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Research Question “Do economic benefit vary across gender?

Hypothesis: economic benefits do not vary across gender

Since the sig value is more than 0.05, we accept the hypothesis.

Leard - text

T test

If sig value is more than 0.05 that means data is not normally distributed. And we move to next
row and as the sig tow tailed value is more than 0.05 hypothesis is rejected. Economic benefits
do vary across gender.

Group Statistics

VAR00001 N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

VAR00002 1.00 62 4.2581 .84805 .10770

2.00 38 4.3224 .90961 .14756

Mean of females - 4.32

Mean of male – 4.25

Females pay more attention to Economic benefits.

Q - is economic benefit more important than product authenticity.

Q – is economic benefit more important than product review.

Hypothesis 1 – economic benefits are not more imp than PA

Hypothesis 2 – economic benefits are not more imp than PR

As sig 2 tailed values are less than 0.05 we accept the null hypothesis.

Q – does EB PA and PR affect men’s PS

Null hypothesis – EB PR PA does not affect men’s PS


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 95.0% Confidence Interval for B

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 (Constant) -.432 .216 -2.003 .050 -.865 .000

PR 1.166 .371 .976 3.142 .003 .423 1.909

PA -1.341 .304 -1.129 -4.412 .000 -1.950 -.733

EB 1.273 .282 1.073 4.508 .000 .708 1.838

a. Dependent Variable: PS

Null hypothesis rejected.

PA effect PS more than PR

Research question – does those who buy during sale, give more imp to PR than those who buy on other
occasion as well

Null hypo – no

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