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A Research Presented to the Faculty of

Binangonan Catholic College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Practical Research 1 & 2
For the Strand Humanities and Social Sciences

Mark Angelo S. Ceñido

Khrizy Anne F. Papilla
Regine D. Verdeflor
John Cyrus A. Viliran

Grade 12 - Our Lady of Mercy


This research entitled “Tracer Study on the Academic Curriculum Design of Senior

High School” has been prepared and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the subject Practical Research of the strand Humanities and Social Sciences by Mark Angelo

A. Ceñido, John Cyrus A. Viliran, Khrizy Anne F. Papilla and Regine D. Verdeflor is

hereby recommended for acceptance and approval for the Final Oral Examination.

_________________________ _________________________
Date Technical Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research of the

strand Humanities and Social Sciences by the Oral Examination Committee.

_________________________ _________________________
Expert 1 Expert 2

Critic Reader

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research

with the rating of ______

Ms. Gabriela Andrea A. Evangelista Mrs. Bella C. Orendain, LPT

Research Instructor HUMSS-Coordinator

Mrs. Jenny A. Granale, LPT, M.A.Ed.


The success of this study required the help of various individuals. Without them, we

might not meet our objectives in doing this study. We want to give gratitude to the

following people for their invaluable help and support:

To Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, for giving the wisdom, strength, support and

knowledge in exploring things; for the guidance is helping surpass all the trials that we

encountered and for giving determination to pursue our studies and to make this study


To our parents, Mrs. Narcisa and Mr. Christopher Papilla, Mrs. Jean and Mr.

Rey Verdeflor, Mrs. Iluminada and Rolanor Ceñido, Mrs. Katherine and Mr Joe

Mark Viliran for giving support and encouragement to pursue their study, for giving

love, trust and time for their children.

To our research adviser Mr. Hildebrand Isakiel Villalba, their kind, responsible

and understanding adviser, who was always there during the process of this research;

for your guidance and constant supervision as well for providing necessary information

regarding this research and for sharing your knowledge about this study.

To our research panelist, for giving ideas for the improvement of the study; and for

their understanding and encouragement.

And lastly, to the people who helped and contribute great ideas and advices,

especially classmates and close friends for without them, this study would not be


We would like to extend the deepest gratitude.





Researchers: Mark Angelo S. Ceñido

Khrizy Anne F. Papilla
Regine D. Verdeflor
John Cyrus A. Viliran

Institution: Binangonan Catholic College

Libid, Binangonan, Rizal

Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Adviser: Mr. Hildebrand Isakiel Villalba

The education system of the Philippines is enhanced from the 10-years of basic education

to 12-years through the program called the K-12 Education Plan of the Department of

Education. The researchers came up with the idea studying of the perceptions and evaluation

on the curriculum design of the first graduates of senior high school program in Binangonan

Catholic College. The focus of the study was centered if their acquired skills and

competencies during the K - 12 program was significant and useful to their chosen course in


This study used the descriptive quantitative method, in which respondents are surveyed

according to their natural setting without any barrier. The survey questionnaires were

conducted using google forms and provided via messenger. This study was held only in

Binangonan, Rizal.
The researchers limit their respondents to 38 students. The researchers used the three

Salient Features of K-12 (a) Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners (b) Gearing Up for

Future (c) Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino which all of these got a verbal

interpretation of “Agree”.

The researchers prove that the academic curriculum design of K-12 was effective and

useful for college years.

K to 12 Curriculum, Theory of Constructivism, Tracer Study, Effectivity

Preliminaries Page no.
Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Background of the study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Hypothesis 3
Theoretical Framework 4
Conceptual Framework 5
Significance of the Study 7
Scope and Delimitations 8
Definition of Terms 8

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature 9

Chapter 3
Research Design 14
Sampling Technique and Population 14
Research Instrumentation 15
Ethical Concern 15
Statistical Treatment of Data 15
Vicinity Map 16

Chapter 4
Presentation and Interpretation of Data 17

Chapter 5
Summary of Findings 38
Conclusions 43
Recommendations 43

Curriculum Vitae


Background of the Study

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, also known as Republic Act 10533 -- starting

school year 2012-2013, the education system of the Philippines is enhanced from the 10-

years of basic education to 12-years through the program called the K-12 Education Plan of

the Department of Education.

The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of

primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School) to

provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop life-long learners, and

prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and


The implementation of the K-12 education plan in the Philippine Basic Education

Curriculum is said to be the key to the nation’s development. Though the government will face

many problems in the long run of the implementation of the program, there really is a need to

implement it because the enhancement of the quality of the education is very urgent and


With the new curriculum, senior high school students can choose a field that they are good

at and that they are interested in. As a result, they will be equipped with the skills needed for a

specific job even without a college degree. At the age of 18, the age when they will graduate

from high school, they will be employable and competitive already. Thus, adding up to the

nation’s manpower.

