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The YJ-18 (Yingji [Eagle Strike]-18) is a Chinese cruise missile with variants for antiship and land-
attack missions. It is reportedly derived from the Russian 3M-54E “Klub” missile and entered
service around 2014.

YJ-18 at a Glance
Originated From: China
Possessed By: China
Alternative Names: CH-SS-NX-13
Class: Cruise Missile
Basing: Ship, submarine, and ground
Length: <8.2 m (inc. booster) 
Diameter: 0.514 m
Launch Weight: <1,579 kg
Payload: 140-300 kg
Warhead: High-explosive or antiradiation
Speed: Mach 0.8 (cruising), Mach 2.5-3.0 (terminal)
Guidance: Satellite navigation and radar guidance
Range: 220-540 km
Status: Operational
In Service: 2014

YJ-18 fired from Type 052D Destroyer. Photo: Sina News The YJ-18 anti-ship missile. Source: PLA
Possible ground-launched YJ-18 variant spotted in China, 2015. Photo: Sina News

YJ-18 Development

The YJ-18 was developed by the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) Third
Academy starting around the mid-1990s. In 2009, references to the YJ-18 program surfaced in
Chinese documents exploring metallurgical requirements. Among the first U.S. sources to
discuss YJ-18 development was an August 2010 report which referred to the missile as the “CH-
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SS-NX-13.” The missile was finalized in 2013 and entered service in 2014. China first displayed
the YJ-18 on state media in 2014 and again during a military parade in 2019.

The YJ-18’s specifications represent a notable improvement over China’s older ASCMs,
possessing two and three times the range of the earlier 3M-54 and YJ-83, respectively. The YJ-18’s
range and lethality supports China’s broader “anti-access, area-denial” (A2/AD) strategy to defeat
U.S. forces in a regional military conflict. According to one report, the YJ-18 was “specifically
designed to defeat the Aegis Combat System.” Consequently, the People’s Liberation Army plans
to deploy the YJ-18 on its submarines and surface ships. The missile may also replace the YJ-62
fielded by ground-based coastal defense units.

YJ-18 Specifications

The YJ-18 is an antiship cruise missile bearing a close external resemblance to the supersonic 3M-
54E. Though its physical dimensions remain unknown, the YJ-18 likely approximates the 3M-
54E’s 8.2 m length, 0.514 m diameter, and 1,579 kg weight, though one report claims it is shorter
and lighter.
Like the 3M-54E, the YJ-18 features a multistage propulsion system, using an air-breathing engine
to cruise at Mach 0.8 and a solid rocket booster to travel at Mach 2.5 – 3.0 in a terminal dash to its
target. The YJ-18 has an estimated range of 220 to 540 km while carrying a 150 to 300 kg
payload. The missile can fly at sea-skimming altitudes, using a combination of satellite
navigation (Beidou) and an active radar seeker for guidance.

YJ-18 Variants

China has developed several YJ-18 variants, primarily differentiated by their respective launch

The first production model. It was designed to launch from submarine torpedo tubes for antiship
missions, and may have a shorter range than later variants. It entered service in 2015.

A model designed to fit shipboard vertical launch systems (VLS). It is fitted aboard the Luyang III-
class destroyer and Renhai-class cruiser. It entered service in 2015.

A submarine-launched variant designed for land-attack missions. It fits in VLS tubes aboard the
Song-class SS, Yuan-class SSP, and Shang-class SSN. It entered service between 2016-2019.

A March 2019 report said that China was developing the YJ-18C, a land-attack variant designed to
deploy in commercial shipping containers. Russia has developed a similar containerized launch
system for its 3M-54 Klub-K missile, which fits four missiles into a single container.

Coastal Defense Variant

Images suggest China also deploys a truck-based YJ-18 variant for coastal defense, although U.S.
government sources have not confirmed this development. It reportedly entered service
around 2015. China may also be developing an aircra -launched variant as well.

Service History

In April 2015, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence confirmed that the YJ-18 entered entered
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service with the People’s Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN). The missile now reportedly equips:

Luyang III (Type 052D)-class destroyer

Renhai (Type 055)-clas cruiser
Song (Type 093)-class SS
Yuan (Type 041)-class SSP
Shang (Type-093)-class SSN
In June 2018, video footage reportedly showed a YJ-18 fitted aboard China’s Shang-class nuclear
submarines. Earlier reports from 2016 and 2017 also appear to show the submarine-launched
YJ-18 variant.

LAST UPDATED: 06.25.2020

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Missile Defense Project, "YJ-18," Missile Threat, Center for Strategic and International Studies, June 25, 2020,
last modified June 25, 2020, https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/yj-18/.



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