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Good afternoon teacher, today we’re going to talk about Vanuatu’s happiness level, its main
characteristics and what makes Vanuatu’s people happy. The team members are Mendieta
Guevara Alejandra, Ramos Granda Clarissa and Carla Bernachea.

Vanuatu is an island country located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago, which is of
volcanic origin, is located at east of Australia, northeast of New Caledonia, west of Fiji and
south of the Solomon Islands, near New Guinea.

The majority of the inhabitants of Vanuatu, approximately 95%, are native Melanesians or
Ni-Vanuatu; the rest of the population is of European, Asian and other Pacific islands.
There are three official languages: English, French and Bislama.

Geographical information
Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands. Many of the islands are mountainous and of volcanic
origin, and have a tropical weather.
The largest city in the country is the capital Port Vila, located on the island of Éfaté.

Happy planet index score

Vanuatu ranks fourth in the Happy Planet Index results. This tropical chain of islands has no
military and a GDP per capita that’s more than twenty times smaller than neighbouring
Australia. Vanuatu has been consistently democratic and peaceful despite its immense
cultural diversity.

Life expectancy
Vanuatu has a life expectancy of 71.3 years. In addition, it is ranked 74 out of the 140
countries studied by Happy Planet Index.
As you can see in this graph, Vanuatu's life expectancy has been growing in recent years.
Unlike its neighboring countries, Vanuatu exceeded the life expectancy of Fiji, but still
remains below the life expectancy of New Caledonia
Vanuatu has the second lowest life expectancy of all countries in the top ten Happy Planet
Index rankings - unsurprising given the absence of national health provision in the country.

In Vanuatu, tight-knit social communities meet often to discuss community matters – from
conflict resolution to ceremonial planning. A study by Vanuatu’s National Statistical Office
cites these regular social meetings as a key factor underpinning strong social connections.
In spite of that Vanuatu has 6.5 of 10 on wellbeing. Absence of national health and lack of
formal education infrastructure has resulted in school enrolments and attendance that’s
among the lowest in the Pacific region.
In recent years, Vanuatu's negative reputation as a tax haven has also damaged the country's
financial sector, while creating little benefit to the wider economy.

Ecological Footprint
Vanuatu present 1.9 of ecological footprint, that isn’t a surprise because the country is well
placed to make use of renewables, with hydropower, wind, solar and coconut bio-fuel
In 2011, 34% of the energy Vanuatu consumed came from renewables, and the country aims
to be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Vanuatu has The International Day of Forests annually on March 21st to raise awareness of
the importance of forests to people and their vital role in poverty eradication and
environmental sustainability.

About gender equality, The call to eliminate discrimination against women in Vanuatu begun
many years ago, but today women continue to experience gaps in work places and
participation in public decision makings.
Women leaders and women groups have been urged to put aside differences and unite with
the government, through the Department of Women’s Affairs, for change.
The prevalence and incidence of violence against women, and attitudes to violence in
Vanuatu, including:
● Health and other effects of violence on women and children.
● Risk and protective factors in the family and community.

Vanuatu has the highest Happy Planet Index score outside of the Americas. People living in
Vanuatu have higher wellbeing than Japaneses. Also, the lack of good infrastructure cause
some problems.
One of this problems is the lack of a good health system and the lack of formal education
infrastructure this problems generates that some factors such as life expectancy are lower
than the countries that are in the top ten of the happy planet index.
Despite these problems, the people of Vanuatu feel happy with what they have and focus on
caring for the kindness of the nature of their country.

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