On the other hand, some of the lawmakers opposed the proposal of the Department of

Education (DepEd) to amend the law on the country’s basic education to increase the number

of school years to 12 from the present 10- year program. According to Senator Tito Sotto, he

opposes the addition of two years to basic education. There is no clear benefit to adding two

years to basic education. The national budget can’t even provide enough funds to maintain the

present number of years of basic education, but now the DepEd wants to add more to it.

Adding two years to basic education will further increase our budget deficit.

“We need quality education, not quantity of years in education. We need more schools, not

more years in school.” Sotto added.

It is still difficult to determine if the K-12 Program has improved the educational system in

the country. With this, the researchers came up with the idea studying of the perceptions and

evaluation on the curriculum design of the first graduates of senior high school program in

Binangonan Catholic College.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the research question: What is the evaluation on the K-12

Curriculum Design of first batch graduates of senior high school in Binangonan

Catholic College?

As the researchers have undergone research problem formation, several objectives were

formulated such as follows:

• To draw a profile of the respondents according to academic strand.

• To know the students’ evaluation of the academic curriculum design of senior high school

in terms of:

• Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners

• Gearing Up for the Future

• Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino


There is no significant difference in the evaluation of the K-12 Curriculum Design of the

first batch of senior high school students graduates in Binangonan Catholic College.
Theoretical Framework

Education is one of the ways to change our life, change values, and change fate of one’s

individual. K–12 program is part of the proposed educational reforms of the Philippines

present President which shifts Philippine Basic Education System to twelve years plus kinder

from the current ten years. The theoretical framework has a star to symbolize the students

who is the center of K–12 program.

This study was anchored on the point of view and theories of the following well-known

authorities which are closely relevant to the researchers’ study.

As cited by Chris Glavin (2014), Theory of Constructivism is generally attributed to Jean

Piaget (1980), who are articulated mechanism by which knowledge is internalized by learners.

He suggested that through the processes of accommodation and assimilation, individuals

construct new knowledge from their experiences. When individuals assimilate, they

incorporate the new experience into an already existing framework without changing that

framework. This may occur when individual experiences are aligned with their internal

representations of the world but may also occur as a failure to change a faulty understanding.

In contrast, when individuals’ experiences contradict their internal representations, they may

change their perceptions of the experiences to fit their internal representations. According to

the theory, accommodation can be understood as the mechanism by which failure leads to

learning; when we act on the expectation that the world operates in one way and it violated our

expectations, we often fail, but by accommodating this new experience and reframing our

model of the way the world works, we learn from the experience of failure or failure of others.
Constructivism in education creates the theoretical framework of this study; therefore, the

definitions of the word constructivism are discussed in terms of educational constructivism.

Basically, the word carries the meaning in itself; “construct the knowledge”.

According to Brooks and Brooks (1997), every student does not interest all the topics

which are a part of the curriculum such as, verb constructs or historical timelines; however,

majority of the students can construct the perception of the priority of these subjects. As

mentioned above, the student is the active person in the constructivist systems and the

teacher’s role is to guide the pupils.

As, Davson-Galle (1999) argues, the “problem” is the basic important point in pedagogical

constructivism; the teacher should choose the most suitable problem statement that creates

interest of the students, the problem and the terms should be given to pupils together and

teacher should wait until students analyze the problem and term. Cited by Olusegun (2015).
Conceptual Framework

This study will premise the tracer studies on the academic curriculum design of senior high



First graduates of senior • Conducting a survey

high school program in
Binangonan Catholic “Tracer Study on the
College Academic Curriculum
• Data Gathering Design of Senior High
Respondents’ Profile

• Making a conclusion

• Academic strand and



This study targets the first batch graduates of senior high school in Binangonan Catholic

College. The academic strands taken by each student must be noted. The researchers

conducted a survey, gather important information, created a conclusion and recommendation

based on the findings of the study. The output of this research aims to prove if the acquired

knowledge during the K-12 program is useful and beneficial to the students during college

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

For the Students, because of this study, the co-students in all sections, other grades from

other schools, will know the perception of the first batch graduates of grade 12 in Binangonan

Catholic College S.Y 2017-2018 to the K- 12 program. Also, this study will help the students to

know the strand to be based on their course when they enter Senior High School.

For the Parents, because of this study the parents who have enrolled their daughter/son

in Binangonan Catholic College S.Y 2017-2018 will know what is the perception of their

daughter/son about the K-12 program, for them to encourage their children to continue their

study in Senior High School.

For the Teachers, because of this study, the teachers will add knowledge to their

students about the K-12 program because we all know that the teachers are very familiar with

the K-12 program. This study would help the teachers in sustaining the standards of the K-12

by continuously inventing strategies that would develop and prepare the students for college.

For the Future Researchers, because of this study the future researchers can get some

information about the perception of the first batch graduates of Grade 12 students in

Binangonan Catholic College S.Y 2017-2018. This study can serve as a basis of their

research and as useful resource of their curiosity.

Scope and Delimitations

This tracer study extends to the graduates who enrolled and finished Senior High School

in SY 2017-2018 at Binangonan Catholic College. The focus of the study was centered on the

contentions of tracing the graduates if their acquired skills and competencies during the K-12

program was significant and useful to their chosen course in college.

