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Wellness Medium and Your Wellness Plan

1. What medium have you chosen? Please describe and/or attach/upload visual.

The medium that I have chosen is a photograph that I took in Puerto Rico of a book shelf
along a random street with the words “toma uno deja uno” which translates to “take one leave

2. What does this medium represent to you? Why? Please describe why this is meaningful.

I took the above photograph of a makeshift library when I was on a short trip to Puerto
Rico in 2017. I chose this photograph because it encompasses two of my hobbies which are
reading and traveling. Ever since I was a kid, I have been an avid reader—at times, finishing

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700+ page books in just two days. I know that reading has many advantages including reducing
stress, helping one sleep better at night, stimulating the mind, among other benefits. However,
when I began nursing school, I stopped making time to read books for enjoyment because I
would convince myself that I was too busy. I would become absorbed by the idea that I had to
work on the next assignment or study for the next exam. This photograph is meaningful to me
because it reminds me to make time to do things that I enjoy such as reading.

3. Post your personal wellness commitment statement and plan to care for YOU below. Be

My personal wellness commitment is to take back time for myself to dedicate to reading.
I will set aside time three days a week to read a non-nursing related book for at least 30 minutes
at night. Instead of watching a television show before bed, I will utilize that time for reading.
This personal wellness commitment will aid me in caring for myself by helping me relax before I
go to sleep. Doing so will make me feel more rested compared to when I fall asleep after
watching TV or using my phone. By designating these set times to reading, my wellness
commitment will hopefully progress into a nightly routine which I will maintain long after my
completion of this course.

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