Sample Individual Profile

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Mr. (Your Name)’s background makes him well qualified for the specialty occupation position.

He has an experience of 5 years in Information Technology. His specialized experience includes

in-depth knowledge in Performance Testing of BANK Applications using tools like Load Runner
and Jmeter. He is an expertise in Test Estimations, Test Planning, Test Cases Design, Test Data
Setup, Defect Management, Configuration Management. Mr. (Your Name) holds a Bachelor
Degree from ___________ College of engineering in India. Mr. (Your Name) is also a ISTQB
Certified Tester.

Mr. (Your Name) worked for MNO Technologies from November 2011 to February 2015. He
worked for ABC Ltd from February 2015 to June 2016. He is currently employed by XYZ
Technologies Limited and has been working for them since September 2016 as a Senior
Performance Engineer.

Through his education and experience Mr. (Your Name) has acquired the knowledge of
computer languages, including Load Runner, Jmeter, Oracle apps Financials, Forms, reports, C,
C++ and PL/SQL. He has working experience in Leading QA Projects. He has experience with
Databases, including Oracle 8/9i, MS Access, and SQL Servers. (Your Name) is having Experience
in monitoring servers using tools like Unix Commands, HP Diagnostics and Perfmon. Expert in
Analyzing the GC logs, JVM options and AWR Reports. He is also well versed with Executing
performance / load / stress and other non-functional tests. Monitor application logs to
determine system behavior.

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