Definition of Terms

 K to 12 curriculum – a term used in education and educational technology in the

United States, Canada, and possibly other countries, is a short form for the publicly-

supported school grades prior to college. These grades are kindergarten (K) and

the 1st through the 12th grade (1-12).

 Theory of Constructivism - is a learning theory found in psychology which

explains how people might acquire knowledge and learn. It therefore has direct

application to education. The theory suggests that humans construct knowledge

and meaning from their experiences.

 Tracer Study - is defined as study to trace graduates of higher education

institutions, which takes place sometime after graduation or the end of the training.

 Making the Curriculum Relevant to Learners - studies show that students grasp

their lessons well if they can relate to them. Through relevancy, they expect the

students to gain in-depth knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes.

 Gearing Up for the Future - college preparedness; this lets students choose their

career path based on talent, interests, and the school’s capacity. Their track choice

will define the subjects they will study in Grades 11 and 12.
 Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipinos - each K-12 graduate will be

ready to move to different paths, it could be for education, employment, or



This chapter composes of related literatures, studies and related readings that can

benefit to the readers. The researcher has gone through intensive readings of materials, both

printed and downloaded through internet which has a great significance to problem during

thesis writing.

Local Literature

According to Uyquiengco (2018), the K to 12 curriculum gives students time to master

basic academic skills. Prior to the implementation of the K-12 curriculum guide, the Philippines

was one of only three countries in the world and the only one in Asia that still had only 10

years in basic education. This has always been seen as a disadvantage for our students who

are competing in an increasingly global job market. The longer educational cycle of the K-12

curriculum is seen as critical in giving Filipino students a higher quality of education. The

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization – Innotech (SEAMEO-Innotech) found

the previous 10-year educational cycle to be congested, with a 12-year curriculum squished

into 10 years. As a result, Filipino students have trailed behind students around the world in

the areas of math, languages, and science. The new curriculum is aimed to fix that.

The K to 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic education for all Filipino students.

The K to 12 curriculum is designed to enable graduates to join the workforce right after high

school, and suitably prepare those who want to go on to higher education. The new curriculum

will also support college graduates seeking work abroad. Developed countries, according to

the Department of Education’s (DepEd) briefer, “view the 10-year education cycle as
insufficient.” All in all, the enhanced K to 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic

education for all. Now decongested, it will give students ample time to master basic academic

skills as well as to participate in co-curricular and community activities. (Benefits of the K-12

curriculum for Filipino students)

In October 5, 2010, the recent program on Philippine Education as part of President

Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III’s Educational Reform Program was the instituting of the K+12

Education Plan. From his ten (10) point Educational agenda he cited: “12 – Years Basic

Education Cycle I will expand the basic education cycle, from a 10-year cycle to a globally

comparable 12 years, for our public school children. At present, those who can afford basic

education get into the best universities and the best jobs after graduation. Universal pre-

schooling for all public schools’ children will have pre-school as their introduction to formal

schooling by 2016, and we will make this available to all children regardless of income.” The

Pnoy Administration believes that adding more years to basic education in the Philippines

could help solve the problems of unemployment, keep with global standards, and help Filipino

students to have more time to choose the career that best suits their skills. Psychologically

speaking, the short education program affects human development of the Filipino children. A

Filipino is legally a child before he or she turns 18 years old. Psychologists and educators say

that children under 18 are generally not emotionally prepared for entrepreneurship or

employment or higher education disciplines. Commonly, Grade six pupils graduates at the

range of 15-17 years old. Therefore, these learners are still considered children and they are

not capable to handle serious situations like decision-making and work task. In the Philippines,

there is a harvesting practice which is called, “Hinog sa Puno”, meaning a fruit which was

taken from the trunk of the tree. The ripened fruits which were taken from the trunk of the tree
are sweeter and tastier compared to fruits which were taken ahead of time. The goal of the K-

12 Basic Education Program is to create a functional basic education system that will produce

productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies and skills for

both life – long learning and employment. This program will enhance the basic education

system to full functionality to fulfill basic learning needs of students.

Education Secretary Armin A. Luistro (2011) says the additional 2 years will help students

decide what course they will take up in college. It will also help high school students to be

given a chance to specialize in science and technology, music and arts, agriculture, fisheries,

sports, business entrepreneurship, and others. K - 12 Program aims to make basic education

sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be gainfully employed and have a

productive life. K–12 Program will look at the possibility of specialized education such as a

high school or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. Bro. Armin said that the

proposal will make high school graduates employable, making tertiary education unnecessary

to get a job. That proposal of Department of Education to add two more years to basic

education drew mixed reactions in the Senate.

