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Week 10 Home Study

For your home study activity, Research on one government policy that protect the well-being of
the person in the face of technological advancement and technical dilemma. Give your insights
on the advantages of this policy.


- This Act shall be known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012”

- It is the policy of the State to protect the fundamental human right of privacy, of
communication while ensuring free flow of information to promote innovation and
growth. The State recognizes the vital role of information and communications
technology in nation-building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal
information in information and communications systems in the government and in the
private sector are secured and protected.

In my own view, this government policy regulates laws that is purposely enacted to
protect the well-being of the person in the face of technological advancement for it
provides that people whose personal information is collected, stored, and processed are
called data subjects. Organizations who deal with your personal details, whereabouts, and
preferences are duty-bound to observe and respect your data privacy rights. If you feel
that your personal data has been misused, maliciously disclosed, or improperly disposed,
or if any of the rights discussed here have been violated, the data subject has a right to
file a complaint with the authority in the government.

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