East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church: Welcome!

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If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you. As a

East Stroudsburg church we are committed to Love Jesus Christ and to Share His Love.
United Methodist Church We offer three services: 8:30 and 11 a.m. are traditional, and 9:45 a.m.
is contemporary. Our ushers and greeters are here to serve you. Please
ask them for any help you may need.
Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His love.
Sunday, February 6, 2011 ~ Our Holy Grounds Café is a place for light refreshments and coffee
from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. each Sunday in our Fellowship Hall. The café
provides an informal opportunity for fellowship.
~ Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are available every Sunday from
8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. They are located on the lower level of the church
and are staffed with our full-time, professional attendants and parent
~ Children's Church for ages four through third grade is offered at the
11 a.m. service and is guided by a parent volunteer. Children will be
dismissed after the Children's Message. Please pick up your children
from the lower level classrooms of the church following worship.

Our Weekly News is a snapshot of activities in our church and

community. The Weekly News is also posted on our website:
www.esumc.net. Please make your submissions to the church office
before 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. Submissions can be emailed to
koney@esumc.net or brought to the church office.

Church Staff
Senior Pastor Edward C. Kimes ekimes@esumc.net
Associate Pastor Candy Labar clabar@esumc.net
Congregational Care Peggy Strack pstrack@esumc.net
Church Administrator Sharmune Burgess sburgess@esumc.net
Lay-Led Ministries Kelli Oney koney@esumc.net
Children’s Ministry Sue Randall srandall@esumc.net
Youth Ministry Scott Kuhnle skuhnle@esumc.net
________________________________________________ Music - Organist Pauline Fox foxes@esumc.net
83 South Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 - Choirs Norman Fox foxes@esumc.net
Church Office email: church@esumc.net Contemporary W orship Dan Daccardi ddaccardi@esumc.net
Website: www.esumc.net Administrator of Finances Sue Mertz smertz@esumc.net
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Financial Secretary Cyndie Faunce cfaunce@esumc.net
Building Facilitator Bruce Johnson bjohnson@esumc.net
Sextons Harvey Smith & Sal Lapadula
Nursery Attendants Ana Price, Holly Lapadula
Stewardship Update
Prayers and Praise General giving last week: $12,335
If you have a prayer request, please list it either on the prayer sheet in Average January weekly general expense needs: $11,227
the rear of the sanctuary or on the back of the friendship pad, making Attendance last week: (1/30/11) last year: (1/31/10) 333
sure to include your name on the request. This aids us in updating
weekly requests. Confidentiality is very important; we want to honor Worship
everyone’s right to privacy. Please be mindful of this in writing your Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God.
requests. The person making the request is listed in ( ).
Ushers and Greeters - 8:30 a.m. Edie & Bill Williams, Herb Jacobs,
Healing and Illness Brian & Sonji Bensley, Bob & Winnie Repsher 11 a.m. Rich
Kaitlin, Howard, Allen (Dinkle family) Mayers, Adallberto & Ann Marie. Bruce & Ann Osbun, Dave
Doris Milloy, recovery from brain injury (Cyndie Faunce) Thompson GuerraScripture
Walt & Brian(Sr.) (Mark & Kelli Oney) Scripture Readers: 8:30 a.m. Debbie Zacharias, 9:45 a.m. Kelli
Kristen, recovery from surgery (Jan Rosenberger) Mercurio, 11 a.m. Dave Thompson
Shirley, congestive heart failure (Maria J.) Children's Church: Chris Perfetti
Sharon Powel, recovery from surgery (Erma Powell) Church Driver: Sandy Oberholtzer
Altar Flowers Delivery: Jerry & Forrest Fritz
Undergoing Cancer Treatments: Trish Walker (Rebecca Stager);
Communion Steward: Debbie Zacharias Pew Packer: JoAnne Scott
Chris (Barbara & Leon Warner); Joellen Berryman (Tom & Leigh
Balcik); John (Ministry Placement Team); Florence (Ed & Sue Organ/MIDI Workshop by Aram Basmadjian, concert artist of Allen
Bommerito); Tommy C. (Traub family); Pamela (Karen Peart) Organ Co., Saturday, February 12, from 10 a.m. until noon in the
Sanctuary. Sponsored by Lehigh Valley American Guild of Organists;
this demonstration is free and open to any keyboard players.