Foreign Literature

According to Marston (2011), his study is about the Perception of Students and Parents

involved in Primary to Secondary School Transition Programs. Transition programs, of

different formats and complexities, based on both Australian and international research, have

been introduced in some schools to facilitate transition. The aims of this research are to

investigate and compare the perceptions of students, parents and teachers involved in several

of these programs and to examine the extent to which transition programs can alleviate issues

associated with transition between primary and secondary schools. Although executive staff
and teachers also provided valuable information and perceptions. This study is related to the

researcher’s study for this also focuses on the perception of parents but differ because it

focuses on both the perception of students and parents regarding the transition programs from

primary to secondary school.

According to Nartates (2011), the Effects of Broken Homes among Early Teenagers to

their Academic Performance this study cited by the researchers have also shown that the

country’s education program is equivalent to the 12-year education cycle followed abroad

except that it is being completed in only 10 years. These researches analyze and study what

will be the effects of the K+12 educational systems to the country, parents, and students. This

study becomes related to my study in the sense that it is concerned on the effects of K – 12

programs to the parents. The only difference is that this study is focused on the effects of K –

12 programs to the students whose parents are working abroad, and how it affect to their

academic performance.

According to Zellman (2012), the implementation of the K–12 Education Reform in

Qatar’s Schools, this study is a reform of education for a new era, because it views education

as the key to the nation's economic and social progress. This study, one of a number of RAND

studies that trace and document the reform process in Qatar, was designed to assess

progress made in the first years of the K–12 reform's implementation in Qatar's schools and

the perception of the parents on the Implementation of the K–12 program. This study has a

relation to the researcher’s study because it also gets the perception of the parents on the K–

12 implementation.

According to Waugh (2013), high standard of living, is an important part of culture and

values. The education system has a significant and direct impact on the quality of our
workforce our economic productivity and ultimately, our ability to prosper as businesses, as

people, and as a nation rely on our public schools to provide highly skilled and educated

talent. K to 12 is a solution to create opportunities that will help all children from the time they

enter the classroom to when they join the workforce.


The enhanced K to 12 curriculum is designed to provide a holistic education for all. Now

decongested, it will give students ample time to master basic academic skills as well as to

participate in co-curricular and community activities. The goal of the K-12 Basic Education

Program is to create a functional basic education system that will produce productive and

responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies and skills for both life – long

learning and employment. K–12 Program will look at the possibility of specialized education

such as a high school or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. The aims of

this research were to investigate and compare the perceptions of students, parents and

teachers involved in several of these programs and to examine the extent to which transition

programs can alleviate issues associated with transition between primary and secondary

schools. Change is never easy. Especially when it’s a big undertaking such as the

implementation of the new K-12 curriculum guide in the Philippines. It is high time, however,

that improve the quality of our basic education and our study.


Research Design

This study used the descriptive quantitative method, in which respondents are surveyed

according to their natural setting without any barrier. Descriptive research is defined as a

research method that describes the characteristics of population or phenomenon that is being


The researchers used survey research in conducting the study. In a survey research

method, respondents are expected to answer various questions in survey form or

questionnaire. This technique is used when researchers wanted to collect data from a large

number of respondents. The researchers chose this type of method because it served to

answer the questions of the study. The data gathered by the researchers is carefully analyzed

and studied.

Sampling Technique and Population

The participants of the study are chosen through the non-probability technique with a use

of quota sampling wherein the researchers depend on their own judgment of choosing

respondents who can correspond with the objectives of this study and should have passed the

criteria. The qualifications in this study are:

• 1st batch of senior high school graduates in BCC SY 2017-2018

• Must be enrolled in college

Research Instrumentation

The survey questionnaires were disseminated using google forms and provided via

messenger. The researchers use google forms because some of their respondents are not

around in Binangonan. By using these forms, it was much easier for the researcher to reach

out their respondents.

Ethical Concern

The researchers are aware of the ethical concerns that should be into mind in conducting

any study. However, the researchers did not encounter any ethical concern for this study. All

the respondents voluntary answered the given questionnaires.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze the data, the researchers created a frequency table to illustrate the gathered

data and compute by the frequency of percentage. This method showed how the response is

often given.

P = f/N X 100

P = percentage of the answers of the respondents

F = frequency of answers of the respondents

N = total number of respondents

Research Locale

This study was held in Binangonan, Rizal wherein the respondents are particularly

around this area.

Figure 1



This chapter provides the findings of the study through the questionnaires used to collect

data. The data collected has been analyzed and interpreted in line with the statement of the


Table 1.1

Profile of the Respondents According to Academic Strand


Academic Strand Frequency

Accounting, Business and
Management 3

The table 1.1 reveals that out of 38 respondents there are 3 respondents are from the
strand Accounting, Business and Management.

Table 2.1

A. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program allows students to choose the strand 4.00 Strongly Agree
related to the course they would take in college.
The curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I 4.00 Strongly Agree
The K-12 program ensures sufficient mastery of the core 3.66 Strongly Agree
subjects to the students.
The subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and 4.00 Strongly Agree
relevant to the subjects I took during K-12.
Aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and 3.33 Agree
on-hand experiences related to strand chosen were
introduced to students in the K-12 program.
General Weighted Mean 3.798 Strongly Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 2.1 the indicators “the curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I

chose”, “the K-12 program allows students to choose the strand related to the course they

would take in college” and “the subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and relevant

to the subjects I took during K-12” got the highest mean rating of 4.00 with a descriptive rating

of “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program is relevant to the strand they chose and

the subjects that they are taking is the continuation and relevant to the subjects that they took

during K-12.

