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Teacher’s Resource Science_L8

Grade: 5 Subject: Science Book: Viva

L No.: 9 Force, Work & Energy TR Status: Proposal Approved Dt: ______

Content of Teacher’s Resource:

Lesson Outline Teaching resource and Assessment & Rubric Student reinforcement
activities parameter material
 Lesson’s Objective  Lesson Division /  Assessment  Notes (Definitions /
 Essential Details Chapter Break-up /  Reports & Records New words /
 Co-relation with Topic wise plan Statements):
other areas  Topic-wise teaching  Exercises / Q & A:
strategy  Worksheet
 Activities / Practical  Mind maps and
 Highlights of lesson Flowcharts
 Reinforcements  Points to


1. Lesson’s Objectives / Learning Outcomes:

1.1. Learning Outcomes:
a. Students will learn what is force
b. Students will learn different types of force.
c. In science terminology what is the meaning of work?
d. Students will learn what is energy and different types of energy.

1.2 MER Rubrics:

1.3 Co-relation with Previous Year:

1.4 Co-relation with Next Year:

2 Essential Details:
2.2 No. of lectures required :11
2.3 Expected Schedule : November
2.4 Important Links:
2.4.1 SoA video link:
2.4.2 Link for Extra Reference for tr:
2.4.3 Link to be shown to students:
2.4.4 Reference to smart class content:
3 Co-relation with other areas or activities:
3.1 Inclusion in Student’s Portfolio: Activity 6.2.1.
3.2 Field Trip: NA
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3.3 Bulletin Board: Flow chart of different types of force and energy
3.4 Competition / Celebration: NA
3.5 Project to Parents: NA
3.6 Project for Exhibition: Activity 6.2.1.

4 Lesson Division / Chapter Break-up / Topic-wise Plan:
Orde Topics of the Chapter No. of
r Lect

1. What is force? 1
2. Types of force- Muscular, Frictional, Mechanical, Elastic, Magnetic, 3
3. What is work? 1
4. Energy and types of energy- Mechanical, Heat, Light, Magnetic, Sound, Solar, 2
Wing, electrical
5. Textual exercise 4

5 Teaching Strategy / Break-up wise Plan / Topic-wise Strategy:

Particulars Description (Include HOTS / Value / Life Skills)

Topic:1 1. We see in our surroundings so many moving objects and even stationed. Few
No. of Lcs: 1 objects move and then come to a rest. Why and how does this happen?
2. Will explain the concept of force by pushing/ pulling the door/ table.
Topic: 2 1. Explain force and types of force.
No. of lect: 2. Activity 6.1.1. and 6.1.2. and 6.1.3. will be conducted.
Topic: 3 1. Explain what is work.
No of lect: 1 2. In scientific terms what is the meaning of work done.
Topic : 4 1. Explain energy
No of lect: 2 2. Explain types of energy. Light, fan solar, sound can be used for explaining
different forms of energy from the surroundings.
3. Activity 6.1.1.
Topic: 5 1. Make them write PTR in NB.
No of lect: 4 2. Discuss exercise B page 82 and C and D page 83 and complete it in the
3. Discuss exercise A and B page 84 and complete it in the TB.
4. Discuss activity 4.2.1. for HW.
6. Discuss q.ans A and E and make them write in NB.

6 Major Activities / Practical / Demonstration to be done:

6.1. Activity by the teacher:

6.1.1. Teacher will prepare a flow chart of different types of force and energy and use it while

6.1.2. Teacher will pull and push the table, chair and bench in the class to explain the concept
of force.
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6.1.3.Different types of force will be explained with different examples. Lifting school bag,
books, pushing door= Muscular force. Stop the rolling pencil= frictional force. Stretch elastic band=
elastic force. Attract iron nail with a magnet= magnetic force. Throw object from a height=
gravitational force.

6.2. Activity by the students:

6.2.1. Students will prepare a chart on different energies used at home and in school and
different places. Format given on page 84.

7. Highlights of the lesson/ Content to be covered (only discussion)

1. Some objects like cars and buses are moving, while some like trees, signboards, doors and
windows are stationary (still).
2. The state of motion of a body is determined by the fact that it is moving or not.
3. A body is said to be in motion if it is moving and at rest if it is not moving.
4. We already know that the state of motion can be changed by applying force.
5. Force is defined as a push or pull which changes or tries to change the state of motion of a
body when acting on it.
6. Some common examples of force are pushing or pulling a door to open it, a vegetable
vendor pushing the cart to move it and kicking a ball.
7. Besides changing the state of motion, force can have other effects also. For example, we
pedal the bicycle with less force when we want it to move slowly and with more force
when we want it to move fast.
8. Cricket players hit the moving ball with their bat and deflect it in whichever direction they
9. To slow down a swing, we push it in the opposite direction.
10. We may conclude that force can also change the speed and direction of motion of a moving
body, or the shape and size of a body.
11. Types of Forces:
a. Muscular force: The force exerted by muscles of our body is called muscular force.
Example: Lifting a school bag, kicking a football, pushing a door, etc.
b. Frictional Force: Friction is the force that opposes the motion and therefore, tries to
stop or slow down a moving body. A ball moving on the ground comes to rest on its

