How Science and Technology Affect Your Life As An Individual

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Write a Reflection Paper on “How science and technology affect your life as an


Being born with the existence of these science and technology, I am very
much grateful that almost everything becomes convenient and easy. My
everyday life has been dominated by different technologies from cellphones,
televisions, lights, cars and even the easy access to electricity and water. All of
such are the effects of technology. Others may argue that we can all live without
technology, but the fact that individuals like were born on this era with this
presence of technology is very difficult to get away and live the traditional life
they consider to be much safer. Today, technology has advanced into many
areas of our lives, making information more accessible, improving
communication, changing transportation, and the list goes on. While it is easy to
sit back and benefit from a plethora of technological advancements, it is crucial
we do not become blind to its effects on society. Today, society is hugely reliant
on technology and showing no signs of curtailing its dependence. Small aspects
of everyday life in society are changing, or have already changed so drastically
that it is merely just a societal norm.

Technology can make our lives easier, but with each benefit comes a
potential cost. We can still advance technologically without impacting society too
immensely by understanding these costs and minimizing them. There is a
balance that needs to be found between correctly using technology and knowing
when to turn it off. Finding this balance is in the hands of the people though, and
will ultimately influence our society for generations to come.

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