In reverse, the indicator “aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and on-

hand experiences related to strand chosen were introduced to students in the K-12 program”

got the lowest mean rating of 3.33 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that proper

training, actual activities and on-hand experiences were introduced to the students in the K-12


Table 3.1

B. Gearing up for the Future

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program provides the students readiness for 3.33 Agree
college education.
The K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real 3.33 Agree
modern world through competitive learning for a more holistic
The implementation of K-12 program makes students 3.33 Agree
prepared for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if
they want to pursue in the future.
The K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to 3.66 Strongly Agree
continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost
similar with the other country's educational program.
The K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge 3.33 Agree
and skills for employment.
General Weighted Mean 3.396 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 3.1 the indicator “the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to

continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost similar with the other country's

educational program” got the highest mean rating of 3.66 with a descriptive rating of “Strongly

Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to continue

studying in abroad.

In reverse, the indicator “aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and on-

hand experiences related to strand chosen were introduced to students in the K-12 program”

got the lowest mean rating of 3.33 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that proper

training, actual activities and on-hand experiences were introduced to the students in the K-12


Table 4.1

C. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program can equip students with information, 3.33 Agree
media and technology skills.
The K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills of 3.33 Agree
the students.
The K-12 program teaches students effective communication 3.33 Agree
The K-12 program provides students with life and career 3.33 Agree
The K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed 3.00 Agree
Filipinos for college and livelihood readiness.
General Weighted Mean 3.264 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 4.1 the indicators “The K-12 program can equip students with information,

media and technology skills”, “the K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills of the

students”, “the K-12 program teaches students effective communication skills” and “the K-12

program provides students with life and career skills” got the highest mean rating of 3.33 with

a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program can equip students with

technology skills, enhances their learning and innovation skills and teaches communication


In reverse, the indicator “the K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed Filipinos

for college and livelihood readiness.” got the lowest mean rating of 3.00 with a descriptive

rating of “Agree”. This shows that K-12 program helps nurture holistically for college and

livelihood development.

Table 5.1

Profile of the Respondents According to Academic Strand


Academic Strand Frequency

Science, Technology,
Engineering, and
Mathematics 19

The table 5.1 reveals that out of 38 respondents there are 19 respondents are from the

strand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand.

Table 6.1

A. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

Indicators Mean Descriptive

The K-12 program allows students to choose the strand 3.15 Agree
related to the course they would take in college.
The curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I 3.15 Agree
The K-12 program ensures sufficient mastery of the core 2.68 Agree
subjects to the students.
The subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and 2.63 Agree
relevant to the subjects I took during K-12.
Aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and 3.00 Agree
on-hand experiences related to strand chosen were
introduced to students in the K-12 program.
General Weighted Mean 2.922 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 6.1 the indicators “the K-12 program allows students to choose the strand

related to the course they would take in college” and “the curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant

to the strand I chose” got the highest mean rating of 3.15 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”.

This shows that the K-12 program allows students to choose their strand related to their


In reverse, the indicator “the subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and

relevant to the subjects I took during K-12” got the lowest mean rating of 2.63 with a

descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that some of the subjects that they are currently

taking is the continuation they took during K-12.

Table 7.1

B. Gearing Up for the Future

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program provides the students readiness for 2.89 Agree
college education.
The K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real 2.79 Agree
modern world through competitive learning for a more holistic
The implementation of K-12 program makes students 2.84 Agree
prepared for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if
they want to pursue in the future.
The K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to 2.89 Agree
continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost
similar with the other country's educational program.
The K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge 2.94 Agree
and skills for employment.
General Weighted Mean 2.87 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 7.1 the indicator “the K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge

and skills for employment” got the highest mean rating of 2.94 with a descriptive rating of

“Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge and skills

for employment.

In reverse, the indicator “the K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real modern

world through competitive learning for a more holistic development” got the lowest mean rating

of 2.79 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that K-12 program helps the students

to prepare in the real modern world through competitive learning for a more holistic


Table 8.1

C. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino

Indicators Mean Descriptive

The K-12 program can equip students with information, 3.31 Agree
media and technology skills.
The K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills of 2.94 Agree
the students.
The K-12 program teaches students effective communication 3.10 Agree
The K-12 program provides students with life and career 2.94 Agree
The K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed 2.84 Agree
Filipinos for college and livelihood readiness.
General Weighted Mean 3.026 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 8.1 the indicator “the K-12 program can equip students with information,

media and technology skills” got the highest mean rating of 3.31 with a descriptive rating of

“Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program can equip students with information and

technology skills.