The Seip & DeAngel families, comfort in loss (Traub Family)
Nick Wells, loss of father (Maria Jacobs) "Come, Follow Me" Cantata is Sunday, March 6 at 8:30 and 11 a.m.
Precie Schroyer and Angela Prayter, loss of parents (Celisa) services and based on the life of Christ. Helpers for supplies,
costuming, and decorating ideas are especially needed. Teen and adult
Praise for the safe return of Kevin Overcash from Afgahanistan singers may now rehearse with Chancel Choir from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on
Thursdays. Music is available in Fellowship Hall today. Schedules of
Those Serving in Missions and the Miltary - Strength, safety and
optional rehearsals starting Saturday, February 19 are available on the
protection while serving God: Megan Sanders, Ryan Moyer, Ben
Music Bulletin Board in Oberholtzer Hall
Drake, Kelly Malefyt, Ally Jaggard; Marines: Joshua Hummel,
The concurrent Fine Art Exhibit in Fellowship Hall will feature
Damon McHinney; Iraq: Kyle, August Jackson; Pacific: Faith Gibbs; photography, painting, drawing, and sculpture by teen and adult artists
Afghanistan: Jason Lamboy, Ryan Maciejczak, Everett Horton, Chris within our congregation. For information or reservation of space, co
Stowe, Nic Chighizola; Air Force: Amelia Gordon, Dave Bennett; tact Jim Smeltz at 424-1764.
Army: Kamahl Gordon, Japan; Josh Kimple, Germany. For further information about music contact
Norman or Pauline Fox at foxes@esumc.net or 223-9889
Missed a Sunday? We provide audio copies of recent sermons on
our church website at www.esumc.net for those occasions when
you cannot make it to church, or when you want to share the
message with others.
Information and Events Children’s Ministry - Birth - 6th Grade
The Older Kids (55+ group) meets at 11:30 a.m. Monday, February To register for events or for information, please contact Sue Randall
14 in Oberhotlzer Hall for a movie. Bring a sandwich with you. at srandall@esumc.net
Popcorn, beverages, salad and dessert provided.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School Teachers! Schedules are now in place
Saturday Night Fellowship, February 19 from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. in outside of the classrooms. Please take a moment to fill in your
Fellowship Hall. Taste and Tales of England with Pastor and Mrs. available dates through June.
Kimes. All food will share the English theme. Bring a friend and
fellowship with others. Lord’s Army, our after school program for 4th and 5th grade students
will meet at the church Tuesday, February 8 from 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Fellowship Meals - Our youth meet in Fellowship Hall every Transportation is limited to East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg
Thursday, after their outreach program, from 5- 6 p.m. for dinner, Intermediate Schools.
then continue with youth Bible Studies at 6 p.m. If you would be
willing to provide a light meal for approx. 20 youth, please contact Monday Night Basketball Resumes - Groups meet weekly in
Scott Kuhnle at 421-3280 or skuhnle@esumc.net Fellowship Hall learning basic basketball skills and sportsmanship.
Children ages 6-8 meet from 6-6:45 p.m and ages 9-12 meet from
Weekly Adult Basketball in Fellowship Hall - Recreational (co- 6:45-8 p.m. For information call John Mercurio at 426-7574.
ed) meets Monday at 8 p.m. For information call John at 426-7574.
Adult Men play Tuesday at 7 p.m. For information call Eric at Youth Praise Dance (ages 9 and up) meets in the Fellowship Hall on
242-6047. Sunday evenings from 5-6 p.m. Praise dance encourages individuals
to express their faith through movement. For more information,
Family Life Presents Weekend to Remember - March 25-27 at contact Tracy Martin tcmartin@ptd.net
Skytop Lodge. Wether you are engaged, married or remarried here is
an opportunity to invest in your relationship! GOD wants your Youth Ministries - 7th - 12th Grades
relationship to be all that it can be and His plan includes the gift of For information, please contact Scott Kuhnle at skuhnle@esumc.net
passion. Call Bill & Debbie Zacharias 570-424-2837 evenings for or check out the youth website www.esumc.net/youth where you can
more information or to register and receive the discounted group rate find permission forms and information on trips and events.