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own after some time due to the force of friction. We are able to walk smoothly due
to friction.
c. Mechanical Force: The force produced by a machine is known as mechanical force.
Cars, buses and other vehicles move due to the mechanical force produced by their
d. Elastic Force: If we apply force on a rubber band or an elastic thread, it stretches.
When we release it after some time, it regains its original shape and size. This force
possessed by a body that regains its original shape after being stretched is called
elastic force.
e. Magnetic Force: The force exerted by a magnet is called magnetic force. This force
attracts other magnets or substances made of iron.
f. Gravitational Force: Gravitational force is the force with which any two objects pull
each other. Whenever we throw something, it always comes back to the ground
because of the gravitational force exerted by the earth on that object. This force is
responsible for keeping us bound to the earth. The earth and other planets revolve
around the sun in fixed orbits due to gravitational pull of the sun.
12. Work: Work is said to be done only if force applied on a body moves it in the direction of
the force. Some examples of work are moving a cart, kicking a football, picking up a book
from the table and keeping it on the shelf, hitting a ball with a bat, etc.
13. Energy: To do work, energy is needed. Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do
work. There are different forms of energy.
14. Mechanical energy: It is the energy possessed by a body due to its position or motion. It is
of two types—potential energy and kinetic energy.
15. The energy possessed by a body due to its position is called potential energy. For example,
a stone kept on top of a building and a stretched string possess potential energy.
16. The energy possessed by a body due to its motion is known as kinetic energy. For example,
a moving ball, flowing water, etc. have kinetic energy.
17. Heat energy: It is a form of energy which is responsible for the sensation of hotness or
coldness. We get heat energy from the sun and also by burning various fuels like wood and
coal. This energy is useful in cooking, running steam engine and generating electricity.
18. Light energy: Light is also a form of energy. It makes things visible to us. The sun is the
main source of light for us. We also get light from stars, bulbs, torches, etc.
19. Magnetic energy: Magnets exert force on other magnets and iron objects. This force is due
to the energy of the magnet known as the magnetic energy. This form of energy is used for

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various purposes like lifting heavy iron objects using a strong magnet, separation of iron
objects from other metallic objects, etc.
20. The various forms of energy are interconvertible, which means that one form of energy can
change into another form.
21. Sound energy: Sound is a form of energy which produces the sensation of hearing in our
ears. Sound energy is produced by radios, music players, musical instruments like sitar,
guitar, etc.
22. Solar energy: The vast amount of energy obtained from the sun is called solar energy. It is
utilized by plants while preparing food.
23. Wind energy: Like the sun, even wind is a natural source of energy. By setting up
windmills, the energy of winds can be utilized to generate electricity.
24. Electrical energy: It is another form of energy which we use to run electrical appliances
like washing machine, television, computer, vacuum cleaner, air conditioners, tube lights,
fans, etc. We get it from electricity.
25. Law of Conservation of Energy: The Law of Conservation of Energy states that “energy
can neither be created nor destroyed. It only changes its form from one to another”.

8. Practice / Reinforcements: (H.W. / Projects & Assignments / HOTS)

a. H.W.: NA
b. Worksheet: NA
c. Projects: Students will prepare a chart on different energies used at home and in
school and different places. Format given on page 84.
d. Other: NA


9. Ground Assessments:
e. Points of assessment:
1.What is force and types of force/
1. What is energy and types of energy?
2. What is work/

a. Authority’s Method of Assessment:

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1. Spr. Will visit the class and show different objects like rolling chalk, throw a ball in the
air, open the window and ask the students which type of force is used.
2. Moving ball, stretching a rubber band, torch, music, wind from the fan, put on the light
and ask which type of energy is used.

10. Report & Records:

a. Report by teacher:
 Points to be covered in report: As per the ground assessment
 Report Format: As per the Google sheet
 Submitted to: Spr.
 Report Submission Deadline: 48 hours after the completion of the chapter

b. Report by Supervisor:

Record Keeping:
c. Records to be prepared & maintained by Tr:
d. Records prepared by the Students:
e. Final Records to be stored at Administration Level:
f. Final Report & Record’s Storage Location


11. Study Material:

g. Notes (Definitions / New words / Statements):

New Words
Force, muscular, frictional, mechanical, elastic, magnetic, gravitational, orbits, energy,
kinetic, potential, magnetic, solar, television, appliances, air conditioners, tube lights,
electricity, conservation.

h. Exercises / Q & A / (Maps / Graphs / Essay etc) :

i. Worksheets:
j. Mind maps / Flowcharts / Diagrams:
k. Points to Remember:
1. The state of motion of a body is determined by the fact that it is moving or not. A body
is said to be in motion if it is moving and at rest if it is not moving.
2. Force is defined as a push or pull which changes or tries to change the state of motion
of a body when acting on it.
3. Force can also change the speed and direction of motion of a moving body, or the shape
and size of a body.
4. There are different types of forces in nature. They are—muscular force, frictional force,
mechanical force, elastic force, magnetic force and gravitational force.

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5. Work is said to be done only if force applied on a body moves it in the direction of the
6. Energy is defined as the ability of a body to do work.
7. There are different forms of energy like mechanical energy, heat energy, light energy,
magnetic energy, sound energy, solar energy, wind energy and electrical energy.

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