In reverse, the indicator “the K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed Filipinos

for college and livelihood readiness” got the lowest mean rating of 2.84 with a descriptive

rating of “Agree”. This shows that K-12 program helps nurture holistically for college and

livelihood development.

Table 9.1

Profile of the Respondents According to Academic Strand


Academic Strand Frequency

Humanities and Social
Sciences 16

The table 9.1 reveals that out of 38 respondents there are 16 respondents are from the

strand Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Table 10.1

A. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program allows students to choose the strand 3.31 Agree
related to the course they would take in college.
The curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I 3.75 Strongly Agree
The K-12 program ensures sufficient mastery of the core 3.18 Agree
subjects to the students.
The subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and 3.00 Agree
relevant to the subjects I took during K-12.
Aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and 2.93 Agree
on-hand experiences related to strand chosen were
introduced to students in the K-12 program.
General Weighted Mean 3.234 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 10.1 the indicators “the curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I

chose” got the highest mean rating of 3.75 with a descriptive rating of “Strongly Agree”. This

shows that the K-12 program is relevant to the strand they chose.

In reverse, the indicator “aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and on-

hand experiences related to strand chosen were introduced to students in the K-12 program”

got the lowest mean rating of 2.93 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that proper

training and on-hand experiences related to strand chosen were introduced to students in the

K-12 program.

Table 11.1

B. Gearing Up for the Future

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program provides the students readiness for 3.00 Agree
college education.
The K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real 3.12 Agree
modern world through competitive learning for a more holistic
The implementation of K-12 program makes students 2.81 Agree
prepared for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if
they want to pursue in the future.
The K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to 3.43 Agree
continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost
similar with the other country's educational program.
The K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge 3.00 Agree
and skills for employment.
General Weighted Mean 3.072 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 11.1 the indicators “the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to

continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost similar with the other country's

educational program” got the highest mean rating of 3.43 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”.

This shows that the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to continue studying


In reverse, the indicator “the implementation of K-12 program makes students prepared

for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if they want to pursue in the future” got the

lowest mean rating of 2.81 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that the

implementation of K-12 program makes students prepared for higher education.

Table 12.1

C. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program can equip students with information, 2.81 Agree
media and technology skills.
The K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills of 3.12 Agree
the students.
The K-12 program teaches students effective communication 3.00 Agree
The K-12 program provides students with life and career 2.68 Agree
The K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed 3.06 Agree
Filipinos for college and livelihood readiness.
General Weighted Mean 2.93 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 12.1 the indicators “the K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills

of the students.” got the highest mean rating of 3.12 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This

shows that the K-12 program enhances their learning and innovation skills.

In reverse, the indicator “the K-12 program provides students with life and career skills”

got the lowest mean rating of 2.81 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that the

implementation of K-12 program provides students with life and career skills.

Table 13.1

Academic Strand of the Senior High School Students

N= 38

Academic Strand Frequency Percentage

Accounting, Business
and Management 3 8%
Science, Technology,
Engineering, and
Mathematics 19 50%
Humanities and
Social Sciences 16 42%
TOTAL 38 100

Table 13.1 reveals that out of 38 respondents, 19 respondents, which represents 50%

are Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand. It shows that majority of the

respondents are STEM strand.

It is also indicated in the table that 3 or 7.9% are Accounting, Business and Management

strand. While 16 or 42.1% are Humanities and Social Sciences strand

Table 14.1

A. Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program allows students to choose the strand 3.28 Agree
related to the course they would take in college.
The curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I 3.47 Strongly Agree
The K-12 program ensures sufficient mastery of the core 3.15 Agree
subjects to the students.
The subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and 2.94 Agree
relevant to the subjects I took during K-12.
Aside from knowledge, proper training, actual activities and 3.07 Agree
on-hand experiences related to strand chosen were
introduced to students in the K-12 program.
General Weighted Mean 3.182 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 14.1 the indicator “the curriculum offered in K-12 is relevant to the strand I

chose” got the highest mean rating of 3.47 with a descriptive rating of “Strongly Agree”. This

shows that the K-12 program is relevant to the strand they chose.

In reverse, the indicator “the subjects I am currently taking is the continuation and

relevant to the subjects I took during K-12.” got the lowest mean rating of 2.94 with a

descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that some of the subjects they are currently taking is

relevant to the strand they took during K-12.

Table 15.1

B. Gearing up for the Future

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program provides the students readiness for 3.05 Agree
college education.
The K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real 3.15 Agree
modern world through competitive learning for a more holistic
The implementation of K-12 program makes students 2.86 Agree
prepared for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if
they want to pursue in the future.
The K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to 3.21 Agree
continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost
similar with the other country's educational program.
The K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge 3.05 Agree
and skills for employment.
General Weighted Mean 3.064 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 15.1 the indicator “the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to

continue studying abroad because the curriculum is almost similar with the other country's

educational program.” got the highest mean rating of 3.21 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”.

