straight forward and I could easily locate the assignments and quizzes.
The assignment being a video was fun and refreshing. I thought the quiz was challenging just enough! Great job!

3. From the feedback you received, did you gain any insights? In other words, did you learn anything
from the feedback that you use when you have your own Google classroom?
Videos are often an interesting way to present information about whatever topic you may be covering. I think it
is beneficial to present information in varied ways to keep things interesting. Both of the 2 responses that I
received mentioned enjoying the video, so I think that is something I would include at times in a Google
Classroom in the future.

4. Did you experience any problems while inviting students to you view your class and getting
feedback? If so, what problems did you experience?
I found it very easy to invite students to view my class, and thought overall that Google Classroom was fairly
intuitive. I did not experience any problems with this. As far as feedback goes, the only problem that I had was
not getting feedback from all of my group members.

5. From the video(s) tutorials above, what are some different ways you can invite a student to join
your Google class?
The first way to invite students to join a Google class, is to copy the class code and send it out in an email (or
distribute it to them otherwise). If you don’t like the class code you can reset it, or even disable it to prevent
other students from joining. Another way is to go to the “people” tab, click the “plus” next to “students”, and it
will open an “invite students” box. You can enter students’ names, and it will send them an email invite with a
link to click and join the class.

6. What is the stream feature in Google Classrooms? Do a quick Google or Youtube search to find
out about this info if you don’t know.
The stream in Google Classrooms is the conversational hub. Both the teacher and students can share here. This
can be utilized by the teacher to post announcements, and to start class discussions. You can save
announcements and schedule a time and date for them to be automatically posted to the stream, which is a
convenient feature.

7. What kinds of things can you do in the ‘class settings’ area? Not sure? Watch the first tutorial
again and/or play around with the settings button in your own classroom.
In the class settings area you can view, share, or change the class code. You can also change how classwork
appears on the stream. You can choose to allow deleted items to appear. A teacher can also control how they
want grading to work. You can choose to have grades calculated by total points available, or by weighting grades
by category.

8. What potential difficulties could you foresee if you were asked to set up a Google Class for your
own students?
I could see an initial learning curve possibly being an issue with some students. My overall experience with
Google Classrooms was that it was fairly straightforward, from both the teacher and student perspective, so I
think students would catch on quickly. Depending on the age and abilities of the students, this may take more
time, or even require parental assistance. I think that the difficulties would be limited and easy to overcome.
Another difficulty with utilizing Google Classrooms could be that some students lack the ability to participate due
to not having internet access, or a device to use to do so.

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