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Go, Matt Jefferson M.

B1E/Environmental Science/ B1E/ TTH/ 14:40-16:10

Prof. Evelyn Basilio

1. The phytoplankton (producers) herbivorous plankton and carnivorous plankton ( Primary

consumer) will be eaten by shrimps (secondary consumer) then the shrimps will be eaten by
squids ( tertiary consumer) then the squid will be eaten by leopard seals (quaternary
consumer) then the leopard seals will be eaten by killer whale ( quinary consumer) and lastly
humans will consume killer whales.

2. The herbivorous plankton ( producer autotrophs) will be eaten by shrimps( primary consumer,
heterotrophs) then shrimps will be eaten by adelie penguin ( secondary consumer) then adelie
penguin will be eaten by crab eater seal ( tertiary consumer) then crab eater seal will be eaten
by killer whales ( quaternary consumer , heterotrophs) and last human will consume killer

3. The phytoplankton ( producer) will be eaten by krills ( primary consumer) then the krills will be
eaten by fish and squids ( secondary consumer) then the fish and squid will be eaten by emperor
penguin ( tertiary consumer) then emperor penguin will be eaten by leopard seals ( quaternary
seals) then leopard seals will be eaten by killer whales and last human will consume whales

4. The herbivorous plankton ( producer autotroph) will be eaten by squids ( primary consumer)
then squids will be eaten by elephant seal ( secondary consumer ) then elephant seal will be
eaten by killer whales ( tertiary consumer ) then killer whales will be consume by humans.

5. The phytoplankton ( producers) will be eaten by krill ( primary consumer) then krill will be eaten
by squids ( secondary consumer) then squids will be eaten by sperm whales ( tertiary consumer)
then sperm whales will be consume by humans ( quaternary consumer) .
3. Food Web

Flow 1 Dinoallegates( producers, autotrophs) will be eaten by copepods (primary consumer,

heterotrophs) they will be eaten by amphipods( secondary consumer, heterotrophs) then they will be
eaten by tuna (tertiary consumer, heterotrophs) , then they will be eaten by smaller sharks( quaternary
consumer, heterotrophs) then lastly smaller sharks will be eaten by bigger sharks.

Flow 2 Diatoms ( producers, autotrophs) will be eaten by pteropods ( primary consumer, heterotrophs)
then they will be eaten by latern fish ( secondary consumer, heterotrophs) then they will be eaten by
squid( tertiary consumer) then the squid will be eaten by lancet fish and tuna ( quaternary consumer,
heterotrophs) then they will be eaten by marlin and smaller sharks( quinary consumer, heterotrophs)
and lastly they willb eaten by large sharks

Flow 3 The dinoflagellates (producers, autotrophs) will be eaten by copepodes ( primary consumer,
heterotrophs) then copepods will be eaten by ocean sunfish ( seconday consumer, heterotrops) then
ocean sunfish will be eaten by smaller sharks ( tertiary consumer, heterotrophs) then smaller sharks will
be eaten by larger sharks ( quaternary consumer, heterotrophs)

Flow 4 The diatoms ( producers, autotrophs)

Eliminate one of the species by putting an X mark.  This completely removes all
members of that population and therefore eliminates a food source for others.  Can you
determine which populations in the food web are the most important?  That is,
which one or ones have the greatest effect on the others if they are removed. 

For me the greatest important organism in food web are producers because they act as source
food for primary consumer to the higher level organism. Imagine if there’s no producers how
would organism? So If I’ll eliminate the dinoflagellates (producers, autotrophs) would cause the
collapse of food chain of the entire foodweb. If there’s no producers the primary consumer will
die and secondary consumer will be affected and the rest of organism will die due to hunger.
Energy Pyramid

Sharks/ Quinary Consumer

Marlin/ Tertiary Consumer

Tuna/Secondary Consumer

Mackarel/Primary Consumer

Amphipods/ Primary Consumer

Diatoms & Dinoflagellates/ Producer

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