This shows that the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to continue studying


In reverse, the indicator “the implementation of K-12 program makes students prepared

for higher education (masteral or doctoral degree) if they want to pursue in the future.” got the

lowest mean rating of 2.86 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that the

implementation of K-12 program makes some of the students prepared fot higher education if

they want to pursue in the future.

Table 16.1

C. Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino

Indicators Mean Descriptive


The K-12 program can equip students with information, 3.13 Agree
media and technology skills.
The K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills of 3.92 Strongly Agree
the students.
The K-12 program teaches students effective communication 3.10 Agree
The K-12 program provides students with life and career 2.84 Agree
The K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed 3.00 Agree
Filipinos for college and livelihood readiness.
General Weighted Mean 3.198 Agree


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

3.45- 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.45- 3.44 Agree

1.45- 2.44 Disagree

1.00- 1.44 Strongly Disagree

In the table 16.1 the indicator “the K-12 program enhances learning and innovation skills

of the students.” got the highest mean rating of 3.92 with a descriptive rating of “Strongly

Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program enhances their learning and innovation skills.

In reverse, the indicator “the K-12 program provides students with life and career skills.”

got the lowest mean rating of 2.84 with a descriptive rating of “Agree”. This shows that the K-

12 program provides students with life and career skills.



This chapter presents the researchers' summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendation of the study entitled "Tracer Study on the Academic Curriculum Design of

Senior High School."

Summary of Findings

The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years

of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School)

to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and

prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and


The researchers aim to know the evaluation of the first batch graduate of senior high

school in Binangonan Catholic College. The researchers limit their respondents to 38 students

who were able to meet the researchers’ criterion set which one must be first batch graduate of

senior high school in Binangonan Catholic College and must be enrolled in college.

I. Profile of Respondents According to Academic Strand

This reveals that out of 38 respondents there are 3 respondents are from the strand

Accounting, Business and Management.

II. Tracer Study on the Academic Curriculum Design of Senior High School

a) As to Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

This statement got the general weighted mean of 3.798 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Strongly Agree”. This study shows that the subjects they are currently taking is relevant and

continuation to the strand they took during K-12. Proper training, actual activities and on-hand

experiences were introduced to the students in the K-12 program.

b) As to Gearing up for the Future

This statement got the general weighted mean of 3.396 and has a verbal interpretation

of “Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program is beneficial for those who intend to continue

studying abroad because the curriculum is almost similar with the other country's educational


c) As to Nurturing Holistically Developed Filipinos

This statement got the general weighted mean of 3.264 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This study shows that the K-12 program provides life and career skills and an

effective communication skills.

III. Profile of the Respondents According to Academic Strand

This reveals that out of 38 respondents there are 16 respondents from the strand

Humanities and Social Sciences.

IV. Tracer Study in the Academic Curriculum Design of Senior High School

a) As to Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

This statement got the general weighted mean of 2.922 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This study shows that the K-12 program allow the students to choose their strand

related to their course in college.

b) As to Gearing Up for the Future

This statement got the general weighted mean of 3.072 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program helps prepare the students in the real modern

world through competitive learning for a more holistic development and beneficial for those

who want to continue studying in abroad.

c) As to Nurturing Holistically Developed Filipinos

This statement got the general weighted mean of 2.93 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This study shows that the K-12 program helps nurture holistically developed Filipinos

for college and livelihood readiness. Enhances the innovation and learning skills of the


V. Profile of the Students According to the Academic Strand

This reveals that out of 38 students there are 19 students for Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics strand.

VI. Tracer Study on the Academic Curriculum Design of Senior High School

a) As to Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

This statement got the general weighted mean of 2.922 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This study shows that the K-12 program is relevant and related to the strand they

took during senior high school.

b) As to Gearing Up for the Future

This statement got the general average of 2.87 and has a verbal interpretation of “Agree”.

This shows that the K-12 program provides the readiness of the students for college and

enables students to possess knowledge and skills for employment.

c) As to Nurturing Holistically Developed Filipinos

This statement got the general average of 3.026 and has a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This shows that the K-12 program provides life and career skills and an effective

communication skills.

VII. Academic Strand of the Respondents

There are 19 or 50% respondents from Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics strand. 16 or 42.1% respondents from Humanities and Social Sciences. Lastly, 3

or 7.9% respondents from Accounting, Business and Management.

VIII. Tracer study on the Academic Curriculum Design of Senior High School

a. As to Making the Curriculum Relevant to Others

All of the indicators got a verbal interpretation of “Agree” which shows the calculated

mean of 3.182. This study shows that students grasp their lessons well. They also got proper

training, actual activities and on-hand experiences related to their chosen strand.

b. As to Gearing Up for The Future

The given indicators got a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. Therefore, the calculated

mean rating is 3.064. With that, the K-12 program provides preparedness and readiness for

college. And K-12 program enables students to possess knowledge and skills for employment.

c. As to Nurturing the Holistically Developed Filipino

The entire indicators have a verbal interpretation of “Agree” and has a weighted mean of

3.198 which is also equivalent to “Agree”. Meaning, K-12 program provides students with life

and career skills and enhances learning an innovation skill of the students.


