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In my opinion adoption is a very delicate subject.

The laws of adoption must be

very strict in order to ensure that the new adoptive parents are a good fit for the
kid, have stable jobs and a good enough home and most importantly to be
mentally stable and normal with the society standards.

Firstly, I belive that the new change proposed for the adoption law is not a good
choise because the government hasn’t put a 2 year time gap between the
adoption proposal and the adoption of the child itself for nothing. In those 2 years
the government makes sure that the child gets the best parents out there to fit
his needs especially because most of kids in council care have either fizical
disabilities or mental problems. The 2 year gap is a good failsafe for the to be
adopted kids.

On the other hand the 2 year gap has prevented hundreds of children so far from
getting a better home and a foster family. A change in the legislation would help
provide more council care children homes but with a huge downside. In order to
shorten the adoption procedure fewer tests on the future parents would be
required and that results in kids bouncing from one foster family to another.

In conclusion adoption procedures must be taken very seriously in order to

prevent unwanted accidents.

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