$159. This event sells out quickly -don't hesitate! (Note: The Phone
Sunday School is every Sunday at 11 a.m. in the Youth Room. We
number listed previously was incorrect.)
meet together until 11:15 a.m. then split into Jr. High and Sr. High
Hiking: Join others from our church Sunday, February 20 from 12:15- classes.
4 p.m. They meet in the church parking lot at Noon. Any participant
Super Sunday Party is tonight from 6 - 10 p.m. The group will meet
18 and under needs a permission form to attend.
on the 2nd floor of the Office Building (old youth room building).
Steering Team meets Monday, February 7 at 7 p.m. in the Everyone is asked to bring a 2-liter beverage.
Conference Room. This administrative church meeting is open to
Youth Praise Band, which leads our Sunday night worship, practices
members who wish to attend.
every Wednesday from 7 - 8:30 p.m. in the Youth Room. Interested
Pictorial Directory - If you have an eye for design, like to scrapbook instrumentalists and singers should contact Scott to participate.
or take pictures your help is needed in completing our church
Sr. High Outreach is every Wednesday from 2:45 - 5 p.m.
directory. Please contact Kelli at 807-7771 or koney@esumc.net for
ANYONE in 9th - 12th grade is welcome to participate. After-school
pickup in church vans is available from Stroudsburg Jr. High School.
Congregational Care
Youth, continued
Thursday Schedule: All youth are invited to participate in the Homebound and Care Facility members are happy to be
following weekly events: remembered by the church family. Encouraging cards can be sent to:
• 2:45 - 5 p.m. - JAM is a time of fun and fellowship for 6th - 8th Kathryn Biro, Room 222 Pocono Lutheran Village, 329 East Brown
grade students. After-school pickup in church vans is available St., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 18301.
from JTL, Stroudsburg Middle, and Stroudsburg Jr. High
If You or a Member of the Church Family Is Hospitalized, please
Schools. Permission forms are required for all students and
inform the church office at 421-3280. The pastors and Care Team
available on the JAM Jr. High outreach page of the youth
visitors desire to provide support to our hospitalized members. It is
• 5 - 6 p.m. - Fellowship Meal for all 6th - 12th grade students. very helpful if the office is notified of hospital admissions.
Come hang out with your friends, meet new people and share in Health Care Equipment is available to anyone in need. We have
a meal. walkers, crutches, an adult potty chair, adjustable 4-prong cane, a
• 6 - 7 p.m. - Small Group Bible Studies designed for 7th - 12th
wrist splint, weekly pill box, medi-cap remover, bed pads and adult
grade students to grow deeper as a disciple of Christ. Groups are
diapers. Call Peggy, 421-3280, ext. 23.
available for Jr. High Girls, Jr. High Boys, and Sr. High.
Winter Safety for Seniors pamphlet contains many tips for keeping
Summer Trips and Retreats: If you missed the organizational
yourself and elderly loved ones safe during the winter months. Pick
meeting last week, you can find information and permission forms
up a free copy from the Information Center.
by clicking on the "Forms and Info" page on the youth website. For
a list of complete dates, click on the "Upcoming Events" page. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. How sweet, too,
are the sights that await us in the "Garden of Grace."
Sign-up for 2011 Summer Trips - Registration cards are available
And the scents. I think of a melodious harmony of bird
in the youth room or on the “Forms and Info” page of the youth
song, of the heavy perfume of flowers wafted on the
website. Please, return the registration card to Scott Kuhnle. Please
breeze. Above all, I imagine a glorious light that pours through the
note: Jr or Sr. high mission trips, and Creation, a non-refundable
foliage, clothing the trees and shrubs in its resplendent radiance.
deposit is needed with your registration card to reserve your spot.
What can lie beyond the aged, wrought iron gate that opens into the
Confirmation Class for students in 8-12th grades will begin in "Garden of Grace?" Surely, abundant blessings and God's tender
February and run through June. Classes are led by both pastors and mercies await. Thomas Kinkade
youth director. Youth will study scripture, learn their spiritual gifts, Dedicated to honor the memory of Flossie Coogan, her fellow
the history of Methodism and examine social justice along with Stephen Ministers and Leaders purchased the picture "Garden of
exploring and visiting other faith traditions. Please contact Scott if Grace," by her favorite artist, Thomas Kinkade. You are invited to
interested or for more information. view this beautiful picture in the Eaton Chapel. Come to the
"Garden of Grace” and accept the abundant blessings and God's
Hiking Club meets Sunday, February 20 from 12-4 p.m. The group tender mercies.
leaves from the church parking lot at 12:15 p.m. All youth participants
(18 and under) need a permission form to attend.