Based on the result and findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Most of the respondents are Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand

and its total number is 19. While Humanities and Social Sciences strand has a total of 16

respondents. And lastly, 3 respondents from Accounting, Business Management strand.

2. Furthermost of the statements about the Tracer Study got a verbal interpretation of

“Agree”. This means that the students agreed that the academic curriculum design of K-12

is effective during college years.

3. There is a significant difference between the evaluation of the K-12 Curriculum Design of

the first batch of senior high school students graduates in Binangonan Catholic College.


It is recommended that the graduates apart from appreciating the good effects of their

developed basic written communication skills and ability to work well with others, should also

focus on enhancing or developing their extensive knowledge of their respective fields of

specialization, critical thinking skills, and ability to solve complex problems since these are the

much-needed skills for supervisory and managerial levels.

In doing tracer study, it is an attempt to discover the decisions and the effect of senior

high school students in terms of entering the tertiary education, work force or

entrepreneurship. The Enhancement of Curriculum and those who enter college education

must describe for initial evaluation. The school-administrators should attempt to follow-up the

graduates in their current situations and find means to help in the collective effort of the

school. Different relevant literature and studies focus on employability and program evaluation

can be adapted so that a first step attempt to show the current situation of the former Senior

High School after graduation.

It is also recommended to the next researchers to get more respondents. Data gathering

was hard especially when the questionnaires was made in google forms. It is hard to get and

answer because the massages are on spams and cannot read by the respondents.

It may be hard to conduct this kind of tracer study, but it will be beneficial and worth it for

some of the students especially for the incoming college students. Some of the parents will

think that the K-12 curriculum was just a waste of money, waste of time because they added

another two years in high school, but because of this study, the researchers prove that K-12

was useful, gained new knowledge, skills and relevant in college years.


Aceron, et. al (n.d). Perception of Selected Grade 10 Students of Casimiro A. Ynares Sr.

Memorial National High School S.Y 2017-2018 to the K-12 Program Taytay, Rizal.

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Chris Glavin (2014) Constructivist Theory. Retrieved from

Department of Education (2015) Salient Features of K-12. Retrieved from

Olusegun (2015) Constructivism Learning Theory: A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.

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San Juan, D. M. (2013). Kaisipang Nasyonalista at Teoryang Dependensiya sa Edukasyon:

Ideolohikal na Kritik ng Programang K to 12 ng Pilipinas. MALAY, 26(1). Retrieved from

Schomburg, H. (2016) Tracer Study. Retrieved from


Uyquiengco (2018). Benepisyo Ng K-12 Curriculum Para Sa Pinoy Students. Retrieved from

428 C Bolado Ave. Tatala Binangonan Rizal

Date of Birth: December 19, 2001
Age: 18
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’11
Weight: 60kl

Senior High Binangonan Catholic College 2018 - Present
School Libid, Binangonan Rizal

Junior High Mahabang Parang National High School Graduated

School Mahabang Parang, Binangonan, Rizal 2017 - 2018

Elementary Tatala Elementary School Graduated

Tatala, Binangonan, Rizal 2013 - 2014
744 C. Bolado Ave. Tatala, Binangonan, Rizal

Date of Birth: November 17, 2001
Age: 18
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Male
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’9
Weight: 56kl

Senior High Binangonan Catholic College 2018 - Present
School Libid, Binangonan, Rizal

Junior High Binangonan Catholic College Graduated

School Libid, Binangonan, Rizal 2017 2018

Elementary Tatala Elementary, School Graduated

Tatala, Binangonan, Rizal 2013 - 2014
0558 San Diego St. Looc, Cardona, Rizal

Date of Birth: October 18, 2001
Age: 18
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’3
Weight: 55kl

Senior High Binangonan Catholic College 2018 - Present
School Libid, Binangonan Rizal

Junior High Renaissance School of Science and Technology Graduated

School Morong, Rizal 2017 - 2018

Elementary Mother Most Chaste School Graduated

Cardona, Rizal 2013 - 2014

• Consistently named to the Honor Roll in Elementary

Mother Most Chaste School (2008-2014)

• Consistently named to the Honor Roll in Junior High School

Renaissance School of Science and Technology (2014-2018)

Blk 10 Lot 31 Mountainville Tatala, Binangonan, Rizal

Date of Birth: August 17, 2002
Age: 17
Citizenship: Filipino
Gender: Female
Civil Status: Single
Height: 5’0
Weight: 53kl

Senior High Binangonan Catholic College 2018 - Present
School Libid, Binangonan Rizal

Junior High Zion Hills Christian School of Binangonan Inc. Graduated

School Binangonan, Rizal 2017 - 2018

Elementary Zion Hills Christian School of Binangonan Inc. Graduated

Binangonan, Rizal 2013 - 2014

• Graduated as Third Honorable Mention in Elementary

Zion Hills Christian School of Binangonan Inc. (2014)

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