Mission and Outreach This Week at East Stroudsburg United Methodist
Interested in Adult Mission Trips? Then come out Thursday, Sunday - 2-6 Wednesday, 2-9
February 10 at 6:30 p.m. to hear opportunities for serving or 9:00 a.m. Children’s Choir, 7:30 a.m. Men’s Bkfst, Fellowship
supporting church mission trips. Information will be shared regarding Choir Rm. Hall
the Nashville trip including overview of the trip, cost, fund raising and 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall in use
expectations and other short-term trips. For information please contact 10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm
Wayne at wdmertz@gmail.com or 629-4069. 11:00 a.m. Jr. & Sr. High Bible 2:45 p.m. Sr. High Outreach,
Study, Youth Rm Fellowship Hall
Family Promise Guests Arrive Today - Please be mindful when
- The Me I Want, Classroom 9 5:30 p.m. NA, Community Rm
using the church this week. They will be staying in the Lower Level - Isaiah Study, Classroom 10 6:45 p.m. Stephen Ministry, Office
of the church facility. URGENT NEED for help during the evening 12:00 p.m. Family Promise Setup Building, 2nd Fl
shift from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday and 6:00 p.m. Youth Group, Office 7:00 p.m. Prayer Study, Conference
Saturday. To volunteer or for information, call Kelli at 807-7771. Bldg, 2nd fl Rm
Monday, 2-7 Thursday, 2-10
Adult Mission Trip to Nashville, TN - Saturday, April 30 - May 7.
9:00 a.m. Staff Meeting, 8:30 a.m. Preschool Program
Over 3000 families need assistance because of flooding in 2010. The
Conference Rm. Mom’s Bible Study,
approximate cost is $250 per person. All skill levels needed. If
12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm Bridal Lounge
interested or for information, contact Wayne Mertz at 629-4069 or
6:00 p.m. Youth Basketball, 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm
wdmertz@gmail.com Fellowship Hall 2:45 p.m. JAM, Fellowship Hall
Soup Kitchen - Our next Soup Kitchen is February 21, Presidents’ 7:00 p.m. Steering Team, 5:00 p.m. Youth Meal, Fellowship
Day. To facilitate our kitchens well it is important for anyone wanting Conference Rm Hall
to serve to call Nancy Gargone at 421-1456 , so she may place you on 8:00 p.m. Basketball, Fellowship 6:00 p.m. Youth Bible Studies,
Hall Youth Rm
the volunteer schedule.
Tuesday, 2-8 6:30 p.m. Prayer Group, Chapel
Food Bank Sunday - Food collected the third Sunday of each month 8:30 a.m. Preschool Program - Fellowship Hall in use
will be shared among our Soup Kitchen, The Salvation Army, and 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm. 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir, Choir Rm
Follow Me Foundation. Please place your donations in the Food Bank 3:30 p.m. Lord’s Army 8:00 p.m. AA, Community Rm
Box in Oberholtzer Hall. Specific items needed: Canned tuna, 5:00 p.m. Chimes, Bell Rm Friday, 2-11
chicken, meats, fruits, vegetables, ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, 5:30 p.m. Youth Bells, Bell Rm 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm
hearty soups, boxed pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, mayonnaise, peanut 6:30 p.m. Adult Bells, Bell Rm 4:00 p.m. Troop 452, Community
butter and jelly. - Romans, Bridal Lounge Rm.
- Ex Offender, Community Rm 6:30 p.m. Scout Troop 103,
6:45 p.m. Stephen Leaders, Community Rm
Office Bldg., 2nd Fl Saturday, 2-12
7:00 p.m. Basketball, Fellowship 8:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study,
Hall Conference Rm
- FOG, Panera Bread 10:00 a.m. Organ Guild, Sanctuary
- Trustees, Conference Rm - UMW, Bridal Lounge
- Stewardship, Classroom 8 12:00 p.m. NA, Community Rm
- Praise Team, Sanctuary 8:00 p.m. AA, Community Rm

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